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Myth of the Moon Goddess - The Aradia Chronicles, Books One, Two and Three

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by Rane, April

  April Rane

  Myth of the Moon Goddess

  The Aradia Chronicles—Books One, Two, and Three

  Copyright © 2012 by April Rane

  Cover Art by Howard David Johnson © 2004-12 ~

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

  Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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  ISBN: 978-1-4759-4147-0 (sc)

  ISBN: 978-1-4759-4148-7 (hc)

  ISBN: 978-1-4759-4149-4 (e)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2012914012


  Author’s Note



  The Myth

  Book One

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Book Two

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Book Three

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Volume Two

  Book Four

  Chapter 1- Part one

  The Sacred Rays

  Years ago when I read Charles Leland’s accounts of the Goddess Aradia, in Aradia, Gospel of the Witches, it shook me to my core. Reading about Aradia opened doorways into past-life memory that I had only touched upon up to that point. And though I had no idea why his book or stories about Aradia created a need to explore the lives I had lived, I pursued that track as well as many other deep approaches to spiritual growth.

  Leland claimed that Aradia actually lived on earth somewhere around the year 1350 A.D. From that point alone, it should be noticed, seeing as the Aradia Chronicles begins more than 300 B.C. that my books are not in any way a historical document of her life. Leland’s book has since been debunked, creating quite a bit of controversy. My book is neither a claim that Aradia actually lived, nor is it a statement that she did not live.

  I channeled the Myth portion of this book in 1994 and put it aside and forgot about it. It was in 1998 that I began to channel the stories. They came to me fast and furious and were fun and exciting to read because, as I was writing, I never knew what was coming next.

  It was through the dream-time that I recognized it was consecutive lives and soul lessons that I was writing about. And it was in a deep meditation that I connected the Myth that I had written in 1994 to the stories that were flowing through me. It was at that time that I decided that Aradia’s archetypal presence was guiding me, and that I needed to honor that fact by keeping her name alive.

  I truly believe that it matters not what spurs us forward on our spiritual path, but that if we can continue to know ourselves then we are participating fully in life. So no, what I have written is not a declaration about when or if Aradia lived. It is about her impact on me as an individual that I wish to acknowledge because she lives in me, just as she lives in many of you who have connected with her through the written word, dreams, visions, or perhaps through this book.

  Blessed be, April Rane

  I don’t believe in coincidence. Every single event that has happened in my life led to writing The Aradia Chronicles, and every single person I have ever come across has added dimension to the stories and imagery that have always been in my head.

  The names and faces of the people that have edited, read or commented on this book weave together like a colorful kaleidoscope with each turn of the wheel adding to the next amazing improvement, filling my senses with awe at just who I should thank first. So I will try and list them as I remember the events taking place, because each one was essential to the whole. If I have neglected someone I should have mentioned, please forgive me and know that I appreciated every bit of help I got along the way.

  My Aunt Connie rolled up the pages of one of my stories after reading it and wacked me on the head saying, “These stories are great because they have a message! They belong in a book. In fact they belong on television like Xena the Warrior Princess! If you don’t publish them I’ll come back and haunt you when I die!” My aunt was no spring chicken, so picturing her glued to the T.V. watching Xena gave me a chuckle, but I really had to laugh when she insisted that her husband, my wonderful Uncle Larry, who didn’t enjoy reading at all, actually perused a few pages so he could encourage me also.

  Next, my best friend Patricia Mulraney, an avid reader, read through the original manuscript (bless her,) complete with every grammatical mistake possible, an over-abundance of commas and tons of semicolons, my favorite form of punctuation, thrown in everywhere, in spite of which, she declared it to be a f _ _ _ _ _ _ page turner! That got my attention!

  And then there was…. Jorie Eberle who pointed out all the spelling and grammatical mistakes, which as a dyslexic didn’t surprise me, but it did make me more determined to see it through. Her not being able to read it allowed me to verbalize Aradia’s story. Hence, we talked about chakra lessons, which opened another door. Thanks for listening between the lines!

  Tomara Hotary LeMieux, upon reading a couple of the stories, and loving them, has constantly encouraged me to continue with the series. Thank you my beautiful daughter-in-law and thanks also for giving me my intelligent and wonderful grandson Taylor, who cooked and shared so many meals with me as he was growing up. It is hard to realize that he is now in the service. I love you Taylor!

  My friend Ron Sabatino patiently began to do some editing just before he left for a job overseas. It was he who suggested that I needed to add a bit of background at the beginning of each story. He also, not so patiently, being shocked that I did not know how to use it, taught me about the micro-soft office editing program.

  Life happened and I put the books down for some time until my friend and teaching partner for Reiki classes, Antoinette Parato, asked if her mother, Margaret LePrine, who loved to read could rev
iew the books. And she, very Aries-like, not only critiqued me but gave me some good solid advice about additions to the endings; she then told her daughter how much she like them.

  Donna Brewer, my dear and wonderful Sagittarian friend upon hearing Margaret’s opinion through her daughter, called me out of the blue and asked if she could read Aradia’s stories; after doing so she enthusiastically encouraged me saying! “I love it! I love Aradia’s feisty spirit and her multifaceted personality. I would be glad to offer my time to do some preliminary editing and polishing to get these stories on the market, because I truly believe it will make a great book!” Donna I will be forever grateful for your hard work and your belief in me!

  Meriann Schneble, an avid reader and longtime friend, was elected to be the word-master, researching redundant words and replacing them with more interesting ones. After attracting a few more helpers, we named our little group ‘The Dream Team,’ and I believe all of us benefited from the creativity of working on this project together.

  After all the basic editing, my cousin Kyah Mull, my Aunt Connie and Uncle Larry’s daughter, excitedly joined our group. Her job was to help me clarify situations and shore up places that lacked consistency. She was a hard task master determined not to let me throw in my famous semi-colons anywhere I thought they looked pretty! She was an absolute blessing in an endeavor that became more and more difficult, rather than easier, as it went along. For me as a writer the initial story comes through so rapidly that it is hard to type fast enough, but the editing is grueling.

  My sweet and loving friend Jackie Kopie gave me an opinion from a more youthful perspective, loving it she mentioned that perhaps her mother, Ronna High, being an avid reader could help. Thanks for joining the Dream Team Ronna!

  I asked my dear friend Gayle Phillips, who is a psychologist, to critique it from her perspective, and it was she who encouraged me to trust myself and add more information about the color rays, as she found that concept fascinating. Thank you, Gayle.

  Maggie Schultz, my friend and real estate agent, after reading it sent out some query letters and Donna Jo Young brainstormed with all of us in the beginning before she moved away. Both were great additions to our Dream Team. Donna we miss you!

  Thanks to my loving friend Carol Nelson, for reading and commenting on my efforts. Also Betty Fair, my new neighbor and condo mate for her quick eye as she read through many of the changes and additions that were taking place as the book was being prepared for market.

  I love my spirited and funny daughter-in-law Beth LeMieux for many reasons, but at the top of the list is the fact that she gave me two incredible grandchildren who have always been close to my heart. My grandson David LeMieux was terrifically helpful on this project with his knowledge about computers. But more than that, he encouraged me by cheering me on and making me laugh! Thanks, I love you David.

  Catherine McClure, ‘Kat,’ Beth’s daughter, now a beautiful young lady in college and one I am delighted to call my grand-daughter, has been a blessing! Having the benefit of her delightful company, laughter, and precocious views on life through the years has kept me young! She’s delighted to have an author in the family. I love you Kat!

  My friend Mark Anthony, author of the best selling and award winning book Never Letting Go, has greatly encouraged me to get my books in print. Thanks Mark, you are a terrific friend!

  Caroline Connor, grand dame of Radionics, author of numerous books, and informative friend has applauded me in many arenas. Writing is just another area in which she believes I will thrive, thank you Caroline for your support over the last twenty-five years.

  Robin Bowen Seibold, PH.D., an old friend and author of the book To Divorce or Not, a great counselor, has always been supportive, thanks Robin!

  There are some other very special people that have applauded my writing and my efforts to be an author in one way or another throughout the years. A great big thank you goes out to Jerry Venuti, for his laughter, support and belief in my ability. Tommy C. for his faith in me, and our wonderful talks about string theory, quantum physics and torsion field energy! Eternal thanks to Dave ‘MacGyver’ Buckowski. I think the ‘MacGyver’ says it all. And also Joe Dow, who I think will be most surprised when the book finally hits the market.

  ~And then of course there is my dearest and longtime friend and companion John Sarno, who has always been there to catch me when I fall! He, I am sure will be happy about this book, and that my feisty, determined nature has been put to good use for a change!

  Howard David Johnson, my cover artist who puts his heart and soul into all of his work, cheered me on when he learned about the subject matter of my book. His taking the time to write me a meaningful letter meant a lot to me. Thanks David!

  Geri Mach, February 9, 1940- April 2, 2011, thanks for the unexpected blessing!

  Mary Linn Roby comes last, but most certainly not least! As I neared the end of assembling all of the components that make up a novel, I realized that, after all the hard work everyone had put into accomplishing this project, they deserved to have their work honored. I decided to have Mary, a professional editor then working on my memoir, read a few chapters. I was impressed by her work, she was quick witted, brutally honest and insightful. After reading Myth of the Moon Goddess, which she truly loved, Mary encouraged me to get it on the market as soon as possible. It was after Mary did a professional edit for me I found out that she was an award winning author of fifty two novels, who in her spare time labors over manuscripts of fledgling authors like me. Boy I lucked out! Thank you Mary~

  ~I was blessed to have a loving mother who always encouraged me and two incredible sons that were proud of me. I am sorry that they are not here on earth to share in my accomplishment, but I am aware that they encourage me with love and laughter from the other side. ~

  Rose Burns - Jan. 20, 1908- June 22, 1999

  Russell LeMieux April 5, 1963 -March 29, 2000

  David LeMieux August 7, 1964- May 29, 2010

  In Myth of the Moon Goddess, April Rane breathes new life into color with her fascinating and in-depth knowledge of the ‘Seven Sacred Rays.’ While reading this book you’ll discover a whole new way of looking at the power of color and its effect in your life. Enjoy her spellbinding story-telling as you learn about past lives and karma, and… discover more about yourself on every page!

  ~Mark Anthony, best-selling author of, Never Letting Go~

  I am the Goddess Aradia, and this is my journal

  As you read my epic tale perhaps you will find that truth is a destiny that lies somewhere between virtue and immorality. In these pages I sharewith you three lives in which I lose, and then slowly piece together myheart and mind, to regain some hold upon the heavens and my immortal soul.

  The words written here are not so much a book but an experience, a journey if you will, deep into the core of my being. I’ve come from a mystical golden sphere called the Moon, with a sworn oath upon my lips to free women from oppression and fear.

  As a traveler to your Earth I find it lush and inviting. But your world, unlike mine, is a polarized world of black and white, male and female, good and bad. It is balanced by karma, and love is the key.

  It is possible that you will find a bit of yourself and a glimmering of truth within these pages, for the facts of my sorcery and magic are laid bare. You will see that in the confusing intricacies of love, hate, resentment and guilt that are part of Earth’s precious lessons, I lost my way.

  Perhaps in reading this, you will be spared the mistakes I have made, as knowledge applied, becomes wisdom. So…look well for truth; it sometimesgives the impression of landing, when it is forever in flight, looking to find its precarious place in the wind.

  Diana, goddess of the moon, parted the mists between the worlds and looked sadly down upon the wondrous fields of earth. Before her lay, the extraordinary blue green oceans and resplendent mountains of the once peaceful planet. With sorrow in her heart, she beckoned her daughter Aradia, and after composing
herself, looked at her daughter with deep love in her eyes.

  “The words I speak today are the most difficult words that will ever be uttered from these lips,” she said. “Many of our women have gone to Earth and have become caught in an outrage of mistreatment from those that carry the seed. Because of this, I ask you, Aradia, to join the mortals and live among them, even though you were born unto a great royal line that hold the womb and all females that spring from it as sacred. You will be subject to their laws, and you will, at times, forget who you are. Yet, that which you will accomplish upon the Earth will spread until it cannot be denied.

  “If you agree to this, you will be initiated in the temple of the Sorceress until such time as you are ready for the task ahead of you. You are a great priestess, my daughter. You are not to feel you must do this, because unless this is your heart’s desire you will fail. Go now and listen to your innermost stirrings. Gaze into your cup of ambrosia until the answer comes.”

  Diana sat watching from her window seat, high above the pristine courtyard, as the newly chosen novitiates, called doves, were filing into the temple for their first lesson. They were honored to be chosen, but couldn’t quite contain their excited whispers and quiet laughter as they began their dedication in the Temple of the Dove. As novitiates, they would be expected to pass a series of seven tests designed to eliminate those that would not be fit for temple life. Diana’s gaze fell softly upon her daughter. Aradia moved gracefully, stopping every now and then to observe the young doves in training.

  Aradia’s heart was heavy, yet her head was held high. A silent tear slipped down her cheek. As she slowly climbed the spiral stairway leading to her mother’s mystical chamber, she looked longingly over her shoulder at the laughing young women playing at the water fountain. Reaching the top of the stairs, she walked gracefully and knelt in front of the one who gave her life. Her heart was leaden, but her words earnest.


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