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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 41

by Unknown

  “I just wanted to tell you that I’ve never seen our daughter this happy, and I want to thank you for doing that for her. And I want you to promise that you’ll keep her this happy for the rest of your lives.”

  Smiling Shane said, “Keeping your daughter happy is all I want to do. It’s all that matters to me. Seeing her happy makes me happy, so I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep her happy.”

  Smiling at his wife and then looking at back at Shane, Sam Sinclair said, “Welcome to the family, son.”

  Three Weeks Later…

  Shane and Satra were in a whirlwind of wedding planning. Shane didn’t care if they married at the courthouse, that’s how badly he wanted Satra to be his wife, but he knew neither of their mothers would stand for that. He let Satra have whatever her heart desired, and true to her nature, she chose the simplest, most elegant wedding for them. She wore a Carolina Herrera exclusive wedding dress. It was a long white satin strapless form-fitting gown with hand beaded pearls and crystals decorating the open v on her back. She wore a long simple veil that trailed behind her. She kept her accessories simple, opting to wear her grandmother’s pearls that she also wore on her wedding day and two carat diamond stud earrings that Shane surprised her with the night before their wedding. Her hair was swept up loosely with a few tendrils falling around her face. She wore just a little makeup to highlight her eyes and lips.

  When Satra came down the aisle on her father’s arm she took Shane’s breath away. She looked so beautiful and happy. His eyes watered as he watched her walk closer and closer to him. When her father gave her away to Shane, Shane shook her father’s hand and whispered to Satra “You look so beautiful Bella.” Satra couldn’t stop smiling with tears in her eyes as well as she whispered back “Thank you. You look so handsome honey.”

  Shane wore a custom made Tom Ford black tuxedo that lay on his muscular build perfectly. Satra chose fuchsia and purple orchids and lilies for her bouquet, and Alinna wore a long form fitting Carolina Herrera fuchsia gown. Derrick, Shane’s best man, wore a Tom Ford tuxedo as well. Shane’s nephew and Satra’s oldest nephew served as the ring bearers. Shane’s niece was the flower girl, and they were all adorable. The ceremony was short and ended with Shane landing a tender kiss on Satra’s lips. Then he hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear over and over “I love you so much. I’m so glad you’re my wife.”

  The wedding and reception took place at a historic hotel in downtown Milwaukee on a beautiful September day before all of their close family and friends. Shane flew in all of Satra’s favorite flowers from the garden in South Carolina and had them all over the ballroom at the wedding reception. Davis and Karen Gordon were in attendance as was Grayson and Maggie and their daughters and dates, Shawn and Miranda, Mom and Pop, Jason and his mother Linda, and Eddie who came alone because Alinna was his date. Satra couldn’t be happier that her two best friends were finally a couple. She’d liked to think that her and Shane’s journey to love had something to do with it. Shane’s new receptionist Alice, and his assistant Casey, as well as a few of the other secretaries and colleagues of Satra’s from Lucas and Daniels were also in attendance. Shane paid for all of their travel expenses and reserved a floor of rooms at the hotel that the wedding and reception took place. Everyone they loved and were close to were in attendance, and it made their day all the more special.

  The reception was in full swing and Satra and Shane slipped out to have a moment alone. Shane was holding her in his arms, his eyes full of happiness and love.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Completely. Are you?”


  They smiled at each other and rubbed their noses together.

  “You look a little tired.”

  “I am, just a little. It’s been hard to sleep these past couple of days planning, worrying, being excited.” Satra explained smiling.

  “Well you’ll get plenty of rest on our honeymoon…….or maybe not,” Shane said while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

  Laughing Satra said, “Mmmmmm…..I can’t wait Mr. Evangascione.”

  “I love the way you say my government name. You make it sound so sexy,” Shane said in his deep, sexy voice.

  “Well it’s my government name now to, and I love it just like I love you.” Satra whispered before capturing his lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.

  Shane had a big surprise in store for Satra. They both thought it would only be fitting to spend their honeymoon in Columbia, South Carolina where they fell in love. But they would only be spending a few days there because Shane was going to whisk her away to Italy for two weeks. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Satra’s face when the time came for him to tell her. He also couldn’t wait to show her where his grandparents lived, which was also the place where he and his sister Abbey spent their summers as children. He planned on showing her his family’s vast vineyards and other beautiful sights.

  Satra had a surprise of her own for Shane. Her period was late, and she had every pregnancy symptom there was except for throwing up. She felt nauseous from time to time, but her biggest issues were fatigue and loss of appetite. She actually lost a few pounds during those three weeks of planning their wedding, but she chalked it up to stress and nerves when Shane brought up her weight loss. The man noticed everything about her body.

  She packed a couple of pregnancy tests in her suitcase and planned on surprising her husband on their honeymoon. Deep down she knew she was pregnant as her period was never late. But seeing the look on Shane’s face when he learns that he’s going to be a father, something he wants more than anything in the world, would be something Satra cherishes for the rest of her life. She’s a wife and a mother, and even though things didn’t happen in that order, Satra couldn’t be happier. She just married her best friend, her lover, and the father of her baby. She smiled as she gently rubbed her flat stomach that soon would become rounded with the baby they created out love. Finally her life felt complete.


  Satra was in the kitchen making breakfast for her and Shane while their beautiful cherub cheeked two-month-old son, Shane Jr., slept on his tired father’s chest. They looked so adorable that Satra quickly took a picture of the pair with her cell phone. She’s become obsessed with documenting everything from her pregnancy, labor and delivery, and now every precious moment with their beautiful baby boy. Her pregnancy was beautiful until the last two months. Satra’s stomach was so big and her back hurt her so much that she was miserable. But when she gave birth to their big, beautiful baby boy and she saw him for the first time, it was all worth it. He looked just like Shane with his head full of thick black hair, the dimple in his chin, and the same whiskey colored eyes. The one thing their baby had of Satra was her deep dimples. His skin was a creamy honey color and his cheeks were always rosy. Shane had tears of joy in his eyes when he finally held his son for the first time. Satra cried at seeing how utterly happy Shane was that day, and they both have been falling in love with their son more and more each and every day since. Shane was already talking about having a little girl. Satra wanted that too, but she wanted Shane Jr. to be at least one or two years old before they started trying for another baby.

  Satra finished their omelets, hash browns, toast and bacon and put it all on a tray, along with two glasses of orange juice. Before she could bring it up to their bedroom, Shane was walking down the back stairs that led to the kitchen with their squirming baby secure in his arms. Satra could tell her son was about to fuss because it was just about feeding time. Shane looked so adorable with his disheveled hair and baby puke stained t-shirt. He had on a pair of grey sweat pants and his feet were bare.

  “Little man wants some of mama’s tit… and so does daddy,” Shane said in his deep groggy morning voice. Satra smiled at her naughty husband.

  “Tell your son to stop being a cock blocker and maybe daddy could have some of mama’s tit,” Satra said back saucily. Shane pretended to cover their babies
ears and said, “Watch your language in front of the child, woman!”

  “I got my potty mouth from you, and don’t you forget it. Your potty mouth is what got us him,” Satra said as she pointed at Shane.

  Shane walked up to her and gave her ample butt a squeeze.

  “Don’t act like you don’t like it when I talk dirty to you.”

  “I never said I didn’t, lover boy.” Satra smiled up at him and stole a kiss.

  “You sit down and eat, I’ll take him and feed him. After I put him down we should hop in the shower together. It’s been a while……” Satra trailed off with hunger in her eyes. She missed her husband and was hornier than ever. She was also on the pill, despite her husband’s objections, to make sure they didn’t have another baby before they were ready.

  Shane’s eyes got big as saucers as he handed his beautiful wife their baby. He began to wolf down his breakfast and said with a mouthful of food “You hurry up and feed him and put him down. When I’m done eating I’m gonna get the shower started. Deal?”

  Satra could only laugh at her overly excited husband. They enjoyed a very healthy sex life, especially while Satra was pregnant, but now that Shane Jr. is here, their sex life has been practically nonexistent. Shane swears he suffers from constant blue balls, but Satra didn’t plan on letting her husband suffer much longer. She had some kinky ideas up her sleeve that would make quickies fun and exciting for them both.

  Smiling wickedly at her gorgeous husband, Satra said, “Deal.”

  The End

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