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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 21

by Unknown

“She’s the one looking. She’s going to a ball.” Alinna said pointing to Satra.

  “Oh, a ball, how exciting!” The older woman said as her eyes lit up.

  “So none of these gowns were satisfactory to you?” she asked concernedly.

  “I have an idea in my head, I can actually picture the gown that I want but I just don’t see it here,” Satra said.

  The sales lady winked at Satra and said, “Today is your lucky day. My name is Anna, and I’m the store manager here. I have some new gowns in the back fresh off the runway. Maybe one of those will catch your eye.”

  Anna disappeared into the back and came back with a rack of beautiful, one-of-a-kind gowns. Satra felt like a kid in a candy store as she began to go through them. She had only looked at two gowns before “the one” instantly grabbed her attention. It was a silk and satin blend strapless fuchsia gown. It was form fitting with a small ruffled train in the back. “This is it. This is the one.” Satra whispered as she took the gown off the rack and looked at it from head to toe, loving every detail about it. Anna and Alinna both gasped. “Come on young lady, you need to try that on,” Anna said as she ushered Satra to a private dressing room.

  Satra quickly stripped off her clothes and tried on the dress. Surprisingly it fit her perfectly. She came out so Anna and Alinna could see her. She did a slow spin as they gasped.

  “You have a very keen eye my dear. That looks beautiful on you, simply divine.” Anna said.

  “You look so beautiful I’m at a loss for words,” Alinna whispered. Satra simply said, “I’ll take it.”

  Satra quickly got dressed, paid for her dress and walked out of the store with it. She couldn’t believe her luck. She usually has to look for a very long time for the perfect dress because she’s so picky. Also because of her curvaceous body it could be challenging to find a dress to fit her properly. For some reason this one fit, and it felt good. It felt better than good; it felt perfect.

  Satra and Alinna decided to go to their favorite café just a block away for lunch.

  “You are going to be the most beautiful woman at that ball and Shane won’t be able to keep his eyes or hands off of you.” Alinna gushed before taking her first taste of her garden salad.

  “Here you go. I didn’t get that dress for Shane.” Liar.

  “Well, honey you got it for someone because it’s definitely saying, “I’m available,” Alinna said matter-of-factly. Satra rolled her eyes and decided to change the subject. She began to fill her friend in on her visit with her family, how crazy things were at the office, and the two-week vacation her boss has promised her.

  “Satra you have the best boss ever! I could only WISH that my boss would throw some vacation time my way.” Alinna frowned as she stuffed a French fry in her mouth.

  “Well, that’s just it, we’re so busy and things don’t look like they’ll be slowing down anytime soon so there’s no telling when I’ll be able to take this vacation. But one thing is for sure: I’m gonna go somewhere. It may not be next month or two months from now but I will go to Italy, and I will stay for two weeks seeing all the sights I’ve dreamed of seeing since I was a little girl,” Satra said matter-of-factly before taking a sip of her drink.

  There was a short silence when Satra finally remembered what she was supposed to ask her friend.

  “So how’s Eddie doing?” Satra asked with an eyebrow raised.

  “Eddie is fine. I just talked to him yesterday as a matter of fact. He told me to tell you “Hi stranger.”

  “He’s so sensitive. I’ve been so busy, but I promise I will go down and visit him soon.” Satra smiled.

  “So…when are you guys going out?” Satra asked with a smirk on her lips.

  Alinna dropped her fork on her plate with a loud clank and said, “Ok stop it already Satra! You know he’s with someone so don’t go there.”

  “I heard his relationship was on the rocks. Just sayin'…” Satra said hunching her shoulders nonchalantly.

  “I just find it funny how you can get all over me about Shane and yet here’s this man sitting right under your nose and you won’t…”

  “Another word and I will throw this greasy French fry on you. Go ahead and try me.” Alinna said with the said weapon between her fingers aimed at Satra’s white blouse.

  Satra squinted her eyes at her friend and said, “You are so EVIL! Let’s go, I gotta get back to work, and so do you.”

  Alinna laughed a triumphant laugh and clapped her hands. “I love you sweetie, and you know you love me too.”

  “Of course I love you. No one else does,” Satra said as she stood up.

  “Hey! That wasn’t nice!” Alinna squealed as she took out her credit card and handed it to the waitress.

  “I got this, put your money away.”

  “Awww thanks, girl,” Satra said appreciatively. They walked out of the restaurant arm in arm laughing and talking. Once on the busy sidewalk they hugged and walked in opposite directions back to their offices.

  Chapter Twelve

  It had been weeks since Shane had visited with his family, and while he had a little free time he decided to surprise his parents and his sister. He knew his sister and her kids would be over his parent’s house so this was the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. He pulled into his parent’s driveway and sure enough his sister’s car was parked there. He pulled up alongside her car and hopped out of his car walking to the front door. He had a key, so there was no need to ring the doorbell. Once there, he found his mother and sister playing tea party with his niece Emma while her brother Evan was playing cowboys and Indians with his mother’s old dog, Saul.

  Shane stood in the doorway leaning with his arms crossed smiling as he watched. He stood that way until his mother looked up and noticed him there. Her beautiful green eyes lit up, and she smiled brightly.

  “Well, the prodigal son returns! Look who’s here everyone.” Mrs. Evans beamed.

  The kids looked up, and both began to scream “Uncle Shane! Uncle Shane!” Evan ran to him first and jumped into Shane’s waiting arms, hugging his neck tightly.

  “Hey E! How’s my favorite nephew doing?” Shane laughed as he hugged his six-year-old nephew back.

  “I’m fine. I miss you Uncle Shane. You need to come see us more.”

  That tugged at Shane’s heart. He knew Evan was right, and he felt very guilty for not visiting them more.

  “I know buddy, and I promise I will come see you guys more, okay?” Shane said earnestly.

  “Ok,” Evan said smiling.

  Emma was hugging his legs, and he shifted Evan to one arm and bent down to scoop up Emma. She showered him with kisses, and he kissed her back.

  “Hi Uncle Shane.”

  She said shyly, smiling her adorable smile. She had naturally curly raven hair like Shane and his sister that hung down her back. She had to be the cutest little girl Shane has ever laid eyes on.

  “How’s my sweet Emma? I love your dress, it’s so pretty just like you,” Shane said, making her blush more.

  “Thank you,” Emma said sweetly.

  Shane put the kids down and walked over to hug his mom and his sister.

  “Someone pinch me. I can’t believe my brother is actually here hugging me.” Abbey joked.

  Shane then pinched her arm and Abbey yelled “Ouch!” and punched her brother in the arm. Shane laughed out loud.


  Audrey Evans chided.

  “It’s good to see you sweetheart. I worry about you. I know you call, but it’s not the same as seeing you. You look wonderful.”

  Shane’s mother was studying him closely. She noted something was different about him. Something she hadn’t seen in a long time was showing in his eyes again. Happiness.

  “I feel good. And I’m really sorry for not making it a point to come visit more. That’s why I’m here now. You guys have been on my mind a lot, I never forget about you. Things have been so crazy at work I haven’t had time for much o
f anything. But I’m trying to put family first more.”

  “For things to be busy at work you don’t look all stressed and worn out like you usually do. Heck, you don’t even seem to be grumpy. What gives big bro?” Abbey asked curiously. She too noticed something was very different about her brother.

  Shane squirmed a little and quickly debated if he should tell them about Satra. He shared everything with his mom and sister and didn’t want to start having secrets. He especially didn’t want them finding out anything about his personal life from anyone but him.

  “Well, I have help at work, so I’m not taking the entire load like I used to. That’s a huge destresser. “

  “That’s good sweetheart. I wish Mr. Di Amato would’ve gotten you some help a long time ago.” His mother said after taking a swallow of her iced tea.

  “Have you met anyone new?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  Shane simply smiled. How could he expect anything less from his extremely perceptive yet slightly nosey mother?

  “I have, BUT…” Shane quickly said as his mom and sister almost jumped from their seats.

  “But, we work together at the moment.”

  “Is she the help you have at work?” Mrs. Evans asked.

  “Yes, and she’s not a secretary or intern or anything like that. She’s an attorney and an advertising executive.”

  “So she works for Di Aamato and Associates or is she freelancing?” Abbey asked.

  “Actually we joined forces with her company to buy out another company and that’s what we’re working on together at the moment.”

  “So you don’t technically work together then,” Abbey stated, her hope rising by the minute.

  “I guess, but we work together enough that I don’t want to mix business with pleasure. So while I find her to be extremely attractive, sweet, funny and down to earth, I’m trying very hard to keep things professional.”

  Audrey Evans listened carefully to her son and really examined him. She noticed how his eyes lit up as he spoke of this woman that has him very smitten. He was smiling from ear to ear as he showered her with praise. Her son has never behaved this way about any of the women he’s dated and actually brought home to meet his family. This woman had to be someone special, and Audrey Evans wanted to know more about her.

  What also caught his mother’s attention was the fact that her son was willing to let this special woman slip through his fingers simply because they worked together. ‘He can’t possibly be that naive.’ She thought to herself. ‘There are ways around situations like this.’

  “Sweetheart, she sounds wonderful. To hear you go on and on about her makes me anxious to meet her. Are you really going to let work keep you from pursuing her? There are ways around those types of situations. She could be ‘the one’ for all you know.”

  “If you’re talking about sneaking around, that’s not an option mom. Sneaking around means you’re hiding something or are ashamed, and I’m neither of those things when it comes to her,” Shane said dismissively as he got up to pour himself a glass of iced tea. His mother and Abbey exchanged surprised glances.

  “You must really like this woman Shane. Can you at least tell us her name?” Abbey asked.

  Looking at his sister with an eyebrow raised Shane took his time responding to her question.

  “I know you two. The minute I tell you her name you’re going to dig up all the info you can on her and her family, find her and grill her and that’s the last thing I want. I haven’t said anything to her, and I haven’t made any moves on her. There’s just a mutual attraction that we have for one another and a growing friendship, and for now I’d like to keep it that way.”

  They both gasped in disbelief and were so dramatic it made Shane chuckle. The kids were playing with blocks and other toys on the other side of the room.

  “It’s not often that my only son, my very single, wifeless and childless son, meets someone that he’s very interested in. So forgive me for getting a little excited and wanting to know more about the woman that has put that sparkle in your eyes and smile on your face.”

  Shane hung his head down. There was no winning with his mother. She always poured on the guilt about him being unmarried and not having kids, as if two grandchildren isn’t enough for her. No, she expected Shane to fill up her home with grandkids.

  “Mom, Abbey, I will tell you this about her: She’s nothing like any of the other women I’ve dated or brought home and it’s for that reason that I’m being cautious and not rushing things. You’d love her, and she reminds me a lot of you mom – beautiful inside and out.”

  That melted his mother’s heart. She covered her mouth for a moment and finally said, “Now I really want to meet her Shane. Please don’t keep us in suspense too much longer!”

  “If things continue as they are it won’t be long mom, I promise you.”

  Shane was thinking about the ball that was coming up shortly. They may not be going to the ball together, but there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Satra is his once they are in the same room together. He was going to make sure of it, and he was going to make sure that Satra knew it too.

  “If what continues to go as they are? You finally seeing someone son?” Came Sean Evans booming voice.

  Shane looked up at his tall, handsome father and got up to greet him.

  He squeezed his father in a tight hug. “Hey dad.”

  “How are you son? You look good,” his father said as he looked at his only son approvingly.

  Sean Evans sat next to his wife as she poured him a glass of iced tea. He put his arm around his wife and pulled her close to him while he regarded his son that he hadn’t seen in over a month.

  “So am I right, are you seeing someone? Don’t forget I can find out if you are or not.” His father warned with a crooked smile.

  “I’m not seeing anyone dad, but there is someone that I’m interested in. Your lovely wife and daughter were trying to get her name out of me but I’m not ready to divulge that just yet. We’re just friends right now.”

  “He doesn’t think he can see her because they work together dear.” Shane’s mom chimed in.

  “Well, that’s being smart sweetheart. Office romances can turn ugly, and it’s just not good to mix business with pleasure, especially for someone in his position.”

  “But honey, they don’t technically work together. And he really likes her, and she likes him,” Mrs. Evans pleaded.

  “Audrey, don’t go butting into his love life. He’s a grown man. Let him make his own decisions. When he’s ready for us to meet her, we’ll meet her.”

  “Thank you, dad!”

  Shane said as he threw his hands in the air. His father smiled and winked at him.

  Audrey and Abbey both squinted their eyes at Shane, which let him know that they weren’t done with him, not by a long shot. They spent the next few hours laughing and catching up. Abbey’s husband Dave joined the family at dinner after a long day in court. He’s one of the top prosecuting attorneys in the state of New York. Lately, he’s put away some of New York’s most prominent crime bosses and dirty cops.

  It felt good being home with his family and playing with his niece and nephew. The more he was around them and watched the kids interact with his sister and her husband, the more Shane wanted exactly that: A family of his own with the woman he loved. As much as he tried not to think of her he couldn’t help thinking about Satra and how much his family would love her if she were here with him. Shane was standing at the window in the living room when his dad came up alongside of him and said, “Let’s go for a walk son.”

  Shane knew what that meant. His father wanted to talk to see what was really going on with him. He knew Shane wouldn’t tell his mom and sister the full story.

  The two men walked out the patio door and yelled “We’ll be back.” They walked on the pebbled path toward his father’s prized rose garden. He had over 100 various rose bushes and other exotic flowers that he liked to grow. T
he smell was heavenly.

  “So how are things really going for you son with Di Amato?”

  Sean Evans did not like Frank Di Amato and for good reason. Frank was mixed in with the mob before he became this upstanding businessman that is today. He never trusted Frank and was not thrilled when Shane took a job with him.

  “Like I told you earlier, we’re in the middle of acquiring another business. That’s been occupying most of my time lately. I feel like he’s up to something though dad. I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling it’s big. It’s no matter to me; I’ll be gone before whatever it is hits the fan. I’ve decided to go ahead and start my own consulting firm. I’ve got some clients lined up and an office space and everything.”

  Shane’s father stopped walking to look at his son. He was surprised, happy and a bit sad all rolled into one. There was nothing he wanted more than for Shane to go into the family business, but his son was hell-bent on making it on his own and creating his own path in life.

  “When did you decide this? I’m happy for you…. a little surprised but happy.”

  “Thanks, dad. I know it’s not exactly what you wanted to hear, but I really want to do this for myself. I decided this past month to go ahead and make this happen. Knowing that Frank is up to something makes me feel uneasy, and I don’t like feeling uneasy. The only way I can take control of things is to remove myself from him and his company and start my own. I’ve learned a lot from him, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that, but he has something brewing, and I don’t want to be there when it all goes down.”

  “Have you told him yet?” His father asked as they continued to walk further into the rose garden.

  “No, but I will soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t already know. Frank has a way of knowing everything. Kind of like you.” Shane said smiling at his father as he poked him in the arm with his elbow.

  “You have to stay one step ahead of your friends and ten steps ahead of your enemies. I’ve taught you that since you were Evan’s age.”

  “I know, and you’re right dad.”

  “So tell me more about this young lady you’re sweet on.”


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