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My Pinup Girl

Page 4

by Nicky Fox

  "Lenora?" I come out of my daze and see he's staring at me. I open my mouth to release my lip that I've been biting. Busted.

  "Huh?" I eloquently reply.

  "I said, I'm done. You should be good to go." He sits up and wipes his hands off with the bandana he keeps in his back pocket. I pout that my ogle time is over. "It must have been a bit loose, but everything is tight now." He goes back outside and turns the water back on. Sure enough, there's no longer a leak.

  I clean up the mess in the kitchen as best I can. I join Hunter when he returns to his bowl of chicken and dumplings. Soon, he's rubbing his flat stomach saying how full he is and what a wonderful cook I am.

  "Can I see them now?" he asks.

  "What?" I'm utterly bewildered at what he's referring to.

  "Your paintings. I'm excited to see your work." His eyes light up like he's genuinely interested in what I do.

  I nod and lead him to my studio. It's just a small bedroom with my paint supplies in it. I open the door and he steps into the bright area. I picked this room specifically because of the natural light. I stand aside and watch him as his jaw drops open, and he slowly paces around the space. He reviews every square inch of every painting I have stored in the room. Hunter finally stops in the center and crosses his arms in contemplation. He gazes at an abstract image that I painted of him. I don't think he will be able to figure out that the cowboy on the canvas is him. There's a shadow across the face of the subject, so it has no real definition. I put away the other paintings of him that had more of his likeness.

  "These are truly amazing, Lenora. I can't decide. I might need your help picking out a few once the farmhouse is complete." He rubs his chin and continues to the next painting I have propped up against the wall near my easel.

  "I thought I was going to do an original of the farmhouse?" I ask feeling a little bashful of my work.

  "Yes, speaking of which." He pulls out a picture from his back pocket and hands it over to me. It's an old black and white picture of his farmhouse. It looks to be from the fifties. I smile excitedly at the sentimental picture. "I would also like a few of your archetypal paintings. Why don't you pick some out for me after you see the inside? I'm sure with your artistic eye, you'd do a better job than I could."

  "All right. Thank you for trusting my vision."

  In an uninhibited moment, I spring up to hug Hunter. His whole body stiffens. I realize my mistake quickly and slowly unhook my arms from his neck. I slide my hands down to his shoulders and pull my face back from his cheek. We are mere inches apart. His eyes are cloudy as he stares directly into mine. Hunter’s lips part, his breath tickling my face. I open my mouth to apologize, but he doesn't let me get a word out.

  Hunter's lips are unexpectedly on mine with fervor. I sigh in his mouth as he tilts his head to meet my lips. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m kissing the cowboy next door. The tip of his tongue attentively drifts across my top lip. I open my mouth to him and our tongues meet. His mouth is hot against mine. I grab the hair at the nape of his neck and hold on while he makes me weak in the knees. He's an amazing kisser. He tastes like sweet tea. Hunter's lips are soft, but demanding. His hands move from the back of my head and slide down my back, to my rear. He gives me a soft squeeze on both cheeks and releases a moan into my mouth. I never want this kiss to stop. It's heaven on Earth. My hands move down to clench his shirt. One of his hands moves back to cup my face. Hunter slows down the kiss and runs his tongue across my lips and finishes with a soft peck. Wow.

  I lazily open my eyes and stare into his gorgeous blue orbs. Hunter brings his forehead to mine and pushes my hair away from my face.

  "Lee?" I love how he whispers my name. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you." I gasp and let go of his shirt flattening my hands to his chest. "What are you doing Friday night?" He looks at me expectantly. I'm still recovering from the best kiss of my life.

  "Umm, nothing?" I manage to whimper out.

  Hunter clears his throat. "Well, you're doing something with me now." He just smiles, pats me on the butt and leaves.

  What the hell just happened? I have a date! There's an enormous grin on my face. I touch my fingers to my lips and close my eyes. I replay that kiss over and over in my head. His large hands caressed me so delicately. The unmistakable manly scent that was emanating off him still surrounds me. He worshipped me with his hands and his soft lips. A man has never kissed me like that. He took control and I was putty in his hands.

  I can't get that fucking kiss out of my head. Her bottom lip was soft and plump. I wanted to suck on it for days. She tasted like sweet tea. When I grabbed her firm ass, it was like holding pure gold. My little treasure trove was waiting to be coveted. I wasn't going to waste any time asking her out. She was stunned and I didn't give her enough time to rebuff me. Grandad would be proud. I smile to myself.

  I pick up my phone and erase the new text from Vivian and open a new message to Lenora.

  Hunter: I googled you. I'm pretty impressed with all the recognition you've received. Well deserved. I know I've trusted the right person to pick the art for my home.

  I stare up at the ceiling above my bed. Six minutes later, not that I'm counting, Lenora texts me back.

  Lee: Oh really? Thanks. Are you thinking about me this late at night?


  I'm always thinking about Lenora. Yeah, it's been my usual MO these past few weeks.

  Hunter: What can I say? I'm still thinking about that kiss.

  Lee: Me too. ☺ So where are you taking me on Friday?

  Fuck. That kiss was amazing. Our lips were meant to meet and do wicked things to each other.

  Hunter: Looking forward to our date, huh? There's this diner in town that makes the best milkshakes and peach cobbler. Is 6 p.m. okay?

  I can't wait to show this place to Lee. This diner has been around a long time. In the summer, Grandpa and I used to go there every Thursday night. The people may have changed over time, but the food never does. I hope Lenora likes it.

  Lee: Sounds great! 6 p.m. works for me.

  Hunter: Wonderful. See you on Friday. Sweet dreams, Lenora.

  Lee: Sweet dreams, Hunter.

  Oh, I'll be having some sweet dreams all right, of those lips. I can't fucking wait until Friday.

  Dust kicks up from his truck on the gravel road leading to my house. I can see his vehicle from my bedroom window as I’m finishing up getting ready. I touch up my lipstick and slip on my nude pumps that make my legs look ten times longer. I grab my purse and head to the door. He knocks lightly and I swing it open. Hunter's eyes widen as his gaze travels down my figure.

  "You look stunning." He leans down and kisses me on my cheek. Then he offers me a bundle of pink roses. Perfect. I can’t remember the last time I got flowers. I blush and smooth down my little black dress. I accept the flowers from him and take a big whiff. They smell divine.

  "Thank you." Hunter is wearing a long sleeve dark blue Henley with the top two buttons undone. It makes his already beautiful eyes pop. Distressed jeans and brown cowboy boots complete his look. His hair is away from his face and he’s got that five o’clock shadow. Yummy.

  I head to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase. When I turn around, Hunter's watching me from the doorway. "Shall we?" He offers me his arm and I slip mine around his. I have butterflies in my stomach. I’ve never been this anxious for a date.

  We make our way to the gravel driveway, but my heels are unsteady. He grasps my arm to keep me from falling over. Then Hunter sweeps me off my feet. Literally. I'm in his arms. He carries me to his truck like I’m a princess. I gasp and move my hand to make sure my dress is covering my derriere. He just smiles and sets me down when we reach the passenger door. Hunter offers his hand to help me up. I love it when southern boys have manners.

  We drive down the road in silence for a while. I use that time to observe Hunter. He's pushed up the sleeves to his shirt showing off those sexy forearms that I want to wrap around
me. On his wrist, there's an antique watch with a weathered brown strap. I don't know what it is with a guy wearing a watch but it makes me think nasty thoughts. I imagine him wearing it while he finger-fucks me. I bet he knows just how to touch a woman. I cross my legs.

  "What are you thinking about?" Hunter asks like he knows the answer.

  "I like your watch." Nope, I wasn't thinking about sex, not at all.

  He turns his wrist off the steering wheel to admire it. "Thanks, it was Grandad's."

  "You seem to have had a close relationship with him," I reply. I've heard him mention his grandfather before. Family seems very important to him. I like that.

  "I did. Grandpa was my rock. Taught me everything I know." He smiles as he turns on to the main road.

  Hunter seems like an old soul. He just is what he is. It makes him straightforward and uncomplicated in the best way. No excuses, just proud of who he is and where he came from. Confidence is attractive. There's arrogant and then there's confident. I hate it when guys have to puff themselves up, brag or try and sell themselves. If they have to do that, then they're not worth my time. Simple is good. Straight-forward and confident is very good.

  In the truck, we talk about what we both had been up to that week, him on the farmhouse and me on my painting. The conversation is relaxed, easy-going. I feel like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me. I hope he feels that comfortable with me.

  We arrive at the diner and Hunter helps me out of the truck. It looks just like one of those air streams, but on a massive scale. A green neon sign flashes with the word Shirley's, like a cherry on top. He opens the door to the eatery and I'm taken back to the Fifties. Black and white checkered flooring with metal chairs and red booths adorn the space. A jukebox on the far end of the diner is playing "Ain't that a Shame" by Fats Domino. The place is bustling. The food must be delicious here.

  Hunter grabs my hand and leads me straight to an open booth. I take the seat opposite him. He grabs a menu from the back of the table and hands it to me. I glance down at it, then look back at him. Hunter has his arm draped over the back of the booth and he's gazing out the window. He's so handsome. His head turns. I quickly look down at my menu.

  "Everything sounds good," I say, unable to decide what I want to eat. The waitress comes and gets our drink order.

  After the server leaves he says, "Yeah, that's why I like this place. It's not your typical Mom and Pop diner. They have a wide variety of food. So, I come here often. I have the menu memorized." Hunter winks at me. The waitress returns with our milkshakes and we give her our order. Hunter regards me intently as his hands are folded in front of him. "So, have you always known you wanted to be a painter?"

  I lean back in the booth as "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King croons in the background. "Well, no. I was never very good at drawing, but once I got a paintbrush in my hands, it just felt right. It was more of a hobby for me. A way to de-stress, soothe my soul. It just developed from there. My grandfather was a painter and photographer. Art is in my genes."

  "Were you close to your grandfather?" He takes a sip of his milkshake.

  "He lived here, near Dallas and I was raised in Austin. I didn't see him much, just on holidays and birthdays. I spent a couple of summers with him when I got older. He helped me with my craft and I watched him paint. He was fantastic. I have a few of his originals stored in my bedroom."

  "I'd love to see his work. If it's anything like yours, I'm sure I'll like them. Grandpa loved the arts. He was into cars mostly, though." Hunter rubs the back of his neck.

  "Did you inherit his love for cars?" I ask as our food arrives. I grab the salt to put on my burger and flick a little over my shoulder for luck. Hunter chuckles at my superstitious stunt.

  "Nah, not really. I can appreciate cars, but Grandad was the one who was passionate about them. Did your grandfather do landscapes like you?" Hunter grabs one of his shrimp tacos and takes a mouthful.

  I give him a small smile. "My grandfather's work is a little different than mine. He did teach me how to paint in his style, portraits mostly. It's a unique pastime forgotten." I play with the straw in my milkshake. We talk all through dinner and into dessert, enjoying peach cobbler with two spoons. We never run out of things to say. He's funny and charming. Hunter cares about his family and I don't want to ever run out of time with him. He offers me his hand when we get out of the booth, touching my lower back as he leads me out the door. I don't miss any of the slight touches he gives me. My body zings and pings with every brush, grab and hold.

  He leans against the steering wheel and looks over at me. "I would love to show you the farmhouse. Do you mind?"

  "No, not at all. I've been looking forward to it." I give him a big smile to let him know I'm excited.

  He turns on the radio and starts drumming his fingers to Charlie Puth's "Marvin Gaye." I blush immediately and he seems to enjoy me squirming in my seat. Now, I can only think about getting it on with him. Hunter slowly reaches out and takes my hand in his.

  "You're kind of far over there. Why don't you move over close to me, so I don't have to reach for your hand?" A side of his mouth perks up as his eyes gleam at me. I hesitantly unbuckle my seat belt and slide across the bench. I grab the middle buckle and secure myself in. Our legs and arms are touching. He moves to grab the hand in my lap. I wrap both of my hands around his and lean my head on his shoulder. I'm acting unusually bold.

  He seems to appreciate it. Slowly, he moves his hand down my leg. He comes to the end of my dress and rests his hand between my thighs. I'm holding my breath, thinking of him touching me with his fingers under my panties. My body is humming with need. He knows exactly what he's doing. He bites down on his lip. So hot. I hope he's thinking about doing naughty things to me, too.

  We finally get to Sleepy Hollow Farm, as the sign by the road says. It’s a picturesque homestead. I could envision little kids chasing a dog around the lawn. We come to a stop near the white picket fence. He puts the truck in park and we unbuckle our seatbelts. I’ve felt the sexual tension in the cab the instant the doors closed. We turn our faces toward each other. There's lust in his eyes and I'm sure mine are reflecting the same. His eyes move to my lips. I inadvertently lick them. I know what he wants, because I want it too. This whole scene is alluring. From his hot as fuck smolder, to the family perfect farm. I’m horny as hell. My ovaries feel like they’re about to explode.

  “I need your lips, Lenora.” My ovaries explode. There’s no question and I don’t resist. Hunter raises his hand and cups my jaw leading my lips to his. I’ve needed his mouth on mine from that last kiss. It starts sensual and slow but turns to fiery passion within a single breath.

  It’s quiet and calm outside the truck, but inside our lips are smacking loudly as our tongues mingle. I feel like a teenager making out in my boyfriend's car. I grab the back of his head to give myself more leverage. I want him to consume me. My heart is beating out of my chest. I’ve never wanted a man this badly. His whole body turns toward me and he braces against the bench beside me. Hunter's completely encompassing me with his body, his scent, and his touch. I'm so needy for him. I take his right hand in mine. Widening my legs, I slide his hand under my dress to my panties. I can’t tell you what color my panties are or even the kind of truck I’m sitting in. I can tell you Hunter’s eyes are ice-blue and his hand is rough against my thigh. He’s the only thing I need right now. I need it more than my next breath.

  "Hunter," I whisper, asking with my kiss for him to touch me where I ache.

  "Fuck, Lenora. My fingers are wet and I haven't even got passed your panties yet." Hunter is kissing me with wild abandonment. He rubs my clit through my panties, as I moan into his mouth. "Hold on to the door handle, Lenora. This pussy's mine. We're going to make a mess of these panties." More beautiful words were never spoken. He lays me down across the bench and hovers between my legs. My heartbeat raises with anticipation. I know this is going to be so good. I’m completely at his mercy. He braces himsel
f on his forearm continuing to fuck my mouth with his tongue. Hunter moves aside my panties, his fingertips grazing my pussy.

  "Oh!" I'm so sensitive to his touch. He rubs soft circles, moving my desire around. I moan loudly and grip on to his shoulders to anchor me. He’s really good at multitasking. Hunter is attacking my mouth and clit at the same time. I couldn’t even tell you what two plus two is right now.

  "Hunter, don't stop, it feels so good." He rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. His thumb is concentrating on my clit as another finger slips inside me. My hips are gyrating of their own accord. My feet are kicking at obstacles in his truck. I'm pulling on the sleeves of his Henley, moaning to his stroking. Our eyes haven't left each other. Hunter is watching me intently, looking for cues. He’s a master, a master clit specialist. Fuck. He speeds up his ministrations causing me to close my eyes in ecstasy. His head moves into the crook of my neck. He kisses me there and whispers in my ear. If we could just stay in this truck forever like this, I could die a happy woman.

  "Show me how much your pussy loves my fingers inside you. Come all over my hand, Lenora." He’s panting near my ear. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he’s getting off on this too.

  I'm writhing underneath him, unable to control my impending orgasm. His fingers move fast. My eyes shut and I see stars. All I can feel is his breath on my neck and his fingers inside me. Nothing else exists at this moment.

  I scream. My entire body shakes against his. A wave of ecstasy flows over me. It seems to go on and on as I buck against his fingers. I can feel Hunter's eyes on my face. I want to know what his cock would feel like inside me. I'm gasping for air, coming off my high. I blink my eyes open. He has the most satisfied look on his face, even though I was the one that came. My body is still shaking. That was an earth-shattering orgasm. He has a right to be smug.


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