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Unspoken Endings

Page 23

by Gabbie S. Duran

  Abigail lifts her hips, urging me to enter her and I no longer have the willpower to resist. Entering in one hard thrust, my dick is surrounded by the warmth of her walls; the one place it’s been waiting to be in for the last three weeks. As much as I want to rapidly pound in and out of her, I force myself to slow down, needing to savor every second of making love to her. The last thing I want to do is come so fast inside of Abigail that she believes I was a greedy bastard just wanting to fuck her. No, I don’t want Abigail thinking sex is all I ever want from her. It’s not. What I crave is her touch… her presence next to me… her soul. That’s what I look forward to when I wake up each morning next to her and at the end of the night as I fall asleep in her arms.

  Her whimpers turn desperate. Her nails dig harder into my back as she holds onto my body. With her legs tightly wrapped around my thighs, she’s urging me closer to her, her hips moving in an equal rhythm to my plunging.

  “More, Matt. Oh God, Yes!” she screams as I push deeper inside of her. My lips slam down onto hers to kiss her as I obey her command and increase my speed to push us both over the edge. It’s been so long I can’t hold out any longer and I can feel by balls tightening up, ready to release inside of her.

  “Please tell me you’re close, beautiful. I’m about to finish,” I warn her. Her moans become louder and the walls of her core are tightening around my shaft, as if answering my question. With a couple more thrusts, she’s screaming my name and squeezing every ounce of come out of me as I explode inside of her. For a split second my world darkens and spins out of control as every muscle in my body stiffens with my release.

  When I’ve released the last of myself inside Abigail, I slowly bring my body to a standstill, both our chests rising and falling as we attempt to catch our breath. My heart is racing out of control as it pounds against my chest and I look down into Abigail’s beautiful face. I see her slowly opening her eyes with a smile, leaving me more breathless than I already am.

  Pushing the hair from her face to better see her, I say, “I love you, beautiful.” She reaches up and places her palm on my face in return.

  “I love you, more.” A smile radiates from her lips as she reaches up and kisses me.

  When I pull my lips from her to end the kiss, the smile I was returning to her turns into a frown when I hear a knock at the door. I don’t need to ask who it is because regardless of who’s knocking, it’s a reminder that Abigail has to leave.

  Reluctantly pulling away from Abigail, I wrap myself in our bed sheet as she rushes to the bathroom. When I open the door, I see Julio standing at it.

  “I’ll let the car know to give you guys a couple more minutes to say goodbye,” he says before turning to walk away.

  After shutting the door, I walk over to the bathroom and join Abigail in the shower. The entire time it’s spent in silence as we quickly wash each other. When we’re both dressed again, I help her carry her luggage out to the living room, handing it over to Julio to take out to the car.

  I’m about to walk Abigail out when she stops me and says, “Do you mind staying inside? I have to keep telling myself it’s a quick photo shoot in order to be able to walk away from you,” she explains.

  Understanding how hard this is on her because it’s just as hard on me, I give her a nod in agreement. Although I’ve agreed to stay behind, I’m still full of anguish as I watch Julio follow her out to the car. When the front door shuts behind them, I stand in the middle of my foyer, alone, with only my agony to keep me company.

  IT FEELS LIKE déjà vu all over again, but this time Matt isn’t standing at the end of the driveway to watch me leave. I didn’t allow him this time. It was hard enough the first time when I’d left for New York. This time would have torn me completely to pieces.

  The drive to the airport is a blur as the scenery outside the car speeds past me. Instead of allowing myself to wallow in the agony of my heartache, I keep repeating the memory of what Matt and I shared before I’d left. It’s the only thing keeping me from breaking down. Four days, three nights, ninety-six hours. That’s all I have left until I’m back in Matt’s arms. I can make it. It will be over before I know it, I keep telling myself. The hardest part of that equation is the day after tomorrow, one of the most important days of that calculation.

  An hour later, I’m sitting next to Julio in the airport terminal counting the minutes that go by until it’s time to board my plane. I’m staring at my phone debating whether I should call Matt. In my heart, I’m craving the sound of his voice, but I’m afraid the moment I hear him on the line my heart will return to the dreadful ache of his loss from my side.

  No longer resisting my temptation, I start pounding away at my screen and soon I hear Matt answering, “Hi, beautiful.” The words alone make me light up.

  “God, I miss you already,” I quietly say to him.

  “I missed you the moment you walked out the door.”

  “How much longer until I get to see you again?” I ask in a teasing tone, but my heart is far from wanting to laugh.

  We spend the next couple of minutes discussing the difference in the time zones, trying to coordinate our next phone call. It isn’t long before they are announcing my boarding call and my heart sinks knowing I have to end the phone call. Since I’m flying the first part of the trip as a first class passenger, they are announcing for me to board first.

  With one final I love you for the day, I dreadfully push the red button on the screen, already missing his voice. With a heavy sigh, I look over to Julio as he walks by my side to the entrance of the terminal. As he usually does in these situations, his pain stricken eyes are looking back at me. With heavy steps, I lead the way up to the plane and we take our seats.

  The flight attendant is ordering everyone to buckle up in preparation for takeoff. She briskly walks right by me when my phone starts ringing to the lyrics of I’m Sexy and I know It, and my eyes roll as far back as they can go. Retrieving it from my purse, I see Trey’s face staring back at me I ask myself why I ever allowed him to handle my phone. Remembering, I let out a sigh. He’d changed his ringtone the day shit hit the fan with the media and I let him use it to contact everyone. The flight attendant has already returned to my aisle, piercing me with a glare as I lift the phone to answer.

  “Ma’am, all devices need to be turned off. We’re taking off shortly.” I nod to acknowledge that I’ve heard her as I say, “Hello,” into it. My gut is telling me to take this call. She isn’t too happy with my raised finger asking for a second.

  “Have you gotten on the plane?” Trey asks, sounding breathless, as if he’s been running.

  “Yes, I’m on it now. Why?” For some odd reason I hold my breath as I wait for him to answer.

  “Get off it, now!” he shouts into the phone.

  Puzzled, yet still silent since he didn’t give me an answer, I frantically ask, “What’s going on?” My heart is now beating out of control as I fear something has happened to Matt. “Trey answer me!” I demand. Time freezes and it feels like an eternity while I wait for his response.

  “You don’t have to go, supermodel. I found a way for you to get out of doing the show,” he breathlessly replies, sounding as if he’s running.

  “Are you sure?” I doubtfully ask.

  “Yes. I’m here at the airport to pick you up. I came as soon as I found out.” The sound of the airport announcements can be overhead through the phone.

  I’m still sitting in my seat with my breath still stolen from my lungs as I stare at the seat in front of me in a daze, trying to register his words.

  “Abigail?” Julio’s thick accent at my side brings me back from my trance. Looking around, I see them already shutting the door to the plane, making me jump up from my seat.

  “Stop!” I shout over to the flight attendant at the door. The flight attendant at my side and the one I’m shouting at are looking at me as if I’ve lost my mind, as is Julio.

  “Ma’am, you need to take your seat. We’re about
to take off,” she insists.

  At this point, I’m tugging at Julio to stand up. “We’re getting off!” I shout. He looks perplexed by my order, but slowly stands. Shoving at him, he finally starts to move towards the exit.

  “Ma’am, once you exit the plane, you won’t be able to come back on.”

  “I won’t need to get back on,” I say, urging Julio to move faster.

  “Abigail, what’s going on?” he worriedly asks, already reaching for our carry-on bags overhead.

  I don’t immediately answer as I urge him to hand me my bag so we can get off the plane. The few passengers we pass on the way out are looking at me as if I’m crazy. Stepping into the terminal gate, my heart is uncontrollably racing and my mind is in a whirlwind of emotions; the most powerful being excitement.

  “Abigail, are you sure this is a good idea?” Julio continues to interrogate from my side as we briskly walk out to the departure area.

  “I don’t know, but there’s no going back now,” I reply, watching from the window as the plane starts pulling back on the runway. For some odd reason, knowing I’m not on the plane feels as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders.

  Remembering Trey said he was at the airport, I quickly turn to head towards the main entrance, practically jogging to get there. When I see Trey anxiously waiting amongst a crowd of people, I’ve never been happier to see him in my life.

  When he sees me rushing towards him, he has the widest smile I’ve ever seen on Trey. His head is already nodding with enthusiasm when he says, “I can’t wait to get you home. Matt is going to shit a brick when he sees you.” His words make me laugh. It’s so typical of Trey to always find a way to do so.

  “How did you get me out of the contract?” I enthusiastically ask.

  With a shake of his head, he replies, “I’ll tell you on the way home. Let’s go, traffic is a bitch right now.”

  My steps cannot be quick enough to get me back to Trey’s Jeep. The minute we’re enclosed inside, I’m already grilling him for details. With a light chuckle, he starts to explain.

  “They fucked up by stating weeks on a contract that was dated when signed,” he states. I’m still confused by what this means and he sees it on my face. “In the contract it states you were to spend one week in New York and the next two weeks finalizing the show in Paris,” he emphasizes. “You see? They fucked up by not specifying the length of the contract. I didn’t realize that at first because it never occurred to me. I know, rookie manager mistake,” he states holding his hand up. “I’ve learned my lesson. Had I caught that from the beginning we wouldn’t have had to go through the headaches we went through. Anyway, that’s how I was able to get you out.”

  “Are you sure?” I hesitantly ask, although I’m beaming from head to toe from his explanation.

  He nods his head. “I’m sure. Like I said, I spoke to one of the law professors at the school who happens to have a brother who specializes in entertainment law. By the way, he’s your new lawyer in all this shit,” he clarifies. “We called him on the spot and he’s already issuing the paperwork needed to counteract the shit their lawyer sent you. He’s assured me you’re no longer obligated to satisfy the contract and he’s also going to hit them with charges for them making you do all that last minute shit that wasn’t in the contract. If they want a fight, we’re ready for them this time.”

  “I told you we should have hired a lawyer from the beginning?” I utter at our stupidity.

  “Like I said, a rookie mistake that I won’t be making again,” he repeats in his defense.

  “We had a lot of shit going on these past couple of days with them threatening you, Abigail. Between you and Matt bickering the entire week and me trying to figure out how to get you out of this, I’m surprised my head hasn’t exploded. This shit is making me rethink my five percent only salary,” he smugly says, making me laugh at his response. “I’m pretty sure big boy here gets paid more than I do,” he adds, hitching his finger towards the back seat.

  “I’m on salary, it’s not the same,” Julio throws back at him with a hint of amusement.

  “Well, that sucks,” Trey, replies.

  I roll my eyes at their playful bickering. When Trey turns onto our street and into our driveway, my heart feels as if it’s ready to explode from the thought of seeing Matt again so soon. Trey hasn’t even turned the Jeep off before I’m swinging the door open and climbing out of the Jeep. I practically run to the front door and rush inside. Matt is sitting on the couch playing video games when I enter. When he turns to see me, he stands and his face goes pale as if he’s seen a ghost. I catapult myself into his arms and he catches me, but loses his balance and stumbles back down to sit on the couch. We’re both laughing into each other’s mouth as we kiss.

  I’m still giggling against his mouth when he says, “Damn, that was the fastest week ever,” making me laugh harder.

  “Yes, it was,” I playfully play along, kissing him again. He pulls away after the kiss, stunned as he looks at me.

  “As happy as I am to see you, why are you back so soon?” he asks, and I give a playful pout from the question. “Not that I’m complaining,” he quickly adds.

  “Trey found a way to get me out of the contract,” I burst out with excitement. For a moment, Matt looks shocked, but just as quickly turns to Trey.

  “How did you manage that?”

  For the next half hour, Trey is forced to explain everything all over again, but this time I happily listen as I sit on Matt’s lap, tucked against his chest. His arms have been tightly wrapped around me as if he’s afraid of letting me go. Last night’s lack of sleep has already caught up to me and with the rumble of Matt’s deep voice vibrating against my ear, I’m soon falling asleep. This time, though, I’m falling asleep with a smile on my face, something I haven’t been able to do since the day I found out about the show.

  “ARE YOU SURE there is absolutely no way Abigail is going to get in trouble for not being on that plane right now?” I quietly repeat, hoping Trey has heard me. I’m trying not to raise my voice since I know Abigail has fallen asleep. Her warm breath against my neck has slowed and her body is lax in my arms. I’m happy she’s finally sleeping. She’s been restless at night for the past week and it was affecting me as well since it would constantly wake me.

  “Dude, I told you, I’ve got it taken care of. Abigail has a lawyer now and if those fuckers want a fight, we’re giving them one.”

  His statement doesn’t leave me convinced, but now that I have Abigail in my arms, I’m reluctant to let her go. So my only choice is to believe him.

  “This better not blow up in her face,” I say, knowing how upset Abigail will be if the media got ahold of this story. Since the day I met her, she’s always avoided being in the spotlight unless it was required for a job. If this got messy with lawyers, she’d be talked about for months, and it’s not the type of publicity she needs. “I don’t know, man,” I say, still doubtful as I stare off into the backyard.

  “Look, Matt,” Trey sternly says to catch my attention. Snapping my head to look at him, he’s already continuing. “I know what I’m doing. Trust me. I may be new to this shit, but I’m not stupid. It’s her career on the line and without it, I don’t get paid. I wouldn’t be doing this if I knew it would blow up in our faces,” he conveys.

  “Plus, I know how much she wants to be there tomorrow. How we all want her to be there tomorrow. It’s the reason why I never gave up,” he admits.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, understanding why this past week he’s been acting like an asshole half the time. He was just as frustrated from dealing with the situation as Abigail.

  “No problem,” he answers with a light smile. “Just don’t expect me to buy you a graduation present now, fucker.”

  My response is laced with humor. “You didn’t have to buy me anything. A blowjob would have been just fine,” I reply.

  He perks up. “Is that what you’re giving me?”

  We both bust up laughing, making Abigail stir in my arms. We freeze, our laughter immediately dying in fear we’ve awoken her. Rubbing my hand up and down her back to soothe her back to sleep, my eyes look towards Trey as he stands.

  “Thanks, man,” I repeat, watching him curtly nod and head in the direction of his room. Sitting on the couch, I think to myself how much I’ve missed my playful bantering with Trey. He never fails to make me laugh during the worst situations.

  Kissing Abigail on the temple while I continue to hold her, my eyes wander off to stare out into the air ahead of me. With a smile on my face, and happier than I’ve felt in days, I think of how much I’m actually looking forward to graduating now. Something I haven’t felt in the past year.

  MATT STEPS UP behind me and starts nuzzling my ear. Soon he’s trailing warm kisses across my neck, making me giggle from how his light stubble is tickling my skin.

  “Matt, stop it!” I say. He stops, but soon my neck is being bitten on, making me laugh. “I’m going to cut myself if you keep tickling me,” I lecture him.

  He lifts his face from my neck and releases a heavy sigh.

  “Why are you doing all this? David and Trey’s mom’s already said they’d help chop everything when they get here,” he reminds me.

  Ignoring his protest, I keep chopping. “I know, but I just feel bad for making them do anything at all. I’m almost done anyway,” I state, placing the last vegetable on the cutting board. Matt’s chin is now resting on my shoulder as I finish and transfer the chopped pieces to a container. Closing it up, I hand it to Matt.

  “Here, make yourself useful and put it in the fridge,” I order.

  He snickers, but takes it from my hands while I begin cleaning the counter. The last thing I want is the house to look like a mess when everyone arrives.

  “What the hell, beautiful? Is this why you came to bed late?” he asks, referring to the full fridge. I had indeed stayed up late preparing everything for today. My body is exhausted and ready to collapse from being sleep deprived, but I’d gone back on my word of allowing the parents to help and done it all myself. The original plan was because I’d thought I wasn’t going to be here for the celebration, but now I felt responsible to do everything since it was at our house.


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