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Extol of Agnatic Dreams (The Extol Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Jennifer R. Kenny

  “King Quintus.” Evangeline stumbled a little as she made to bow, deep and as low as her dress would allow. A chuckle came from the King, a handsome man with a strong jaw that couldn’t be hidden under his meticulously kept beard. Unlike every other person she had met, his long hair was tied back from his face and hidden from sight. He stood tall and proud, as any King should. Feeling vulnerable as he chuckled at her, Evangeline blushed and straightened. What had she done to elect such a response from him?

  “You are our new daughter,” Quintus said, offering Evangeline his hand which she did not hesitate to take. It would be rude to refuse such a gesture. “There is no need for titles and strangeness between us. You will call me Quintus, and you shall refer to my wife only by Kyleigh.” Evangeline nodded, and when Quintus gave her hand a gentle squeeze, she found herself squeezing his hand back.

  “I apologise Quintus. I do not wish to offend.”

  “You have offended no one,” Quintus assured her. He was quick to cut her off and Evangeline stopped half way done with her full apology, letting their hands drop naturally. While he appeared young, there was a power to him that made his youthful face more jarring. Smoothing down her dress, she greeted Kyleigh, falling into a curtsey before kissing the woman on the cheek.

  While the King barely looked old enough to be the ruler she had heard so many stories about, Kyleigh was the kind of woman you could expect to see. Pale skin that bordered on looking sickly in this light and dark red hair that did not seem to compliment naturally with her complexion. The Queen’s hair curled around her face, down like Evangeline had been instructed to do, but sections used to hold her crown in place. Light wrinkles decorated her face, not ugly but they were undeniable. “We will speak soon,” Kyleigh promised.

  Evangeline wasn’t sure what to make of the comment. She supposed that Kyleigh would want to get to know the girl who was to marry her eldest son. She knew so little of Glais and even less of his family. Evangeline was going to have to assume that this was the same for them about her. Perhaps a collection of shared stories in passing, but the real truth? Well, there had simply been a gap in all of their education. Until this moment, she had not been sure what the Royals of Braykith even looked like. Perhaps the Queen would have some advice for Evangeline. She had lived such a life, and understood this city better than most intruders. Surely she would like to share these secrets with Evangeline. She could hope for such respite.

  She had been preparing for such a different greeting that it seemed irresponsible to be hopeful that perhaps this could flow neater than Evangeline had imagined. While most of her concerns in coming to Braykith could be blamed on learning her future husbands’ habits, and his opinions of her, the reputation of the royal family had made her believe they were far more intimidating than they were.

  Evangeline did not welcome this as readily as one might suspect. Instead of embracing this casual approach, she was suspicious. All of her meticulous training and meditation to prepare for this very moment had been nothing more than wasted hours. She would remember the hours spent practising her curtsy for the King in the mirror, being sure it as graceful and respectful. Quintus could not know how hard she had practiced but she could not help but feel resentful.

  If she had not spent years in the company of an etiquette coach, Evangeline might have considered confronting Quintus about all of the demands he had forced upon her family. Her new role in Braykith had been a heavy burden for so long and now she felt like a joke. Not that it appeared that anyone was laughing at her or that this was some kind of test. The soldiers that decorated the courtyard were respectful, and not in a casual way. This was the true King and Queen. They had not merely brought in doubles and ensured some kind of joke on her behalf.

  The familiar touch from Kyleigh as she embraced Evangeline would have better suited for family and not for the stranger Evangeline was to them. Of course, Quintus had said she was family, but that should not have been so easy to comply with. Although it was expected that every command from the King to be treated as law, this seemed to be something entirely different. He had said such things and so they came into being. Quintus had called her family and so she was family, with all the casual touches that should have been built up over years of contact immediately inherited.

  This was not the welcoming moment they seemed to want to generate, and quickly Evangeline imagined all of this losing control. All of it only made Evangeline uneasy, and her unease only made Quintus more determined to put to rest her awkward pauses and emotional driven anxieties. “You will have to excuse us; our daughter Adeline is still sleeping. We could not rouse her no matter the methods.” There was no scolding, although a little bit of embarrassment as Kyleigh went on to explain. “I suppose you should see her come breakfast time.”

  Her apology seemed far too insincere, even for a diplomatic visitor, which was another way to view Evangeline. It had been the argument she had been practising for years leading up to this moment that now was apparently useless because Quintus had made her family.

  “I thoroughly understand.” Is what Evangeline said, still too uncertain how best to handle this situation. There was nothing anyone could do to change her time of arrival, and really she should be happy that anyone came to see her at all as all of this could have been completed during the day.

  “I suppose there is only one person you truly wish to see anyway.” Kyleigh took her husband’s hand and the king laughed lightly.

  “I guess so.” He agreed, motioning with his free hand for Glais to emerge from the dark. Until that moment, Glais had been hidden even under the torches that had been lit in an attempt to offer the people something to see by. It was not working, and so Evangeline had been blinded until this reveal. Evangeline saw his approach but her mind was reeling and so there was very little detail for Evangeline to reflect on later. She was drawing on a few vague memories from her childhood where she had played side by side with Glais. Those memories of scrapped knees were quickly dismissed, for Glais was no longer the child.

  He was handsome although his features were so like his father he could have been a twin, not his son. His body was strong and Glais moved with a contained power that always seemed on the verge of release. He looked tense, like a trapped wild cat. He would play nice for as long as it was good for him, but one needed to remain aware that Glais was only playing tame. Evangeline was shocked at her own thoughts but it was the only way to describe that predatory movement in his shoulders. He would be tame until it was no longer convenient. It sent a shudder through her. The ideas brought to life at the thought had her dropping her gaze to hide the rush of crimson to her cheeks that spread across her chest.

  “We should have left this moment in peace.” It seemed that Quintus was enjoying the effect his son was having on poor Evangeline. She could not look up, intimidation and curiosity fought within her head and there seemed to be no clear victor. Embarrassed she would not risk them seeing the indecisiveness.

  “Why don’t I escort Evangeline to her rooms?” Glais offered. Those words repeated over and over until it became a melody to her own mind. Although the sentence should have been a question, there was no change in his tone. He was not asking for permission or for even her support. It was simply going to happen. Glais would be walking her to her rooms, which seemed both extremely improper and yet perfect. He was just polite enough so his family could leave without it looking hostile.

  Only just old enough to be actually called a man, and already he had the confidence of a King. Evangeline foolishly wondered if his authority came from an actual place. She knew hers did not, but rather only a weak imitation of her mother. For now, it was enough for the people of Braykith to believe Evangeline might be someone who could make their lands prosper. After all, she had fooled Sigourney, and Evangeline felt safe in thinking she could fool most of the citizens with that same charade.

  How long could Evangeline continue being convincing was an entirely different question. One that she felt had
a very limited available space. Evangeline needed to learn how to be the sure and steady personality that Glais always was. If it was indeed his personality and not just the young man faking his father’s tones and practice. Evangeline felt that she could not trust anything within this Kingdom and in her own mind, she sent a brief prayer to Xado to clear her vision and for her to believe.

  The intimidation she felt only intensified when she finally found the core strength to look up. She almost fell over to both stay where she was and stumble back from his intense gaze. It was like he could see through her, into her past and their future. In this one moment Glais knew everything about her and there were no secrets left to keep. Or so it seemed. She felt only judgement from him but she couldn’t decide if it was forming a positive or negative opinion. She fell into a curtsey, eyes downcast as her body leant forward.

  She stayed low, trapped by him until Glais broke their spell with a simple offering of his hand. Evangeline took it, not surprised when he did not release her. Instantly Glais attempted to leave with her, but Evangeline didn’t move.

  “I would very much like to stay and meet your brother.” The words were exposed before she could judge them, a panic response but seemingly completely in line. After all, he was the only member of the royal family who had come out to meet her and yet she had not been formally introduced. Glais rolled his eyes, but he did not fight her on the demand. Instead, he presented her to Baxter with not a further introduction.

  Evangeline blinked, looking back to Glais but he seemed to have decided to leave her on her own for this one. She wasn’t sure how to proceed. In all her lessons the very idea she would need to introduce herself had never come up. Not in such a formal way. She still felt this was formal even though Quintus had instead differently.

  Baxter felt her distress and quickly made the introduction that Glais should have made. “I am Baxter, second son of the King and Queen of Braykith.” He bowed low, and Evangeline smiled. This was the level she had been expecting, and automatically she lifted her dress just enough off the ground so she could curtsey properly in response. “Welcome, Evangeline. It is a pleasure to meet finally with you.”

  “I am very glad to have met you as well.” And Evangeline was honest in it. While Glais and Quintus were dark hair and intense features, Baxter appeared to take much more of his mother. Not the copy Glais was, but considering the delicate feminine features of his mother they became handsome in their arrangement on his face. His hair was cropped close to his head but even in this light, it was evident that his hair was the same shade of dark red. A tan was permanently stained into his skin. Clearly being the second son gave Baxter more freedom with his time that included the outdoors. Glais seemed deathly pale in comparison to his little brother.

  “I am sure you are aware Evangeline, should Glais come to some dark end before his time, you may become my wife.” Evangeline froze, reminded of the obvious attentions from Thomas being repeated. The casual conversation which included the suggestion of what could possibly come to pass between them made Evangeline flush scarlet.

  “Good thing isn’t it Little Brother that I cannot die.” Glais did not falter as he looked at his brother with those same intimidating eyes that had made Evangeline shrink back. Baxter did not have the same reaction. Evidently he had spent far more time under Glais’ scrutiny. She was thankful that it seemed Glais did not like the conversation much more than she did because Evangeline had no idea how best to excuse herself from it.

  “I dare not think that such a thing could possibly happen.” Evangeline declared, siding closer to Glais just to cement her support for their marriage. It took her further from Baxter, and he seemed a little defeated after the exchange. Admittedly he had not thought to say such things would somehow encourage Evangeline to ruin a promise that had been kept for many years all on a whim.

  Baxter recovered quickly, brushing off the encounter easily. He chuckled, a tickle of familiarity that sounded like an echo of his father. “One eye open Big Brother.” It sounded like a threat, even under the thin veil of humour. Evangeline hoped it was just brotherly banter. She did not have such a relationship with her own brother, Darius. Five years separated them, and while they did play together for a little time when he was very young it quickly stopped as Evangeline’s age crept up on her and her future forever gaining speed to become the present. Their lessons drifted further apart, and now it seemed they had nothing to say to each other.

  She did know that some siblings had a relationship much more like this. A simple game of teasing with no real cruelty promised at the end. It was simply too soon for her to guess at what was fun and what was a genuine threat. The only reaction that kept her calm were the faces of Kyleigh and Quintus, who witnessed this exchange with pleasant smiles and unspoken jibes at both sides for their arrogance.

  Glais offered Evangeline his arm and she took it. Hooking her arm through his, Glais lead her away from the still laughing Baxter, although she heard the faint sound of Quintus reprimanding his son for being so forward with her. Perhaps Evangeline was not the only one pretending at being more than they were. Appearance matters to everyone, especially Kings of such vast lands.

  “Your things have been delivered to your room,” Glais announced, his voice never once becoming soft as he addressed her. That proper formation of sound was in his very vocabulary, and Evangeline was sure he would keep this rigorous approach until he was a grandfather. Evangeline would need to learn this was him, and he was not indeed angry or displeased with her although she did a quick check of her dress to make sure that it was not somehow offending. The neckline had been low, but nothing improper.

  “Can I have a bath drawn?” Evangeline asked, still feeling a little overcome with all that happened and somehow still able to keep up with Glais. She remembered Sigourney’s advice and Evangeline intended to use it. Glais nodded at her request which inspired to ask her next one. “I should also like to send word personally to my parents of my arrival.”

  Glais nodded his head at her. “I can offer you a bird. The pigeons trained to deliver messages from one place to another. We have several that are trained for Crimah.” His voice was so final, it was hard for Evangeline to rebel against it, but she did.

  “I would prefer to send a boy, someone to speak on my behalf and for my parents to have a face they can ask questions too.” It seemed such a small and reasonable request in her opinion.

  Glais stopped walking, and Evangeline was forced to stay with him. “Do they have reason to believe that there is something here for you to fear? Will they not trust one of our birds carrying a letter written in your hand?”

  Evangeline shook her head in an effort to please him quickly. “No.”

  “We have been generous allies, Evangeline.” Glais pointed out to her and again Evangeline was nodding because she did agree with him. The Braykith kingdom had been quite good to her home. They offered the resources which had made it possible for her father to grow his influence over the small province he had owned for generations.

  “What more comfort can a boy bring to your parents that your own genuine handwriting cannot achieve?” His tone made it feel confrontational, and it was hard to think of it as anything else. Glais frowned when Evangeline had no answer for him. “If you must insist on this then I hold you personally responsible for the boy’s wellbeing. You are asking him to travel alone along the same path where your own carriage was attacked only hours earlier.” Evangeline had not thought of that, and she hunched her shoulders in embarrassment. “Your own riders were lucky our unit was scouting for you after you did not arrive promptly.”

  Evangeline had not considered that. For her, the fight had meant that it was over and the path now safe for travel. Although, she thought it a real possibility that they were only out to harm her, and so all other riders would indeed be safe to travel to whichever destinations they had in their sights. Evangeline did not have an active mind for war tactics. Women would not worry about such things, as
the King took care of this.

  Seemingly satisfied, Glais continued to lead her through the hallways so dark she could barely see the carpets under her own feet. She stayed where she was for a moment but quickly she moved to follow him in fear of being left behind and what that could mean. It appeared all too easy to get lost. “I am sorry Glais. I do not want this to hurt our friendship.”

  Glais stayed staring ahead, pressing hair back from his face and securing it behind his ear; the offending strands not being long enough to be caught properly in the ponytail at the back of his head. He stayed silent, leading her to a door which she could only presume was the entrance to her bedrooms.

  “Is that what we are Evangeline?” Glais was talking slowly as if he was still trying to work out how he felt about this conversation.

  “It is the best word I have for us.” Evangeline offered, her heart starting to race as all of her worst thoughts seemed to manifest right now in this near pitch black hallway. “I always imagined us as friends and not just allies.”

  “Hmm, friends…” he mused aloud, testing the word on his own tongue and learning the flavour of it. He said the word now as he had never said it before and that scared Evangeline. “I have to admit Evangeline; I had never thought of us as friends.”


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