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The Call of The Dragon: Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 6

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  He found a bench under a large leafy tree and sat down. He buried his face in his hands and tried to just focus on his breathing. If the Fae could live without their mates as his Mentor taught him, then why was his heart breaking into pieces at the thought of never seeing Donell again? The further he got from the Lodge, the more depressed and sad he became.

  They hadn't bonded, but Donell's dragon had so easily slipped beneath his guard and claimed his affection. He was feeling the pull but resisted. He could not return to the Lodge, it was impossible.

  The more he fought his natural urge, the weaker he became. His mind quickly conjured up the most handsome man in creation and refused to set the vision aside. Donell was pure excellence. His black hair so shiny and luxurious and those electric green eyes that captured and held him in a thrilling embrace, nothing about him was average.

  Will’s sadness was gaining the upper hand and he was having difficulty holding his glamour. Will moved closer to the tree because it was easier for a Fae to blend into foliage than the hold a human glamour. He successfully blended with the tree and closed his eyes and tried to rest.


  “What will I do if I don’t find him?” Donell was falling further into despair the longer the search wore on. They’d covered most of the area around the University and were circling back through the park to meet up with Angus and Dr. Tate.

  “Use your dragon, Donell. Reach out and try to feel your mate.” Calum instructed while ignoring Donell’s desperate ramblings.

  Donell focused on the area of the Park in which they stood. His dragon opened his eyes and took in the scents and vibrations. He was still panicking which caused his dragon to want to shift and just deal with the problem. He held him back and tried to see the area with his dragon eyes. It was a tough dance, but he managed to keep the dragon tethered.

  They were nearing the outer edge of the Park when the sensation hit him and he nearly stumbled. “He’s near, Calum, he near.” Donell started to frantically search the immediate area, the brush the plants and then he saw him. “There he is.” Donell raced to the base of an old oak tree. He crouched down and took the sleeping Fae in his arms. Calum came up behind him and shielded them from passersby.

  Will was pulled from his slumber by the object of his dreams. “Are you really here?” He said and regretted it immediately when he was picked up in strong arms and kissed within an inch of his life. Donell was not holding back and Will was inundated with the pitch of his panic and fear. The arms that held him were near crushing but Will, despite himself, sunk into their safety and comfort.

  “The car is here.” Will heard Calum say and suddenly he was lifted and carried to the waiting vehicle. Donell did not release him but rather slid into the back seat and held Will on his lap. All the while, he whispered beautiful sentiments into Will’s ear and kissed him nonstop.

  Within a few minutes, they were parked behind the Lodge and Will heard Calum get out of the vehicle and close the door. Donell did not move and just continued holding Will tight to him. "I was so scared. I thought I might never see you again." Donell admitted his fear, but before Will could comment, Donell continued. "I know why you left and please just let me try and explain." Will stiffened at the reminder of Donell's cruel rejection.

  "I didn't believe that you, the captive, were being treated as harshly as Max had described. I know a couple of the families and they are average decent people. I couldn't see them being a part of something so heinous as what was done to you." Donell gripped tighter and rubbed his cheek on the top of Will's head.

  “Honestly Will, I was floored when Angus told me what he found and the condition you were in.” He kissed Will on the head as if he had to keep reminding himself that Will was there and he was okay. “It’s clear that I don’t know the wolves at all. I apologized to my Chieftain and then went upstairs to see you. I wanted to apologize to you too and then I met you. You were so weak and fragile and I knew you were my mate. To say I was stunned is an understatement and I grieved over the things I’d said. I was filled with anger for the wolves, ashamed of myself and yet so thrilled with the knowledge that you were mine. My mind was torn in so many directions and I just couldn’t get a handle on my emotions.” Donell took several deep breaths and then buried his face in Will’s hair.

  Will listened and soaked up the clarity and comfort that Donell was providing. He tried to be angry but he couldn’t and he knew that Donell was truly repentant for his failure to recognize the truth. “I hear you.” Will began and rested his head against Donell’s chest. “I accept that you had reasons for things that you said.” He took several deep breaths filling his lungs with Donell’s wonderful aroma.

  “I’m sorry that I ran without speaking with you first. It was the action of a child, but at the time I was hurt and I thought I needed to disappear. My life has been so unnatural for so long that my fears overwhelmed me.” Will found it easy to talk with Donell in this way. He held him quietly like a lover, like he mattered and his words mattered.

  “Max told me you were friends with the wolf pack and I instantly became afraid that somehow I would end up back there. It was nonsensical, I know that now, but at the time I was not thinking clearly.”

  “No one will ever come before you.” Donell turned Will’s face up to his so he could look down into his eyes as he spoke. “You are my life Will, I’ve waited over a century for you and I will never give you up and no one will take you from me.” He punctuated his pledge with a hard kiss, pressing and demanding everything eating away any doubt.

  Will believed him. He’d gone from the depths of despair to the heights of happiness in less than two hours. He vowed to never again act on impulse where his mate was concerned. His life had changed, he was no longer at the mercy of wolves and on the fast track to death. He was alive and he was with his eternal mate, Donell Keith.

  Donell was going to do everything in his power to make sure his mate never doubted him again. Fuck it all, because he would not risk losing this man. Today had been a serious wake-up call for him, there would be no more secrets or fears standing between them. He pulled back and, with bated breath, declared his intention.

  "Here, in the backseat of this SUV, I declare to you my devotion, my dedication and I will stand with you and no other forever and beyond." A dragon pledge was magical and by speaking these words, Donell had started their bond. He knew what he was doing. He refused to take any more chances on possible misunderstandings and decided to bond them, now.

  Donell was beyond stopping, but he needed to be sure his mate was as anxious as he was to proceed. “I want to claim you Will. I don’t want to leave this moment without having claimed you fully as my mate and life’s partner. I haven’t told you because I was too caught up in my own shit, but you are beautiful, wonderful, and so pleasing to my eyes and my heart. I feel you deep in my soul every time I look into your gorgeous blue eyes.” He stopped to kiss Will’s plump pink lips before continuing.

  "The first time I saw you it was like every wish I'd ever made regarding my mate came true in one person. You were so fragile, yet your beauty was so striking. All I could do was stare at you. My voice was gone and my mind scrambled to process it all, but my heart and my dragon began to sing. You are the man I have searched a lifetime to meet, you are the reason for my Quest. Please say you forgive me for all my recklessness and that you will bond with me." Donell placed another searing kiss on Will's lips and then waited.


  No more games and no more hesitation, Will knew what he wanted and it was this man, so contrite and pleading for forgiveness. Will thought he'd already given it, but he must not have been clear.

  “I forgive you.” He didn’t elaborate for fear the forgiveness could be lost in the process. He wanted Donell to hear him and have no uncertainties. “I want this as much as you do. I have been nourished by your dragon and I am strong, and I am ready.”

  Will kissed Donell gently and then laid his head back on Donell’s c
hest and snuggled for a moment. He realized he hadn’t answered the question directly so just to make sure there were no misunderstandings he stated his desire clearly. “I want to bond with you Donell. I want to bond with you now.”

  That was all it took for Donell to spring into action. Not one to let an opportunity pass him by, he opened the door and stepped out of the backseat with Will still held snuggly in his arms. Without a word he carried him to the edge of the property and stepped into the tree cover.

  In a less than a blink Donell shifted with Will still held secure and took to the skies flying low and fast up the side of the mountain. Will was excited and exhilarated by the power exuded by his mate and the beauty of the dragon that held him. Donell’s dragon was an amazing sight and filled Will with a connectedness to both man and beast.

  His Fae nature was attached to Donell's dragon now. The bond was growing fast and firm between them. The feeling of the wind through his hair brought a smile and a giggle managed to escape as Donell swooped high and above the trees once they were well away from the population. His mate was making it as wonderful as possible.

  Somewhere deep in the woods and high in the mountains, Donell gently deposited Will on the soft ground before landing close by. Will stood and marveled at the majesty of his dragon mate. Donell did not immediately shift and Will knew that he wanted his dragon to be present and accepted by his mate.

  Will walked closer and admired the flashing green eyes that were so Donell and the dark shimmering iridescent scales that covered his head and magnificent body. This dragon was his mate and Will was falling fast in love as the dragon bent and placed his head within Will’ reach.

  Will ran the palms of his hands down the side of his dragon’s face and placed a sweet possessive kiss the area. Donell spread his wings and fluttered the silken webs. The excitement was tangible and the thrill of it had Will releasing his hair and swinging it free as he forced his light to the surface. His eyes danced with color and light in response to the dragon. It was a wonderous affair of acknowledgment, acceptance, and desire.

  Donell shifted and stood before Will. "My dragon loves you," Donell told him and there wasn't a hint of deceit or exaggeration. Donell was serious and expectant. Will wanted no games and no games were being played. Will had felt the appreciation of Donell's dragon and his possessive nature as well.

  “I love your dragon.” Will responded in kind. Donell moved closer a step at a time as his eyes tracked every movement of his mate. Will was aroused and ready. Donell could smell his heat and feel his warmth. The Fae was on fire.

  Donell took him in his arms and crushed his hard body against his. The silky strands of Will's hair lifted on the wind and wrapped around Donell's shoulder in a loving embrace. He took Will lips in a soft kiss that soon turned ravenous as their need pushed them both to the edge. Donell took hold of the shirt Will was wearing and eased it up and off over his head while barely breaking his hold on Will moist and hungry mouth.

  Will had strengthened considerably and filled out, no longer did he look gaunt, but rather trim and firm. He moved within Donell's embrace, rubbing himself against him and using his deft hands to shed Donell of his jacket and t-shirt. Donell was eager to help, making sure that everything came off easily and quickly. He wanted Will to see him and he wanted Will hands on his naked skin.

  His cock was so hard that it ached as Will ran his hands over every inch of Donell’s bare chest and back. His touch was electric and left a trail of erotic fire in its wake. Donell closed his eyes and then broke the kiss long enough to scoop Will up into his arms and lay him out gently on the soft green undergrowth.

  “I want you so bad I think I might die if I don’t’ get inside you in the next few seconds.” He felt Will chuckle beneath him. Will grabbed Donell’s hand and placed it on his own growing bulge demonstrating very clearly his own need.

  Donell moved quickly and Will lost the tan pants along with everything else still on his body. Donell was going out of his mind and craved this man and his body. Driven by nature and by his own desire to be one with the gorgeous Fae, he needed to complete their bond.

  He pressed down on top of Will and allowed him to grind his needy cock against Donell’s thigh gaining some relief but also stimulating him further. It was beautiful to watch his mate so lost in the feeling of ecstasy and desire. Donell reached between them and took Will’s hard leaking member in hand and with only the slightest of pressure Will was quickly coming undone and shooting his warm sticky release between them.

  Will couldn’t believe he came so fast and with so little pressure. A few touches from his eternal mate and he was over the edge and coming apart. He held on tight to Donell and rode out the wave of stimulation that washed over him in the afterglow of his release. He’d never felt anything like it before.

  “That was fantastic.” He breathed the words against Donell’s lips.

  "That was only the beginning," Donell said and quickly discarded the rest of his clothes. Will felt himself hardening again at the sight of his mate all muscled and tan, he was a treat of masculinity.

  Donell took Will's slim hand and placed it on his hard and throbbing cock. "Touch me." He said, and Will began a slow torturous slide of his palm up and down with a steadying degree of increased pressure. "Yes." Donell breathed and rained kisses across Will's shoulder while cupping his perfectly round ass in his hand.

  The soft fleshy globe fit perfectly into his palm. He squeezed and massaged the area as he placed open mouth kisses across Will’s shoulder. He felt Will speed up as his hand became covered in pre-cum. Donell needed more so he assisted Will’s efforts by thrusting his hips and forcing his hard cock through Will’s tight fist. It was phenomenal.

  He moved his hand to cradle the back of Will’s head and began a forceful plunder of his delicious mouth. He went deep and took everything Will offered. He used his other hand to separate the plump cheeks to discover the taut pulsing entrance between. He found the area moist and leaking and although surprised, assumed it was a Fae thing, he would ask later. For now, all he wanted to do was to claim his mate.

  Donell continued to ravage Will's lips and plunged one large deep finger inside Will's eager hole. He felt Will moan as he swallowed the vibration and it electrified the moment. Donell stretched and prepared Will before inserting a second and then a third finger. His hands were not small, but neither was his cock, so he knew he had to prepare Will for what was soon, very soon, going to be thrusting inside him to his core.

  He had Will shivering and squeezing his member tight as he reacted to the fullness of Donell’s fingers. He was gripping Donell so tight that he knew he had to get inside the man or he was going to be coming all over Will’s hand and mid-section. He wanted to be inside Will’s tight little hole before he came undone.

  He pulled away from Will's glorious mouth to catch his breath and to position Will beneath him. He stilled Will's hand and managed to swallow back the impending explosion with a few deep breaths. His mate was magical. Donell had been with numerous men over the years, but none left him with the desire to do everything perfectly and to bring his partner the utmost pleasure as did making love with his Will. He lifted Will's legs and draped them over his lower arms which brought Will's stretched and ready point of ecstasy into view.

  He stared into Will’s deep sea blue eyes and did not speak. Neither of them spoke, their connection was soul deep and needed no words to be understood. Donell pressed the head of his cock against Will’s entrance and slowly pushed inside inch by delicious inch.

  Will held onto Donell's upper arms and held his gaze as the most scintillating sensations buzzed his nerve endings. Donell was stretching and entering him, filling him fully and setting him on fire. He went mercilessly slow filling gradually and building the tenor and strength of the sensations to a fierce climax.

  Will bit down hard on his bottom lip to keep from blowing again. His skin prickled with the intensity of the act and the power surging between them. Donell th
rust deep and held for a second before pulling out and slamming back in. The movements were delicious, and Will began to move in rhythm with Donell.

  The pleasure was quick to build and Will knew he would not last. Donell increased his speed and pressure, pounding into Will with a ferocity that took Will instantly to the edge again and there was no stopping. He peaked with a loud gasp and came in stream after stream painting Donell’s abdomen with warm seed.

  Donell felt his mate shatter and the intense grip that suddenly encased his cock had him following soon after. He held himself still for a moment and filled his mate with what felt like gallons as he emptied everything he had into his tight warm hole. He then pulled Will up to wrap his arms around him and buried his face against his shoulder as he finished. Donell channeled his dragon and sunk his teeth into Will’s sweet soft shoulder and drank in the honeyed taste of his claimed mate.

  After a few minutes, Donell licked the wound closed and sealed their bond with a kiss. They held each other for quite some time, not speaking or moving, just experiencing each other. Donell noticed Will's body taking on a silver-white glow and felt the connection fastening them together. The Fae shimmer had finalized their bond. Donell had heard of the shimmer and the power that it brought to both parties, but he'd never witnessed it before.

  “We are one.” Will announced with a smile.

  “Yes, bonded forever. There will be no more running and no more misunderstandings.” Donell declared.

  “Your dragon is magnificent.” Will told him with true wonder and appreciation shining in his eyes.

  "Your shimmer was very stimulating," Donell added. He slowly shifted to the side when his softening cock slipped from inside his mate. He pulled Will close and draped his right arm over him as they continued to talk. Will rested his head on Donell's left arm.


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