Call of the Wilds

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Call of the Wilds Page 12

by Неизвестный

  “I want to be the last,” she declared in deadly earnest.

  “I can pretty much guarantee it.” He’d never brought a woman home before, and there would be no one else after Karin. He grabbed her hand and pulled her in. “The water’s perfect.”


  He poured some shampoo on his hand and rubbed it into her scalp. “I don’t have peach. I hope you like Mountain Spring.” He worked the lather through the strands of her hair and she moaned in appreciation.

  “I’ll never use anything else.”

  “Lean your head back, sweetheart, so I can wash the shampoo off.”

  When he finished, she reached for the shampoo, but he stopped her. Before she could protest, he grabbed the shower gel and pulled her back against his chest so he could lather her breasts. He took his time, circling each pale globe until she squirmed against him. Her nipples, dark against the white suds, invited extra attention. She gasped and wilted in his arms when he slid a hand down over her belly and then between her thighs. The slippery feel of her inner flesh made his desire rise and his breathing unsteady.

  "I need the gel again, sweetheart?"

  She handed him the bottle and he drizzled a liberal amount over her curvy butt before handing it back. He cupped her mound with his left hand while his right slipped between the cheeks of her ass and pressed against her tight little rosebud. She leaned against him and whimpered.

  “That’s virgin territory.”

  “Sorry Doc, I wanted to go where no man has gone before.”

  She threw her head back and laughed.

  “Baby, I’m trying to seduce you, and you’re laughing at me.” “I’m sorry.” She turned, tried to look apologetic, and failed. He grinned at her.

  “You.” She tried to shove him, but he pulled her in for a wet, soapy kiss.

  Then he grabbed her wrists and placed her hands flat on the tile so he could kneel and lather her feet, calves, and thighs. He loved the way she responded to his every touch. His male ego filled with satisfaction, and his cock twitched in anticipation. He nipped the inside of her thigh and started to rise.

  Before he could stand, she put her hands on his shoulders to stop him. She stepped behind him, poured a little shampoo on his hair, and lathered it in. Her touch soothed, led him to close his eyes, lean his head back, and grow wistful. He imagined a tiny daughter who looked just like Karin, with straw-colored hair and mocha eyes. Then he damned himself for a fool. He should be glad he didn’t have to worry about a pregnancy. Karin wouldn’t want his child if she knew the truth. They were too different.

  At last, she rinsed his hair, and he stood. She took the soap, going to her knees in front of him, and spent a lot of time soaping his feet and calves, caressing each scar with her fingers. Working her way up his legs to his engorged cock, she slid her soapy hands up and down his length. He couldn’t help a groan when she kneaded his balls.

  She sighed throatily as she stood. “I thought a shower was supposed to cool you off.”

  “Not when you’re manhandling me.” He bent his head for a kiss and backed her up against the tiles. She leaned back, and he hooked her knee in the crook of his elbow and bent his knees for better access. He thrust up into her, spearing her on his rigid member.

  “Oh, God, that feels incredible.” She clung to him, letting him set the pace.

  The cascading warm water made him hotter as he drove into her. With each thrust, he rubbed against her clit. Their bodies collided in perfect rhythm until she bit his neck, and he went wild. His panting movements became more urgent, and she pulled him in with her leg. When she found her release, her cries set off a simultaneous explosion in him, and he abandoned himself to the pleasure of spilling himself inside her.

  He lowered her leg and held her, letting the water wash away the evidence of their lovemaking.

  “Good morning.” She smiled up at him from heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Yes,” he murmured and captured her mouth in a kiss that threatened to bruise her lips.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She felt so alone waking up in her cabin. It had only been a day since she saw him, but it was an empty, lifeless day, a preview of what it would be like without him in her life. She wanted him forever. She wanted him to know what he meant to her and what they had created together.

  Why hadn’t she told him? She felt a twinge of guilt thinking of all the missed opportunities. Stupidly, she kept putting it off, waiting to hear the words that never came.

  I love you.

  Damn it. She needed to hear them. Of course, she hadn’t said them either, but it had to be painfully obvious to him she wore her heart on her sleeve. He had to say it first. Childish? Maybe, but she had her reasons. If she told him she loved him and he didn’t feel the same, it would make things way too awkward between them. And, if he said it after she told him she was pregnant, she’d always think it was only because of the baby. On rare, precious occasions, she could feel the words on the tip of his tongue. So she kept waiting. Pretty soon she’d have to tell him anyway, but she still had a little time to work her way into his heart. She hadn’t been looking for this, but she didn’t regret any of it, even the baby—especially not the baby. She found it hard to concentrate on work.

  “Hey, doc.”

  Surprised, she turned away from her test tubes and smiled at him. “Hey, yourself.”

  His voice sent tremors through her. Just hearing his deep rumble made her juices flow and her pussy ache. He came up behind her, slipped his arms around her waist, and nuzzled her hair.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Screening the pack for brucellosis.” She sighed in frustration.

  “What’s that?”

  “A bacteria that causes cattle to abort. The ranchers think a rogue wolf on the loose could get it from eating infected elk and spread it around. It’s a waste of time. Wolves rarely get it. It’s just another scare tactic to spread more bullshit about the big bad wolf.”

  “Are you okay, doc?”

  “I am now. I missed you yesterday.” She turned for a kiss. Just his lips grazed hers, but desire flared, and her whole body thrummed with excitement. Already his proximity set her heart thundering. She inhaled his masculine scent, and familiar heat coursed through her body.

  “I had some work to finish, a table long overdue. I don’t get paid till it’s done, and I need the money for all the expensive lingerie I promised you.” He grinned down at her and squeezed her bottom.

  “Oh, you.” She put a hand on his chest to push him away, but he held on and ground his hips against hers. “I don’t even like those things.” The only gift she needed was his love.

  “But I do,” he said cheerfully. “As a matter of fact, I’m headed to town. Maybe I can find something sexy but easy on this curvy little ass.” His fingers kneaded her bottom, and her temperature rose a few more degrees.

  “Or you might have to pull out that first aid kit again,” she murmured, twining her arms around him. “Forget about town. You have more pressing business here.”

  “Uh uh. No can do,” he murmured into her neck.

  “What’s so important in town?”

  “I just need some supplies.” He looked away. “Did I tell you Ralf is running again?”

  “Forget the supplies. Pick them up tomorrow.”

  “I can’t.” He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck.

  She studied him through narrowed eyes. He couldn’t lie worth a damn. “So why are you really going into town?”

  “You’re relentless.” He sighed. “Quick Draw asked me to come in.”

  “Why?” An uneasy feeling crept over her.

  “He wants to ask me a few questions. It’s bullshit. He says he has a witness who saw me around the refuge the night the wolf disappeared.”

  “That’s ridiculous!”

  “Seems he doesn’t have the same high opinion of me that you do.” He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

e never said a word to me.” Determination eclipsed the hot anger surging through her. “I’m going with you.”

  “Like hell you are!” He lowered his voice. “The last thing I want is for you to get involved. Pretend I didn’t tell you. He has nothing on me. I’ll answer his questions, and it’ll be the end of it.”

  “Will you stop here on your way back?” she asked while her mind sifted through every possible ruse to keep him from leaving.

  “Yeah, it shouldn’t take long.”



  She walked to the door, locked it, and then stood in front of it.

  “What are you up to?” His gaze fixed on hers.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long,” she breathed. “This is the treatment room, and I need treatment—now.”

  “What have I done?” He chuckled. “I created a monster.”

  “Yes. You did. Now, are you going to take care of my problem or not?”

  “Come back here,” he said, a catch in his voice. “I think I have just what the doctor ordered.”

  As soon as she neared him, he grabbed her waist and sat her down on the counter. “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about Quick Draw dropping in. He’s waiting back at the lockup.”

  “And I’m waiting here.”

  “I’ve heard you should never keep a lady waiting.” He made short work of the buttons on her shirt and pushed down her bra so he could get at her breasts. They spilled over the top, sensitive and aching for his touch. He took them in his palms and rubbed circles around her nipples with his thumbs until the dusky tips puckered with desire.

  “I want to feel your mouth on me,” she demanded eagerly.

  He sucked one tender bud into his mouth, and his lips drew her nipple taut. His mouth felt so good, hot and wet. She couldn’t think straight. Each tug at her breast went straight to her core.

  “Please, baby.” She grabbed his hair and pushed her breast farther into his mouth.

  Gently, he bit her nipple, sending a shock of pleasure straight to her pussy and making her gasp in surprise. He caressed her other breast, rolling and tugging the nipple between his fingers. She whimpered in frustration when he stopped.

  “Jesus, doc, you make me so fucking hot.” He looked up at her, but she could hardly see him through the haze of lust clouding her vision. “Lift up.” He unzipped her jeans.

  She put her hands behind her, palms down on the counter, leaned her head back, and lifted her hips so he could pull her jeans off. He put his head in her lap, inhaling her. His breath warmed her thighs while the metal of the countertop chilled her bare ass. It excited her and made her frantic to have him everywhere at once, her breasts, her mouth, her pussy.

  He put his hands on her knees and pushed her legs apart, opening her to his scrutiny. A rush of moisture coated her thighs as his agile fingers petted her damp curls, and she hissed like a cat. Relentless, he stroked her until she was so aroused she could smell her own scent mixed with his. Her pussy throbbed, hot with anticipation.

  “You’re so wet, sweetheart.” He pushed one finger inside, then took it out and licked her juices off. “So ready for me.”

  “Are you ready, baby?” she whispered breathlessly, grabbing for the waistband of his jeans. A shudder ran through him when she unzipped them and slipped her hand inside. She squeezed his shaft, already hard and wet with pre-cum, and he groaned with pleasure. Together they shoved his jeans over his hips, and he moved between her legs. Whimpering, she scooted to the edge of the counter, and the head of his cock grazed her swollen folds.

  “Please, baby,” she begged. “I want you inside me.”

  “I don’t think you’re wet enough,” he murmured breathlessly. “Touch yourself.”

  Embarrassment made her face heat, but the bold words set her body on fire. She rubbed her mound and looked to him for approval, but his eyes fixed on her hands between her legs.

  “Tell me what you want,” he rasped, his voice rough with desire.

  “I want your cock inside me,” she moaned. “Fuck me, baby.”

  “Watch me, Karin. I want you to play with your breasts while you watch me fuck this sweet pussy.” His fingers tightened on her thighs.

  “Oh God.” She could barely think straight. Her eyes half closed, she leaned her forehead against his and pinched her nipples.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart. I want you to watch me bury my cock inside you.”

  She gripped his shoulders and forced her eyes open. His cock, red and weeping, poised at her entrance. Her eyes went wide as she watched him spread her nether lips with his thumbs and the swollen purple head disappeared inside her.

  “More, more.” She whined in frustration and urged him on, but he gripped her thighs and held her still.

  He gritted his teeth and pushed a little deeper. Their groans mingled, and his breathing got heavier. He slid inside slowly until he filled her completely and then gathered her close.

  She found his lips and kissed him deeply while he started to move inside her. Guttural sounds came out of her mouth. Heat built inside her, and she wrapped her legs around him. She couldn’t get close enough.

  He moved faster, his thrusts harder. Each grunt and moan sent her a little further over the edge. Sensation took her breath away, and waves of sexual pleasure hit her with hurricane force.

  “Hmm…feels so good.” Stars flickered behind her eyelids.

  Incoherent animalistic sounds came out of him while he pounded into her. He ground against her, and she exploded with great clenching spasms that gripped his cock like a fist. In an instant, his hot seed spilled into her, and he let out a harsh growl as his release crested. She collapsed against him, and he whispered little endearments in her ear.

  I love you. It echoed in her head, but she didn’t give voice to the words. She bit back her disappointment when he didn’t say them either.

  He held her face in her hands and kissed her wet and deep. His kiss said more than words. It would have to be enough for now. He cared. Some men had trouble voicing it. They just needed more time together. She held on to the kiss like it was their last.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she whispered into his mouth. She had a bad feeling about the trip into town. “I’m worried. What if you run into Jude?”

  “Sweetheart, I really need to get this over with. If I see Jude, I’ll ignore him.”


  “Cross my heart. Besides, what can he pull while I’m in the sheriff’s office?”

  “Just be careful. Come to my cabin later, and I’ll make you dinner.”

  “Tofu?” He laughed.

  “Steak, I plan to feed all your appetites.”

  “How can I refuse an offer like that?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The lockup was a cliché, a small town jail that looked like it belonged on a movie set. Even the nickname sounded like a hillbilly joke, but Frank took his job seriously. The people elected him, and he did his best to serve them. When he needed more deputies, he appointed them or borrowed from surrounding counties. In Black Wolf, he was the law, and he performed the sacred duty of protecting the citizens to the best of his ability. The people were afraid of predators, and he intended to clear their town of wolves and become the front-runner for mayor when the elections came up.

  Part of his plan included making Karin his wife. The mayor should be a family man. She’d almost ruined everything with her betrayal. He’d make sure she behaved herself once they were married. One thing stood in his way. If word got out about Karin and her boyfriend, he’d look like a cuckolded fool.

  It was way past time to get rid of Connor, and he had the perfect plan. He and Glenn would kill two birds with one stone—the wolf and Karin’s lover. With Connor out of the picture, he and Karin could get on with their lives. As his wife, she’d gain new status in town. He’d get her a nice house to take care of and fill her belly with his kids. She needed a passel of kids to take care of, not a bunch of
damn wolves.

  He’d given Trudy a day off. When he heard the door open, he went to greet his visitor.

  “Have a seat.” He ushered Connor into his private office behind the reception area and shut the door.

  “What’s this all about, sheriff?”

  “It’s just a friendly conversation, off the record.” Frank took a bottle of scotch from a cabinet behind his desk and held it up. “How about a drink first?”

  Malcolm looked at him dubiously and then shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

  “Good.” He took out two tumblers and set them on his desk. “Water?”

  Malcolm shook his head, and Frank poured four fingers into a tumbler. “Yeah, you don’t want to ruin good scotch with water.” He handed it to Malcolm and poured some for himself.

  Frank admired the rich amber color of the sixteen-year-old single malt whiskey. “This bottle cost sixty dollars. I saved it for a special occasion.” The peat smell tickled his nose. Sweet, smoky, and perfect to hide the drug he had slipped into Malcolm’s glass.

  “Are we celebrating my arrest?” Malcolm asked warily.

  “No.” He took a large swallow of his drink. “I’m hoping you might be able to shed some light on this missing wolf. Help me out here.”

  “What could you possibly want from me?” Malcolm stared at him, a skeptical look on his face.

  “This whole business with the wolf has been a thorn in my side. I’d like to be able to tell folks what really happened to her, put their minds at ease. I’ll be honest with you. I’m not sorry to see the wolf gone. If you had something to do with it, I might be willing to overlook it.”

  “I didn’t.” Malcolm looked him in the eyes and emptied his glass.

  “Well, somebody says you did, and I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t check it out.”


  “It’s privileged information.”

  “Then I think we’re done here.”

  He hauled himself out of the chair. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead, and he sat back down heavily.

  “I don’t see…” The words slurred and stuttered over his tongue. His head nodded like a bobble head doll. He put his palms on the arms of the chair and tried to get up again, but he slumped back in his seat, limbs askew.


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