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Walking on Sunshine

Page 22

by LuAnn McLane

  “Sure.” Laura Lee put the hose down and gestured toward the umbrella table. “Have a seat, dear heart.”

  Once they were in the shade, Mattie said, “Um, Garret and I are, well, sort of dating.”

  Laura Lee felt a flash of joy. “Sort of?”

  “No . . . well, we are.” She put her hands up to her cheeks. “Is that crazy or what?”

  “Oh my gosh! That’s wonderful news!” Laura Lee jumped up and gave Mattie a quick hug before sitting back down. “So, how did this come about?”

  “Well, I have a feeling you played a part in it, you little matchmaker.”

  “Who?” Laura Lee put a hand to her chest and then looked over her shoulder. “Oh, wait. Do you mean me?”

  “Don’t even try to act innocent. Yes, you.” Mattie gave her a long, knowing look. “Garret gave me a ride home Saturday night.”

  “And?” Laura Lee drew out the word. “You have to tell me more than that little tidbit.”

  “We . . . we kissed.” She lifted one shoulder, and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink, suggesting that they did more than just kissing. “We spent the entire day together yesterday doing nothing. Just hanging out, you know? Watching movies, sitting by the lake. I didn’t even know I knew how to loaf around like that, but Garret said he was an expert and taught me how,” she said with a laugh. “He said that he had loafing down to an art.”

  “Good! You need to know how to kick back and relax. It’s healthy.”

  “I know, right?” Mattie raised her hands. “Who knew?”

  “I’m so happy for you, Mattie. Garret is quite an interesting guy. I like him a lot and I think you two make a cute couple.”

  “I never pictured myself with someone like him, Laura Lee. I have to admit that it’s exciting but sort of surreal.” She inhaled a deep breath and then looked out over the pool. “Am I setting myself up for major heartbreak? I mean, is he going to wake up one day soon and come to his senses?”

  “He’s already come to his senses by realizing what a catch you are, Mattie. And it’s about time someone did.”

  “But I’m just . . . you know . . . a boring little breakfast cook.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I can’t answer the heartbreak question. Look at me. I mean, I married an accountant. Jack was an ordinary small-town guy going to the same college as me. If anyone had asked me if he’d ever cheat on me or talk down to me the way he did, I would have laughed in their face. So I think you need to look at the person and how he treats you and forget all about the whole fame and money thing.”

  Mattie angled her head at Laura Lee and gave her a pointed look.

  “Oh no . . . don’t even say it. Garret isn’t your employer. You don’t have that obstacle in your way.”

  “Well, now, I wasn’t gonna mention that at all,” Mattie said. “But you must have been thinking a lot about your situation or you wouldn’t have made that comment.”

  “Mattie . . .”

  “No way.” Mattie wagged a finger at her. “You said it, not me, so you can’t take it back.”

  “I was speaking in general terms.”

  “Don’t even try that angle.”

  “Okay, then we’re talking about you, not me. This is your news, your day,” she insisted, desperately needing to change the subject.

  “Why is it all so scary?”

  “Because love is the most powerful emotion of all. To be loved is what we seek most in this life. It’s what we were put here for, really.” She sliced a hand through the air. “Everything else is all trivial in the end.”

  “I never really thought of it that way.”

  “It’s true. I mean, even if you’re watching a movie full of action, what we care about is the hero and heroine getting together in the end.”

  “Well, hell’s bells.” Mattie shook her head slowly. “I feel like I’ve just jumped off a cliff and I’m free-falling!”

  “Exhilarating, right?”

  “Um, yeah, but I just hope I find my wings and don’t land with a huge splat at the bottom.” She smacked her hands together to demonstrate.

  Laura Lee laughed. “Oh, sweetie, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Sure, there will be bumps in the road, but for now don’t worry and just enjoy the ride.”

  “Don’t worry, be happy,” Mattie sang, making Laura Lee laugh again.

  “So, did you tell your mama about you and Garret yet?”

  “I’m gonna give it a little time first.”

  “How about your brothers?”

  “Not yet. I’m gonna take Garret to the next bonfire at the marina. You’re the first to know.”

  “Well, I’m honored and I won’t say a thing to anyone.”

  “I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.”

  “And the same goes here.” Laura Lee felt a tug of emotion. Mattie was a friend and also felt like the daughter she always longed for.

  Mattie leaned forward. “Oh, and I heard that you danced with Shane. Tell me all about it.”

  Laura Lee shrugged. “It was a dance, nothing more.” She hoped her voice sounded casual.

  “Do you want more?”

  “Even if I did, it’s pointless. Why can’t everybody see that?”

  “Maybe because it isn’t pointless. It’s pretty obvious that Shane is into you. I mean, that man talks about you like you’re his girlfriend.”

  “But I’m not. I’m his housekeeper. We spend so much time together and we’re just becoming close because of that.”

  “But are you falling for him, Laura Lee? You can tell me, because your secrets are safe with me as well.”

  “Of course I’m attracted to him, but look, I had my Cinderella night. It’s enough,” she insisted, but looked away from Mattie so she wouldn’t guess the truth. “Once you’ve been hurt the way I’ve been trampled on, it’s pretty hard to do it all over again.”

  “No, now, there’s where you’re dead wrong. I think it’s even more reason to give it a shot, because you deserve happiness after what you’ve been through. Think about it that way.”

  “Okay, I admit that I have thought about it. Look, I think that Shane is a really good man. But he’s rich and famous. I would just be a passing folly and risk my job in the process.”

  “He seems pretty down-to-earth to me.”

  “Mattie, there is more at stake here than my feelings.”

  “What if he wasn’t rich and famous? What then?”

  “I’d go after him in a heartbeat,” Laura Lee admitted without really thinking.

  “Yes, you said that out loud, so don’t even try to take it back.”

  Laura Lee put a hand over her mouth.

  “No, you don’t. Talk to me.”

  “But he is rich and famous, Mattie. The man is way, way out of my league.”

  “That’s nonsense just like the whole I’m-too-old-for-love thing you tried. Look at multimillionaire Mitch Monroe and Nicolina Diamante. That one example busts through the whole age thing, because they are both over fifty. Plus, Mitch is super rich while she was a struggling jewelry maker. And she wouldn’t have to work another day in her life, but Mitch supports her jewelry shop because it’s her dream. So you have a double whammy where they’re concerned. It sure didn’t stop them from falling in love, now, did it?”

  “An exception to the rule.”

  “I’m finding out that there are no rules where love is concerned. You heart doesn’t care about any of that stuff. You as much as said so yourself. In the end love is everything.”

  “But my brain does care.”

  “Okay, well, then I’ll keep going with examples to shut your brain up. Not only was Noah Falcon a famous baseball player, but he was a soap opera star too. That didn’t keep him from falling in love and marrying high school drama teacher Olivia Lawson. Garret’s rock star dad and Maggie McMi
llan are yet another prime example. Do I need to keep going? How many more exceptions to the rule do you need? And I suppose I’m an example too.”

  “No, you don’t have to go on, but that doesn’t mean I should believe in a fantasy that will never happen.”

  “You don’t know that!” Mattie leaned back and looked up at the sky. “You’re such a contradiction. If you talk the talk you have to walk the walk, Laura Lee.”

  “No, what I need to do is to start going home at night and stop having dinner with Shane like . . . like we’re a couple. I mean, we take walks. Swim sometimes.” She shook her head. “I’m finally in a better place in my life. I need to be more professional and not risk losing my job. I mean, let’s get real. I can’t be Shane’s housekeeper and his girlfriend.”

  “There are other jobs.”

  “Not like this one.”

  Mattie fell silent for a minute. “If you weren’t afraid, would you risk it?”

  Laura Lee thought about it for a few seconds.

  “Be honest.”

  “Yes,” she admitted softly. “I guess I would.”

  “Then don’t be afraid.”

  “Fear isn’t something you can just turn off like that hose over there.”

  “True. Then be brave. Jump off the cliff like me.”

  “You are relentless!”

  “Yes, and I’m going to do the same thing you did to me.” She arched one eyebrow and paused for dramatic effect. “I dare you.”

  “Dares don’t bother me,” she scoffed. “Not being able to pay my bills bothers me, though. I don’t need to go and make a pass at my boss and then get my sorry self fired. I like being able to go shopping without feeling guilty afterward. I like looking at my bank account and actually seeing money in there.”

  Mattie sat up straighter. “What if Shane makes a pass at you?” She pointed across the table. “Then it would be on him and you wouldn’t be held accountable. Just be all sexy and stuff and see what happens. Put a little wiggle in your walk.”

  “Would you just listen to yourself?”

  “I think it’s a good plan.”

  “I’m not planning anything except for doing my doggone job. If you don’t stop I’m gonna squirt you with that hose again.”

  “All right. I’ll shut up. At least for now.”

  “Praise the Lord for small favors.”


  “No!” Laura Lee reached over for the hose, stood up, and pointed it at Mattie. “This thing is still turned on,” she warned. “I’m giving you fair warning this time.”

  Mattie raised her hands in surrender. “Okay!”

  “So you give up?”

  “I was taught to never give up,” Mattie said. “But I will.”

  Laura Lee nodded but then said, “I don’t like that gleam in your eye. Don’t you go and try something.”

  “How come you can play matchmaker but not me? And if you start that life-has-passed-me-by stuff again, I’m gonna push you into the pool.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I know. I’m full of hot air.” Mattie stood up and went over and gave Laura Lee a hug.

  “Mattie, I know your heart is in the right place and you want to see me happy. I feel the same way about you. But this subject needs to be closed.”

  “I understand.” Mattie nodded slowly. “Well, I’ve got to go and buy some supplies for the restaurant. I just wanted to share my crazy news.”

  “It’s wonderful news, Mattie. I am so happy for you.”

  “I knew you would be. Oh, and Garret said that he’d like to come over for a barbecue soon,” Mattie added. “I mean, you and Shane already invited us, so . . .”

  Laura Lee sighed. “Is there no end to you?”

  “Nope. I go on forever.”

  “I’ll ask Shane what night is good and get back to you.”


  Laura Lee groaned.

  “Laura Lee!”

  “Okay, I promise. Are you happy?”

  “Yes! Give him a hug for me.”

  “I will not!”

  “I said for me.” She tapped her chest.

  Laura Lee answered by giving her a quick squirt.


  “You deserved it! Now go or I’ll get you from head to toe.”

  “Okay!” Mattie laughed and then hurried away. But when she was beyond squirting distance, she shouted, “I’m not going to give up on this.”

  “I told you it’s pointless!” Laura Lee shouted back, but had to smile. Mattie seemed so happy that it warmed her heart. She thought about what Mattie said about being sexy, and the little devil on her shoulder whispered in her ear, “Do it. At least give it a try. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.”

  “No!” With a shake of her head she went back to watering the rest of the thirsty plants.

  “What’s pointless?”

  Laura Lee whirled around and this time Shane got a full shot of water on his chest. “Oh no!” Horrified, Laura Lee dropped the hose. It remained turned on and started squirming around like an irate snake. “Sorry!” she shouted, and started chasing the hose without any luck. “I didn’t expect you until later.”

  “The meeting ended early.” Laughing, Shane joined her in the mad chase.

  When Laura Lee finally pounced and picked up the hose, she accidently squirted him again, this time grazing the top of his head. “Sorry!” she said, but made the mistake of giggling.

  “No, you’re not.” He came at her with purposeful strides, making her back away.

  Laura Lee took a step backward. “No, I am,” she insisted, but her heart kicked it up a notch. She knew he was playing with her, and damn if she didn’t like it.

  “I think I need to get you back,” Shane said, but she only laughed.

  “I’m the one with the weapon.”

  “And I plan to change that situation.”

  “Don’t come one step closer.” She raised the hose and aimed it at him. “I’ll shoot.”

  “Squirt me and I’ll toss you in the pool.” He angled his wet head toward the water.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “You wouldn’t dare squirt me or you’ll find out.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t,” Laura Lee said, and lowered the nozzle to her side. But when he took another step closer that doggone devil on her shoulder gave her a hard nudge and with a little squeal Laura Lee took aim and pulled the trigger.

  “No, you didn’t!” Shane lunged toward her and tried to snag her around the waist.

  “Yes, I did!” With another little squeal Laura Lee dodged him and gave him another quick blast.

  “Okay, then you asked for it.”

  With wide eyes Laura Lee watched Shane take his wallet and cell phone out of the pocket of his khaki shorts. She swallowed hard when he tugged his shirt over his head, distracting Laura Lee with the nice ripple of muscle. That tiny bit of letting her guard down was her mistake. Shane turned and lunged toward her. She dropped the hose and fearing what he was about to do, she beat him to the punch and jumped fully clothed into the pool.

  When Shane dove into the water in hot pursuit, Laura Lee swam away, but she was hindered by her laughter. When she felt him grab her foot she kicked him off, losing a flip-flop in the process. She swam for the shallow end, but he swiftly caught up with her and snagged her around the waist.

  “Gotcha.” When he pulled her to his side she fully expected him to duck her under and braced herself.

  Instead he spun her around.

  And then he kissed her.


  Who’s the Boss?

  SHANE HAD ANTICIPATED KISSING LAURA LEE FOR DAYS, but he still wasn’t prepared for the reality of having her in his arms. Her lush, warm mouth made him so hot that he was glad to be in the cool water.
Of course in his fantasy the first kiss wasn’t going to be in the pool after a long chase. He’d planned on something more romantic like after an intimate dinner or dancing in the moonlight or perhaps his favorite, which was kissing her while taking a steamy soak in the hot tub together.

  He’d been dreaming of the erotic moment his lips touched hers, but he hadn’t been prepared for the emotional impact. After the slow dance and the evening spent together at Sully’s, kissing Laura Lee was number one on his list of priorities. And his list was growing longer with each day spent in her company.

  When Laura Lee melted against him Shane deepened the kiss and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and the kiss went on and on, making him think that kissing him might have been on her to-do list as well. Good, they must be on the same page.

  But just when he thought about being bold enough to cup her cute ass, she pushed at his chest and backed up a step. “What was that?”

  “I think they call it a kiss.”

  “But . . . ?”

  “Laura Lee, I was trying to go slow, bide my time until the time was right. I wanted to take you to dinner or do something romantic first, but I just couldn’t wait one more minute.”

  Laura Lee blinked at him, looking confused and so utterly gorgeous that he reached for her once more, but she backed away. “No . . . Shane, you’re my boss.”

  “I’ll make you the boss. In fact, I’ll do whatever you want me to. Go ahead, give me an order.”

  “I . . . You . . .” She shook her head and appeared horrified. “No!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because!” she sputtered.

  “Because? You have to do better than that.”

  She simply shook her head. “This is when you’re supposed to say, ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.’”

  “But I’m not sorry.” Shane wanted to take a step closer, but she looked like a scared doe ready to bolt into the woods. He stood very still, not making so much as a ripple in the water. But with her shirt clinging like a second skin, he was having a difficult time not pulling her back against his body.

  “I . . . I shouldn’t have been so familiar, squirting you and all that. I acted like a silly teenager! And now we’re in this pool fully clothed! What is wrong with me? I’m the one who should be sorry.” She smacked the water, making it splash, and Shane wanted to laugh but knew better. He also knew that he wanted this sweet woman in his life as something much more than his employee.


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