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Page 28

by Christopher Cummings

  Tina noted a tubby little brown-haired girl with a cheerful, freckled face helping Graham. As Tina passed she was amused to see Graham’s eyes pop open with interest, obviously at her. She smiled at him and walked on, aware that the young girl was giving her a jealous, hostile stare.

  “Who’s that chubby little chick next to Graham Kirk?” she asked.

  Andrew looked and sniffed. “That’s his pet dog. Margaret is her name. She’s only a Year Eight.”

  “That was a bit unkind. Why did you call her that?” Tina asked as they passed out into the darkness again.

  “Because she follows him around all the time. She thinks he’s wonderful.”

  “He is handsome,” Tina replied. She was aware that she said that to make Andrew jealous and to put him on his mettle and she was also vaguely aware that she had suffered a sharp little pang of disappointment when she had learned that there might be a girl in Graham’s life. ‘I am being silly,’ she thought. ‘I love Andrew.’

  But she was also aware that she was attracted to Graham. Not only was he obviously very handsome and virile but he had a reputation around the school for being good fun with girls. Tina remembered whispers of a scandal the previous year. Allegedly Graham and a girl named Mandy had been doing something very naughty (‘It’ rumour had it) when they were caught by Mandy’s father. Tina had even heard that that incident was why Graham was now in the army cadets. Mandy’s father was a regular army warrant officer and he had insisted. Apparently he had said that either Graham joined the cadets or he went to jail.

  Tina had only heard this as rumour and was not sure if such a thing were possible but thought it was a good story. ‘So Graham probably knows what girls like. And Mandy got sent to a convent, so she isn’t on the scene any more,’ she mused. Then she bit her lip at the direction her thoughts had been taking. ‘I’m being disloyal to Andrew,’ she told herself.

  But the images crept back in and caused her to wonder. It also reminded her that it was against the law to have sex under the age of sixteen. ‘But you have to get caught,’ she thought. For a moment she imagined doing it with Andrew. ‘I wonder what it will be like?’ she thought. Then she blushed and felt hot. She was aware that it was both the heat of desire and the heat of shame and it left her tingling and with vague hopes of something happening. ‘But nothing too serious,’ she told herself, glancing hopefully down at her breasts as she did.

  By then they had reached the school assembly hall. The dance was already in full swing. Dozens of students and a few teachers and parents stood around outside. Tina scanned their faces, all her daydreams flitting through her mind to make her heart beat faster. To her delight she noted quite a number of people giving her and Andrew what she thought were admiring looks. Images of pleasurable anticipation swirled in her mind as they paid for their tickets and went in.

  The band was playing a slow, old-fashioned tune, a foxtrot, Tina recognized. She knew the old dances because they still learnt ballroom dancing in Phys Ed. and the teachers insisted that the dance be more than just a disco. So the types of dances alternated between traditional ballroom and modern. That suited Tina as she actually quite enjoyed most of them.

  Just inside the door she and Andrew stopped and looked around. The hall was in semi-darkness, lit up by stroboscopic beams of coloured laser light and by the sparkling shards from a rotating mirror ‘light ball’. It all looked very pretty and Tina’s romantic hopes soared. She was already conscious of the effect her dress was having.

  To her delight Andrew swept her into his arms and led her into the dance. A warm glow coursed through her and she wanted to cry aloud with joy. Round and round they went and she thrilled to his embrace. It was wonderful. All too soon the music stopped and then the tempo changed to a disco beat. They stayed on the dance floor and Tina danced happily on her own. She deliberately put on a show for Andrew by wriggling her hips and making her bosom bounce and quiver so that his gaze was riveted to them. As she did she burned with a mixture of lust and shame but the thrill of it kept her moving.

  By the time that dance was over Tina was excited and perspiring. She found it a relief to go back to an old-fashioned waltz. Andrew stepped forward and again swept her up. Again they rotated and twirled and Tina knew she was happy. She sighed and embraced him and savoured every moment. The following dance was fast and again she showed off, hotly aware that she was becoming the object of some catty comments and scandalized behind-the-hand whispers- and also a centre of attention.

  Then it was another slow dance. This time Tina melted into Andrew’s arms and pressed herself hard against him. She deliberately held him tight so that her breasts bulged up and she felt his body responding. His male hardness pressed against her stomach. That made her feel both excited and satisfied. ‘Good! I can get him aroused,’ she thought. More wicked thoughts flitted across her mind and she rubbed her stomach against his hardness. Then she rested her cheek against his. He felt so good she just wished it could go on for ever.

  But there were other people and she could not help looking and noticing. As she looked over Andrew’s shoulder she saw that the couple next to them were Nigel Cressly and a blonde girl from Year 11.

  Into Andrew’s ear she whispered, “I thought Nigel Cressly was going out with Barbara Brassington.”

  “So did I,” Andrew replied. He swung her round to see what she was talking about then whispered in her ear, “Sallyanne, from Eleven ‘C’.” Then he looked over Tina’s shoulder and went tense. “Oh ho! Here is Barbara now. Get ready for some fireworks.”



  Tina turned so she could see more clearly what was happening. She saw that Cressly and Sallyanne looked very intimate. Sallyanne was snuggled up against Cressly’s chest, her arms around his neck. He had his arms around her waist.

  Then Tina shifted her gaze to find Barbara and saw her at once. By chance a gap had opened up in the dancers allowing a clear view. Barbara and her friend Karen stood just inside the doorway looking around and Tina saw that Barbara was smiling. Tina was also struck by how attractive Barbara looked. She wore a form-fitting green dress that really accentuated her shape and displayed her bosom in a very revealing way. Previously Tina had noted that Barbara had breasts that were nearly as large as her own but now she saw with a twinge of envy that they were firmer and jutted out more.

  Andrew chuckled and murmured, “She is certainly outstanding.”

  More anxious jealousy caused Tina to snap, “Why do you say that?”

  Andrew blushed and stammered and then said, “Because of her red hair. You can always pick her in a crowd,” he answered.

  Tina suspected he was not telling her what he had really been thinking but before she could reply she saw Barbara’s gaze settle on Cressly and Sallyanne, both of whom were still unaware she had arrived. For a moment Barbara appeared stunned and her mouth gaped. Then she closed her mouth and Tina saw a look of fury appear on her face. She grabbed Karen’s arm and pointed.

  A moment later Barbara stormed out onto the dance floor, pushing dancing couples aside without even noticing them. She halted in front of Cressly and Sallyanne, hands on hips. Angrily she snapped at Cressly, “I thought you were taking me to the dance?”

  Cressly let go of Sallyanne and stammered something back. Tina did not hear clearly what it was but she watched with anxious fascination. Cressly shook his head but Sallyanne kept her arms around his neck and gave Barbara a shocked look.

  Then Cressly said, “I didn’t say I was taking you Barbara.”

  That statement obviously enraged Barbara. “You bloody well did!” she cried. “Only this afternoon at the fete. I asked you.”

  “I did not!” Cressly replied.

  “You lying bastard!” Barbara shouted. At that Sallyanne let go of Cressly and stepped aside, looking anxious. Barbara pointed at her. “Who is this then? Your little bit on the side? You’ve been taking me out for weeks. Have you been seeing her too?”

’s face changed and Tina saw him look worried. He shook his head. “No,” he replied.

  Sallyanne didn’t help. She looked at Cressly in hurt surprise. That glance obviously confirmed Barbara’s worst suspicions and she exploded, telling Cressly exactly what she thought of him. Tina was dimly aware that the music had stopped and that they were the centre of attention.

  Barbara’s face went as red as her hair. “You cheating rat!” she snapped. “You are a two-timing turd! Well, that’s it!” She glared at Sallyanne, who looked frightened and on the edge of tears. “You can have him, for what he’s worth! Good luck to you. You’ll need it.”

  Barbara. paused and then glanced around. Her eyes met Tina’s before moving on around the hundreds of gaping faces. Abruptly she spun on her heel and strode to the door. People moved hastily aside to give her a clear path.

  Tina watched her go with a mixture of relief and sympathy. ‘Poor girl!’ she thought, imagining the humiliation she must be feeling. As Barbara went out through the door a great hubbub of chattering and gossip broke out. Tina could only shake her head and hope such a thing never happened to her.

  Andrew chuckled and muttered, “That told the mongrel!”

  “Poor girl! She must be so upset,” Tina replied. She looked towards Cressly and met his eye. Cressly looked very embarrassed and guilty and Tina was instantly sure he had been lying. She glared at him and he looked hastily away. Then he tried to make an explanation to Sallyanne but she began to cry and hurried sobbing off towards the toilets, pursued by more behind-the-hand snickering and scandalized chattering.

  Tina watched her go as well and felt another surge of sympathy as it was obvious she had also been deceived. Then Cressly also left, pushing red-faced to the door. Tina turned to Andrew and said, “I hope nothing like that ever happens to me.”

  Andrew nodded and replied, “Nor me. Anyway, you are safe with me. I won’t ever cheat on you.”

  At that Tina was engulfed by warm emotion and she almost burst into tears. She flung her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Oh, you are wonderful!” she cried.

  As she kissed him she heard another voice guffaw and add, “Just bloody lucky really. Give the poor bugger some air.”

  It was Blake and Tina’s response was to poke her tongue at him. Andrew started to discuss the incident but the band started playing again so she firmly moved him into motion and resumed dancing. As they danced she relaxed and allowed her emotions to ease. After a few minutes she forgot about the unpleasant incident and gave herself over to her own pleasure at being in Andrew’s arms. They danced three more dances, two fast and one traditional before Andrew suggested a drink.

  Feeling very happy and pleased Tina walked hand in hand with Andrew across to where there was a drink stall near the door. As they did she saw another group come through the door. These were led by Graham, now dressed in smart civilian clothes. With him was the little, anxious girl from Year 8, Margaret. Behind them came Peter, Graham’s little sister Kylie and several Year 12s who were army cadets. These included Mike Masters, Warwick Grey and Ian MacAlistair, one of the school captains. On his arm was Gwen Copeland from Tina’s class. Gwen was a very attractive blonde and her dress was blue and white silk with gold trimmings which perfectly matched her blonde hair and gold accessories.

  A twinge of jealousy smote Tina and she knew it. It was the sort of entrance she had hoped to make but wasn’t sure if she had achieved. Her envy increased as Gwen and Ian began to dance. As they did others moved back to give them room so that they became the centre of attention of the whole room. As Gwen twirled and danced the lights sparkled off her jewellery and glinted off her hair. The words ‘fairy princess’ formed in Tina’s mind and she knew she was jealous. The scene was exactly how she had pictured it being for herself.

  It got worse. As soon as that dance was over Andrew muttered an excuse and left Tina standing. Next time she saw him he was dancing with Gwen. Tina was so stung and hurt that for a few moments she could only stare and feel the pain. When Andrew returned he was happy and cheerful and seemed quite oblivious to having hurt her feelings. Tina experienced a tiny stab of doubt which in turn made her feel guilty.

  She was diverted from this by the return of Barbara and her friends Karen and Fiona. The three walked in side by side. At the door no-one tried to ask for payment but they certainly got some the curious looks. They had entered during a break between dances and it seemed to Tina that every face in the hall swivelled to stare at Barbara. Then hands went over mouths and tongues began to wag. Barbara took a deep breath and walked on, head held up and eyes glinting.

  Mike Masters and Warwick Grey both walked over to her at once. “Great! That’s the spirit!” Warwick said. He took Karen’s arm and hugged her as he did. Fiona stood and smiled up a Mike who leaned forward and very gently kissed her. Tina was aware that the whole school was watching and she felt a great surge of emotion: jealousy, hurt, affection. It was so romantic! It was what she had wanted.

  Warwick gave the MC a nod. He stepped to the microphone and announced the next dance. The crowd dissolved in movement and a buzz of voices. A smiling Graham moved to speak to Barbara. Tina saw Graham bow in the old-fashioned way. “May I have this dance please Barbara?”

  Tina experienced another stab of envy as she watched Barbara return his smile and give Graham her hand. Her dislike for Barbara was now tinged with admiration. ‘I wouldn’t have had the courage to return after a scene like that,’ she thought.

  The music was suited only to a modern wriggly stomp type dance but Graham put his arms out in the classic dance pose and she took them. Without being conscious of it they began to dance, a slow, swaying waltz. This caused another buzz of conversation. A few seconds later Mike and Fiona moved out and began waltzing beside them. Warwick and Karen joined them, followed by Ian and Gwen. They were the only couples on the floor and everyone else seemed to ebb away to make room for them.

  The band got the message and suddenly changed beat to suit the dancers. Suddenly the crowd cheered, a huge spontaneous roar of noise. Tina saw tears form in Barbara’s eyes but she managed to smile and kept on dancing. She kept her head up and twirled in Graham’s arms. Tina watched enviously and thought that Graham was very brave. ‘He is like a knight in shining armour,’ she thought. But that thought also caused her to look around and she noted a very anxious little Margaret standing there, smiling but obviously deeply worried.

  At the end of the dance Graham bowed again in the old-fashioned way. He said, “Thank you Barbara. That was lovely but I must now leave you. Perhaps Peter will dance with you?”

  Tina saw Peter Bronsky step forward and bow to Barbara. Barbara nodded and allowed herself to be led out again. She also noted that Graham had taken little Margaret’s hand and that her eyes glowed with adoration as he did. ‘Lucky girl!’ she thought. ‘I hope he loves her as much.’

  During all of this Tina had been hoping Andrew would sweep her out onto the dance floor with them but he was nowhere to be seen. That not only made her feel anxious but she also again experienced little niggles of doubt. Then her anxiety level shot up another notch when she spotted him dancing with Sarah.

  ‘My best friend! How could he?’ she thought. But she knew she was being jealous and unreasonable. It was quite normal for the boys to dance with more than one girl. But when he danced with a pretty Year 9 for the next dance Tina could only stand and feel miserable. Tears prickled in her eyes and she bit her lip.

  Suddenly Graham’s smiling, freckled face appeared in front of her. “May I have this dance?” he asked.

  Tina felt her heart leap. She experienced a mixture of pleasure and anxiety. But she was also peeved at being abandoned by Andrew. So she smiled back and said yes. The dance was a fast one and almost at once Tina was torn between anxiety over how her bosom began to heave and bobble as she wiggled and a deep thrill at being naughty. She could tell by the way Graham’s eyes continually moved to look at her bosom that he was enjoying the view and tha
t he was admiring her. Those thoughts caused more scorching waves of shame and sheer pleasure.

  She saw him stare and then lick his lips and shake his head in wonder. There was anxiety that others might label her tarty or sluty but the knowledge that she was being naughty merely added a thrill to a sudden desire to show off to Graham. ‘He at least appreciates me,’ she thought.

  Graham again shook his head and dragged his gaze up to meet hers. “Geez Tina, you are really something. You are really attractive,” he said.

  Tina glowed and felt a pulse of heat she could only label as desire. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Graham grinned and said, “I would love to take you out. How about a date?”

  Tina was completely caught off guard. For a few seconds she was so flustered she could not answer. It was only with an effort that she bit back the yes that was hovering on her lips. ‘Andrew,’ she thought. ‘Think of Andrew.’ “Sorry,” she managed to say. “But I am going out with someone at the moment.”

  Graham laughed. “Never mind Andrew. I am more fun than him. Let me show you a good time.”

  The impish thought that it wasn’t just a good time that Graham wanted to show her flitted across Tina’s mind and she was again sorely tempted to say yes. ‘He would be good fun too,’ she thought. But she managed to say no. Graham took the rejection in good humour and said, “When you realize I am the better man maybe.”

  They left it at that and at the end of the dance Graham took her back to where she had been standing. He thanked her and left. Soon after Andrew rejoined her and chatted away about nothing but then she noted him casting worried looks in Graham’s direction. ‘He must have seen us dancing,’ she thought. Then she pursed her lips and nodded to herself. ‘Good, that will make him more careful. He might realize he can’t just take me for granted.’

  But she mentally forgave him the moment he took her in his arms for the next dance. She was even pleased to see Graham dancing with little Margaret. Then Graham’s eyes met Tina’s and he winked at her. She was so surprised she gaped and she knew it. He grinned and went on dancing and Tina experienced another little stab of doubt.


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