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A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)

Page 8

by Hargrave, R. E.

  “Well, Paige, um . . . oh, geez . . .” Why was saying this so difficult? She decided to be blunt. “I believe that . . . that strap-on is a replica of my Master.”

  “Huh?” Paige looked down, and Catherine could see her mental wheels turning.

  She knew the moment it sank in.

  “Oh. Oh! You mean that Sir Jayden is actually this . . . this big?”

  That set the three of them off, the small room filling with laughter once again. This was so not the norm, but to Catherine it felt good to laugh; to feel all the tension that had been building over the last hour start to ease from her mind.

  “Alright, girls,” Sir Landon clapped his hands together. “I think that’s enough silliness. Catherine is on a schedule, and we’d best keep her to it.” He winked in her direction.

  “Catherine, get back in the chair. Paige, go ahead and just grab some lube, seein’ as how we lost a bit of time with our antics.”

  Both women hustled to obey him. Watching Paige’s hand glide up and down while she coated the synthetic penis with a generous dollop of lubrication brought a hitch to Catherine’s breath.

  “That’s right, Catherine. Paige is going to fuck you with your Master’s dick. I need her to aid in distracting you from a little procedure I’m about to do. Climb on up here, my yella rose, and if Catherine’s green, then slide that dick home.”

  He gave her an inquisitive look, and Catherine whimpered.

  “Aye, Sir. This girl is green.” For the most part. But she wouldn’t say that out loud.

  It turned out that Paige was rather nimble. After Catherine had lifted and opened her legs, draping them over the arms of the chair to make room for her, Paige hopped up like it was nothing. She scooted in closer until the head of the dildo brushed against Catherine’s throbbing outer lips.

  The small touch sparked a need in Catherine. She was hungry for this and wanted it. Though her body had been exposed to a lot of pleasure already today, she still hadn’t been filled in this way. In fact, she hadn’t been filled with more than fingers in a week, Paige’s earlier probing excluded.

  Catherine rocked her hips forward, and that massive piece of rubber pushed past her outer lips and into her core, filling and stretching her. She threw her head back and let out a throaty moan.

  “Oh, fuck. Aye, thank you!”

  Paige slid the dildo back out just as slow as she’d pushed it in, before thrusting hard. Catherine was vaguely aware of Sir Landon pulling a cart next to them and his warm hands gathering up her left breast. He was squeezing and massaging it from the base, forcing the nipple to thrust out, and it only added to the experience she was having.

  Paige was gaining momentum, pulling out before slamming back into her.

  Cold metal clamped onto the tip of her nipple, but Catherine just grunted and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the sensations taking hold of her body. Paige withdrew again, and when she forced her way back into Catherine’s pussy with a deep nudge, there was a fierce pinch in Catherine’s nipple.

  “Oh, God! Please give this girl more. Fuck me harder, Paige! So close!” Catherine was screaming by that point.

  Rough tugging on her nipple was followed by a cold wetness.

  Paige seemed to be fucking Catherine as fast as she could. Her breasts swayed in Catherine’s face, mesmerizing her. Sir Landon’s hand moved to her other breast. She felt him mounding it up and forcing her nipple up and out, and déjà vu’ barreled down on her.

  Cold metal clamped down on her nipple with a mean bite; Paige impaled herself in Catherine’s pussy like her life depended on it; an angry pinch stole her breath, and then . . .

  She was coming. Hard. Squirting out of her, Catherine’s orgasm soaked the chair, her inner thighs, and even Paige.

  Paige slowed down with a few final strokes before pulling out with a wet sound and a huge grin. “Told ya it was orgasmic, Erin! They’re so pretty!” She clapped her hands together in excitement.

  A hazy delirium threatened to envelope Catherine. Her heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of her body through her sex, and while it was true that her nipples were on fire, it was delicious torture, pure and simple.

  Looking down to try to figure out what Paige was rambling on about, Catherine’s jaw dropped again. Dangling from her angry, red, and raw nipples were two gold hoops adorned with emerald J’s. Catherine did the only thing she could in that moment: she burst into tears.


  Jayden knew he’d become possessive of Erin – Catherine – but what Dom didn’t feel possessive of their sub? However, the surge of jealousy that washed through him in reaction to what was up on that screen caught him off guard. Jayden Masterson was rarely caught by surprise; at least, he never used to be. However, since his jewel had come into his life, he was finding it happening with more frequency.

  “Sir?” Samantha was still perched on Jayden’s lap, held in place by his cock.

  “I’m sorry, kitten. You did a splendid job. I just got a little lost in my thoughts.” He lifted her off of his softening cock, helping her stand up with one hand while the other gripped the base of the condom so it didn’t pull off. “Go ahead and shower. Be sure to clean yourself well. Pull on a robe when you get out. We need to have a talk, and then, I have someone who would like to meet you.”

  Samantha had a questioning look on her face, but she just nodded and supplied a “Yes, Master” before walking backward toward the playroom. The sound of the shower kicking on soon followed.

  While Samantha showered, Jayden changed into some dry pants. He went back to his desk and rewound the video to replay the final scene. I wanted her to explore her limits. It was my responsibility as her Dom to make sure her desires were fulfilled—all of them. What have I done?

  Catherine had responded with beauty and grace to Jonathan and Paige. The look of rapture on her face while she experienced multiple orgasms with them convinced Jayden that she’d enjoyed herself. In addition, she’d done quite well with Micah that morning. With a slight sense of relief, it dawned on Jayden that he hadn’t felt the jealousy during their scene together in the car. Perhaps that was the key: being present and knowing he could step in at any time. Having control over the scene allowed him to keep the jealousy at bay and just enjoy.

  Even though Jayden was now prepared for them to become a monogamous D/s couple, the fact remained that today he’d opened her world to sharing partners. It would be unfair of him to let her have a taste of that, and then take it away for his own selfish reasons. If being shared was something she wanted to continue, then he would have to deal with it.

  A throat cleared behind Jayden, shaking him free of his mental wanderings. “May this girl present herself, Master?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, his ire prickled at her chosen nomenclature, since he’d not adorned her with the temporary collar before they’d begun. Jayden turned around to face Samantha. Her medium-length, dirty blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun on her head, a few wayward tendrils escaping. She was in a short, silk robe that was a mixture of sunset colors that offset her skin tone—and her collar. Dammit. Who the hell did she think she was, putting the thing on herself?

  “Sit down, Samantha.” He gestured to the wingback leather chair in front of his desk, deciding to ignore the collar issue for the moment. They had more serious things to discuss.

  Taking her seat, Samantha kept her back was straight, and her hands were folded in her lap. She was attempting to be respectful while waiting for Jayden to begin.

  “Samantha, let me start by saying you have been a terrific submissive. I want you to know that I appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made and the gift you’ve given me of yourself. However, I feel the time has come for our Master and submissive relationship to come to an end.” Jayden stopped, checking her for a reaction.

  Her breathing was steady, and she appeared calm. Good.

  “As we found today, I’ve drawn away from my duties to you. The reason is that I’ve
grown quite fond of my main submissive, Catherine, and have decided to offer her a monogamous relationship.” Jayden paused again, waiting to see if Samantha wanted to interject anything. When she remained quiet, he prompted her, “Do you have anything to say, Samantha?”

  She smiled. “Thank you for your honesty, Master. I’m happy for you. She is a beautiful submissive. I wish you both all the best in the world.”

  “Go on,” Jayden urged her when she hesitated. “We are speaking frankly right now, so please don’t hold back from me.” He offered her a grin to support his statement.

  Chuckling, she continued. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, Ma– Sir, um, I’m just wondering what this will mean for my job.”

  Jayden laughed. She was such a sweet and innocent thing, incapable of hurting a fly. “Your job, if you still want it, is safe, Samantha. At the same pay. You happen to be the best executive assistant I’ve ever had, and I would hate to see you go. The main thing that would change would be your freedom to wear what you’d like to work—as long as it is still professional, of course. What you choose to wear underneath your outfits,” he grinned again, “would no longer be my business. Oh, and the office door would remain open for any future interaction between us.”

  Samantha relaxed in her seat. “Thank you, Sir. I love working here, and for the time being, I would like to try to continue on unless it becomes too weird.” She scrunched her nose in a cute way as she said this, and a quiet sigh escaped her lips.

  “What else is on your mind, Samantha?”

  Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “Well, it’s just that, would I be able to get a reference or something from you to stay in this lifestyle? I know I have softer tendencies than most, but I can’t imagine trying to go pure vanilla again, and um, well, I’m not sure how to go about finding a new Master.” Her nerves were evident in the way she played with her fingers.

  Rising from his seat, Jayden walked around the desk to kneel in front of her. He allowed himself a chuckle at the look of shock on her face when she saw him on his knees before her. With a gentle touch, he pried her hands apart so that she would stop picking at her nails and fidgeting.

  “Samantha, look at me.” Once he had her attention, he went on. “As a parting gift to you, will you allow me to help you find a new Master?”

  Her eyes began to well with tears. “That . . . that would be lovely, Sir. Thank you.”

  “Remember I mentioned I had someone I wanted you to meet?” She nodded. “His name is Ryan Bishop, and he’s a Dom who is also a member of the club I frequent, Dungeons & Dreams. Like you, he leans to the softer side of BDSM, and I think you two would be a good match. He’s been looking for a new sub for about a month. His last sub wanted too much from him.” Jayden laughed. “Actually, from what he’s told me, she would’ve wanted too much even from me!”

  The joke helped Samantha relax and laugh along with him.

  “I invited Ryan to come meet you this afternoon in the privacy of my playroom, if you are agreeable. Until I remove your collar,” she blanched at his acknowledgement of it, “our contract, as it is, still stands. We thought it would be best to do a small scene with you under my watch since I know your limits and body language. At the end of the scene, if you both decide you are compatible, I will uncollar you and present you to him. Sound good?”

  She was breathless when she whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s my good kitten. He should be here any time now. Please go into the playroom and assume your waiting position.”

  She rose to follow his commands.

  “Oh, and Samantha, you will address him as Sir until further instructions are given.”

  Smiling at Jayden, she nodded and moved backward through the door into the playroom. Her obvious giddiness reminded him of a small child.

  Jayden busied himself, printing off a copy of Samantha’s limits so that Ryan would be able to have a quick look before he stepped into the playroom with her.

  A few minutes later, the intercom buzzed, and the security guard requested authorization to let Ryan into the building. “Send him on up; I’m expecting him. Thanks, Darren.”

  Picking up the papers, Jayden walked out into the entry office to wait. He figured it would be better to do their initial talk out there, reducing the chance that Samantha would overhear their voices carrying through the open playroom door.

  “Jayden, good to see you!” Ryan said, while reaching to take Jayden’s outstretched hand in a firm handshake. “After your build-up at the meeting, I’m intrigued to meet Samantha.” He smiled. “And the photo you sent me didn’t hurt either. She’s breathtaking!”

  With a satisfied smile, Jayden handed him the sheet. “Here is her checklist from the last time she updated it. As I’ve already mentioned, she is currently using the Depo shot as a means of birth control, and she is clean. Do you have a current STD screening? It’s just a formality, but I need to be sure. She is still my responsibility until I uncollar her after your scene.”

  Reaching into his wallet, Ryan pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to Jayden. “No worries, Jayden. I understand and respect you for being so caring of her. You should be the poster child for our lifestyle.” He laughed.

  While Ryan glanced over the checklist, Jayden continued talking. “So, I did a scene with her this morning. I used her mouth and ass, but her cunt is still fresh. She’s just showered and is waiting for you in the playroom. As you can see by her list, she’s a lightweight, but like a true sub, she does desire those spankings.” Jayden furrowed his brow while he decided whether to share the next bit of information. “In fact, it became obvious to me during our earlier scene that I’ve neglected her need for spankings for too long. I tried to remedy it with a chastisement spanking, to which she responded rather well.”

  Looking up from the paper in his hands, Ryan acknowledged him. “Thank you for the information, Jayden. I’ve got a good feeling that she and I will get along just fine.”

  Jayden answered, clapping Ryan on the back, “I do, too, my friend—I do, too. Shall we?” He didn’t want to rush their meeting, but Jayden was getting anxious to get back to Silver Spurs.

  Unbeknownst to Erin, he was going to be present for her last session, and he couldn’t wait. Jayden needed to be near her again. He was beginning to feel like he couldn’t breathe without her in the same room with him.


  “Uh, Erin, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Paige’s voice was full of concern, and her hands rubbed at Catherine’s thighs, offering comfort.

  Catherine’s shoulders were shaking. Her body gave in, and she was wracked with sobs. The shuddering brought her attention back to her sore breasts and the mocking J’s with which she was now branded.

  That was it. The decision had been made. She was being given to Master Jonathan.

  A burst of anger flared through her. How presumptuous of both of them to assume that she would be okay with this, without even discussing it with her first. Dammit! She might be a submissive, but Catherine was not a slave! She’d been in that situation before and refused to relive it ever again.

  Are you sure about that, Erin?

  At the prodding of her inner voice, Catherine’s mind yanked her back to the memory of a dressing room at the local mall, the small room encased in mirrors for viewing the racy outfits offered at Fredrick’s. She’d thought that Spencer, her Master at the time, was feeling remorse for his treatment of her earlier that week and wanted to apologize by taking her shopping. He’d never done either before.

  She remembered Spencer had come to her about two in the morning and pulled her from the dog bed by her hair . . .

  Catherine couldn’t get her feet under her; he was walking too fast. He dragged her down the hall with her hair still in his tight grip. Throwing the door to his playroom open, he dumped Catherine in the middle of the room. At his command to look at him, she saw that he was dressed in a pair of disposable painter’s coveralls with latex gloves on his hands and a paper m
ask over his face. She couldn’t control the shaking when the fear overtook her. His eyes seemed unfocused and glazed over. He was drunk.

  “Get up, Bitch!”

  The submissive stood at once, not daring to disobey.

  Spencer attached a set of leather cuffs with O rings to her wrists and ankles. Next, he snapped a spreader bar between her hands and feet. Catherine was being made to stand spread in an X, and she was having trouble keeping her balance. The whole time she fought not to cry; tears would make him angrier.

  A rough shove against her back had Catherine falling face forward onto the floor. Without the use of her hands, she had no choice but to absorb the impact with her chest when she crashed onto the cold cement. The whir of a motor echoed in the room while Spencer lowered the suspension hooks from the ceiling. Catherine tried not to flinch while he fumbled around her, connecting the hooks to the cuffs and bars.

  “P-please, Master . . . the waist support . . .” she sniveled, but he cut her off with a kick to her side.

  “Shut your fucking mouth until I tell you to open it, you filthy whore!” Spencer walked away, and the motor whirred again.

  When she was lifted off the floor, the center of Catherine’s body dropped, causing her back to arch painfully while her hands and feet were raised. The upward motion stopped when her head was about four feet off the ground. Her hands and feet were about six feet up. Somehow, Catherine brought herself to risk glancing up when she heard his footsteps retreat.

  He was retrieving a thick bamboo cane from his toy wall.

  At once, Catherine became frantic and started trying to wiggle out of her bonds. Of course, it was useless. She knew from experience that there was no escaping the wrath of his cane. It was his favorite. The pain in her breasts was immediate when he started hitting them with the implement.

  “Look at your tits, juss hanging there for my pleassure,” he cackled. “Do ya know wass not available for my plessure?” he slurred.


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