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Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3)

Page 6

by Natasha Thomas

  For the last three months I’ve been working on a plan that will hopefully bring Priss and I back together. What I’m about to do is likely going to ruin more friendships than I can count. Put me at risk. And it might be the end of my time with MC, but I didn’t give a flying fuck about any of it anymore. If Priss wasn’t in my life then none of that she was worth anything. She’s everything to me… It’s that simple.

  The slamming of car doors douse my memories quickly. I yank the front door open making it two steps before I’m grabbed into tight group hug by two of my five brothers. Both of them are a few inches shorter than me, more than sixty pounds lighter, but they pack a hell of a punch when they hit you at full force. After a few back slaps Jas pulls back looking me in the eye.

  “We need to talk big brother, and you might want to sit down for this.”

  Kai looks pissed. But Kai always looks a little pissed so it’s nothing new. I’m curious whether they know about Reid moving in on Priss already. It would actually surprise me seeing as Reid keeps everything quiet. He’s only ever fed us small pieces of information about his life when he can’t get away with saying nothing at all. I might not share far and wide, but I’ve got nothing on Mr. Locked-up-tighter-than-a-steel-vault.

  “Chill the fuck out little brother I know about the Reid thing Tilly told me a couple of weeks ago. I’ll sort it when he gets here.”

  Shaking his head at me he uses a measured tone that sets off chills through my blood, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end saying,

  “You need to sit down Hunter. You’re gonna want to hear this, and I’m not in the mood to have to pin you down when you do. Neither’s Kai.”

  Sitting heavily in the old brown recliner off to the right of the door I sigh then snap,

  “I’m sitting so out with it, Jas.” Looking over I see Kai’s still standing stoic by the door. It’s like he’s trying to block my exit. Fucking punk. He knows that if I want to get past him it would take me less than a second.

  Across from me Jas is sitting on the edge of the matching brown leather couch looking more menacing than I’ve seen him in years. Before I get a chance to question him about it he speaks up.

  “I got a phone call about five and a half weeks ago, and you’ve got to know, telling you this shit big brother is breaking a confidence I’ll never get back, so hear me out before you have a fucking melt down okay.” I won’t promise him anything. I don’t know what I’m dealing with yet, so I don’t know if it’ll even be possible. Not waiting for my answer because he’s worked out he’s not going to get one he keeps going. “You’ve got to believe me when I say that when I got the call I thought it was just like any of the others; that she wanted to catch up, check in, shit like that.” My low growl has Kai inch further toward the door, and Jas looking directly at me. “If I’d known she was hurt I would’ve…”

  Standing immediately I don’t wait for him to finish because I feel it. I feel it in my bones. My gut. My heart.

  “FUCKING WHO? WHICH ONE OF THEM?” I roar at the top of my voice. My heart’s racing and I know before he says it that it’s one of my girls he’s talking about. Fury races through my veins like a virus, consuming every bit of my rationality in its wake.

  Shaking his head grabbing a clumps of his hair Jas stands facing me.

  “Priscilla.” I don’t want to listen to this because I know what he’s about to say is going to fucking eviscerate me. Tear me apart. But I don’t have a choice, I have to know what happened. Jas fist his hands at his sides, and carries on. “She was leaving the strip joint you guys own when someone attacked her in the back alley. I don…”

  Stalking to the door I can vaguely hear yelling over the rushing sound of blood in my ears, and feel a body move in front of me. Bad. Fucking. Idea. Nothing will keep me from getting to Priscilla. Not my club. Not my brothers. And sure as shit not either of these two assholes. With one hand I pick up whoever was dumb enough to get in my way and launch them across the room. I make it to my bike firing it up in record time.



  Priscilla’s Rules to live by 101

  “I don’t hate you, but let’s put it this way;

  If I had a bucket of water and you were on fire

  I’d drink the bucket of water.”

  Wrapping myself in a towel and stepping out of the shower I dry off quickly trying to pull myself together before I see the boys later because I know I’m going to. I’m always the second stop they make when they get into town. The last hour though has been consumed by thoughts of how I’m going to break it to Reid that nothing’s going to happen between us. Chances are I’m losing my best friend sometime within the next week, and that’s not pessimistic it’s a fact.

  Reid isn’t like your average male. He’s in a successful rock band, and yes he’s an alpha male, and prolific womaniser, but he isn’t cold, closed off, or arrogant about it. That’s what makes him different. As my friend he’s shown me the vulnerable, sensitive side of him, and in the end that’s what I’m going to miss the most. The fact that he’s so different to his brother, in nearly every way, has been exactly what I’ve needed after Tank cutting me out of his life. I couldn’t have been as close as I am to him if they were similar in personality as well as looks that was harder enough on its own. Not having Reid to turn to as a friend is going to hurt, no doubt about it. Sure I’ll still have Kendall, Lou, and V, but my friendship with them is different to what it is with Reid.

  All of us except V went to the same high school, and albeit we weren’t close back then, barely acquaintances really, I’ve always felt a connection with them. Where Kendall was raised inside the MC I was not. My mom and dad took me and Tilly to hog roasts and family events, but we weren’t around lifestyle daily like Kendall had been. We knew what dad did, or parts of it, we were sheltered by his need to keep us separate.

  Being that Kendall and I are two of three daughters born to bikers in Blackwater, (the other being my sister Tilly), you’d think that in a town of twelve thousand we would have had more interaction when we were younger, but we didn’t. Dad’s incessant need to keep his daughters apart from his club saw to that. Originally I believed Kendall thought she was better than us and most of the people at school. Not because of who her dad was, but because she had the confidence to do as she pleased, when she pleased. School bullies didn’t target her. She was secure enough in herself not to try and prove her worth by cheerleading, or joining one of the many cliques.

  In saying that, she wasn’t stuck up and she didn’t use the power she had for evil either. Because of all that, and of course my own insecurities, I didn’t approach her attempting strike up a friendship. And that was tragic because I missed out on getting to know the beautiful person Kendall is sooner.

  I wasn’t bullied like a lot of kids, but there are ways to chip away at a persons’ self-esteem without using all the usual means. I unfortunately was a member of that club for the entire four years I attended Blackwater high. Because I saw makeup as a waste of time, I still do, and teasing your hair after spending an hour on it was stupid in my book, my unpopular opinion wasn’t shared or accepted by the girls that like to think they ran the school. To me all that stuff was just window dressing. Half the time it didn’t enhance their looks anyway, it detracted from them. They didn’t make my life a living hell, but they did slowly make dents in my self-esteem over the years. For everything from the way I dressed, to the fact I didn’t wear six hundred layers of makeup like they did. It was meeting Lou in my freshman year of high school that put everything into perspective for me.

  I had seen Louisa Phillips around school for a year prior to meeting her, marvelling at her ability to shrug off the cruelty of the girls that always found things to tease her about. Whether it was that her hair was too short, her ass was too big, or her boobs were too small nothing seemed to rattle her cage. One afternoon just before cheerleading practice I was changing in the gyms locker rooms. The last gym
period of the day had been let out ten minutes earlier, so only the stragglers were left changing. When I was almost finished dressing in my uniform that consisted of a tiny yellow pleated skirt, and traditional sleeveless cheerleading shirt with purple accents and deep V in the front, Brenda the head cheerleader of our squad, poked her head around the corner glaring at me. This wasn’t uncommon, the girl had a major chip on her shoulder loving nothing more than to make the other girls’ cry. It was like she tried to make a sport of it.

  Sneering at me she said,

  “You know the fatter your ass gets the shorter you skirt gets?” Seriously? I was confused by what she was saying because I’d actually lost five pounds in the last month. As usual I kept my mouth shut and went about shoving stuff back in my locker. I didn’t fight back. It didn’t matter how nasty she got I kept my mouth shut. There was no point saying anything, if she knew she was getting to me it would only get a thousand times worse.

  Around the corner I heard a locker slam and the sound of footfalls coming closer. Turning toward the sound I came face-to-face with a seething Louisa Phillips. She didn’t wait for Brenda to launch barbs her way she simply said,

  “Well then, in my case I’d hope I’m wearing sexy as shit underwear under my skirt, because let’s face it, we all know guys like the booty framed nicely. It gives them something to stare at, and if you’ve got it flaunt it I say.”

  It took Lou three sentences to have Brenda pissed off enough to stomping back to wherever she came from. And after that day Brenda never bothered me again. From then until I graduated Brenda was nothing other than silently hateful towards me, and I could totally handle that. That was the day Lou and I became friends and it hasn’t changed since. She’s still outspoken and I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  Lou introduced me to Kendall in the end it took less than five minutes in Kendall’s presence to come to the realisation everything I’d thought about her was bullshit. With her came, Declan and Billy. Even back then it was evident Kendall and Declan, followed by Lou and Billy would end up together. Their tight knit group had only consisted of the four of them until I came along, when they included me, meaning I spent a lot of high school feeling like a third wheel. Better yet, a fifth wheel.

  I had a few boyfriends my junior and senior years, none of them ever stuck, not that I expected them to. I wasn’t like I was like Kendall, predestined for someone. Kendall was lucky, Lou too, they found the men they would love and live happily ever after with early on. For me it was just the right guy never came along. What I didn’t know was that he was out there, he just hadn’t found me yet.

  None of my boyfriends were interested in anything other than hooking up, not surprising seeing as they were horny teenage boys worried about their dicks and not a lot else. But it wasn’t until just before I turned eighteen that I gave my virginity to my third boyfriend Matt, finally caving to one of his many requests. It was uncomfortable, messy, and left me feeling cheap. After my first time I didn’t intend to do that again any time soon regardless of Matt’s insistence that now we’d broken the seal we should be having sex all the time. Honestly I couldn’t think of anything worse. He was awkward, didn’t believe in foreplay, and didn’t care whether I enjoyed myself or not. Yeah, that wasn’t happening again.

  After my introduction to the world of sex by the less than talented pitifully endowed Matt, I waited almost two years to get back on the horse so to speak. My second sexual partner, David, was a far better choice for me.

  David and I went to college together in Boulder, him majoring in engineering, me in accounting. He was smart, funny, charming, and handsome, not traditionally but in a strange way that made him striking. David has dark blonde hair that was long enough to flop in his eyes as he worked tirelessly on his engineering diagrams, warm hazel eyes, and a body that I can only describe as long and lanky. He didn’t have any bulk to his build, but what little muscle he did have was nicely toned. His kind heart and sweet personality was what hooked me in the beginning. We were in the same maths class, starting out we just sat next to each other, it progressed on to coffee and studying and eventually dating. He was patient, kind, overly so sometimes.

  Our first date didn’t happen until we’d known each other almost six months, we didn’t sleep together for another three. David was a considerate lover doing everything he could think of to please me. Occasionally it felt like he was too controlled, too timid during sex. I longed for passion and fire where David gave steady, nice. I knew we wouldn’t last from the very beginning. David was too sweet. Not that I don’t like sweet, I just like strong, possessive and demanding more. There’s something about having a man take control during sex that just does it for me. Go figure, because if a man told me what to do day-to-day I’d probably kick him in the junk.

  Having to withdraw my enrolment because of my parents’ death signalled the end of our short relationship. David begged me to reconsider telling me distance wasn’t an issue, he’d happily travel to see me if that’s what it took. Sadly for me it was the out I was looking for though. I didn’t know how long it would take me to put things in order at home, and I honestly didn’t think our relationship was destined for much to begin with. I wouldn’t have done anything differently given the choice. Eventually we would’ve parted ways, I was glad it happened sooner rather than later for his sake.

  The only other man I’ve been with was a one night stand, and that wasn’t until I overheard Tank and Arrow’s conversation at Rough Shod. That night still plays on my mind from time to time. Hearing Tank say he wouldn’t touch me with a hundred foot pole if he was paid to definitely did a number on me, I won’t deny it. Not that I’d show him it had. And I’d certainly never tell him, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  I had been in love with Hunter Adams for four years by then, at the thought he believed I was so repulsive that he couldn’t bear to touch me I was gutted. Something inside me died that night and to this day I haven’t been able to get it back. Sure, he grovelled, called constantly, messaged me dozens of times over the days following, but I couldn’t bring myself to let him back in so easily this time. I never intended to let it go on for five months. I wanted to let him stew for a while. Make him hurt a little, like he’d hurt me. But what started as a lesson ended in a grudge I ended up holding for a good long while.

  If it wasn’t for seeing him three weeks later with a woman crushed against the brick wall in the back hallway of Rough Shod, Tank’s deliciously huge cock driving in and out of her frantically I would have called a truce sooner. I don’t know if he saw me standing there, the odds were good he had, but he never said anything and I sure as hell never brought it up. I was mesmerised by the sight. Not the sight of two people fucking in front of me; no sadly I’d walked in on my mom and dad while they were alive, and brothers in the main room at the clubhouse too, so the act itself wasn’t what had me frozen to the spot. It was the sight of Tank’s tattoo low on his abdomen just above the perfectly trimmed nest of hair above his cock that said, ‘Saddle up and Ride’, his ass that’s tight enough to bounce quarters off, and the vision of his massive condom covered cock tunnelling in and out of the woman’s pussy that had me staying to watch the show.

  Fascination was quickly replaced by anger. I knew that I didn’t have any claim on Tank, but knowing he was fucking other women, and seeing it were two totally different things.

  Of any of the guys in the MC Tank was the least womanising. He didn’t date, not to say the other guys did, but he definitely didn’t. He didn’t have a girlfriend, wife, or ol’ lady. And he didn’t get caught with his pants down fucking club whores either. Not until today at least. What pissed me off was that this woman was retaliation for the guy I had been talking to at the bar while I was getting a fucking drink. Not a phone number, a drink. I knew he was doing this because he’d seen me with that guy, and I was furious.

  Any time Tank and I were in the same room I knew when he was looking at me. I felt it like a caress. His eyes bu
rnt holes in me then soothed the burn with his lazy perusal that travelled up and down the length of my body. I’ve known for years he was looking, but while his lack of action used to confuse and upset me, now it’s just the norm. I know now it’s because Tank doesn’t do relationships. He had no intention of taking things further with me, but that didn’t mean he didn’t look when he thought I wouldn’t notice.

  The guy at the bar, Colin, was handsome in a preppy way. He offered to buy me a drink, there wasn’t any more to it, just a drink. It didn’t change the fact that I could feel Tanks eyes on me, practically hear him telling me to get rid of the douchebag. I didn’t do that though. I wanted Tank to see I was desirable to other men. That if he didn’t want me someone else would. The bastard ran off any potential boyfriends I’d had in the last four years, it was time things changed. Tank was about to get a harsh lesson, but one that was well overdue.

  Within seconds of seeing me place my hand on Colin’s Tank was up dragging the first woman he saw that paid him any attention down the back hallway. I knew what he was intending to do with her, and I knew he was doing it to hurt me, but that didn’t change how I felt about it. I should’ve taken a deep breath and kept on with my night. I should have ignored it. But I couldn’t. And it was a huge mistake to follow him because seeing him with her only proved that it didn’t matter what Tank did, I still loved him.


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