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My Billionaire Stepbrother

Page 16

by Sterling, Jillian

  “Chip! Turn the plane around! Turn the plane around! I want to stay!”

  Chip’s looks over his shoulder, seeing me. I see his dimples. He smiles.

  “You want me to turn around?”

  “Yes!” I’m laughing, fully aware of the ridiculousness of this moment, of my schizophrenic crazy-lady mind-changing nonsense. “Yes, turn around! I want to stay on the island! I don’t want to leave!”

  “You got it!”

  He spins the wheel and the plane curves in a semicircle, gracefully cutting across the sky, and soon I feel the wheels touch down again on the ground.

  I run back to my seat to check the window. Remington is still there. I wasn’t dreaming.

  The doors can’t open fast enough.

  “Come on come on come on,” I beg as Chip and the flight attendant open the latch and throw down the steps.

  I’m out like a bolt of lightning, running across the strip of bare ground.

  And Remington Wilde is running toward me, his bare brawny chest glistening with sweat as he pants for breath. Not even the breeze swaying through the nearby jungle trees seems to be able to cool him down. We are both on fire, burning towards each other.

  As I get closer he stops, holding out his hand.

  “Wait, Veronique. Stop. Stop right there. Please.”

  I slow to a trot, out of breath.

  “What? I already stopped. I stopped the god damn plane. What more do you want from me?”

  “Stop. Wait.”

  “This better be good, Remington, because I swear to god –“

  He fishes in his pocket, then looks up at me with those famous dark eyes, full of promise and danger, and grins. At the sight of that lazy, lopsided smile, I actually feel my heart skip a goddamn beat.

  How the fuck does he do this to me?

  Grinning, he drops down to his knees in front of me.

  Remington Wilde is on his knees in front of me.

  “Ummm….Remington…what are you doing?”

  “Veronique,” he says, “I thought I lost you. And it was the worst morning of my life. I’ve never been afraid of anything, but I was afraid when I’d heard you were leaving. I’ve been such a fool this whole time, so scared of being hurt that I hurt you instead. I need to ask for your forgiveness. But more than that, I need you to ask you to believe me when I say that I’ve realized I love you. I love you, and I want to be with you. I know you have no reason to trust me or even believe me. But I hope you will give me a chance to earn your trust. And I hope this can be a start.”

  He holds out his hand.

  In his fingers, he’s holding a ring.

  “Oh my god.”

  I recognize it: it’s the ring his mother gave him almost a month ago, the engagement ring she had worn from his father. An heirloom. A promise.

  “Veronique, will you wear this for me? Will you let me love you? Will you please – and I mean, think about it, you don’t have to decide now, I know it’s crazy –but…will you marry me?”



  Is this for real?

  “What the hell?” I say. “Are you serious? You can’t be serious. What the fuck. Remington?”

  He swallows nervously. “Veronique, I want you to wear my ring as my fiancé.”

  “Oh my god.”

  “Let me earn your trust. And whenever you decide is the right time, I will be there, waiting, ready to marry you. I can’t imagine loving anyone else.”

  “Holy shit!”

  “I don’t want anyone else ever again. I want to take care of you. Make you feel safe. Make you feel loved. Make a family with you. Please…stay. With me.”

  I am so shocked, my hands are tingling. My face is burning. My heart is trying to gallop out of my chest. I can’t breathe.

  I can’t believe it!

  “But what about our parents?” I stutter. “The press? All the things you were afraid of? They haven’t gone away. It’s a lot to deal with. Are you sure?”

  His face hardens. “Who cares about that stuff? I want to be with you, and I will do whatever it takes to make it happen.”





  You know? Sometimes in life you have these moments.

  It’s like a mental snapshot, unfiltered, frozen in time: like a perfect Instagram feed where everything is beautiful and nothing is out of focus. It’s the kind of moment that comes with a full force of déjà vu. I’m having that feeling now.

  Not that I mean I’m having déjà vu because Remington Wilde had asked me to marry him before, or that I’d even daydreamed that he would ever do something this romantic and impulsive.

  Instead, in this moment, with him on his knees in front of me, in spite of the crazy rollercoaster we’ve been through together, it’s like I really know that it’s right. That he’s right. He’s the right guy for me.

  I have a feeling of sudden calm, of power, and perfection. I know I am in the right place at the right time. I know this is exactly what should be happening. I know that I can trust him, and trust my instincts. I know it is all going to be ok.

  And I know exactly what I want.


  The word bursts out of me like a firework, catching both Remington and me by surprise. I erupt in laughter and tears, free and joyful like a kid.

  “Yes! I’ll stay. I’ll be with you. I’ll be your fiancé. I love you, too!”

  It may be the most reckless thing I’ve ever done, but damned if I care. I’m going to marry Remington Wilde. I’m going to marry my stepbrother. I’m going to marry the most eligible bachelor, the sexiest man alive.

  Apparently, lucky romances run in my family.

  Remington stares at me, his face lighting up like a Christmas tree. “You will?”

  “I will!”

  I knew from the moment I saw Remington Wilde that my life was never going to be the same. I just never suspected that my crazy rich, hot, mysterious, difficult, famous, ruthless, dangerous stepbrother would become my life.

  With tears in his eyes, Remington reaches for my hand and slides the ring over my fourth finger. Amazingly, it fits perfectly. The enormous diamond catches the tropical sun like a mirror, reflecting my own happiness back to me. Then Remington jumps to his feet and clutches me to him in a kiss that literally curls my toes and sweeps me off my feet.

  Here I am, on the private runway of North Island, kissing Remington Wilde – my fiancé – in front of our private jet.

  No big deal.


  He sets me back down, but my feet don’t seem to touch the ground. I am a mile high, and flying higher with a rush of euphoria unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

  Remington Wilde loves me.

  Remington Wilde…is mine.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Veronique LaRoux

  Somewhere in The Seychelles (there are so many gorgeous tropical islands here I can’t even keep track and I can’t even deal)

  The End…of the Beginning

  Remington is teaching me how to sail on his beautiful vintage sailboat.

  We’ve been drifting around the Seychelles, stopping at islands and resorts here and there, but mostly avoiding civilization and rocking to sleep in each other’s arms on the sea.

  It’s a little pre-honeymoon.

  Our trip also gives our parents some time alone to come to grips with this new development in our family’s situation. My Dad was so surprised when Remington and I told him about us that his eyes nearly popped out of his head. (Good thing we didn’t tell him about the baby yet!)

  Diana took the news of our engagement seriously too, but seemed somehow less shocked. Woman’s intuition?

  After the folks congratulated us, they suggested we take some time away together so they could have a chance to create a press strategy around announcing this new, surprising, sudden engagement.

  Which was fine with me!

  This way I get my sexy fiancé all
to myself for a while. Actually, for as long as we want. We don’t have a return date planned yet.

  We’ll get to enjoy each other. Play together. Plan together. And when we finally decide to go back to face the world together, I know we’ll be ready.

  For anything.

  This is our second week on Remington’s Contessa 26, a tiny, sleek ship. We keep knocking into each other, tripping over each other, rolling on top of each other…

  But then again, that IS the whole point of this little trip: to steal some time alone and really get personal.

  …Up close and personal.

  “Alright, we can drop anchor here,” Remington says.

  “You can drop anchor any time, baby.”

  He laughs. I follow his directions and soon we have left the boat to wade through some shallow turquoise water to a bright white sandy beach, shaded by huge boulders, palm trees, and swaying jungle vines. Some tropical birds watch us from a nearby branch, their song serene.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I sigh, appreciatively.

  Remington takes my hand and sighs happily.

  “This is my secret island,” he confides.

  I glance up at him and see that his eyes are sparkling mischievously, like a little boy about to get in trouble.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask.

  But I kind of know the answer.

  He grins wickedly. “I used to run away to this island as a teenager and my mom would go frantic looking for me. She never found me. This is my hideout. I always wanted to come back when I was a man and in love…and have some more grown-up kind of fun…”

  Smiling, I look around. In every direction, all I can see is virgin beach and gently crashing waves. There is not a soul in sight.

  “No one lives here?” I ask.

  Remington shakes his head, the dangerous light in his eyes burning brighter.

  “We have the whole island to ourselves. The beach, the trees, the water, the hill…no one but us for miles and miles.”


  If you were stranded alone on a desert island with the Sexiest Man Alive, what would you do?

  Giggling, I leap into his arms, letting my legs fly up and wrap possessively around his waist.

  “I guess we’ll just have to keep each other company,” I tease.

  He’s expecting me, and after laughing and stumbling a few steps, his strong hands slide up my thighs to support my weight against him. The touch of his hands is like electricity, sending chills down my spine and making me shiver against him in spite of the warm sunlight on my back. Arcing my neck, I lean in to kiss him. His lips taste like sea salt and pineapple and spice and I can’t get enough of it.

  He grunts in pleasure, one hand trailing underneath my floating skirt until he is skimming his fingertips along my thigh up to my hip, tantalizing me until his thumb traces the line of my hipbone.

  “I like this part here,” he murmurs. “You brought my favorite body to my favorite island.”

  He presses his body against me and flicks his tongue between my lips, opening me. I feel him exploring, waking me up, asking for more. His fingertips trace across my low belly to the other hipbone, caressing the skin softly.

  “I like this part here, too,” he whispers. His hand travels back, over the small of my back and down my ass. “And this part…”

  “Do you have a favorite part?”

  “Mmmmhmmm” he hums.

  He pulls my body even closer so that I can feel his rock-hard abs pressing against my inner thighs. His skin is hot from the sun and smooth as silk except for the light dusting of coarse hair on his chest that tickles against my collarbones. While he kisses me, his hand reaches over my ass until his fingers are holding my sex between my legs.

  I shift over his hand, letting him feel me, enjoying the teasing pleasure from his fingers. His touch is heating me up, making me ache. I feel wet and wild, like an animal ready to pounce.

  “This is my favorite part,” he whispers, smiling.

  I grin back.

  “Yeah? I have one too.”

  Feeling naughty, I launch my lips against his again. The kiss deepens as his hand rubs and teases my clit, our bodies starting to rock in to each other faster as he sends shivers of pleasure coursing through me like wildfire.

  “That’s good, baby,” I moan. “I want you to have some, too.”

  I let my palms slide down his muscled chest, his washboard abs, and start to tease at the waistband of his swim trunks. I can see his muscles tense, emphasizing the cum gutters that run from his hips down to his treasure trove below.

  And it’s mine all mine.

  I snap the elastic on his shorts, making him growl. He bites me on the neck in protest, the visceral and gentle touch of his teeth sending shock waves of hungry erotic ecstasy through my body. When I finally push my hands under his shorts to grab his cock, I am writhing and groaning in bliss.

  “Oh god, baby, you make me so crazy.”

  My hands find paradise; he’s hard as velvety steel, his rod throbbing under my touch and agonizingly ready for more. I feel his taut skin pulsing with desire, and imagine his shape inside me.

  Big. Hot. Hard.

  And I’m so wet.

  Rolling my fingers over him, I give him a taste of pressure and heat oh his cock that makes him dig his fingernails into my skin in desperation.

  “Come on,” he groans. “More.”

  He lifts me higher, closing the distance between where he’s standing and the dry sand, and we crash down together onto the soft warm pillow of the beach. Its like laying on dusty clouds until Remy rolls us over. We tumble and tussle in the sand laughing and growling. It’s like we’re the first man and woman, or the only people in existence.

  We roll together until I come out on top. I find myself straddling him, feeling his hard cock between my legs, watching his heavy lidded eyes glaze over with need.

  It’s time. I can’t wait any more. I need too, badly.

  I jerk his shorts out of the way and grab his dick like it’s a lifeline that I can plug myself into. He’s so long, dark, and beautiful – the perfect shape and size to make me lose my mind. I lick him like a lollipop, loving his salty taste, loving the way he shudders against the rough love of my tongue.

  “That’s it, baby,” he moans. “Give me more.”

  My body throbs in anticipation and I hold his cock against my pussy, my wetness sliding over the head of his cock like a slip-and-slide. I love feeling his hardness against me, teasing my folds, whetting my appetite. We moan and kiss and slide together until it feels like my skin is going to explode.

  “Yeah baby, more!”

  I take him inside me like a ship plunging its anchor, the sudden pressure of him in my body filling me with radiant warmth. He’s hard and long and big, a relentless cock squeezing rapture out of every part of my body.

  He thrusts from underneath, sending a spike of exhilaration that almost blinds me with white fireworks. My breath catches. I moan. My hands flail until they find anchor on his chest, his solid strength pulling me back together.

  “You’re so good, baby.”

  “Fuck me, girl. Fuck me. Come on.”

  My inner walls swell like the tide to make room for his cock. I am a tidal wave crashing over him as the pressure of his cock fills me the brim, makes me sway and rock and whirl like a storm.

  “Yes! Oh yeah baby!”

  “I love you baby! Oh god!”

  My hips rock and circle, never letting him out of me, building up pressure and steam until we’re both screaming like whistles. His hands rise, clutching my breasts, twisting my nipples and stroking the delicate flesh.

  Time bends. My body comes apart and back together, held in space by his cock. He’s a white-hot spear, searing me from the inside out until a nuclear orgasm brings me almost to tears.


  “That’s it, baby! Give it to me! Give it to me!”

  He pulls my body against him, the friction of our bare sk
in sparking my orgasm all over again. Now he pushes me underneath him, taking command. I love the way he thrusts against me, pounding so hard and yet never hurting, showing me his power and his primal hunger. He stares into my eyes, smiling, as he claims every part of my body for himself.

  It feels so. Damn.


  “I love you,” he whispers.

  He strains his body against mine, deeper, longer, harder. I feel his cock grow hotter. The friction increases and burns.

  “I love you,” he groans.

  He thrusts harder, faster. He’s like the force of creation, his cock a magic wand that brings me to life in new ways, making me wet and wild all over again. His body crushes me like a sultry avalanche, his skin burns me; his hand forms me into new and beautiful shapes made by sex and love. I love his sex. I love his cock. I love his touch.

  “Oh god! Oh god! I’m going to come!”

  Opening my eyes, I see the man of my dreams above me. The look of sex, the feel of sex, makes his handsome face even hotter. More free. More joyful.

  I feel him shudder inside me, see the release and bliss wash over his face, and feel my body burst in unison. We are panting together, cumming together. Our lips are gasping for breath, moaning each other’s names. I feel his cock thrust one last time, resetting the boundaries of my body, shaking me to the core until there is room for nothing but transcendent satisfaction. Heat and light take over: a shared orgasm that turns us both into sleepy, heavy, sated maniacs. We are both laughing and kissing and sighing.

  “Wow. Wow.”

  Blinking my eyes open from ecstasy, I see the most beautiful exotic island beneath me, the handsomest man above me. I see my hand clutching his hair, the diamond engagement ring sparkling through his tight curls.

  I see paradise everywhere I look.

  And with Remington inside me, I am paradise.

  * * *


  Other books by Jillian Sterling:

  Billionaire Bait

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