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Pirateless in the Caribbean

Page 5

by Jill Jaynes

  That piqued her interest. Hot looks and college educated. She could do worse for a vacation fling.

  At some point she realized her guard—usually so carefully maintained—had been down for quite some time. Rick was so easy to talk to, funny and warm and well read, although he clearly had a talent for asking more questions than he answered.

  He dug in a little bit when she talked about why she'd gone into law as a career and how she competed with her brothers.

  "Are you really happy? Would you have chosen law if your brothers weren't lawyers too?"

  Not caring to look too closely at the doubt that niggled at the back of her mind at his words, she brushed off the question with a flippant, "Of course."

  A doubt that, come to think of it, wasn't a new one.

  "No more talk about work," she told him, surprising herself. When was the last time she wasn't all about work? "Today I only want to think about today. Right here, right now. You and me."

  "The customer's always right," Rick said with a grin. "Especially when they're right."

  When they got hungry, Rick broke out some sandwiches and some of the sodas he'd tucked away in the bench seat ice chest.

  "This is sure the life," Stephanie sighed after she'd made short work of her lunch, her appetite sharpened by the fresh air and sunshine. Every sense satisfied, she rested on a bench, letting the motion of the boat lull her into an even more relaxed state.

  Well, almost every sense was satisfied. She stole a glance at Rick, and indulged in admiring him for about the twentieth time in the last hour. She'd decided a while ago that he was about the prettiest thing she'd come across in a long, long while. Why not do more than just look? the little voice whispered, likely emboldened by Ruby's endorsement.

  I'm thinking. Boy, am I thinking, she whispered back.

  Tall and lean, he balanced easily at the wheel, completely at home and in control. He was muscular in all the right places, his forearms dusted with hair tinted golden by the sun. Tendrils of golden brown hair blew around his face, worked loose from his ponytail. She wasn't usually much for facial hair, but there was something irresistible about the way his beard both defined the line of his jaw and softened it at the same time. She wondered what his hair looked like unbound, how wavy or straight it was. With those compelling sea-green eyes he could have been a cover model for GQ.

  Their glances tangled every now and then, and he left no doubt that he was watching her right back. Little currents of anticipation zinged through her with every look.

  White teeth flashed as he smiled over at her. Laughter danced in his eyes. "Want to steer?"

  "Thought you'd never ask."

  He lowered one arm from the wheel. "Slide right in." He took the merest half a step backward and gestured for her to step in front of him.

  She eyed him doubtfully for a moment. Well, this was going to be a cozy fit, wasn't it? He smiled down at her, holding his ground as she slid in front of him. She had no choice but to brush nearly the full length of her body against the full length of his in order to take her place. Then the boat bumped over a crest, throwing her fully back against him. She grabbed at the wheel.

  "I've got you." Rick took hold of the wheel with both hands again, capturing her between his arms to cradle her firmly against his body.

  Stephanie's breath caught in her throat at the unexpected rush of sensation his nearness brought with it. She could feel the heat of his body, the touch of chest and thigh against her backside as he swayed against her with the motion of the boat. It took everything she had not to give in to the urge to lean back against all that solid male strength and give up resisting for just a little while.

  She swallowed hard. "I'm good now. You can let go."

  "Do you really want me to?"

  She hesitated. Licked her lips. "Not really. No."

  His chuckle reverberated against her back. "Good," he said. He tightened his arms and moved in closer. "I was hoping you'd say that." His warm breath tickled the back of her neck just before he brushed his lips against the sensitive skin there.

  Stephanie's knees almost buckled. Yes, closer, she wanted to say, wanted to moan. Still, she held back, unsure if she was really going to go through with this fling idea.

  But, he felt so good. She leaned back into him, just a little, and allowed herself to enjoy the feel of his body wrapped around her. All that heat, all that focus. She imagined his hands on her, running down her bare skin, pulling her closer...

  Her heartbeat pounded wildly in her chest, electrified by the desire that sparked between them at every nerve ending where his body contacted hers.

  He'd done all of this to her and had barely moved a muscle. Dear God, what was going to happen when he tried?

  He moved one hand to her waist, splaying his fingers across her belly, and she thought of all the ways she wanted him to touch her. She felt his breath hot against her neck again, and then his lips on her skin as he traced a line of deliberate, moist kisses from her earlobe down to the top of her right shoulder. He stopped to lick and suck gently.

  Her breath sounded ragged in her own ears, and she bent her head forward, offering herself to his mouth, to whatever he might do.

  Then he bit her, and she almost came right there. With a strangled cry she turned in his arms and met his mouth with hers, diving headfirst into the storm.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and reveled in how her breasts felt crushed against his solid chest, how his arms tightened around her, how the ridge of his erection rode against her belly. Excellent, she thought, and hooked one leg over and around his thigh to angle more tightly against him, letting him know she had absolutely no problem with that.

  Then there was his mouth. The man could kiss. He kissed like he'd invented it. Maybe he had, because she surely had never been kissed like this before. Ever. It was a damn shame.

  It was about time.

  He took control with his kiss, biting and teasing her lips. He urged them apart to claim her tongue with his like it was his right. He gave her nowhere to hide.

  She met him head on, loving the passion she sensed she'd unleashed in him. She could feel it in the tense coil of his muscles beneath her hands as she embraced him, the slightest tremor in his arms around her, the way he plundered her mouth like a starving man who couldn't get enough.

  She smiled against his mouth. She'd done this to him.

  To say nothing of what he was doing to her. He wrapped the length of her braid around one fist, and held her where he wanted her as he took possession of her mouth. She'd offered herself, given him control. She didn't know why, but the way he took it drove her wild. She arched against him as he stroked his other hand down her back and over her ass, sliding it up under her thigh where she'd wrapped her leg around his. He pulled her leg higher, up over his hip to angle her more securely against his erection.

  She sank deeper into his kiss, the whole world zeroed down to the space occupied by their two bodies and what his mouth was doing to her. She slid her hands down to grip his fine backside, pulled him even harder against her. She could swear she felt his heart pound against her own chest, they were so close.

  Rick didn't know her as Stephanie Birch, Killer Contract Attorney. He didn't know about the power she'd used to protect herself from being taken advantage of, from being dismissed.

  He only knew her as a woman, stripped down to her real self out here on the open ocean. And he wanted her badly. It made her feel safe and it made her feel reckless. It made her feel hot all over, hungry for his touch and where it might lead her. It made her feel like she wanted all of him. Now.

  Whoa. She drew back, breathing hard, and rested her forehead against his. This was going way too fast. She sensed that the thing between them might be something bigger, something more than the casual encounter she'd planned on walking away from when this day, this vacation, was over.

  He tilted his head back and looked at her, his green gaze burning into hers. He smoothed a strand of hair wor
ked loose from her braid out of her eyes. "Wow," he said. "Definitely worth the wait."

  "What wait? A whole day?"

  He smiled. "Yeah, something like that. Guess it just felt like forever."

  Rick turned as the sound of an engine reached them on the breeze. Stephanie looked up to see the resort's party boat, its silly skull and crossbones flag flapping in the breeze, heading their way. It slowed as it approached.

  Behind it, the island loomed close, not more than a mile ahead of them. How do you miss an island? Guess she'd been a little distracted.

  "I wonder what's up." Rick waved back at crewman who hailed them from the deck.

  Stephanie joined Rick at the railing, and watched as the other boat cut the engine to bob in place.

  "Ahoy, there Rick," called the man from the other boat. "We're cutting it short today. Got a couple of injuries we need to get back to the resort."

  "Anything serious?" Rick called back.

  "Naw, we're fine. A couple fell on some rocks and got banged up pretty good. Nothing broken, but we need the doc to look at them."

  "Right. Well, be safe."

  "Will do," said the other man, giving a "let's go" gesture. "Island's all yours." He grinned at Rick as the engine roared to life and the boat pulled away.

  Stephanie crossed her arms and looked at Rick. "We can still go, right?"

  "Sure, if you want to."

  "Of course I want to." She frowned. "I have a picture to take and a souvenir to get." Boy, that sounded like even less fun now than when she'd first read her boss's list of demands.

  "It's a really nice place to hang out for a while. If you wanted to, that is. There's a great cove for swimming and snorkeling, and a nice sandy beach. We could spend an hour or two and still get back to the resort before dark." He turned to her, a smile curving his lips. "Looks like we'll have it all to ourselves."

  "Oh!" She finally made the connection. The party boat was gone and not coming back. She would be on a fabled deserted island miles from anywhere with only a hunky, smart, sexy GQ model who also happened to be a dynamite kisser to keep her company. Hadn't she read this in a romance novel somewhere?

  She looked into intent green eyes, and felt a little warm and breathless. "Sounds great," she managed, floundering in those green depths that promised all kinds of heaven.

  His smile broadened. "Let's get going, then."

  Chapter 4

  In no time they dropped anchor at the mouth of a pretty little cove that was everything Rick had promised.

  Embraced by rocky promontories on either side, picture- perfect turquoise water gently lapped at a pale crescent of sandy beach lined with coconut palms.

  "How do we get to shore?" Stephanie asked.

  "We swim for it. The cove is too shallow for us to get in any closer," Rick said. "The tour boat usually anchors here and the guests swim and snorkel in, play on the beach, whatever. Then they come back to the boat for lunch and head back."

  He turned a smile on her. "You up for it?"

  "Sure," said Stephanie. "Just let me get my suit on."

  "Oh, right." Rick stepped to open the cabin door and gestured for her to enter. "It's all yours."

  "Thanks." Once downstairs, she pulled her bathing suit out of her tote, and held it up. The lacy knitted monokini still looked good. It seemed to have survived the pool okay. Guess she'd find out today how it did in salt water.

  She hurriedly slipped off her clothes and pulled on the suit. It might be skimpy, but it was constructed in a way that actually worked for swimming. She was growing to like it more and more, even though it often seemed to make her skin tingle. Like now. It wasn't actually itchy, more like an electric sort of buzzing.

  She fished in her bag for the little disposable camera, that bane of her existence, and joined Rick on deck.

  "Got any ideas for this?" She held the camera out to him.

  He took it from her. "No problem," he said. "I've got a waterproof bag this can go into that you can swim with. Let me change and we'll be on our way."

  In a few minutes, Rick rejoined her, holding snorkeling gear and wearing low slung black board-shorts that showed off his six- pack nicely.

  Oh, baby. Stephanie pulled her gaze away and just managed not to lick her lips.

  With a grin that told her he knew exactly what she'd been thinking, Rick handed her a mask and set of fins. He led her to the bow, where they could jump unimpeded into the crystal water below. "Ready?"

  She smiled at him. You have no idea. "Let's do this."

  With the small bag cinched at her waist on a loop of nylon string, Stephanie jumped into warm water clear enough to rival a swimming pool. Except this was a lot prettier than a pool. With the help of her snorkel mask, she had a perfect view of coral-covered rocks and patches of waving sea plants on the ocean floor fifteen feet below her as she swam towards the shore.

  Rick tapped her shoulder, pointing towards the rocky outcroppings that bordered one side of the cove where he'd told her they could see some fish. He mimed for her to follow.

  She nodded and paddled after him. She didn't know about fish, but he was mighty nice to look at. The sun dappled his gold- toned skin as he moved with effortless grace through the water. When they reached the rocks, it was all she could do to tear her eyes away from Rick long enough to feign polite interest in the wide variety of tropical life hanging out along the rocky walls under the water.

  She was much more interested in the way his shoulder brushed hers as he pointed out some species or other of fish, the motion of his long, muscular legs as he propelled himself through the water, or hung easily in place while he talked to her. She itched to reach out and run her fingers over his tight abs and well-defined shoulders. God, the man looked good without a shirt. What a shame he ever had to put one on.

  Rick turned to catch Stephanie gazing at him like he was a hamburger and she was a starving actress. He knew the feeling.

  The more he saw her in that lacy white bathing suit, the more he wanted to get her out of it. Her full breasts looked even plumper in the water, that natural flotation advantage women had. His fingers itched to peel the straps down over her shoulders and free them to his gaze, his touch, his mouth...

  Grabbing hold of a ledge of the rock wall beside him with one hand, he pulled Stephanie up against him with the other. She came willingly, hooking one arm around his neck, and one long leg across his thighs, pressing those tantalizing breasts all over his chest. He released her long enough to pull off his mask and snorkel tube while she did the same, and then took her lush, hot mouth in a kiss. He reached around to get a good hold on her firm round bottom and...spluttered and coughed as a wave of seawater hit them in the face.

  She laughed. "Looks a lot more romantic in the movies."

  He grinned. "True." His best bet was to get her onto dry land where he could concentrate on Stephanie instead of on not drowning. "I think it's time to hit the beach. What do you say?"

  "Race you," she said. Readjusting her mask and tube, she turned and headed for shore with powerful strokes.

  Rick was right behind her. He didn't mind letting her be ahead of him. He had an exceptionally nice view of her ass from here, and he indulged in admiring the way her bikini bottom rode halfway up her cheeks. He imagined running his hands over that smooth exposed flesh, and exploring other parts that were hidden by a tiny scrap of fabric.

  "Oof." His knees hit the sand as he coasted into the shallows, telling him he'd made it to shore.

  Pulling off his fins and mask, he watched Stephanie do the same. She untied the cord around her waist, releasing the waterproof bag that held her camera, dropping that into the pile with the rest of her discarded equipment.

  In two steps, Rick had her in his arms. He cradled the back of her head with one hand to tilt her face to his. "Where were we?"

  "Right about here, I think," said Stephanie, and met his mouth with hers.

  Rick was instantly hard. How could he not be with five-foot- eight inc
hes of voluptuous, eager woman pressed against him with her tongue in his mouth? He tried to hold back from grinding against her, hell, from throwing her down on the sand and having her right now.

  Which brought up another point. Naked bodies, a sandy beach and no towels equaled to another no bueno in the romance department. Nobody liked sand in hard to reach places, and while thrashing around on the beach like a couple of horny teenagers held a certain appeal, it was bound to end in some definitely uncomfortable results. Lucky for him, he had the perfect alternative.

  He pulled back from the kiss. "Come with me. I want to show you something."

  Stephanie glanced down between them. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said with a grin.

  His knees almost gave out at the image that flashed through his mind. He swallowed hard and hung onto his self-control. "Believe me, you couldn't possibly want that more than I do. But I know a place nearby where we can be a lot more comfortable." He stepped back and held out a hand. "Trust me. You'll be glad you did."

  "Aye, aye, captain." She took his hand.

  Rick smiled. This was going to be great. He pulled her after him as he headed up the sand to the trees that bordered the beach. They ducked into the jungle on a well-worn footpath.

  It was moist and a little cooler under the trees, but the bugs were worse, so he picked up the pace. "It's about a fifteen minute walk, but worth it, I promise."

  "If you say so," said Stephanie from behind him. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

  "There's a little cabin out here, off the beaten path, just for employees. I think you'll like it," Rick said, envisioning wrapping up with a warm, naked Stephanie in some fluffy oversized towels on the cabin's big comfy couch.

  As he picked his way through the jungle along the trail he knew, he found many more branching footpaths than he remembered. He stopped at one junction where a particularly well- traveled path headed off to the left at a slight angle.


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