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Sweet Submissions II

Page 1

by Kim Knight

  Title Page

  Sweet Submissions II

  Publisher Information

  Published in 2012 by Silver Moon

  Silver Moon is an imprint of Shadowline Publishing Ltd.

  Digital Edition Converted and Distributed in 2012 by

  Andrews UK Limited

  Copyright Silver Moon 2012

  All characters and events depicted are entirely fictitious; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is entirely coincidental




  Kim Knight

  Kim is one of the brightest stars in the Silver Moon firmament! She knows and understands the female submissive psyche as well as understanding girl to girl attraction. A heady combination!

  ‘I can’t outrun them in this heap of junk.’

  ‘I told you not to even try,’ Mia yelled angrily at the driver, her hand gripping the door handle, ‘I’ve had enough shit from the police. I don’t need this!’

  ‘You don’t need it?’ the driver demanded, glaring sideways at her, ‘I’ve got a bag of fucking smack in my pocket. D’ya think I need it?’

  Mia was even more furious, ‘You bastard. What are you doing? I asked if you were clean, I told you that I’m trying to stay out of trouble!’

  ‘Well, aren’t you just squeaky clean these days?’ he snarled, glaring at her again.

  ‘Watch the damn road!’ she shouted but it was too late. The car spun, sliding sideways across the road and slamming into a barrier at the side of the country lane. Mia was temporarily stunned and she shook her head to try and clear the lights that were dancing in front of her eyes. A blast of cold are filled the car as the driver’s door was thrown open.

  ‘Mickey?’ she asked and looked up through the cracked windscreen in time to see him vault the barrier and disappear into the darkness.

  ‘You bastard!’ she yelled and undid her seatbelt. She tried to open her door and found it jammed. Cursing angrily, she climbed across to the driver’s side in time for a hand to reach in and haul her out of the car. She was pushed back against the rear door and a bright torch shone in her eyes.

  ‘Police officer, don’t move.’

  She couldn’t see the man beyond the light but she knew immediately who it was and her heart sank.

  ‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mia.’ He didn’t lower the torch as he spoke but she knew he was smiling nastily, ‘Mia - no surname, no fixed abode. Car theft is a bit of a step up from shop lifting, isn’t it?’

  Mia tried to swallow her fear, ‘Oh, come on, Sergeant Kent, you know I wasn’t driving.’

  ‘I just pulled you out of the driver’s seat.’

  ‘Yeah - I was trying to get out. Didn’t you notice that there was a passenger in the front?’

  ‘So, you were the passenger?’

  ‘Spot on.’

  ‘Well then, what a shame that your client didn’t hang around to corroborate your story.’

  ‘Client?’ Mia sighed angrily, ‘I’m not a prostitute, Sergeant Kent.’

  ‘What have we got here?’ It was another familiar voice, PC Jameson, Kent’s usual partner.

  ‘Either a joy rider or a slapper whose trick has just legged it.’

  ‘I told you, I’m not a prostitute.’

  Kent lowered the light to run it down her body, studying her slim lines beneath the battered leather jacket, faded t-shirt and ripped jeans. He gradually moved the light back up until he could see her face and long, straight brown hair. ‘Tell that to the whores you hang with.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Jameson snarled, ‘if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and fucks like a duck, what is it?’

  Mia shrugged, ‘A cat?’

  Kent moved fast, slapping her hard across the cheek and knocking her down to one knee. ‘Care to answer that again?’ he sneered as she lifted herself to her feet.

  ‘What was the question?’

  He back-handed her, knocking her to the ground. She lay there for a moment before finding the strength to lift herself to her knees. She looked up at him, ‘Is this how you get your rocks off?’ The look in his eyes made her instantly regret her words and she hauled herself to her feet, ‘Alright, look, just give me a ticket or a summons or wha -’ He knocked her down again.

  ‘I prefer you down there.’

  She stared up at him. She wanted to move, wanted to stand up and show that she wasn’t afraid of him. But she couldn’t - she was afraid. She could, and would, stand up to anyone on the streets and had developed a reputation for being someone who would fight to their last breath. But this - this was different. This wasn’t street punks looking for an easy bit of cash or a fast fuck - she had no power here and they both knew it. She couldn’t fight back and hope to win. Even if she managed to get away, Sergeant Kent would find her and it would be so much worse then. He must have seen the resignation in her eyes because he smiled and it wasn’t pleasant.

  ‘That’s right,’ he announced, ‘you know your place.’ Slowly, making sure that she was watching his every move, he unzipped his fly. She closed her eyes, turning her head slightly to the side.

  ‘On your knees.’ he ordered. She did so, opening her eyes but keeping her head turned to the side. ‘Come on then,’ he half laughed but there was a tone that made his laugh threatening.

  Mia swallowed and then turned to face the half erect cock before her. He was stroking it between his thumb and forefinger and she could see nicotine stains on the edges of his fingers. She grimaced, she couldn’t help it. He stank of sweat and cigarettes. He saw her reaction and reached down to grab a handful of her hair, twisting it in his fist and making her gasp as he pulled her head up.

  ‘What’s the matter? I’m not good enough for you?’ he snarled and then pushed her away. She hit her head against the side of the car and fell sideways. Her hands and feet scrabbled at the road as she tried to get away from him but his foot pushed down on the small of her back and pushed her down, trapping her there. A distinctive sound followed and she knew what was going to happen next. It was Jameson who yanked her arms behind her back and cuffed her wrists. For the barest of moments she dared to hope that they were arresting her and that they would now be off to the station for a night in the cells. But that was too much to hope for. She was picked up and thrown into the back of the car. Kent climbed into the back with her, forcing her to lie down with her head face down in his lap. He held her head down with a hand on the back of her head. He had tucked his cock away but left his flies open and she was forced to suffer the stale sweat smell of his crotch for the entire journey. She didn’t know how long they drove for but when she was hauled out of the car she could see that they were on some high waste ground. She could see lights on the motorway below but no houses were in sight.

  ‘That’s right,’ Kent announced as he saw her looking round, ‘it’s lovely and quiet up here, no one will disturb us.’ He undid her cuffs, ‘And, in case you’re thinking of playing us up, there’s a truck stop a couple of minutes from here and I just know that they’d love you.’ Mia stared at him, desperate to see him bluffing but he wasn’t. He would take her there and no doubt enjoy the show of a dozen truck drivers having fun with her. Such an image flashed past Mia’s mind’s eye and she was thankful for the darkness that covered up the flush that crept up her neck. A familiar tingling nestled in the pit of her stomach, she tried to ignore it but it abruptly grew worse when Kent suddenly whirled her around, released the cuffs and said, ‘Strip.’

  ‘Sergeant Kent, pleas
e, I -’

  ‘Jameson,’ he said curtly with a sharp nod.

  The constable moved in on her, grabbing the back of her jacket and yanking it down her arms, tossing it away into the shadows. He ripped the t-shirt from her - just shredded the material between his hands and threw it away without even looking where it was going. She was wearing a bra beneath and he struggled with the clasp, pulling her harshly as he struggled to undo it.

  Kent held his hand up to stop him and stared at Mia, his eyebrows raised, ‘Well?’

  Shivering, Mia reached up behind her to undo the bra and slipped it down her arms. Kent held his hand out and she gave it to him. He studied her tight, smooth breasts while he rolled the bra into a ball and then tossed it away.

  ‘If you want to have something to wear when we’re finished with you, I suggest that you take your jeans off.’ He didn’t wait to see if she agreed with him and just walked to the car and leant against it. Jameson joined him and the two policemen lit a cigarette each and then watched while she stripped out of the last of her clothes. When she was standing naked before them, Kent lifted his hand to describe a circle his finger. Taking a deep, shaking breath, she turned full circle so that they could get a good look at her whole body.

  ‘Again.’ Kent smiled and sucked on his cigarette. She turned three more times before he told her to stop. ‘Not bad,’ he commented to Jameson who nodded his agreement.

  ‘Not bad at all for a street whore,’ Jameson announced. ‘Those truck drivers don’t know what they’re missing.’

  ‘The night is still young and the slut might still be paying them a visit,’ Kent replied as he finished his cigarette and flicked the butt away. ‘Come here.’

  Mia wanted to turn and run but she had no idea where she was or what was around her. Slowly, reluctantly, she approached the men. She felt patches of grass and dried mud under her feet, she flinched as sharp stones dug into her soles. Once she was standing in front of Kent he lifted both hands to pinch her nipples. She gasped in pain, closing her eyes for an instant and biting her lower lip.

  ‘Don’t worry about making a noise,’ he told her. ‘No one is going to hear you out here. In fact, he pinched her nipples harder, I think I’d like to hear you some more.’ He rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, a nasty smile creasing his lips.

  ‘You’ve got rather large nipples, haven’t you?’ She didn’t answer, keeping her head turned away.

  ‘Hmm,’ he smiled again and then let go so that he could open the passenger side door of the police car. He grabbed her shoulder and forced her round to stand on the outside of the door. ‘Stay there.’ he ordered.

  Mia had no idea what he had planned and she watched him as he climbed into the passenger seat and leant over to turn the ignition on. He closed the door with him inside and only when he used the button on the inside of the door to open the electric window did she get an inkling of what he had planned. Jameson had figured it out too and he moved to stand behind her as she took half a step back. ‘Truck drivers,’ he whispered in her ear as she walked back into him. Kent smiled at his colleague through the open window and then waved her forward. Mia struggled as Jameson grabbed her arms and held her wrists behind her back, pushing her chest towards the open window. Her upper chest pressed against the top of the door and her face was pushed down against the roof as Jameson held her firmly in place, using his body against hers and trapping her wrists in one large hand. She heard the whine of the electric window and her whole body tensed. She heard the two men laugh at her reaction. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and then suddenly she felt the edge of the window touching her breasts. She gasped at the coldness of it and tried to struggle as Jameson relaxed his hold slightly so that he could adjust the position of her tits.

  ‘That will do,’ she heard Kent say and then she gasped as the window touched her nipples. She felt them being pushed up and then she screamed as the window pinched her hard buds, trapping them against the top of the window frame and squeezing them viciously. Kent laughed from inside the car, tapping the button to gradually move the window up until her nipples were painfully clamped between the glass and window housing. She screamed over and over as the pain lanced along her breasts, tears rolling from her eyes as she tossed her head.

  ‘Please!’ she managed to cry between screams. ‘Please, stop!’

  She felt the car move and then saw Kent’s face over the roof of the car, grinning at her from the driver’s side. ‘Pardon?’

  ‘Please ...’ she gasped, ‘... it hurts.’

  Kent snorted, ‘It’s supposed to.’

  ‘Please ... I’ll do anything ...’

  He tipped his head slightly to the side, ‘Yeah, I know. But you’ll do whatever we want anyway, you haven’t got a choice in that.’

  She stared at him through tear-filled eyes, shaking her head, ‘I beg you,’ she whispered.

  ‘Pathetic,’ he sighed, shaking his head and then disappeared into the car. Mia cried out with relief as the window was opened and then she gasped loudly as the blood flowed back into her misshapen nipples. She leant her cheek against the cool roof of the car and tried to steady her breathing. She was shivering uncontrollably and barely felt Jameson’s hands on her sides as he slid her along the car until she was standing in the middle. She looked up as she felt something being tied around her wrist and realised that Kent had found some rope. He was leaning across the roof of the car to tie one end around her right wrist. He pulled it to his side and through the window to loop it through the handle above the door. He then fed the rope through the driver’s door and tied it securely around her other wrist before feeding it back through the window and securing it to the steering wheel. He tested the rope, nodding with satisfaction when he found it taut and her arms tightly stretched. The car was cold where her body pressed against it and increased the shivers that ran through her body. She gasped as her ankles were suddenly pulled apart and rope slipped around them. Jameson and Kent worked at the same time to secure her ankles, pulling her legs apart and keeping them wide by looping the rope around the front and back bumpers. The two men then stepped back to admire Mia who was stretched painfully across the side of the car. She was stretched so tightly that the quivers of cold and fear were now little more than ripples running along her skin. She should have known what was to come next but was perhaps too numbed by everything else to fully believe it. Kent had slipped his belt from his trousers and wrapped the buckle end around his wrist. The rest of the length of leather was delivered across the centre of her tight rump with a resounding snap that drew a shocked cry from Mia’s lips. Another blow and Mia screamed as fire seared her buttocks. She managed to look over her shoulder in time to see the third blow as it found the backs of her thighs. She screamed over and over as blow after blow fell upon her smooth, virgin buttocks. The belt became like a knife slicing her flesh and at the same time driving hot needles into her skin. But even as her arse and thighs were engulfed in flame, a freezing chill ran up her spine and down her chest. Her nipples though, remained hot and aching, a constant reminder of what the men had already done. It became impossible to tell one blow from another as her bruised buttocks succumbed to the wide belt. When he finally finished she sobbed with relief, only to scream again when his open palm found her buttock with a loud Smack!. Kent moved round to the other side of the car and leant his forearms on the roof, a cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth as he studied her tear stained face. Suddenly the belt found her buttocks again and she screamed loudly, her eyes pleading with Kent who merely smiled back as his colleague beat her mercilessly. When he finished Mia dared to hope that they were finished with her but then she saw the hungry look in Kent’s eyes and she knew that there was more to come. He walked back round the car and she rested her head against the roof, awaiting the inevitable. She felt a smooth dome pushing at her cunt lips and then she couldn’t help but gasp as she f
elt her vagina opened. She gasped again as she felt something cold and smooth sliding into her - she had expected either of the men to slide his cock in but this ... she glanced over her shoulder and Kent slowly withdrew the object, making her gasp. He lifted the glistening truncheon and raised his eyebrows, ‘Well, well, well,’ he laughed. ‘It seems that we have a little pain slut here.’

  Mia had heard the term before but to hear it directed at her made her buttocks tighten. She gasped at the resulting ache and turned back to rest her head against the roof of the car again. She almost cried out when she felt the truncheon sliding into her once more, forcing its way deep inside her cunt. She could feel her juices sliding down the polished wood, couldn’t stop the pleasurable quivers from running up and down her spine. For a moment she convinced herself that she was dreaming. That this was just one of those strange dreams that she had frequently. Any moment now she would wake up and bury her hand between her legs to ease the painful arousal. It was all a dream ... it had to be a dream. She cried out as her pussy clenched around the sliding phallus and then gasped loudly as the ribbed handle pressed against her opening.

  ‘Jesus fucking Christ,’ Kent said loudly, his voice half amused and half astounded. ‘The little fucking slut has taken the whole thing.’

  ‘That’s not possible,’ Jameson argued as he moved to look for himself and then laughed. ‘Bloody hell. I wonder what else she can take.’

  Mia looked over her shoulder, about to beg with the men to let her go, surely they had had their fun, what more could they want from her. Any words died on her lips and her eyes widened when she saw Jameson slip his own truncheon from its holder.

  ‘You ever had anything up your arse?’ he asked and then laughed at the terrified look that flashed across her face. ‘I guess not then.’

  Kent waved his hand, ‘Save that for later ... I want to see if her pussy can take both of them.’

  ‘Please, don’t,’ Mia whispered but they ignored her and she was left to shudder with fear as Jameson knelt down beside Kent. She gasped as the truncheon inside her was pulled out a little and then a cry escaped her lips as she felt the second sliding alongside the first.


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