Call of the Wilds

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Call of the Wilds Page 11

by Неизвестный

  “It doesn’t mean you have to torture me.” Her cheeks blushed pink, her eyes bright with desire. “I need to have you inside me now.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, but I want to take my time, savor every minute, and make this special for you.”

  “Baby, you are special. I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never known anyone like you.”

  He pushed back a stab of jealousy. “How many men have you known?”

  “Enough to know I don’t want anyone else.”

  Nor did he. His heart ached with the knowledge. The dynamic between them had changed. He didn’t want it to happen, but it had, and he wondered how he would bear it when he had to let her go again. Right now, he would just relish the moment and pretend it could last.

  He lowered his head and brushed her lips with whisper-light contact. The warm, sweet kiss turned passionate, and he pressed his hips against hers. Her powerful effect on him made it hard to go slowly, but he might not get a second chance. He pulled back. Her eyes, glazed with desire, held his. He tried to read her expression, but she whimpered and broke eye contact.

  Teasing, he ran a hand down from her collarbone until his palm traced the curve of her breast. He outlined the tip with his finger, loving the little whimpers she made that encouraged him to do more.

  “You feel so good. I love to touch you.” Her nipple turned marble-hard under his fingers. He gave it a gentle pinch, then pressed and kneaded the swollen globe until her fingers whitened around the bars.

  “Oh, God.”


  “Suck them. Please.”

  “Since you said please.” He replaced his hand with his mouth and swirled his tongue around one perfect nipple. She gasped when he captured the distended peak in his mouth. Her tortured moans spurred him on, and he squeezed her other breast, rolling the pebbled tip with his fingers. He suckled long and hard before switching his attention.

  Her hips rose in mute invitation and she trembled.

  “Am I hurting you,” he smiled mischievously. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “God no.”

  “Are you trying to tell me something?”


  “Please what? I need to hear it.”

  “Please fuck me.”

  “No. I’m not going to fuck you today.”

  I’m going to make love to you.

  He cut off her protests with a deep kiss and moved between her legs.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. You take my breath away.” Her skin flushed and shone with perspiration. He wanted to remember her like this so he could envision her perfect form on the lonely nights to come. He could look at her forever, but she eyed him with frustration, so he lowered his head and licked a path between her breasts and down her stomach. He circled her naval with his tongue before nipping it, then dipped his tongue inside. Slowly, he blazed a trail of feather-light kisses over her belly, then abruptly moved to her thigh and worked his way down. Getting up on his knees, he lifted her foot and massaged it before sucking her toe into his mouth. Her eyes looked up at him, big as saucers, and he knew no one had ever done this for her before. It made him happy to please her in a way no one else had. He switched to her other foot and watched her breasts rise and fall with her labored breathing. When he released her foot, she stilled, waiting to see what he’d do next. He let her wait for a few seconds. Then he spread her legs wide. The black lace left her pussy partly exposed, and it was sexy as hell. He settled between her thighs and nuzzled her through the damp material.

  “Take them off,” she begged.

  “No, baby, I like them on.”

  She moaned, and her legs fell apart to receive him. He pushed the soaked material aside, marveling at how wet she was for him. He tugged on the damp curls covering her sex, pleased she only trimmed them instead of shaving them off completely like some women. Then he ran his fingers over her moist folds and blew a puff of warm air over her swollen core.

  “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” she murmured and arched her body, trying to get closer to his lips.

  He licked her in one long stroke along her cleft. “Is that what you want, baby?”

  “Mmm.” She made little mewling noises and squirmed against his mouth while he licked first one side and then the other, carefully avoiding the sensitive nub peeking out of its hood.

  He lifted her buttocks and drew her closer, nuzzling his face in her mound and rubbing his nose over her clit. The scent of her arousal surrounded him, tangy and potent, driving him mad. He would never get enough.

  Groaning, he separated her lips and lapped at the warm cream coating them while she writhed against his face. He plunged his tongue deep inside her, moving it in and out, and imagining how it would feel when he buried his cock inside those slick walls.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” Her body tensed, and she pushed a foot against his back.

  He felt her fingers in his hair. “Such a bad girl,” he murmured. “Do I have to tie you down?”

  “No!” she exclaimed in a breathless rush. “Jesus, don’t stop now.”

  His chuckle vibrated against her pussy, and he slipped a finger past her moist entrance.

  “Oh. Yes! Ungh!” Her unintelligible animal sounds went right to his cock, and he ached to see her explode. He slipped another finger inside her tight, wet heat, and she gasped and lifted her hips. Thrusting inside her, her hips rocking against his hand, he flicked his tongue over her swollen button

  “Jesus, Malcolm!” She cried for release. He touched the sensitive spot inside her and sucked on her clit, and she convulsed in a series of shuddering spasms.

  He licked her cream from his fingers and crawled up beside her. Immediately, she nestled against him, and he held her trembling body. She threw a leg over his, clung to him, surrounded him, so content in his arms he wanted to cuddle her a little longer.

  “You know you were a bad girl,” he murmured into her hair. “You didn’t do what you were told.”

  “Sorry, baby.” She shifted in his arms. “I couldn’t help it. I’ll do better next time.”

  There might not be a next time. He would have to make today good enough to last a lifetime.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The smell of sweat and sex permeated the air. Karin was drunk on it and so blissfully happy, she did not want to move a muscle. She snuggled in Malcolm’s warm embrace, content to lie there forever and pretend all was right with her world. She couldn’t hold off the big reveal much longer, and although she felt closer to Malcolm than ever before, she still had no idea how he would accept the news.

  “Did I do okay for an old guy?” He made slow circles on her back with his palm.

  “Mmm, very okay,” she mumbled against his chest. “On a scale of one to ten, you hit eleven.”

  She loved being close to him and the feel of his warm body against hers. How could he ever think his scars would put her off? The man was sex on a stick. His lean, muscular body rivaled any in her romance novels, and his dark, dangerous eyes hypnotized her. He knocked her socks off in bed. And he made her laugh. What more could a woman want? She envisioned them growing old together. Now if only he felt the same.

  “In fact, I’m not sure I can keep up with you.”

  “I think I need to start you on a training regimen.” He chuckled, sliding his palm from her back to her breasts to her stomach. “Build up your stamina and work off these extra pounds you put on.”

  Her heart rate soared off the charts. “What! Your score just plunged to a zero.” She couldn’t be showing yet. If anything, she lost weight from the nausea and vomiting. It had to be water retention. But maybe she could segue into her confession.

  “Hey, don’t get excited. The extra pound or two just makes you a little curvier.” He squeezed her butt. “It looks great on you. Very sexy.”

  “Well, if bigger is better, maybe I can arrange to get even sexier in the near future.”

  “I th
ink you’re perfect just the way you are. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “Good answer.” Not! There were big changes coming. She hoped he would accept them.

  He pressed his erection against her stomach, reminding her he wanted more of her sexy body. “Mmm. You have a beautiful body, doc. In fact, I can’t keep my hands off it.” He slipped his hand between her legs. “I think this can go now.” He ripped off the sodden thong and buried his nose in it before tossing it on the floor. “Delicious.”

  “Hey! That little scrap cost me a bundle.” Her voice trailed off as his hand did wicked things between her legs. Little ripples of pleasure turned into a throbbing ache.

  “And worth every penny.” He grinned. “Don’t look so glum. I’ll buy you a new one. In fact, I’ll buy you a dozen.”

  “Forget it. It made my butt sore. I’d rather go commando.”

  “Hmm, sounds to me like you need some first aid.” He rolled her on her stomach and flattened his hand on the curve of her bottom, kneading and massaging her firm cheeks.

  When he bit her, she squealed. “You call that first aid?”

  “Relax, this is very therapeutic.” He soothed the bite with his tongue and then pulled her hips up so he had better access. Holding on to her thighs, he licked her from bottom to top.

  “Oh, oh, oh.”

  “Feel better?” he mumbled against her backside.

  “Yes, but now I hurt in other places.” She moaned. “I need more first aid and second and third.” She wiggled her butt. “I need an invasive procedure. I want you inside me. Now.”

  “Demanding, aren’t we?” He rolled her on her back and moved between her legs. Leaning over her, he supported his weight on his arms. “Lucky for you that’s exactly where I want to be.”

  “Hah! You’re the one who got lucky today.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he said softly and brushed his lips along hers.

  Her womb contracted, and a flicker of surprise shot through her, if only he meant it. She waited for him to say more, but he started moving over her, and all her attention focused on the sweet friction of his cock sliding along her cleft. He rubbed his shaft along her wet folds until she couldn’t stand it another second. She reached for his cock to guide him inside her, but he pulled his hips back.


  “What, baby?” His tone scared her, so somber.

  “Nothing. I just really need you.”

  “I’m yours,” she whispered. She bent her knees, and his engorged flesh prodded at her entrance until he entered her in one deep thrust. For a few seconds, he remained motionless inside her, an unreadable expression on his face before he pulled back and plunged into her again, rocking his body in an upward motion so the base of his penis rubbed against her nub. She gasped and moved down to meet his thrusts, loving the way he always knew how to take her higher. His weight and the feel of him penetrating her made her feel dominated in a way she found totally arousing. A primal rhythm took over, and his tempo increased. She wrapped her legs around his hips and arched her back.

  “Harder, baby,” she gasped.

  He drove into her faster, harder. “I can’t wait,” he growled and reached a hand between them to rub her swollen clit and bring her with him.

  Her passion crested. She clutched him and rode the sensual waves of ecstasy. One more thrust and he followed, exploding inside her with a harsh groan of masculine satisfaction.

  He rolled over, taking her with him, and pulled her tight against his chest.

  So many emotions overwhelmed her, she thought she might cry.

  This is what it feels like to be with someone you really love. He had to feel the same. She couldn’t bear it if he didn’t.

  “I think you should stay here tonight. I don’t want you driving back in the dark.”

  “You just want to have your way with me again,” she murmured mischievously while inside she churned with excitement. If he hadn’t been holding her, she might have floated to the ceiling.

  “That too, which reminds me I need to feed you if we’re going to build up your stamina. What does a vegetarian eat for dinner?”

  * * * *

  Where am I? For a confused minute, she had no idea. A frisson of fear crawled up her spine before she relaxed under the comforting weight of Malcolm’s arm. He threw his leg over hers, and his warm breath kissed her bare shoulder. She sighed contentedly and snuggled back against his hard muscled body.

  Please don’t let me wake up.

  His voice rumbled in her ear. “You awake, doc?”


  He planted a tantalizing kiss on the back of her neck and squeezed her breast. “Are you awake now?”

  “Not quite yet.”

  “How ’bout now?” His morning erection prodded her bottom, prompting her to turn. “Stay right there. You’re not awake yet.” He held her still. “I’ll do all the work.”

  “Are you sure you’re up for this? You are older than me.” She rubbed her bottom against his rigid shaft. “Let me check.”

  “Do I have to prove myself again?” He tilted her hips to the side. “Bend your knees, sweetheart.”

  He cuddled up to her back, pulled her leg over his hips, and pushed inside her already moist folds.

  “Yes.” She stilled, drew a breath, and adjusted to his thick length inside her.

  “Okay, sweetheart?” He shifted behind her and thrust deeper.

  “More.” She bent forward and shifted back on his cock, and he moved his hand to her stomach to anchor her. Her pleasure mounted as his other hand fondled her breasts, and she moved against him, gripping his thigh. He teased her nipples into tight little peaks, and she sighed appreciatively. He felt so good inside her, filled her so completely. If only she could make it last. She wanted to wake up this way every morning. Erotic dreams would not be enough after this.

  He moved slow and easy, bringing her higher in small degrees. Her muscles clutched at him as he pulled out and eased back inside. With each rhythmic push, he drove deeper. Masculine sounds of encouragement and pleasure made her body quiver with desire. His sexual prowess excited her and made her want things she never thought about before. She would never want anyone else.

  Emotions overwhelmed her. She’d given him everything, her body and soul, but he still didn’t know she carried his child. If only he would say the magic words. She wanted him to know about the baby, but if he didn’t love her, how could he love their child?

  “I want you so much.”

  “I know, baby, you have me,” he whispered.


  “For now.” He sighed.

  It wasn’t enough. Hot tears threatened to spill, and she fought them back. She would take what she could get. He pressed a hand to the sensitive flesh over her pubic bone, making her shudder, and she forgot everything but the need building up inside. His thrusts became faster and he pressed harder. Her tension mounted, and she writhed frantically against his thighs. Her blood heated to the boiling point until she thought she would combust. Her climax hung just out of sight, teasing her with the promise of bliss. She reached for it, slipped her hand between her legs, and rubbed her distended lips gripping his cock. Moisture flowed, and she spread it around her sex and his.

  His ragged breath sounded in her ear as she rubbed her swollen clit. Warmth spread through her pussy and down her legs like hot lava flowing from the mouth of a volcano. Sensations flooded her—the smell of sex, a feeling of fullness, the wet sounds of their bodies slapping together interspersed with their moans of pleasure. Her excitement intensified. Pulsating spasms rocked her inner walls, and her muscles tightened and gripped his cock. He tensed behind her and dug his fingers into her hip. His thrusts became wilder and more frantic as she spiraled toward an orgasm.

  “Ahh…” Violent shudders took over the lower part of her body. Her climax barreled on track like a runaway railroad car, unstoppable. “Oh God, oh my God.” She shattered, lost in the intensity of her orgasm, only dimly aware
of his deep groan as his seed pulsed hot inside her.

  They stayed locked together while she trembled in his arms. When he loosened his hold, she twisted in his arms, wrapped herself around him, and covered his face with kisses.

  “That good, huh?” He smiled and kissed her back.

  “You rocked my world.”

  “Doc, you’re driving me crazy.”

  “In a good way?”

  “Absolutely.” He pulled her into a deep kiss full of promise, and for a while, they lay quietly.



  “You never asked about my legs.”

  “You’ll tell me when you’re ready.” She tightened her arms around him. What difference did it make? She loved him.

  “How about a shower and breakfast?”

  “If you promise not to fool around.” It was one promise she wouldn’t make him keep.

  * * * *

  “Towels, soap, shampoo.” Malcolm pointed toward the glass shelves near the vanity. “There’re clean T-shirts in the top drawer of the dresser. Come down when you’re done. I’ll have breakfast ready.”

  “You forgot something.”

  He looked around perplexed. “What else do you need?”

  “You,” she said in a honey-sweet voice. “To wash my back.”

  “I thought you might need a break.”

  “No way. Baby, this is a two-person bathroom, and you need a shower as much as I do. Why let half of it go unused? Unless, of course, you need to rest.” She smiled devilishly, daring him to refuse. “I want to shower with you, wash your back, your hair, your legs.” She pushed the sweat pants over his hips. “Everything. You are my sex fantasy come to life. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed me drooling over you.”

  She made him irrationally happy. The longer he spent with her the more he drifted under her spell. Letting her go would tear his soul out. He vowed to make every minute count. “How can I refuse a drooling woman?” He kicked the sweats aside and turned on the shower.

  “This bathroom is bigger than my whole cabin. You could have a party in here.”

  “You’re the first person, besides me, to use it,” he admitted. “What’s that look?”


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