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Writing Our Love

Page 20

by Sammi Cee

  Ronnie’s face flares with color as he glances at Bobby and Sean before looking at Shay. “Not really. Um… I guess I’ve never met anyone I was all that interested in.” Sean’s eyes meet mine, and I nod in understanding. I’ll have a talk with Eli and Shay later about Ronnie, maybe we could ask him to come stay with us for a while.

  As I think it, Sean says, “Well, Ronnie, if you ever decide you need a change of scenery and want to be closer to your brother, let Bobby and I know. We have a spare room we’ve been thinking of renting out.”

  “Really?” Eli and Ronnie ask at the same time with identical expressions of hope.

  I pull Shay into my arms to lean back against me as the discussion flows around us of how cool it would be for Ronnie to be closer for the brothers to make up for lost time. Shay whispers to me over her shoulder, “Maybe you could teach Ronnie some things and partner up, you could work together.”

  “Maybe.” Watching Eli’s animated conversation with his brother, the possibilities for the future warm my heart.


  Last night was a success. As everyone left around one in the morning to go home or to their hotels, they told us what a wonderful time they had and that they hoped we’d do it again soon. Judging from the look on Shay’s face, we will be. She was in her element all night playing hostess and flitting from group to group. It was embarrassing when her and Cecile sat down to talk. Cecile raved about what a great job I’m doing, then Shay went on and on about what an amazing boyfriend I am. I was torn between wanting to run so that I wouldn’t have to hear what they were saying, and being scared of what they would talk about if I wasn’t there to monitor them. With Cecile being the only one I’d told from work so far about my relationship status, it was nice how open she was to Shay and Coop. When Shay had told her that she deserves a little credit for how happy we are since she hired me, Cecile had beamed. As I looked around at midnight, I was struck with how different this New Year’s Eve was for me from last year. It’s like having a whole new life.

  Shay had let the girls drink last night since they’re both almost twenty-one and were staying in, so they had gone to bed tipsy and exhausted as soon as the last guest left. My brother had crashed out on a blowup mattress I put in Shay’s office as soon as we were done cleaning up. By then, Sean and Bobby had already curled up on the sofa together, snoring softly. The more I get to know Sean, the easier it is to understand how he and Coop have remained close through the passing of time. I had already thought he was as solid as they come; but when he offered Ronnie a place to stay, he earned my undying loyalty.

  Ronnie had arrived early in the afternoon yesterday to spend time with us and help set up; and through random conversation I’d picked up on the fact he isn’t that satisfied with his life. Given how recently I’ve resolved the issues with my family, I wasn’t sure if it would be welcome for me to suggest he come here and be near me. When we were little, we were close until I got caught up with the drugs. After that, I was a shitty big brother and I know it. The excitement on his face at Sean’s offer helped me realize that no matter what, I’m his big brother; and not only does he maybe still need me, but he’s open to deepening our relationship.

  “What are you doing, lovey?” Shay’s fresh from the shower and dressed comfy in leggings and a sweater with her little coffee-patterned slippers on.

  “I was getting ready to make breakfast,” I answer as she comes and slips her arms around my sides and rests her head on my chest.

  “Nooooo… I made an egg casserole last night. All we have to do is pop it in the oven for an hour, and voila, breakfast is served.”

  “When did you do that?” This lady never ceases to amaze me.

  “What are we doing?” Coop asks coming up behind Shay and wrapping his arms around her to stretch out around my sides, too. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he leans forward for us to share a kiss over the top of her.

  “I love when you two do that,” Shay says, giggling. “There’s something so sweet about being smooshed between you when you’re kissing.”

  “You’re silly, precious-girl.” Coop kisses the top of her head before resting his eyes on me. “Why’d you come out to the kitchen so fast, babe?”

  “I was trying to be sweet and make breakfast, but someone already has it ready to go in the oven.” I break free from the two of them to go pull the casserole out of the fridge.

  “It needs to sit out for about half an hour before we put it in the oven, too, lovey.”

  “Okay, coffee should be ready.” Hearing a snort, I look over to see Cooper with a cup of coffee already poured and halfway to his mouth. He gives me a crooked grin before taking a sip. Again, I’m in awe that this is my life, that his crooked, charming grin is being directed at me.

  Once he’s drained his mug, Coop says, “Babe, I’m going to go walk Bear. You want to come with me?”

  “Na, you go ahead. I’m going to wait around here for Ronnie to get up.”

  From the living room, Bobby yells out, “Wait, Coop. Sean and I’ll bundle up and come with you. It’ll feel good to walk some of the alcohol from last night off.” He starts giggling so who knows what’s going on in there.

  Shay pops up to kiss me on the cheek before she exists the room, as well. “I’m going to grab Kitty and go in and wake up the girls. You’ve got this?”

  “Yep, I’ve got it.”

  While everyone scurries off to do their own thing, I putter around the kitchen. I make more coffee, putting some in carafe, and eventually, it’s time for the casserole to go in. Right as I shut the oven door, my brother comes in. “Good morning, Lij.”

  I love when he calls me that. Smiling at him affectionately, I grab a mug and pour him a cup of coffee, pointing out all the creamers and such that we have for him to doctor it up himself. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “I did. Thanks. Hey, do you think Sean and Bobby meant it last night when they offered for me rent a room?”

  “I do. Why? Are you actually considering it?”

  “I am, but what do you think?

  “I can think of nothing I’d like more?”

  “Really?” I’m sure the hope in his eyes is reflected in mine when I look at him and nod because he immediately says, “Yeah, I’m really going to consider it. I think this is the perfect time for a change for me. It is a new year, right?”

  “Absolutely!” We banter back and forth and hang out until everyone comes into the kitchen for coffee. After breakfast is eaten and cleaned up, we all spread out in the living room to have a lazy day together.

  Shay and I are leaned into either side of Coop with Bear’s head on my lap and Kitty curled up on Shay’s. Ronnie’s sitting in the recliner eyeing us. “What?”

  “You guys look really good together.”

  Shel reaches over from her spot on the floor in front of the couch and grabs her phone. She snaps a quick picture and smiles. “Aww. I’ll send this to you guys. Mom, you should print it and put it out in a frame.”

  Dottie looks over at the phone, too. “Oh, yeah, you definitely should. You guys look good together.”

  “They really do. I can’t stop patting myself on the back. I did such a good job,” Bobby says.

  Coop bursts out laughing. “I knew you were secretly taking credit for the three of us ending up together.”

  “Trust me, there’s no secretly about it.” Sean affectionately nudges his boyfriend in his side.

  “What? I have to tell people what an extraordinary matchmaker I am so that they’ll let me hook them up, too,” Bobby says, pouting at his man.

  “You sure you want to live with them, Ronnie?” Shelly asks with a giggle as Sean starts poking Bobby in the side to make him stop pouting.

  “Yeah, I think it’s just what I need.” Ronnie’s laughing at them, too.

  Once we all are nice and relaxed again, Shay asks, “What do you guys want to do? Should we play cards or put on a movie?”

  “I want to hear Sean and Bobby’s story,�
� Dottie says. “You guys promised me you’d tell me someday.” Bobby claps his hands together, but says nothing as he side-eyes Sean.

  “Well, it is the perfect day for a story,” says Coop. “Sean, is that okay with you?”

  “Whatever Bobby wants,” he says bestowing his special smile onto his boyfriend.

  “Well,” Bobby says dramatically, bopping up and down in the crook of Sean’s arm. “Once upon a time there was this amazing man…”

  With fascination I listen to how my friends found their happily ever after while being nestled up with mine. It truly is a happy new year.

  Learn More About Sammi Cee


  Facebook group: Romantic’s Rendezvous

  Twitter: @cee_sammi

  Instagram: sammi_cee_author





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