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Love, Lies and Shattered Hearts

Page 11

by Carol May

  “Oh, I am thinking long and hard. I can guarantee that.” Giving just a minute for my little comment to be absorbed, with just a hint of laughter I say, “Alright, I confess I know you directed me to call you by your first name. If you will think back to just a few minutes ago with Ms. Manderville, I called you by your first name. It just didn’t feel right. Not to mention, it is just unprofessional of me.”

  “What is unprofessional, Ms. Jensen, is you not doing what I want. I seem to recall a conversation I had with a beautiful woman last night about the merits of keeping me happy.”

  Exhaling deeply, as I turn my head away from those eyes, (I am beginning to think that I am an eye woman and not a hair one. Mid-west is smiling, nodding and mouthing told you so.) I softly say, “Something tells me, you have no problems finding a woman that is willing to keep you happy, Blaine.”

  As he is turning back to the steering wheel, I hear “Better, much better. Lean back, enjoy what I believe is just a short little ride to the air strip.”

  Oh, I could enjoy the ride but somehow I doubt it would be little or that it would be short. I hear Blaine laugh just a little while I close my eyes and think, Oh Lord please don’t let me have said that out loud. I can’t wait until I can get out of this car. Just as the tension is building between us we arrive. I see most of the participants are suited up and ready to go.

  “Thank goodness!”

  Lana meets me at the car. She is all wide eyed and looking between me and Blaine. “Ok, next time I am going to send the van on and “catch a ride.”

  Just as the last group is boarding the plane, Blaine leans over and says something to Lana. She turns, looks at me, nods her head and laughs.

  Great, just great I wonder what he said. As the plane takes off, Lana comes over with a small blush and a message from Blaine. “Ah, Charli, Mr. Carlton wanted me tell to you and I quote, “that is a ride I can’t wait for”.

  Oh my God, I said it out loud. Wait a minute, “Why are you calling him Mr. Carlton?”

  Putting her hand on her chin, she looks at me like I have lost it finally saying. “Because, that’s his name.”

  “Lana, didn’t he ask you to call him Blaine?”

  “No, he most certainly did not but if he did that is what I would call him. Why? Charli, did he ask you to call him Blaine?”

  “Yes and no. He didn’t ask me, he told me. Then on the way here, he got just a tad upset when I called him Mr. Carlton.”

  “Oh. So at what point did the gorgeous multi-billionaire tell you to call him Blaine?”

  Turning to look at her, I smile and say, “When we were dancing last night.”

  Rolling her eyes at me, she uses her snarky tone to say, “Oh when he had you pressed up against him that makes me melt just thinking about it.”

  I can feel my face turning about ten different shades of red.

  Just as the plane takes off my phone not only vibrates but starts ringing. I see Joan’s name. After hanging up, I explain to Lana that there has been a little snafu back at J. Elliot’s house and I am going to head back with the first group. I know exactly what she is thinking, that I am a chicken. That I am running off. Well, that isn’t the case since Joan called me and not her. I suppose she thinks I should come back and handle it.

  Chapter 19

  Just as I am getting ready for bed, I hear a knock on my door. What is up with these people? Don’t they know Lana can handle minor emergencies, too. I open my door and to my surprise find the last person I would ever expect. “Clea is something wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she says as she storms into my room.

  “Well, come on in and tell me what I can do for you.”

  “What you can do, is find me a car and a driver and get me out of this place. The next thing you can do, is keep your big old and yes I do mean old eyes off of Blaine. Do you think, I don’t know what you are up to?”

  “Ah, Clea I have no idea what you are talking about. Believe me the last thing I would ever do is attempt anything with a guest especially a guest that is obviously involved with someone.”

  She is looking at me with plain old crazy in her eyes as my Nonie would have said. I just stand here in my pajamas listening as she continues to speak. (Somewhere in the back of my mind, I can hear that tiny inner voice of mine speaking in a calm voice, “I think she is going to go redneck ballistic. Prepare.”)

  Clea continues talking but is now pointing and waving her finger, “Let me tell you one thing, I have figured out. Now I know why Blaine has been spending so much time in Miami. You might think you have him but let me tell you something he will come back to me when he is tired of you. Now, get me a car. I am leaving this place. I can’t believe I ever let him talk me into coming to this God forsaken little event. I could have been at several important real events. I could be in London this weekend or wait was it Rome? Anywhere besides here is exactly where I want to be.”

  This woman is three sheets of crazy. I look at her straight in the eye and say, “What the hell, Clea? I am not your personal servant.”

  Before I can tell her that I have absolutely no idea as to what she is talking about, she turns and stalks off. Giving into the amount of crazy I just witnessed, I head to the house to make her arrangements. Moving up the path, I quickly reach a decision that I will definitely have no problem telling J. Elliot that I am not a personal travel agent for his guests and should they want to leave his event unscheduled then he should be prepared to find transportation for them. Ah, but that will have to wait till in the morning, I mutter to myself as I walk back up the well-lit pathway to the main house.

  Chapter 20

  “Thank God that weekend is behind us. How about we get together in about ten minutes to compare notes about the event. Let’s evaluate it. Sort of see where we stand. I thought we’d pull Joan in also since she was “in the field” this weekend as well.”

  There she goes with those air quotes again. I bite my tongue, saying nothing. I can only imagine how my little quirks bother her. Nodding my agreement, all I can say at this point is, “I know it was a really tough event and weekend Lana but it was worth it.”

  With a huge smile on her face she continues with, “Yes, it was and we’ve already had two calls this morning from possible clients that were there this weekend. One of them is from Blaine Carlton. I believe you should be the one to handle that account even though I wouldn’t mind “handling” him myself.”

  “Oh Lana, you make me laugh. Blaine Carlton is a nice, albeit, good looking, man that is only interested in business. He hasn’t said or done anything out of line or to make me think otherwise.”

  Crossing her arms, she looks as me with her you’ve got to be kidding me look and says, “Charli, do you think that “message” I delivered to you has slipped my mind?”

  “No, I don’t think it has slipped that steel trap that never lets anything get away from you. I will contact his office later today.”

  “Joan please get Mr. Carlton at his Miami office on the line.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Charli, Mr. Carlton is out of the office today. He is conducting meetings on his yacht and has left instructions that he is not to be disturbed unless it is a matter of national security. The person I spoke with assured me she would put returning your call on his agenda for tomorrow.”

  The next thing I know, Lana is standing inside my door saying, “Good night, Charli see you tomorrow.”


  “I said goodnight, I have a life you know. I am going home.”

  Lana, what do you mean good night?”

  Looking up at her, I realize it is after eight. It has been a long day following a difficult but successful weekend. Rarely, do I think this but I am ready for this Monday to be over. “Just as soon as I get this proposal submitted I am out the door myself. See you tomorrow.” As she is walking out, I add, “I am glad you have a life. If it is juicy tonight, I expect a summary tomorrow. Tell Terry hello.”

  The only re
sponse I receive is a small laugh along with, "sure."

  I decide to order dinner before I leave. I’ll just swing by that Italian place I love since I really don’t have anything at the penthouse to eat. I know the service will have brought something but I don’t want it. I want something of my own choosing. Actually, I don’t have much at 303 period. I have no idea what I am going to do about the place. Right at this moment, it is going to have to wait. I am way too tired to even begin to ponder my living situation.

  I rub the back of my neck in an attempt to rid myself of the pain I am experiencing. Without a doubt there is a technical name for it but I simply call it computer neck. Right now, a nice quiet dinner, a drink, and a soak in a hot bubbly bath sounds wonderful. Closing the back door of our building, I notice a sleek, silver something parked by the SUV. I am not sure if I am more enthralled by the machine or the broad shoulders of the man that is sitting astride it. Smiling as I walk toward the pair of vehicles, I realize Blaine is doing something on his phone. Looking up from it, as I near him I regret I can’t see those blue eyes that make most women sigh. Darn sunglasses. Who am I kidding? I did just a little more than sigh when I first looked into them myself.

  Walking closer to him, I ask, “What is that thing?” as I point to the strangest motorcycle I have ever seen.

  Smiling as if he was a new father, he answers, “This beast is the D. Superbike.”

  “I have never seen anything like it.”

  Flashing me a devilish grin, he quickly snaps back with, “Me or the bike? I must confess both of us are rare.”

  Rolling my eyes just a tad, my response comes just as swiftly, “Of that I have no doubt. Mr. Carlton. No doubt at all.”

  Running his hand across the top of the silver metal frame, he continues “This fine piece of craftsmanship is nothing but raw power. She registers at 420 miles per hour but I can safely say that even though I am somewhat of a dare devil myself that is not something I plan on ever testing. There are only seven others in the world similar to her. None of the eight are identical. Each has some type of special identifying marker for the owner.”

  I can’t resist smiling when I respond, “Did I hear you call this superbike a she?”

  With a slight lift of his eyebrow, he rapidly shoots back, “Yes. When I am on top of her I can feel her come to life almost begging me to push her to her limits.”

  Attempting to maintain my composure, I swallow deeply then manage an “Oh.”

  Continuing on as if he has no idea what he is alluding to Blaine says, “I haven’t had her between my legs in quite some time. Realizing my schedule was clear for the later part of the afternoon I thought there was a possibility that you might still be working. Since it is my good fortune that you are indeed here, what do you say to dining with me? This would give us an opportunity to discuss the events of this past weekend. I feel as if I owe you a bit of an apology for Clea and her actions. She sometimes goes over the top, especially when she gets just a little jealous.”

  I can’t help but smile at him as I say, A little bit? If that is what you call a little bit then I definitely do not want to experience your idea of full blown over the top. Thank you very much.”

  Flashing that million dollar smile of his, he hands me a helmet. Standing there, I just look from the helmet to him. “What do you expect me to do with this?”

  Raising his eyebrow just a hint, he looks at me as if I have asked a foolish question. I’m waiting for an answer as patiently as I possibly can. Ok this might be what some call a Mexican standoff. Finally, he breaks the silence between us, “Just put the helmet on, Charli. We both know you are going to eventually. It will save us time if you simply comply.”

  My left hand automatically flies to my hip, while the right one takes it place in the air and begins moving as I speak. “Really? You think just because you told me to, I am going to just blindly follow your directions.” With a little laugh, I continue, “Oh, you so do not know me. Let me share a little something with you. I am not one of those women that simply complies with what a man wants.”

  Looking down at the helmet that is still in my hands, I hand it back to him which actually surprises both of us. With a flirty little smile, I say, “I appreciate the offer to ride on your... superbike but I think I’ll have to pass.” I turn and walk to the McCann.

  As I glance back over my shoulder I find him sitting on the bike with a stunned look on his face. I have a feeling that this is one of the few times that a woman has turned him down.

  As I reach for the door handle, a white SUV pulls into the parking lot with two occupants. The front passenger door opens, the fiercest human I have ever seen steps out. I don’t really know what to do, jump in my vehicle or stand frozen hoping he doesn’t notice me. I thought this was a decent neighborhood but the only word I can think of is thug.

  “Max, always on time,” Blaine says as he looks down at his watch.

  “If I may say so Sir, it’s what you pay me for.”

  Looking over at me, Blaine continues smiling, “Max, what do you think about someone that turns down a ride on my Superbike.”

  This Max person turns an icy glare toward me. Looking at Blaine, I lift my sunglasses that I have been hiding behind all this time then say, “You must be crazy. I am not getting on that thing with you. There is no way it can be safe.” Shaking my head, I continue speaking Max or no Max. “I will take my own car thank you very much.”

  Giving me a tsk, tsk Blaine repeats my name as he shakes his head, “Charli, Charli I really hate to burst your bubble but that isn’t a car you are standing beside. That is considered a SUV. If I remember correctly, the Macon is touted as driving like a sports car but it is still a SUV.

  Rolling my eyes, giving him a little head shake and a finger wave to top it off I look at him saying, “Does it really matter if it is a SUV or a car? I can call it whatever I so choose. Thank you very much! Now if you'll excuse me I ordered carryout from That Little Italian Place. I have no doubt it is waiting on me.”

  With a nod of his head, Blaine looks at me as if I have convinced him that I am not going with him. Continuing to look my way our eyes are now locked when he says, “Max will be happy to pick up your food. He can leave it at your place when he drops your SUV off. Right Max?”

  “Whatever you say, Sir.”

  “Good, your food is taken care of. Now please give him your keys and we can be on our way. We are losing time with this discussion. You will soon come to understand that I hate waiting.” Looking at me but raising his hand to point to the goliath he calls Max and then to himself Blaine continues, “We understand you are coming with me for a ride. Why do you not understand that?”

  I simply shake my head in confusion. I am not sure I want to give in so easily. That little stubborn inner voice of mine that randomly speaks to me is choosing this moment to question what I just heard. “Surely I misunderstood what he just said. Did I actually hear him attempt to dictate to me what I am going to do?” Taking a small breath to control that line of thinking, I stand looking at him as if he has simply grown another head. Before I can reply, he continues on saying, “You are trying my patience. Charli let’s get this clear, I will tell you this one more time and that will be the last time. We are going to discuss the events of the previous weekend over a meal. Following the meal, I will ensure you are home safe and sound.”

  I open my mouth to speak but Blaine holds his hand up stopping me. As he continues, “You will have your carry out another time. It just so happens I have us a reservation at Parsons but since you had Italian ordered, I believe we can find another eatery if Parsons doesn’t interest you.

  For a milla-second I ponder the situation I have found myself in. What woman of a sound mind would or could resist the gorgeous man that is before me? The amount of sex appeal that seems to be oozing from him sways my decision. Holding my hands up I say, “Alright, I surrender. I will get on your Superbike but before I do I want to tell you Parsons sounds good but since I ha
ve never actually been there only heard about it where we actually go doesn’t matter.” I move to Max, who looks like he might be the result of some type of growth experiment gone wrong, and hand him my keys. Pausing for just a second, I decide to have him take it to Lana’s house. I give him her address. With a confused look on his face he asks, “Is this your main set of keys, Ms. Jensen?”

  As I look up at him, I think I would really like to see him in the McCann. It would almost be comical. Smiling at my own private little joke, I answer him “No, that is actually my spare set. I keep my main set in my bag.”

  Nodding his head, Max looks from Blaine to me then says, “Pardon me for asking Ms. Jensen but wouldn’t you prefer your car be delivered to Dade 303?”

  Swallowing deeply, I look at him saying, “So you know where I live?” I have absolutely no idea what the big guy is thinking since his face is completely emotionless. I know I am a little confused.

  Nodding his head, he answers, “Yes, Ma’am I know your place of residence.”

  I look to Blaine, who’s giving me a look that seems to be questioning me. I watch as he lifts his eyes over my head to meet Max’s. This is just a little strange not to mention awkward. I throw my hands up once again saying, “Jeez, ok, ok. Take it to 303.” I not only hand Max my keys but I give him my beige bag.

  Deep down some small part of me admits, I can’t wait to have Blaine between my legs.

  Blaine hands me the helmet back as he explains, “I presume you have medical insurance and are over the age of twenty-one but I prefer to wear helmets when I have a rider with me. Especially on this bad boy.” Pointing to the helmet he all but commands me when he says, “Put that on.”

  From what I have witnessed, Blaine Carlton is a man that is always in control. Since I have agreed to go with him, that little inner voice of mine admits that it does feel good to have someone taking charge even if it is just for a few minutes. Twisting my hair up into a messy bun so it will fit under the helmet, I begin to strap it on when Blaine takes it upon himself to assist me in this endeavor. As he places himself on the machine, I throw my leg over straddling it and settling in snuggly behind Blaine. I am thankful that I went with a pair of coral pants along with this navy and beige blouse. The heels might be a problem but we’ll see. I expect this superbike of his to be loud but not wake the dead loud. I’m not sure it is really loud or if it is the sound of pure raw power. I should have known it would be powerful. As we move, our bodies are practically melted together because of the way we both must lean forward. Holy cow, the amount of power I have between my legs is un-describable. I am just a little shocked when he hit Interstate 95. Closing my eyes, I have some idea as to where we are going. How could that be possible that he would take me out to The Gardens?


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