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Walking Straight (The Walking Together Series Book 1)

Page 21

by T. E. Killian

  There was absolutely no opportunity for her to converse with Trish to formulate a plan between the two of them since Dave kept glancing back at them every minute or so. She didn’t want to get caught. She knew what it was like for Dave to beat her and she definitely didn’t want him to start beating on Trish too. Her ribs were still hurting from when he’d kicked her back at Trish’s house. She probably had a couple of bruised ribs. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.

  Suddenly, she felt the plane begin to lose altitude as it banked to the left. She hoped that meant they were getting ready to land now. She also hoped she was ready to do whatever it took to get them out of this situation.

  She glanced quickly at Trish. She could tell that the dear woman was praying again. Betty Sue began to pray silently too but she kept her eyes open not wanting to miss anything that Dave might do next.

  Dave finally looked back at them and said, “Hang on. We’re getting ready to land so we can get some more fuel.”

  The plane continued to drop until she felt the bump of the wheels hitting the runway. She let out the breath she’d been holding when the plane slowed and began to taxi toward a large hangar at the side of the runway.

  Betty Sue had been watching out the window the whole time and now she saw that it was sleeting or something out there. It looked miserable but she would gladly brave the weather to be able to be out there in it rather than in here handcuffed to her seat and not knowing what was going to happen next.

  No one moved for a few minutes. Betty Sue assumed that Dave was checking for police before he made any kind of a move. With the plane’s motor idling, she could hear Dave talking on the radio but she couldn’t understand what he was saying.

  But he continued to sit there seemingly waiting for something. Then she heard him talking again and the motor became louder as the plane began moving toward the far end of the big hangar. Once they got a little closer, Betty Sue could see big machines that she assumed were the fuel pumps.

  She watched as Dave began cursing loudly and pulled his headphones off. He flung them in the seat next to him and stood. As he turned to face them, Betty Sue became more frightened than ever. His face was so contorted with rage that she barely recognized him.

  “I really picked a good one. They say that the guy with the key to the pumps is at home and will take fifteen minutes to get here.” He cursed again. “What a rotten little hick town.”

  Suddenly, Betty Sue heard the sounds of another plane and it seemed to be landing. Dave jumped back into the pilot’s seat and watched the plane land and taxi to the other end of the hangar.

  He continued to watch the other plane for another five minutes. Finally, he seemed to be satisfied that it posed no threat to him and pulled himself out of the pilot’s seat. Then he was standing in the opening between the two seats with his gun pointed at Trish.

  He took a step toward them. “All right, old woman, this is where you get off.”

  Betty Sue wasn’t sure if he was going to pull the trigger or not but she wasn’t willing to wait and see. She already had her gun in her hand under her leg. She quickly pulled it out and brought it up to point it at Dave.

  He saw the gun coming up and started to bring his around to point it at her but Betty Sue began pulling the trigger of her gun first.

  She wasn’t sure even later, but she thought she fired twice. But all she knew for sure was that Dave immediately fell to the floor and his gun clattered down beside him.

  Now what could they do? Dave was too far away for either her or Trish to reach the pocket they’d seen him stuff the handcuff key into. Their handcuffs kept them right where they were, in their seats.

  Not trusting Dave, and not sure if he was playing possum just to get the jump on her, she kept her gun aimed at his still form on the floor at their feet.

  They sat that way for a few more minutes before the door swung open and a police officer leaned in with his gun coming in first.

  Betty Sue was still holding her gun and the officer shouted, “Put the gun down lady . . . now!”

  When she dropped the gun onto the floor at her feet, the officer stepped into the plane and kicked her gun over by Dave’s gun.

  The officer leaned over Dave and then spoke into his portable radio. She could tell that he was calling for medical help. He looked back at her and Trish then.

  “Tell me who you are ladies . . . please.”

  Trish spoke first. “I’m Trish Howard and this is Betty Sue Farris. We’re from Strawberry, Missouri and we were kidnapped by that man.”

  The officer pointed at Dave and this time Betty Sue spoke. “That’s Dave Hamilton, my ex-husband. He was planning to fly us to Dallas.”

  Another officer stuck his head in and the first one said, “Looks like we’ve got the ones they were talking about and it looks like everything’s under control in here too.” He pointed at Betty Sue. “It looks like she got the drop on their kidnapper.”

  The first officer took a key out of his belt and began unlocking their handcuffs. But he spoke softly to them, “Please stay in your seats until the EMTs can get here and take him out. Okay?”

  They both nodded and said, “Yes” in unison. Then Betty Sue leaned her head back closing her eyes. And that was when the tears started. She was afraid that once they started she wouldn’t be able to stop them any time soon.

  Trish leaned over, drew her into her arms, and patted her back but just let her cry for a while.

  She couldn’t believe she’d actually shot someone, that she’d shot Dave. Sure, there had many times when they’d been married that she’d wanted to shoot him, especially when he’d been beating her. But to actually do it? Oh my!

  Shortly, two EMTs climbed into the plane and quickly loaded Dave up on a stretcher and carried him out.

  She wanted to ask them how bad Dave was hurt but they were in such a hurry and she wasn’t really sure that she wanted to know right then.

  The officer who had talked to them before was sitting on the edge of the pilot’s seat facing them. Now, he stepped back to where they were and pulling out latex gloves, stuffed each of the guns into separate plastic bags.

  When he finished that, he turned to them. “Ladies, we need to go down to the station now for all the formalities. Okay?”

  When they both only nodded, he said, “You’ll need to bundle up because it’s nasty out there tonight.”

  As they stood to leave the plane, Betty Sue’s thoughts turned to Matt. Oh how he must be so worried about her. Somehow, she needed to get word to him that she was okay.

  Better than that, she wished he could be there right then, not only for him to know she was all right but she needed so badly just to be held by him right then. Nothing else really mattered to her anymore. She wanted Matt.

  * * *

  After Matt’s dad prayed for Betty Sue and Trish again, Matt suddenly felt that everything was going to be all right. He couldn’t explain the feeling but he just knew somehow that if Betty Sue wasn’t already safe then she would be shortly. It was as if God was telling him to stop worrying and that He was taking care of everything, especially Betty Sue.

  Just then, the co-pilot came back and spoke softly to the sergeant and Hal. When he finished, he returned to the cockpit.

  Hal turned to Matt and his dad. “They just received word that the plane is landing in a small town in northeastern Oklahoma. We’re real close and should be there in just a few minutes.”

  Matt felt a huge feeling of relief wash over him. He knew now that what he had felt before was not just wishful thinking. No, it was true. Betty Sue . . . and Trish were going to be okay. He was sure of it now.

  It was so quiet back there then that Matt could hear their pilot talking on the radio. It sounded like he was getting permission to land. Great. They would soon know and he’d be able to see Betty Sue with his own eyes again and know that she was okay.

  He looked at his dad and when the man that Matt had practically shunned for the last ten years
smiled at him and that smile was so full of affection, Matt felt tears forming in his eyes.

  He quickly looked away and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “They’re all right Dad. I know it.”

  Matt’s dad gripped his arm as the plane began descending and soon bumped down onto the runway.

  As soon as they stopped near the main building, the co-pilot jumped out of the cockpit and announced, “It looks like we got here in time. The locals have been going real slow in refueling the plane. It’s sitting up there. He pointed to the windows on left side of the plane.

  Matt was on the opposite side of the plane and thus couldn’t see anything even when he tried to look out the other window.

  The co-pilot opened the door and the trooper rushed out followed closely by Hal. Matt turned to his dad but didn’t have to say anything since he was already unbuckled and heading for the door too.

  Matt joined his dad on the tarmac and looked in the direction that Hal and the trooper were looking. Finally, he saw the other plane sitting at the far end of the main building and there were several police cars nearby.

  Matt was only vaguely aware of the sleet that was coming down and stinging when it hit his face and hands.

  They had all started walking toward the plane when he heard two loud pops that sounded like they were coming from the plane that Betty Sue was on. His heart sank and he started trying to run but his cast wouldn’t allow him to go very fast.

  They quickly caught up to Hal who was standing behind a patrol car that was about fifty feet from the plane. Nothing seemed to be happening in the plane.

  Finally, six police officers rushed the plane and surrounded it. One opened the door and stuck his head inside. He stood there shouting at someone inside the plane for a moment then turned around to the others and held four fingers up in the air.

  “What does that mean?” Matt didn’t realize he’d spoken that out loud until Hal answered.

  “It stands for Code Four which means everything is under control. Thank God.”

  Matt watched as another officer climbed into the plane. Then nothing happened for a few more minutes until an EMT unit came to a screeching halt next to the plane. He still felt that Betty Sue was all right.

  The two EMTs carried a stretcher into the plane and soon reemerged with a man on the stretcher and loaded him in the ambulance. It roared off again with its siren blaring.

  Relief washed over Matt so powerfully that he had to lean against the patrol car he’d been standing next to. He felt his dad’s arm come around his shoulders and squeeze him tightly.

  Finally, one of the officers inside the plane stepped out and reached back up to help Trish out. Matt began running toward the plane then. He didn’t care if they yelled at him or even tried to stop him from going up there. He was going to be there when Betty Sue came out.

  He came to a stop behind the officer just as Betty Sue appeared in the doorway. The officer helped her down and she immediately flew into Matt’s arms almost taking them both down to the tarmac.

  After a long moment of just hugging each other, Betty Sue leaned back a little and said, “Oh Matt, I’m so glad to see you.”

  He noticed that she was wincing slightly. “Are you okay Betty Sue? Are you in pain?”

  She shook her head. “Not much. I think I may have some bruised ribs. But don’t worry about that right now Matt. The main thing is that we’re safe.”

  He knew that Hamilton must have hit her but from the look on her face, he knew that she didn’t want to talk about it now. But later, he’d find out what that skunk did to her.

  He tried to smile but couldn’t quite accomplish it. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her. He hadn’t realized how long they’d been kissing until he heard someone clear his throat nosily nearby.

  He pulled back and saw Hal standing there next to a local police sergeant and they both had knowing smiles on their faces.

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that sort of thing later Matt. But right now, the local police need to take Betty Sue and Trish down to the station to get their statements.”

  Matt glared at both Hal and the sergeant. “I’m going with her.”

  The sergeant grinned. “That’ll be right fine with me Son. My car is right here. Let’s go.”

  He pointed to the nearest car. They all four jumped into it and left the airport behind. Matt noticed that his dad and the Missouri state trooper sergeant got into another car that followed them.

  The hour that they spent at the police station felt like the longest of Matt’s life. They wouldn’t let him back in the room where Betty Sue and Trish were giving their statements. So he had to stay out in the waiting room with his dad.

  Of course, his dad was all calm and collected as usual. But not so Matt who was pacing back and forth the length of the long room muttering to himself the whole time.

  Finally, Hal opened the door to the back and Trish came out followed by Betty Sue who rushed into Matt’s arms. Man, did it ever feel good to have his girl in his arms again. His girl? Yes, that’s exactly what she was now.

  He stopped those thoughts when he realized that Betty Sue was crying hard. Now what? They weren’t going to charge her were they.

  He looked over at Hal. “Is she in the clear?”

  Hal nodded but frowned. “They just told her that the guy died at the hospital.”

  He looked down at Betty Sue and tried to figure out a way to comfort her. She cried a little harder and all Matt could do was to continue holding her and patting her back. Trish must have known that he was rather helpless here so she came over and led Betty Sue to a chair and soon had her calmed down.

  Matt’s dad stepped up to him, placed a hand on his shoulder, and said, “She’ll need some help coming to terms with the fact that she killed a man, especially her ex-husband.”

  Matt looked into his dad’s eyes and said, “I will be there for her every step of the way.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Betty Sue was so excited she was having troubles staying in one place long enough to get ready for church. She could hardly believe that Matt was going to church with her today. Fantastic!

  The past three days had gone by in a blur. Ever since she stepped out of that airplane in Oklahoma and saw Matt standing right behind the police officer, she knew what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She wanted to spend it with Matt. And she was sure that he wanted the same thing too. He simply had to.

  But there was still only one thing that could prevent that from happening. She wasn’t about to be unequally yoked ever again. No, she’d learned her lesson with Dave. No matter how much she loved Matt, she just couldn’t take that chance again.

  But there was hope since he had said he’d go to church with her this morning without anyone pushing him into it. That was a start, wasn’t it? She knew that she had to leave the rest up to the Lord. And she was trying, really she was.

  Then she thought of Dave. She was still having trouble with the fact that she had killed him. Sure, she knew that everyone else was right when they kept telling her that he was going to shoot her or Trish if she hadn’t shot him first. But that only helped for a little while.

  She was also having bad dreams about the whole thing. They kept telling her that those would soon go away too.

  She finally finished dressing and went out to the living room to wait for Matt. He’d said he wanted to come by a few minutes early so they could talk for a little while before they left for church.

  She had skipped Sunday School this morning so she could go in with Matt. She was sure he would need her support when he entered his father’s church for the first time in more than ten years.

  So since Trish had already left almost an hour ago, Betty Sue was forced to sit and wait for Matt alone. She began fidgeting again so she leaped to her feet and started pacing back and forth in the living room.

  She and Matt had been together every evening since they came back from Oklahoma and she had enjoyed it so much t
hat she was looking forward to spending all of her time with him. Whoa, here she was letting her wishes get ahead of reality again. One step at a time, that was the only way things would ever work out.

  Finally, as she sat back down on the sofa to look out the window, Matt pulled his dad’s newly repaired Cherokee into the driveway. She jumped up and flung the door open for him as he rushed into the house.

  When he paused just inside the doorway, she leaped into his arms, and they kissed for a long time.

  Matt pulled back first. “If we don’t get this door closed pretty soon my backside is going to freeze. She couldn’t believe they’d forgotten to close the door.

  She joined in his laughter as they closed the door and were soon sitting very close on the couch by the window.

  They sat there staring into each other’s eyes for a long moment then Matt cleared his throat and said, “Betty Sue.” He seemed to be struggling for just the right words.

  After a moment, he said, “The other night on that plane when we were flying down to Oklahoma trying to get to you before that madman hurt you and Trish, well something happened.”

  He stopped but continued to stare into her eyes. She didn’t know what to do. Should she say something or not?

  He grinned like a little boy and said, “I guess I should say that something happened to me on that plane.”

  This time when he paused, she wasn’t about to let him drag it out one second longer. “What was it Matt?”

  Still grinning he said, “Man, you sure are an impatient little thing.”

  Betty Sue couldn’t help it. She let out a snort. “Matt Livingston. If there is one thing I’m not, it’s little.”

  He laughed then and seemed to loosen up enough to continue.

  “Betty Sue, I prayed to accept the Lord on that plane the other night.”

  He leaned back as if waiting to see what her reaction was going to be. She didn’t even think. She let out a whoop and kissed him.

  “Oh Matt! That’s the most wonderful news I’ve heard in ages. I can’t tell you how happy I am for you.”


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