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Adam's Fall

Page 22

by Liv Morris

  “Thorpe is known in this town as Mr. Teflon for a reason. Nothing sticks to him. Nothing. And he makes sure of that. But after what he did to his own flesh and blood, I don’t think you have another choice. Someone needs to stand up to him. I’ll stand behind you. You have my support.” The usual stoic and cautious Patrick surprises me with the sincerity.

  Before I can thank him, Tom says, “I’m in, too, Adam. It sickens me to think that Thorpe pulled such a slimy move on you. I can’t imagine what you were thinking when you felt forced to resign. I say we do everything we can to expose this asshole.”

  “That’s likely the only real result we'll have. Exposing him. You’re right, Patrick. The SEC may not have enough evidence in the end, but Thorpe will have to defend himself as the investigation progresses. Who knows? Maybe other people will come forward. I’m sure there are countless businesspeople he’s bullied in this city. Maybe our spark will get a fire started.”

  I say a silent prayer that somehow Thorpe will be held accountable for his wrongdoings this side of heaven—or hell, for that matter.

  “You could be right. You may inspire others to stand up against him, too,” Patrick says.

  “Ken said the police haven’t been able to locate Peters. When they searched his apartment, it was empty. Not even a sign that he lived there at all.” Trying to stay calm, I take a deep breath as I relive the betrayal.

  “Adam, you’ve been through a hurricane-size shitstorm. How are you doing, really?” Patrick asks with his brows wrinkled in concern.

  “Honestly… I’m wiped out. I went to see a doctor today.” I glance down at my drink as I decide to call my psychiatrist simply a doctor. I’m not ready to come clean with them about the PTSD. “I’ve been having trouble sleeping since the shooting. All stress related, the doctor said. He wants me to take some time off.”

  “Okay…” Patrick clutches his scotch as he waits for me to explain.

  “He’s advised me to take a month off. No emails, no phone calls. Nothing related to business. A complete break.” I speak fast as I break the news.

  Tom sits back in his chair and rakes his fingers through the mess of blond hair on his head. “Jeez, Adam. A month—”

  Patrick reacts quickly and holds his hand up to interrupt Tom. “Take whatever time you need,” he says. “We can handle Kings.” He glares over at Tom, who’s gone silent.

  “Thanks, Patrick.” I put my hand on his shoulder then turn to Tom. He’s sitting up in his seat now and leaning my way.

  “Patrick’s right. Sorry, Adam. I just can’t imagine you gone from Kings for so long.” He gives me a warm smile, and it erases my concerns.

  “I bet you all won’t even miss me.” I snort.

  “If you stay away longer, we’ll just change the company’s name to Duffy Capital.” Tom chuckles at his stupid joke, and Patrick and I roll our eyes at him. Always the wise guy.


  The aroma of something cooking hits my nose the second my feet step over the threshold. I follow the delicious smell and the sounds of laughter toward the kitchen. I cross my fingers that chocolate chip cookies await me. I swear that’s what I smell. My steps sound on the hardwoods as I approach the kitchen, giving me away.

  “Adam!” squeals a happy and tipsy-sounding Kathryn. She’s wearing a big grin, an oversize yellow apron, and a dime-size smudge of chocolate on her cheek. “You’re back!”

  She slides across the floor and hugs me around my waist. Trying to figure out what these two were doing up here, I look over at the counter and see a couple dozen cookies cooling. I glance at Rosa, who shrugs and looks over at a wine glass sitting beside a half-empty bottle of wine.

  “Yes, beautiful, I’m back.” I laugh at her playfulness. “And you’ve been drinking.”

  “Just a teensy bit.” Kathryn pinches together her forefinger and thumb to show the universal sign for teensy. But one-half of a bottle isn’t small when you barely weigh one hundred and ten pounds.

  I kiss off the chocolate from her cheek. “That tastes good,” I say and lick my lips. Rosa giggles and fans herself as I hold Kathryn close to me.

  “Mr. Kingsley, you’re going out to dinner, right?” Rosa asks while grabbing her purse from the counter.

  “Yes, Eddie’s downstairs waiting for us.” I loosen Kathryn’s apron ties, and she wiggles out of it. “No need for you to stay any longer, Rosa.”

  “Rosa and I skipped the meatloaf and went straight to dessert.” Kathryn blows some hair away from her flushed face. It makes her look about seventeen.

  “Good night, Mr. Kingsley and Ms. Kathryn,” Rosa calls as she disappears around the corner into the hallway.

  “Good night, Rosa.”

  I hear the clicking sound of the door as Rosa departs. Running my fingers through Kathryn’s raven hair, I breathe in her appealing scent of wine mixed with chocolate.

  “You know, I’m on vacation starting today.”

  “A whole month?” Kathryn asks with a voice full of hope.

  “Yes, a whole damn month. I think we should get things started now.” I smirk while picking her up by the waist and sitting her down on the kitchen counter.

  “Humph.” Kathryn lets out in reaction to my quick movements. “What do you have in mind?” She licks her red lips. Then I lean toward her and do the same.

  “A lot of that.” I kiss over her cheeks and end up behind her ear. “And tons of this.”

  I let my eager hand wander up her now-parted legs. I hook a finger underneath the lace of her panties and pull them to the side. Exploring her wet warmth, I find her clit. Once located, I press and move in quick vibrations. I’m relentless in my motions until she comes undone for me.

  Catching her breath, she lays her head back against the kitchen cabinets. “What the hell was that?” she asks through a blissful smile.

  “Just wanted to start off my vacation with a bang.” I chuckle.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but that was a one-sided bang, mister,” she says with her hands on her hips.

  “I think I’ll survive. Now jump down from there. Eddie’s waiting to take us to The Core Club for your mother’s birthday dinner.”

  “God, I love you, Adam." Finally, she professes her love to me. All it took was some chocolate, wine, and a fast fingering. I can work with that.

  “I love you too, beautiful,” I say and kiss her chastely on the lips.

  She follows my orders and hops down from the counter. I smack her sweet little ass as I trail behind her to the front door, hoping I make it through dinner.


  “I still can’t believe you two good-looking young men are brothers.” Ava glances between Ollie and me. An approving smile spreads across her face.

  “And we’re the luckiest women in New York City,” Kathryn announces. “To have these two handsome men in our lives, sitting here with us.”

  Ollie slowly shakes his head. “I think these two have had enough of the bubbly for the evening.”

  “Kathryn had a head start before we came.” Her fingers trail a hot path up my leg under the table. I silently thank God for the dark corner and heavy tablecloth. She’s kept me hard most of dinner.

  “This is my last fifty-something birthday. Next year I’ll be sixty, so let’s keep that bubbly bubbling, please.” Ava giggles like a schoolgirl who’s just had her first sips of champagne. It makes me happy to see her enjoying herself.

  “Well, you could have fooled me.” I compliment her honestly. “I’d never believe you to be a day over forty.” I imagine Kathryn aging the same graceful way as her mother.

  “You always say the right words, Adam.” She reaches out to my hand lying on the table and gives it a gentle pat. “When I met you a little over a year ago, I hoped I’d have a chance to introduce you to my Kathryn. She was still in Paris at the time, but I had this feeling. It’s like I knew there was something special about you. You’ve always seemed so familiar to me.”

  “I trust your wise intuition,” I add.r />
  “Mother does know best.” She winks. “This time that truly applies… You said you’re taking off the entire month.” She looks deep in thought as if she’s scheming.

  “Yes, the entire month. Going to try to make a clean break from the rat race.” I hope I can really separate myself from Kings. Even as I sit here tonight, declaring my break, I’m thinking of investor calls that need to be made next week. I’m finding it difficult to relinquish control and relax.

  “With a company your size, it can’t be easy,” Ollie concludes. “Ava has been trying to get me to come to the light and work for her at the Swanson Foundation. I’m not sure I can give up the rat race, though. I think I’ll watch you and see how it goes.”

  “I want to step down as head of the foundation by my sixtieth birthday. I have a year to convince one or both of you gentleman to take my place.” Ava purses her lips and taps her chin. Ollie and I exchange unspoken words and smile at Ava’s determination.

  But I wonder… If anyone can convince me to leave this concrete jungle, it would be Ava.

  Chapter 21

  Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA.

  The sun shines from an azure blue sky as I crouch down beside my mother’s grave. I trace over the carved letters in her headstone and lay my hand on top of it. I slide my fingers back and forth over the polished surface. My mother is no longer here on this earth with me, but my light caresses on the smooth marble feel like a physical connection to her.

  My visit to her grave today has one purpose: honoring her. Something I’ve failed to do over the last ten years.

  I’ve rehearsed the apologies I need to say to her, but the words won’t push past the constricting lump in my throat. Even my eyes fail me as they cloud with tears of pain and regret.

  I bow my head into my chest and fall to me knees. The damp ground soaks through my pants and touches my skin. I collapse into myself and begin to shake as streams of tears run down my cheeks.

  “Mom...” The strained plea leaves me and my confession begins. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea what you went through with Thorpe, but I understand that you left your dreams behind to protect me from that man.”

  “Thank you, Mom. You were a selfless woman, and I owe you everything.”

  Placing my hands on the top of her tombstone, I stand and brush off the fallen leaves stuck to the knees of my pants.

  I kiss the tips of my fingers and touch them to the etched words: Flora Kingsley. Closing my eyes, I take a minute to say good-bye.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a tissue and wipe off my face. My vision clears as I walk back to my car. The passenger door is wide open, and Kathryn sits inside.

  I kick some gravel as I near the car and alert Kathryn of my approach. She turns her head toward me and greets me with a comforting smile. My eyes begin to blur again because I wouldn’t be here on this sacred ground if she hadn’t fallen in love with me.

  I make my way to the driver’s side and climb in next to her. I reach across the console and take her hand. Raising it to my lips, I kiss over the soft skin of her knuckles.

  “Are you all right, Adam?” She brushes her thumb over the back of my hand.

  “Yes, I’m okay. I should’ve visited her grave years ago.” I give her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “Thank you for coming with me. I can’t build a future with you unless I’ve dealt with my past.” I turn the keys in the ignition, and with a lighter heart, I drive away.


  You are cordially invited…

  Adam wears a fitted black tuxedo, and I'm dressed in an ivory gown made for a princess. Tonight’s catered affair is all for us.

  The overpriced band plays our song as we dance alone on the floor. I lay my head against Adam’s chest, and the sound of his heart's steady beat comforts me. I twirl my fingers in his hair, and he melts under my touch.

  “What you do to me, beautiful,” he murmurs as we move and sway across the dance floor. “I love and adore you.”

  “Please, say it again.”

  “Kathryn, my love. I adore you,” he whispers sweetly in my ear while holding me tightly. I gaze up into his deep brown eyes and smile as I think back to what’s happened in our lives over the last year.

  “Sweet, sweet, Adam, I love you, too.”

  After Adam visited his mother’s grave, he began to reflect on his life in New York City. The chase for power and money didn’t hold the attraction it once did. He questioned if he wanted to stay in the rat race with all the other rats. The betrayals he faced from two of his most-trusted colleagues were hard for him to shake.

  The biggest change came when Adam went to see to a psychiatrist as suggested by his ER doctor. My proud Adam admitted he needed help. Those sessions changed his life as he worked through issues he didn’t even know were troubling him.

  Every time he came home from his counseling session, his eyes shined a little bit brighter, his step was a little bit lighter, and his feet a little less in New York City. He was becoming a happier version of himself.

  My mother realized the daily requirements of the Swanson Foundation were becoming to taxing for her, so she kept asking Adam to take over as its head. He had more money than he could possible spend in one life time and had considered stepping down as CEO of Kings Capital, so the resigning to head the foundation was a natural step. His transition to working full-time for the foundation took the better part of a year. He planned his break from Kings as I planned our wedding.

  He had so many loose ends to tie up before he could walk away from the company that he created with his friends. Tom and Patrick supported his decision and made the mutual agreement to work as co-CEOs. It took two men to replace my Adam. He’s that exceptional.

  The SEC investigated the complaint Adam made against his father’s wrongdoings. When the investigation was made public, other companies and individuals stepped forward to make similar claims of his father’s bullying tactics. Even if his father doesn’t face charges by the SEC, his reputation has been tarnished. Between Adam, Ollie, and me, not a tear was shed for Thorpe. “What are you thinking, beautiful? You seem lost in thought.” He lifts my chin with his finger, and his eyes are filled with concern.

  “I was thinking about the year we’ve had. When we met, who would have ever guessed that we would be leaving New York City to work for the Swanson Foundation in Ethiopia?”

  “Are you kidding? When I met you, all I could think about was getting in your pants.” He winks. I follow with a loving punch to his arm.

  “You and your dirty mind.” I roll my eyes at him, but honestly I do love our sweet and naughty banter. It’s delicious foreplay. “I look back to where we both were. Me—a lonely widow and you—a lonely playboy. The year has been a perfect whirlwind.”

  “Yes, it has. But let’s trade in the whirlwind for a nice island breeze.” He smirks at me like the devil he pretends to be. I don’t know how he thought keeping our honeymoon destination a secret was a good idea.

  “We’re honeymooning on an island?” I can almost feel the sand beneath my feet as I wait for his answer.

  “Mrs. Carter’s last job for me was locating a perfect island for the two of us, and I think you’ll be very pleased. It’s nestled off Brazil. The waters are the bluest blue and the beaches are white as snow. We’ll have a cook and a housekeeper. But no one else will be there with us. Just you, me, and the sea.”

  “Thank you, Adam. It sounds perfect.” I reach up on my tiptoes and give him a sweet little kiss of thanks. But he wants more from my lips and presses into me harder for a searing kiss.

  We become lost in each other as our kiss deepens and our passions soar. The fact that we’re in front of three hundred witnesses is forgotten until we hear them clapping, and our lover’s trance is broken. Adam and I turn to the crowd and take a little bow.

  Adam brings me back into his arms and spins me around as our song comes to an end. “Thank you for this dance, Mrs. Kingsley.”

  “My pleasure, M
r. Kingsley.”

  Thanks joining us!

  For the Reader

  Thank you for taking a chance on an Indie, self-publishing author. I truly appreciate you choosing to buy and read my novel.

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  Stop by my Amazon author’s page to see what else I’ve published or find the paperback version of this book. Click here:

  My five novellas in the Love in the City series are published in a boxed set. Find it on Amazon here:

  Happy reading,


  About the Author

  Liv Morris resides in Manhattan with her first and hopefully last husband. After relocating eleven times during his corporate career, she qualifies as a professional mover. Learning to bloom where she's planted, Liv brings her moving and life experiences to her writing.

  Liv received a degree in communication from the University of Maryland. She has published five romance novellas in the Love in the City series, her debut novel, Adam’s Apple, and the Love in the City romance boxed collection set.

  To learn more, visit:



  (Touch of Tantra #1.5)

  by Liv Morris

  Copyright © 2013 Liv Morris

  Digital Edition: December 2013

  Cover Design by Jada D’Lee Designs

  Edited by Write Divas Editing and Marla Esposito


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