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Just Like A Bear: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 3)

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by Jada Turner

  Brea grabbed a coffee at the local shop, The Glory Hole. The owner was a shy blonde named Glory. Brea came to the shop because the people and the coffee always made her feel good. It was almost magical. Brea sat at a table to check her phone. She was trying to postpone the inevitable. As soon as her phone started blinking with messages and emails, she knew she had to bite the bullet.

  She drove out the Mather’s estate, dread filling her body. She tried to shut off her emotions like Garrett. If she made it through this day without crying, she would deserve the academy award. She pulled up to the house, took a deep breath and walked inside. Some of the staff she had hired had arrived already so Brea dived in. She was so busy making sure everything was perfect that she didn't look up for several hours. Sarah had messaged Brea to say she told everyone in the house to stay upstairs so they wouldn’t be in the way. Brea sighed in relief, at least she wouldn’t have to face Garrett until the ceremony.

  The ceremony was to take place at dusk. Normally shifters married at midnight during the full moon, but everyone had compromised on dusk. Since it would be arriving soon, Brea went to check in on Sarah and change into her dress.

  She found Sarah looking beautiful in her simple white satin gown, surrounded by her bridesmaids. She was glowing with happiness. Brea felt tears start to appear in her eyes. She was reminded of her own wedding. She had expected it to be the happiest day of her life, too. Instead she had been crushed. It was why she became a wedding coordinator in the first place, she wanted to give other brides the perfect day she never had.

  It was almost dusk and all the guests had been seated. Brea quickly dressed in her gown and ushered Sarah downstairs. The men had already taken their place at the altar near the waterfall. Brea made sure Sarah made it down the aisle and then returned to the kitchen. The reception would start directly after the ceremony and soon everyone would be piling into the ballroom. Brea made sure everything was still on schedule. and took care of the last minute small details. By the time everyone started file into the ballroom, everything was perfect.

  A woman came up to Brea to congratulate her on the wedding. The woman was impressed she had pulled it off in a month. Soon Brea was busy giving out her card and fielding compliments.

  A beautiful tall black haired woman approached her a little hesitantly.

  “You are Brea? The wedding coordinator? I’ve been wanting to meet you, I’m Priscilla.”

  Brea sucked in a breath, in all her nightmares of how this day could go wrong, she never imagined being confronted by a bear shifter whose mate she had stolen, however briefly. Brea had tried not to think about Priscilla. But now here was Priscilla, was standing in front of her, Brea would have to face her.

  “I-I’m Brea.” She managed to choke out.

  “I want to talk to you.” She had the same brown eyes as Garrett. She was at least 6” with short black hair cut into a bob. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was Brea’s physical opposite in almost every way.

  “Y-yes?” Brea squeaked out.

  “I need to explain something about me and Garrett…You see we grew up together, we were inseparable. So when my family wanted us to be mated, we did. Garrett’s father died when he was young. His father had been traditional and Garrett wanted to honour his father’s memory.” Priscilla’s eyes were kind, she wasn’t angry at all.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Brea’s nerve returned, knowing she didn’t have to face an angry bear.

  “Let me finish, I want to make sure you have the whole story. We were mated and we were happy for awhile but I grew restless. I wanted more out of life than Ravenswood could provide. So I went to the city to go to school. Since I’ve been away, I’ve changed. I don't want to live the life my parents and Garrett want me to. I realized I love Garrett, but in a platonic way. And, well, I’ve fallen in love with a professor at school.”

  “In love? But what about Garrett?”

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I came home to tell Garrett that I want to be with Roger. I am not coming home again. He agreed, because of you. He wants to be with you.”

  “Why didn't he tell me himself?”

  “He thinks he ruined his chances with you forever. You told him you didn't want to see him again. And I agree, he acted terribly towards you. But I thought if I could explain that he had promised his father and he promised me. His integrity is a virtue, but sometimes a curse as well.”

  “And now?” Brea felt hope rise in her heart.

  “He wants to be with you, I made him realize that his father would want him to be happy above all else. And you make him happy. If there are any feelings for him left in your heart, go to him. Tell him how you feel. There is nothing keeping you apart anymore.”

  “Where is he?” Brea couldn't wait any longer.

  “He said he wanted to be alone, that the sight of you made his heart break. I think he went to the waterfall.”

  Brea hugged Priscilla. “Thank you so much, you don't what you’ve done for me!” Brea didn't wait for a response, she ran outside and all the way to the waterfall as fast her heels would let her.

  When she arrived breathless, she saw him sitting alone by the altar.

  “Garrett.” She spoke his name and he slowly turned around as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. When he saw her, he stood up.

  “Priscilla talked to me. I understand, Garrett, why you treated me the way you did. You didn't want to break your promises. I forgive you.” She couldn't wait to get the words out of her mouth.

  He crossed the ground between them and took her into his arms. “It can’t be true, I thought I had lost you forever. I love you, Brea.”

  “I love you, Garrett.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he cupped her face in his hands and covered her face with desperate, rough kisses.

  “I will never leave you again.” He promised.


  Brea woke up the morning of her honeymoon with a smile on her face. She yawned and stretched in bed. Her new husband stirred beside her. She smiled at him. Memories of yesterday came flooding back to her, it had been the most magical day of her life. She had finally got her perfect wedding. And perfect husband. More importantly, her perfect wedding night, Garrett had ravaged her in every way possible, all night long.

  Garrett stirred again under the covers and soon she felt him kissing her stomach. He moved his way up to her breasts and took her nipples in his mouth sucking each one hard.

  “Mmmm, you know that turns me on. You can’t possibly want to have sex again!”

  “I will never be tired of you. We are mated, I can have you whenever I want and you are mine and mine alone. It turns me on.” He moved back to her nipples with his mouth and began grabbing her breasts as well. Brea felt herself moisten and she moaned.

  Garrett rolled on his back and pulled her on top of him. She felt his erection underneath her. He was huge. She maneuvered herself and slid his dick inside her. They both moaned in unison. She rocked her hips, rubbing her clit at the same time as she rode his cock. She sat up and continued the same slow rhythm. She put her hands in her hair, giving him a great view view of her ample tits as they bounced in rhythm to her hips.

  He moaned and grabbed her breasts, massaging them. She closed her eyes and continued to rock in the same slow rhythm as she felt a familiar tingling in her sex slowly move up her body, looking for release.

  Garrett’s hands explored her body, she was so beautiful, her body turned him on like no other. He admired her as she moved on his cock.

  Brea moved faster and faster rising to release. She kissed Garrett hard, shoving her tongue into his mouth wanting to consume him. Garret grabbed her ass and smacked it hard. Brea groaned as she felt the release of orgasm.

  Garrett flipped onto her back and immediately started pumping into harder and harder, faster and faster. She felt words and thought leave her as she succumbed to the feeling of pleasure. He had the power and he could
do whatever he wanted to her. She let herself go, giving herself completely to Garrett. Garrett groaned as his seed exploded into her. She felt wave and wave of pleasure rocketing through her body, it was unlike anything she had ever felt and it arose only from complete surrender. It came from such a deep place she didn't even know it had existed. Until Garrett had awoken it.

  The END

  Here is a SPECIAL BONUS - The Great Romances Collection!!

  The King's Mistress


  Chapter 1

  Everything had to be perfect. The entire kitchen was in a state of excitement as more and more detailed instructions arrived on crumpled parchment from the powers upstairs. Delicious smells emanated from sizzling pans on the stove, herbs were being frantically chopped, and the kitchen was buzzing with excited chatter. With only six hours until the feast began, everybody was tripping over each other in their haste to get things done, and those in charge were noisily calling out demands to the lesser servants. Having only arrived in court the week before, Beth was not yet familiar with the routine of the kitchen, but was eager to impress and make herself useful. Having grown up in the local orphanage, once Beth was old enough to leave she had been allowed to stay on to help care for the children in exchange for meals and a bed at night. Only a month ago, a position in the kitchens at the Tudor Court had become available, and the nuns at the orphanage had encouraged her to take the position, knowing that she needed a change of scene. No doubt the nuns had also been aware that at the orphanage Beth would have had little chance of finding a husband. Beth had been so excited about taking the position at court, and today was an extraordinary day. Every counter was overflowing with exotic foods: stuffed birds of every variety, tiny intricate sweetmeats, and bowls laden with ripe fruit. Beth had never seen anything like it, and couldn’t believe that it was only that morning that the feast had been announced. The King’s news would be sweeping the country by now, and Beth felt proud that she was part of this exciting moment in history. The Queen, Catherine of Aragon, was with child again.

  Beth could clearly remember the events of the previous year. Like so many others, she had cheered in the streets at the marriage of the handsome King of England and his new wife Catherine. Then, a mere four months later, Beth had wept with the rest of the country when Henry and Catherine’s first child was stillborn. Today though, everything had changed, with the official announcement that Catherine was once again expecting a baby. There had of course been unofficial kitchen gossip about the matter, but it was only this morning that Henry VIII had himself confirmed the rumors. Immediately, the court leapt into action, organizing an elaborate feast with scrumptious food, music and dancing to celebrate the happy news. Realizing that the bucket she had been filling at the well was overflowing; Beth brought her mind back to the task at hand. Picking up the heavy bucket in one hand, she hitched up her generous skirts with the other in order that they would not drag through the now wet ground. As she did so, she heard a low whistle behind her. Slowly turning around with the blood rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment, she saw a messenger boy leaning casually against a nearby wall. As she slowly looked up at him through her thick eyelashes, Beth could see that the boy was casting his eyes up and down her slender figure. Dropping her skirts immediately, no longer remotely concerned about the damp ground, she quickly made her way back into the smoky and bustling kitchens.

  Chapter 2

  As she lay in her bed that night, aching from head to toe from the hard work of preparing, serving, and then clearing the food for the glorious feast, Beth couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had carried out her work without mishap, and was beginning to feel that she was becoming friends with Emma, the girl who shared her bedchamber. Also, however much she hated to admit it, she did feel a certain delight when she remembered the lust in the messenger boy’s eyes earlier that day. At eighteen years of age Beth had never so much as touched a man, and had previously never felt any desire to. However, as she lay in bed gradually relaxing after the exhausting day, she found herself imagining what it would have been like to run her fingers through his shiny dark hair, or plant a gentle kiss on the stubble of his cheek.

  Beth leaned across in the darkness and whispered, “Emma, are you awake?”

  “Yes, Beth, what is it? Are you unwell?” came the reply from the other side of the room.

  Beth paused momentarily, wondering whether she was being silly, then took a breath and whispered back, “Have you ever… kissed a man, Emma?” She felt as if she could feel Emma’s surprised smile in the darkness.

  “I have. More than a kiss too, if you must know.”


  “There are ways you can… show your love for a man. And he can show his to you.”

  “What sort of ways?”

  “Well of course, aside from actually coupling, you can pleasure him with your mouth and your hands and…” Beth cut her off, feeling suddenly utterly embarrassed and like a child in contrast to Emma’s obvious experience.

  “Can you show me how to kiss a man?” Beth’s words were barely audible and she was glad the darkness hid the flush of her cheeks. Before she had a chance to say anything further, she heard a rustling, and then felt a cold foot nudging her aside as Emma slid into her bed. Without a word, Emma moved her face above Beth’s, their lips inches away from each other.

  “Relax,” Emma murmured, “You need to learn, and I’m happy to show you. I reckon we both deserve a bit of fun after such a bleeding long day!” and with that she lowered her lips to Beth’s, at first simply holding them there so that they were breathing in each others’ breath. After a while, Emma began to gently and slowly kiss Beth, their soft lips moving together. Emma’s hand gently moved the hair out of Beth’s eyes, and then slowly ventured lower, moving aside the neckline of Beth’s nightgown so as to expose her pale, full breast. Beth drew in a short, quick breath, momentarily shocked, but as Emma began to flick her tongue over Beth’s now pert nipple, she offered no resistance. Beth could feel a flush rising to her cheeks, her stomach turned over in what was either nerves or excitement, and she felt the beat of her pulse quickening.

  “I am going to show you what a man will do to give you pleasure,” Emma whispered, “be very quiet, though!”

  Emma drew Beth’s gown upwards, and began to plant light kisses down her belly. When she reached the soft downy hair between Beth’s legs, she glanced up to check that Beth wasn’t going to ask her to stop, but instead what she saw was Beth’s face, upward turned, a slight smile playing on her lips. Emma slowly began to pleasure Beth with her fingers, surprised that she was already moist. After a few moments, Emma began to use her tongue, flicking it quickly as she inserted her now wet fingers slowly in and out of Beth’s writhing body. As Beth’s breathing began to quicken further, and a small moan escaped her lips, Emma positioned herself on top of her friend, grinding her breasts into Beth’s, and pushing her thigh between Beth’s legs. Both girls were now breathing heavily and moving rhythmically against each other. At exactly the same moment, a spring seemed to uncoil in both of the girls, and with an ecstatic moan Emma collapsed on the now satisfied Beth.

  After a moment’s silence as they caught their breath, both girls started to giggle softly, Beth covering her mouth with her hand, and Emma pressing her face into the pillow to try and stifle the sound. They rearranged their nightgowns and lay back, satisfied and exhausted, both still trembling with the after-effects of their ecstasy.

  “So that, my friend, is how a man will show his love for you.” Emma declared.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning, when Beth awoke, she couldn’t quite believe the events of the night before. After such an exciting and exhausting day, and the overwhelming grandeur of the celebratory feast, the moment with Emma felt like it must have been a dream. However, when Emma sat up in bed and flashed Beth a cheeky grin, she knew she hadn’t imagined it. That exhilarating experience had certainly been a surpris
e, but she could not pretend to herself that it hadn’t been absolutely delicious too. After they had washed and dressed, the two girls made their way down to the kitchen where they ate a simple breakfast and began their day’s work. Beth was surprised that now she had tasted the excitement and pleasure of arousal, she was thinking about her own body in an entirely new way. She could recognize that her full breasts, pushed upwards by her bodice, represented a symbol of her sexuality, and she couldn’t help but wish the messenger boy would return and look at her once more with the lust she had seen in his eyes the previous day. Beth smiled to herself as she realized that until last night she had thought of herself as a child, but now that she had experienced pleasure between the sheets a whole new world of excitement seemed to open up before her. Shaking herself out of her reverie, and feeling a twinge of guilt that she was suddenly so preoccupied by pleasures of the flesh, Beth strode briskly back towards the kitchen to continue her work.

  Upon re-entering the kitchen, Beth felt that people were looking at her oddly, but put it down to the fact that she was still relatively new at court. A few hours later Emma and Beth were finally alone together, and Emma took Beth’s hand to reveal the reason that people had been behaving strangely that morning.

  “When you were out fetching water, a message arrived from upstairs. It asked that Elizabeth Scott report to the Privy Chamber after supper this evening,” Emma explained.


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