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A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)

Page 6

by Hargrave, R. E.

  Taking a step back to assess his handiwork, Jayden could see the dew already gathering on her exposed cunt. His knees folded under him, and he knelt down. Placing the knife next to his foot and out of the way of a potential accident, he then used both hands to pull her pussy lips apart. With a mind of its own, Jayden’s tongue snaked out to take a long, slow lick up her slit, swirling around her clit.

  The soft sigh of pleasure above him prompted Jayden to remove his mouth and hands and to collect the knife and return it to the cart.

  “Are you wearing your plug like you’re supposed to be when I call you in for ‘special meetings,’ or did you forget that rule, too?” Jayden asked her with a cocked eyebrow.

  “No. No, Sir, this girl didn’t forget. It’s in place,” she whispered.

  “Show me.”

  Samantha turned around and grabbed her ass cheeks while she bent forward, pulling herself open for his perusal. There, nestled inside her tight hole, was the clear base of the anal plug he’d bought for her early in their relationship.

  “Very good; that will stay in during your flogging. Now,” Jayden grabbed one of her tits and mounded it up, pushing the nipple out further, “take a deep breath for me.” With his free hand, he slipped a nipple clamp out of his pocket and soon had it secured on her. “Exhale, and breathe.”

  Keening whimpers fell from Samantha’s mouth, but Jayden ignored them. He knew she hated the clamps. However, this was punishment, and she’d given him the okay in the past to use them as he saw fit.

  “Again; deep breath,” Jayden ordered and affixed the other clamp. “You decided your nipples needed to be hidden from me; therefore I will keep them covered.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her short answer was pitiful and laced with shame.

  “To the cross. Face down.”

  Giving her a minute to carry out his instructions, he followed her over to the St. Andrew’s cross in the corner of the room. Observing Samantha while she got into position, Jayden made note of two things: her clamped nubs were going to press into the wood – but that would hurt less than her lying face up so that he had access to them with the flogger – and two, her backside was calling to him in more ways than one. He couldn’t wait to lay into it first with his suede, and then with his shaft.

  Samantha placed her outstretched arms against the upper rungs of the cross, and Jayden buckled them into place with the attached leather straps. A low whistle sounded through her clenched teeth when her tits pressed into the wood, but he ignored her, choosing not to comment. Instead, he reached down to release the catch at the bottom of the cross that would allow him to spread her legs, and then buckled her ankles in before pushing them apart. When he was finished, she was bound in an X.

  “Twenty lashes, Samantha. For your insubordination, and,” Jayden laughed, “because you want it. Don’t you, kitten?”

  “If it pleases you, Sir, this girl would be most appreciative.”

  “You will count the lashes out, and thank me for each one.” Remembering how turned on he got watching Jonathan have Catherine kiss the whip handle, Jayden presented the handle of the flogger to Samantha’s lips for her to do the same.

  Holding the handle in his right hand, Jayden gathered the tails of the flogger in his left and raised both arms. Bringing them down, he released the tails about a foot away from her body to watch them fan out as they lashed across her right thigh.

  “One, Sir. Thank you.” She groaned.

  Jayden gathered the tails up again and released them across her left thigh with the next swing.

  “Ugh—two, Sir. Thank you.”

  For the third swing, he let the gathered tails land with a solid thud over the center of Samantha’s ass, knowing the impact would jar the plug.

  “Oh, God. Three, Sir. Th-thank you.”

  Jayden was calm and controlled while he concentrated on the task before him. Letting her body absorb each impact before he flogged her again was paramount. He was in perfect control while he centered his lashes on her buttocks and upper thighs. The heat would build faster in this manner, but this wasn’t for her pleasure. As the Dom worked, every third hit landed over the plug, jarring it. The messier her counting became, the more his cock swelled while she endured the pain he was bestowing upon her.

  “Ow! Twelve, S-sir, th-thank you.” By now her shaky words were laced with sniffles, betraying the tears that were escaping.

  The loud thwack of the flogger connecting with her skin reverberated in the room.

  “Shit! Thirteen, Sir. Thank you.”

  Thwack! He swung again and waited for her count.

  “Fuc-fourteen, Sir. Thank you.”

  The next two swings landed on the soles of Samantha’s feet to disrupt her expectations. Two more hit her ass cheeks. Jayden focused the last two lashes over the plug, harder than any one preceding it.

  “Oh, my, fuck! Ni-nineteen, Sir. Thank you!” Her breath was coming in pants and gasps. “Twenty, Sir. Thank you.” Samantha whimpered her final thanks, and her body slumped against the wood.

  Moving with urgency, Jayden returned the flogger to its spot in the cupboard, and then released Samantha from the leather cuffs. After he helped her stand and take a step back, he noticed the leather wrapped wood was wet where her body had leaked fluids during her flogging.

  “Well, well,” Jayden taunted while reaching down to stroke her dripping cunt. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  In response, Samantha moaned and ground herself against his hand. “This girl did. Thank you very much, Sir.”

  “Come, kitten. I want you to lie down on the bed so I can soothe your ache.”

  Once Jayden had made sure Samantha was lying on the soft mattress, he retrieved the special lotion that he’d started having made because of Catherine’s fair skin. She bruised with ease. Similar to arnica cream, but with a pleasant floral scent, the handcrafted cream contained herbal oils and extracts that would prevent bruising and soothe any lingering sting. He climbed up next to Samantha and started massaging the cream into her shoulders. Working his way down, Jayden was sure to cover every area where the flogger had made contact.

  While his fingers danced over Samantha’s rosy flesh, his thoughts wandered to Catherine. Was she still napping off her session with Jonathan? How had she taken to Paige? If she was awake, were she and Paige getting cozy in a newfound friendship? So many questions made him itch with renewed energy, and his cock hardened. Should it have bothered him that the mere thought of his Irish lass got him hard, and not the naked woman he had right in front of him? Finishing Samantha’s back, he instructed her to roll over.

  She’d had the clamps on more than twenty minutes by that point, so Jayden removed them post haste. Noting the way her purple nipples hardened further when the blood rushed back into them, he scooped up some more of the cream with both hands and worked it into her tits, letting his slick fingers slip and pull over her nipples.

  Samantha was writhing and moaning under his touch.

  “You did very well, kitten. I think you’ve earned a special farewell. Lift your knees and spread your thighs for me.”

  Jayden sat back, giving her room to maneuver. Once Samantha had her arms hooked under her knees, and had pulled herself open, he lay down in front of her and started lapping at the abundance of fluid escaping her. Stiffening his tongue so that he could push it into her pussy like a little dick, he observed that while she tasted good, her flavor didn’t compare to his Catherine. Still, Jayden gave it his all, knowing this would be the final time; he nibbled on her lips, tongued her folds, and sucked her clit into his mouth.

  “Please, Sir, may your submissive come in your mouth?” she begged with a formalness he hadn’t heard from her in ages.

  Instead of acknowledging Samantha’s request, Jayden kept licking, and then slid two fingers into her soaking wetness. Her walls gripped his fingers at once, and her hips started rocking against his face.

  “Oh, dear lord. Please, Sir. May this girl come?” she screeched out in de

  The next few seconds were a blur of activity while Jayden extracted his fingers and sat back. “Come!” was all he had to say before Samantha fell apart.

  It was fun watching her writhe while the moans poured from her mouth. Samantha still held her legs up and apart, her sex on full display while it pulsed and her thick come dribbled out of her. He waited for her movements to still before leaning down to give her one final lick, lapping up a mouthful of the essence that had dripped out of her.

  “Mmmm . . . Thank you, Sir,” Samantha said with a heavy, satisfied sigh.

  Good to know one of us is satisfied, he thought ruefully, just as his phone chirped in his pocket with a personal email alert. Confused as to who might be sending him something right then, Jayden unhooked Samantha’s legs from her arms and helped straighten them out with hurried but gentle rubbing.

  A bad feeling that something had happened to Catherine came over him, and nothing else mattered anymore.


  The man’s sharp tone made Catherine lower herself back over the counter at once, and for the time being, she forgot her distress over her Master.

  “There ya go, darlin’,” the voice continued, softer than before. “Paige was just following orders. Now, you wouldn’t want to be responsible for my yella rose getting a whippin’ for not obeying her Master, would you?”

  That must be Sir Landon.

  “No, Sir. This girl apologizes,” she whispered, dropping back into submissive mode with ease. Her tummy was getting full and tight with the warm liquid. It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling in the world, but she didn’t dare move from her position.

  A rough, callused hand caressed Catherine’s bottom, gave it a pinch, and then patted her, again making Catherine feel like an animal being checked over.

  “Alright, darlin’. All done. That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” he said after several minutes.

  “No, Sir.” In truth, Catherine was uncomfortable from the bloated feeling, but she was now worried about upsetting him and having him take it out on Paige.

  “That’s a good girl.” He chuckled. “You can go ahead and sit that pert ass of yours on the commode and empty yourself out. Let Paige take care of you with no further impertinence. Understand?” His voice was stern, but somehow comforting in its pleasant calmness. “I’ll be seeing you ladies soon.”

  “Aye, Sir. Thank you.”

  She raised her gaze to the mirror to try to get a glimpse of Sir Landon, but all she saw was a flash of his back when he walked away. From what Catherine could tell, he was tall and lean. She couldn’t help but notice his light, wavy, brown hair before her gaze settled on his nice, tight ass – unless his jeans were lying – and with a start, she recalled the night at D&D where she’d overheard Master talking about Sir Landon’s talent with piercing. That was what had led them to talk about the future possibility in the first place; she’d made it clear to him that she wanted it.

  So much for that idea now. Why would a Master arrange for his submissive to be pierced when he was getting rid of her?

  “Well, come on, Erin. You heard Master,” Paige snickered. “Sit that pert ass of yours down, and empty it all out!”

  While not pleased with the situation she was in, Catherine was desperate to get the pressure off her belly, so she lowered herself onto the cold seat. She experienced the instant relief of what felt like gallons of water – and other things – pouring out of her. Groaning, she tried to hide her face in her hands while the unladylike sounds continued from below her. “God, Paige, this is so embarrassing!”

  Paige’s whimsical laugh echoed around the bathroom. “That’s kind of the point, sweetie.” She put on a mock stern face and deepened her voice, “Humiliation is a Master’s best friend.”

  They both erupted into a giggle fit at Paige’s antics. The moment was therapeutic, and Catherine felt her mood lighten a bit.

  “Sorry, Erin. I guess you could say it’s a fetish of his from his ranch days.”

  Taken aback, Catherine gasped. “Are you saying he’s into bestiality?” She wouldn’t judge either of them if he was; it just wasn’t something that she could ever fathom participating in.

  “No, no! He didn’t get off on using enemas on the animals or anything like that! It was just a necessary part of taking care of them at times, and well, the idea stuck with him when he began his journey into this lifestyle.” She broke the silence of the moment with a light giggle. Paige directed Catherine after sticking her hand into the shower to check the temperature. “Okay, water’s warm, so in you go!”

  Catherine wiped up, wincing at the tenderness she felt after Paige’s earlier attentions to her nether regions, and stepped into the extra-large marble stall. There were multiple shower heads with different pressures raining down, filling the ample space with steam. The far wall had a bench seat with handles mounted on either side.

  Paige’s petite hand pressed into her back, pushing Catherine under the water. Its temperature seemed almost too hot at first, but when the hot spray started massaging into her sore muscles, she decided it was magnificent.

  A purr rumbled in Catherine’s chest while Paige undid her ponytail and scratched at her scalp, encouraging Catherine’s red locks to fall down her back. She arched back into the spray to ensure all her hair got wet before Paige spun her around so that her breasts were under the pelting water. Her nipples hardened, and she groaned.

  The fruity scent of the shampoo hit Catherine’s nose just before Paige’s hands found their way into her hair and began massaging it in. Catherine sighed when Paige started at the bottom of her hair, moving up to Catherine’s scalp, where she continued to gently scratch with her short nails.

  “Ugh, Paige. So good . . .” Catherine trailed off with a small whimper.

  With a giggle, Paige turned her around again to rinse the shampoo out before spinning Catherine once more and repeating the process with a thick, creamy conditioner, which she left in. She piled Catherine’s red hair atop her head and grabbed some pins to keep it there.

  “Now, scrub time!”

  Catherine looked over her shoulder to see Paige pick up what looked like a common kitchen brush with stiff bristles and put a big dollop of body wash on it. Beginning at Catherine’s shoulders, Paige worked the brush in a circular motion over her backside. Yet again, Catherine was turned around so Paige could carry on with her arms first, then thighs, then belly.

  When the brush was placed against the edges of Catherine’s breasts, she had to bite her tongue to keep from begging Paige to go faster, be rougher. Much to her dismay, Paige slowed her pace, leaving the submissive quivering and wanting. Paralyzed, all Catherine could do was watch while the brush swirled over her mounds in languid circles. At the feel of the rough bristles going across her nipples at last, Catherine clamped her teeth together, the air whistling through them while she exhaled.

  Reveling in the feelings was easy once she’d closed her eyes and let her head drop back. At the surprise of a warm mouth replacing the abrasive bristles Catherine jerked, the nipple popping out of Paige’s mouth with a delightful burn when her teeth dragged across the surface.

  “Erin, you know I’m following orders, but I also want to do this for you. Master doesn’t let me play with girls very often. Trust me, this is a treat.” There she went with that damn wink again.

  Trust me. Master’s words from that morning taunted Catherine, and she became determined. Pure pleasure and enjoyment were at her fingertips if she could ignore the sorrow that threatened to drown her, so ignore it she would. How could she not, considering Paige’s ministrations at that moment?

  Blissful delight washed over Catherine when Paige closed her mouth over Catherine’s nipple and suckled, drawing the peak out away from her body and stretching it with her lips before moving her teeth to the base and nipping. Tiny fingers latched onto the neglected nipple and mimicked the motions of Paige’s lips. After several minutes of Paige trading back and forth, Catherine drag
ged her eyelids open to glance down. Her nipples were elongated further than she’d ever seen them.

  Paige chose that moment to lean back and admire her work. “Almost perfect! I’ll keep working on them while we finish getting you ready.” Her words were cryptic, and she gave both of Catherine’s buds a sharp pull.

  The desire built, and Catherine felt her labia began to swell with a surge of the natural chemicals in her system. Again, her thoughts tried to wander, but this time, Catherine couldn’t stop them.

  This is wrong. No one but my Master should be pulling these feelings from me. But if I’m right and he wants to pass me off, then maybe that’s why I’m being subjected to all of this today. It’s his way of showing me that I can serve and be served by others. Even in his dismissal, he is still taking care of me.

  Before Catherine could start crying over her abysmal situation, Paige was yanking the pins from her hair and washing the conditioner out. That done, her nipples were then pinched and used as leads while Paige guided her from the shower. The women were silent while they dried off, and Paige produced a brown leash-type thing out of a basket on the shelf. One clasp was hooked to Catherine’s collar before she noticed the two extra lengths hanging from the main chain with clamps on the ends. These were applied to her stretched-out nubs with a quick, deft hand.

  “Paige,” Catherine sucked in some air to process the sharp bite, “Can I ask why all the nipple torture? Not that it feels bad; I’m just curious.” Her words were jarred by her panting.

  Giving her a quick grin, Paige chirped the two words that Catherine was beginning to hate: “Trust me!” before she walked out of the bathroom with Catherine in tow at the end of the leash.

  It was a surprise when they returned to the massage room, and rather than settle in to await the next scene, Paige took her to her earlier discarded stilettos. She assisted Catherine with stepping into them before leading her out the door into the hallway.


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