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Shades of Redemption (Mists of the Fae Book 3)

Page 19

by Jaime Marks

  She pulled back and took his face in her hands as her eyes searched his. “Cymeryn, what exactly do you think you’ve done? Yes, you wanted me to go to Lazurys but you didn’t force me. The Shadows took me.”

  “But they were only able to do so because I made you feel as if you had betrayed Marcus, Reyana.” He ran his hand through her hair. She was his anchor. He needed to touch her, to remain connected to her in some way. His heart ached for all that he had caused her.

  “No Cymeryn, it was because I felt I had betrayed you and my own heart. It was because I felt so acutely in that moment, what I feel now. The love I have for you both.” She sighed, stroking his cheek. “I was bonded to Marcus. I loved him with all my heart. I’d thought what I felt for you could never have been real. I put it off as a silly crush because the bond between mates is unbreakable, even before they are mated and the bonding ritual performed. With you having been gone for so long it was easy to justify it away…but when you kissed me, when I realized how much I loved you after all that time; I was so confused I nearly split in half; though I didn’t know that was what I was feeling at the time.”

  “And it caused you to take your own life to end the pain Reyana, with my own dagger through your heart.” He was trembling, drowning within his guilt.

  “No, Cymeryn, no. I killed myself because when Lazurys unlocked my memories I knew who I was and what was at risk. I killed myself to save all of you. Most of all you and Marcus. I didn’t even know where I got the dagger. I just saw it and used it before Lazurys had the chance to take control.” She kissed him, her essence flowing through him, comforting him. “You weren’t responsible for my death, Cymeryn. Lazurys was and he used it all this time to sculpt you into the weapon he wanted you to be.”

  Shock laced through him. More pieces of the puzzle began sliding into place. How foolish he had been. How well Lazurys had played him. He had never even considered it. He had learned those exact tactics with his sire forever whispering his tutelage in his ear, wielded them to inflict crippling pain on his victims, and never once did he consider they had been employed to exert control over him.

  He felt Marcus’ hand on his shoulder, felt his essence flow into him. They had already forgiven him his betrayals. He could not imagine being so gracious. In fact he had not been. He had tried to in truth, but the jealousy had consumed him overcoming his bond to them both. Yes he had been Tainted, but his love for them should have been stronger.

  Marcus spoke softly. “We’ve forgiven you Cymeryn, because we love you as you love us. You are mine blooded twin and though Reyana is my mate, she is yours as well. Consider what you have overcome already, the bonds you feel to us and what lengths you are willing to go. They are not the type formed over a couple hours of mating, my brother. They are formed over a lifetime. You never would have betrayed us if not for the Dark Taint within you.”

  The two of them embraced, wrapping Reyana in their arms between them, and her arms slipped around their backs. She kissed him softly and then turned and kissed Marcus, her body pressed sideways between their chests. Somehow she had ended up straddling one of each of their legs and he felt her thigh press against the length of his sex as her hand lightly ran over his chest.

  He let his hand slide into the soft waves of her dark auburn hair as she turned back kissing him again. He heard Marcus chuckle as he felt her hand slip lower and she gripped the clasp of his pants.

  “Insatiable,” He murmured against her lips. “Absolutely insatiable.”

  “Mmmm…you like that phrase,” She murmured as Marcus kissed along her neck.

  He held her by her hair, pulling her back to lean against the knee of his other leg as he suckled her nipple through her satin gown. His hand glided over her form down to the juncture between her thighs, needing to see if there was anything covering her. He groaned as his fingers slipped into her soft moist folds and he felt his erection kick in his pants.

  They carefully laid her back on the grass and she stared up at them through hooded eyes, watching them as they slid out of their attire. She sat up and knelt before them taking him in her mouth as she gripped his twin, stroking him. He moved with her mouth, thrusting gently in as she sucked him, his hands running through her hair. When her mouth released him, her hand took its place as she took Marcus in her mouth. She worked them both this way until she had tasted them both, drinking in their releases until they hardened in her mouth again.

  He pulled her up and took her mouth roughly, his need to penetrate her so intense that he had to restrain himself a pace. He lifted her, sliding into her as her legs wrapped around him, her soft gasping moan as he filled her more a tease than the gentle pulses within her core.

  Meeting Marcus’ eyes, he waited for him to slide into her from behind before beginning to move her, thrusting into her. She gripped him tightly her nails scoring his skin as they drove her. He always knew when she was close, he could feel the shiver in her core. He used it to draw her out, ebbing off and switching rhythm to keep her at the edge but not allowing her to peak. Marcus met his pace and rhythm, he was enjoying feeling the buildup within her as much as Cymeryn enjoyed controlling it. Her essence was surging forth into them, her nails digging deeply in their skin, her moans plaintive. He wanted to feel her spill over for them but he wanted her to beg for it and he drove her harder.

  She kissed him roughly her hand spearing into his hair as she sucked his tongue into her mouth. “Please,” She finally relented against his lips, “Please.”

  “Mmmm, I do not think Marcus heard you love,” He murmured chuckling softly as she moaned loudly, her body trembling with the need for release.

  “Please, Cymeryn, Marcus, please!” She gasped.

  He let their essences merge as they took her over the edge reveling in the shivers that ran through her, the pleasure she was lost in as they rocked into her, filling her cup. When they were finished they pulled out of her and took her carefully to the ground as they all caught their breath.

  He was ready for her again. He was ever ready for her, but he had to go. If he was going to walk this narrow path in between their worlds he should get back soon.

  She pushed him back straddling him. “Not yet,” she whispered kissing his chest as his length slid along the slickness of her folds. His head kicked back in a groan as she teased him. She positioned him against her core and he gripped her hips thrusting deeply into her as he sank the whole of his length inside her flesh. She arched in his grasp and he slowly pulled back, thrusting into her completely over and over. When he knew he had her on edge he loosened his grip on her hips allowing her control, riding him hard and fast. He moaned as he felt her core pulse and she took him over with her, the spasms of her release drawing out his own.

  When they were both sated she leaned down and kissed him, “Promise me you’ll come back to me, Cymeryn.”

  He kissed her back as he slid out of her. “I swear it to you Rey.” He chuckled as a gentle flush colored her skin. “What is it love?”

  “You called me Rey.” She mused kissing him again.

  She smiled lost in the memory. He used to call her that when they were young. When they were alone by the lake. She was ever his ray of Light. He kissed her chastely before he released her allowing her to roll off of him.

  As he rose gathering his robing, he found Marcus was already robed. “Surely you are not yet sated, Marcus.”

  He watched Marcus’ eyes trace over her form, “I’ll have time to fill my hunger when I return, brother. First I’ll see you safely from here and make sure you have what you need.”

  When they were ready she rose and kissed them both. He held her fast a moment knowing her stubbornness needed to be addressed. It bothered him immensely that he would not be here to ensure she did not constantly run off, placing herself in danger as she was prone to.

  “One more thing my beautiful Rey. I understand your impulses, but unless you wish to lose your guards permanently, they had best never see you as such, hmm?”

>   Marcus chuckled, “Thank you Cymeryn, she can be quite stubborn.”

  “Oh, I am aware but in this she will behave. I will not tolerate it.” He demanded holding her gaze.

  She smiled flirtatiously and kissed him again, “I promise to try, but I will also promise you that if you don’t return here soon, this will become my new favorite attire.”

  He growled only half teasing her as she laughed softly. He kissed her holding her tightly a moment as he rested his hand on her belly, his essence flowing into her through her womb. “That is something I can agree to.” The need to be close to her, to his young was growing.

  As he and Marcus left the grove he looked back to see her petting the muzzle of a unicorn and he could not help but smile. She was amazing, and she was his.

  Marcus rested his hand on his shoulder. “You don’t have to do this Cymeryn, you could stay.”

  He sighed as he tried to gather his resolve, “I know, Marcus, but for her? I would walk through fire. I can feel it coming. I am unsure what it is, but there is a great risk to her on the horizon and we need to be prepared. I realize my staying here has its advantages, but my leaving does as well. We have to find out what they are planning because they have had over a month in my stead to set things into motion.” He met his twin’s eyes. “Believe me, there is a reason that they did not try to force Staryana to come to him until today. Alayne would not waste his time, my release forced his hand. There is something he does not wish me to know. Whatever he is up to he has had a full month unmonitored and unchecked to set in place. Make no mistake we are on a race against the clock when it comes to her safety.”

  Chapter 17

  Alayne stood in Syneous’ home waiting for the Shade to finish the mental probe he was conducting. His son had been useful indeed. He had sired him quite by accident but the benefits of having progeny was never to be overlooked. In addition to the young he had bade him to sire, Alayne had used him to keep Reyn precariously balanced with Darkness all these years. She had always had an annoying propensity to shift to the Light despite all their best efforts when she had been younger, but Syneous had managed to keep her in line once he entered her life.

  The fact that their union had resulted in Staryana had also made his existence worthwhile. He had great plans for that child. He meant to awaken her Shade himself before presenting her to the Dark Lord, and he would take great pleasure in doing so. After all what was the point of awakening a female if you could not sate your most base desires? Her Dark power would far exceed Reyn’s own once he and the Dark Lord were done with her and she would be the demise of both the Gray and the Light, and so much more. The strength that she would grant him would be invaluable.

  Syneous rose. “Byryn must be with her. I can’t break through at the moment, but I left her quite shaken, Father.”

  “Hmmm, that boy is a risk to my plans.” He walked over to the window glancing out. “Did she shift when you were with her? Is she still succumbing to my strength?”

  “Yes, it takes a greater hold in her every day.”

  “Good. Her conditioning is almost complete.” He walked over the to the shelving that held that box of moving pictures that humans seemed to love so well and picked up a small photograph of her. “She will make a fine bride Syneous, you have done well.”

  He bowed, “It’s my honor to serve you, Father. I think my sire’s up to something. He’s masking himself from me and Crytos has suddenly taken an annoying interest in how I’m doing.”

  “It matters not, his attention is drawn to the Lady Reyn. He does not realize how close we have come to owning her daughter.” He laughed mirthlessly, “I will own her one way or another and then, my son we shall see the all-powerful Supryn fall. He will break before us as he witnesses the carnage I will reap from your wife’s fragile form.”

  Syneous smiled, “Nothing would make me happier than to see her broken. She was a…tedious assignment. Teryn was far more enjoyable.”

  “I know my son, you restrained yourself quite well. It is fortunate Reyn began to awaken when she had. You needed the reprieve this last month to prepare.” He stroked his son’s cheek. He had always liked the gesture, it placated him and he served better when he was thus. Not that such things were truly necessarily but he had always been the most loyal of his young so he tended to reward him in small ways.

  “It allowed me to reach Star unrestricted and show her the strength she could have.” He smirked hungrily, “Should I obtain the girl tomorrow? Or would you prefer I wait? I won’t deny that I’m looking forward to this.”

  “There is no need to waste your efforts,” The Dark Priest mused. “I have implanted the idea that she should come to us. Human minds are quite malleable. She worries so for her dear friend. She will come looking for her tomorrow upon sunfall and be more than willing to serve you.”

  “I know I promised Star I’d give her two days and if it’s your order I’ll wait, but can I use her, Father? I can’t wait to break her as I sate my desire in her flesh. She’s always been stubborn and feisty.” He grinned wickedly. “I’m sure she’ll be rather entertaining.”

  “You are Shade my son, take as you please unless otherwise instructed. I care not what condition Staryana finds the girl. The worse she is the more difficult it will be for her to resist my essence.”

  He licked his lips in anticipation. The boy had always had the most deprave desires that needed sating. He most enjoyed the fighters, the ones who resisted his urges. Then again so did they all.

  “Go ready my safehold in the city then go onto the safehold in the Darker Realms. Staryana will be turned here but I will need the one in the territories to hold Reyn once she is obtained. None but the Dark may enter therein, but she already holds Darkness within her. Cymeryn, and possibly Marcus as he shifts from his rage, will be able to follow but none other shall be able to traverse. The time has come that I destroy those twins.”

  He watched Syneous mist from the house. So amusing this had all been. It had been centuries since he had enjoyed the hunt so. It would not be long before he had the entire remnants of that line before him. They should prove worthy entertainment for a few centuries. He had obtained their Father in his second attempt to slay Lunya’s protectors and he had lasted well over a hundred years without the strength that they possessed. A pity he had been killed in his attempt to escape. He wondered what flavor the goddess and her demigoddess daughter would coat on his tongue as he used them to destroy the twins.

  Star watched him as he slide out of his robes and boots, her eyes traveling the planes of his back. She wished he would take off his pants but she knew better. He was so chaste, so careful with her when they were together at night. Really she just wanted him to give up this obsession with preserving her honor. She wanted to give herself to him so badly, to cement this bond they shared. They were running out of time, she was sure of it, and she needed this to happen with him.

  Byryn turned smiling ruefully at her as he shook his head. He tapped his temple. “I can hear you, Brightness. I know your thoughts. You have no idea how tempting you are but I’m sorry, the answer is still no. We have all the time in the world and your awakening will happen sooner than you think.”

  He slid beneath the sheets and pulled her to him, wrapping her in his strong arms while she lay on his chest. “I know, I just want to feel you like that Byryn. I want that connection with you.”

  He hooked her chin guiding her eyes to his. “You already have it Brightness, you just need to realize that.” He kissed her chastely.

  Laying their peacefully she just enjoyed being in his arms. It was rare that they got to spend time together like this at night. She ran her fingers lightly over his skin as she traced his abs and he played with her hair.

  “Byryn, how could I not have known Kylion was in such pain today? I should’ve noticed, sensed it, something.” She felt as though she’d failed him in some way. She was supposed to be his Mother and she hadn’t even realized something was wrong.
/>   “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Staryana. Kylion’s been trained to hide his pain and he’s good at it.” With a smirk he added. “He’s even better at faking it for future reference. When you live among the Shade you have to learn to tolerate the pain without showing weakness or emotion. It’s one of the reasons he fought telling me so hard. I wouldn’t have even noticed if I hadn’t been the one to train him.” Byryn sighed, “I’m considering assigning him a guard but I’m not sure that’s wise. I don’t want to make him feel restricted and I certainly don’t want to paint an even bigger target on the kid’s back.”

  “Well, it feels like we should do something. I want to come to the meeting tomorrow but I’m almost scared to leave him alone now.”

  He kissed her head. “I know, Brightness. I think it’s best we both go to the meeting so we can discuss it though. I want Dad, Marcus and Kato’s input on this. If you don’t feel up to it, I’ll handle it and come back to discuss it with you before I make a final decision. He’s not going to class tomorrow anyway. I want him to have a chance to heal.”

  “Ok, we’ll see how I feel about it in the morning.” With the way she’d been sleeping she had no idea if she’d even be up on time.

  Star was trying to keep her mind clear or focused on Kylion but it wasn’t working. If she wasn’t careful Byryn was going to know everything and she wasn’t really sure what would happen then. There was so much she was hiding right now and she was so scared he would sense it.

  The images assaulted her mind before she could stop them and she felt sick to her stomach. She hated them, hated how they made her feel and what she saw in them. She felt that Dark pull but she needed to fight it. Lunging up quickly she took Byryn’s mouth kissing him passionately. She needed to distract him, but more than that she wanted to erase this, to replace it all with him. Byryn was her rock and she loved him with everything she was.


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