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Gracie's Plan

Page 4

by Rose Lange

  And to her annoyance, Becky was looking at him as though she wanted to lay him down on the counter and devour him whole, as she gave him the elevator eyes. This agitated her and she didn’t know why. It was irrational, and very juvenile, but she was jealous. She puckered her mouth in annoyance.

  “Annabelle, we need to talk.” His tone didn’t allow for a rebuttal.

  She moved toward him, trying to usher him out. “There is nothing to discuss. Now can you please leave?”

  But Kade wouldn’t budge. He stood there like a statue, hands on his hips. “I’m not leaving until you explain why you left the cabin in a hurry this morning.”

  Annabelle frowned as Becky’s eyebrows shot up until they were practically greeting her hairline. And her friend had a knowing smirk on her face that made her want to smack it away.

  “Kade, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Becky.” She offered her hand and they made idle conversation, while Annabelle stood there, seething.

  Directing his question to Annabelle. “Do you have a minute?”

  She stepped outside with him, if only to stop Becky’s tongue from wagging. They’d also managed to catch the eye of the few customers that were in the store. That was the last thing she needed, especially since some, if not all of the women looked at him like they wanted to eat him up.

  Annabelle rolled her eyes. There was that green-eyed monster again, annoying her with its presence. Why should she care if women were staring at him?

  She stuffed her hands in her pockets, trying to appear indifferent. “Why are you here? I have nothing to discuss with you.”

  “I want to know what the hell crawled up your ass and died.”

  She gasped, although not really shocked by his language. “What are you talking about?”

  He hung his head and sighed. “I went out of my way to help you this morning and all I get is the cold shoulder. I want to know what your damned problem is.”

  “I’m not the one with a problem.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose, and looked like he was trying very hard not to lose his top. “Listen, we have to live together for the next two months, don’t think it’s going to be easy for me either. Can we try and get along?”

  Annabelle grimaced at his choice of words, and they hurt more than she thought they would, which surprised her. It also surprised her that he didn’t bring up the escapade last night, but for that she was exceedingly grateful. Maybe he’d taken pity on her and decided to leave it alone.

  “I guess. If that’s how you want to put it.”

  He nodded, but didn’t say another word as he walked away. Annabelle stood there, and honestly didn’t know what to think.

  What she did know for sure was that this would be a very difficult two months indeed.

  Driving home that night, Annabelle was mentally drained. From last night to this morning’s surprise visit to the store, she was grateful for the car ride home. She tried to rationalize that two months wasn’t that long, and things would soon be back to normal. She had to keep in mind why she was doing this even though it seemed crazy, even though it was a recipe for insanity: to inherit the shop that meant the world to her.

  But when she walked into the cabin that night, she couldn’t help but smile. The air smelled of fresh ground beef cooking, and of strong smelling seasonings and spices. Her stomach growled loudly in response as the kitchen smelled heavenly.

  “Hi.” She set down her purse and jacket.

  Kade looked up, offering a half-smile. “Hey. Have a seat, dinner is just about ready.”

  “What are you making?”

  “Tacos. Could you do me a favor and stir the rice for me?”

  Annabelle did as he asked, settling in next to him at the stove. Her stomach did a little flip at his proximity. They may have been like fire and ice, but every time she was close to him, smelled his intoxicating scent she warmed up from her head to her toes. She tried to be subtle as she scooted a little closer to him.

  He gave her a sly half-smile again. “What?”


  “No really, what is it?”

  Annabelle tucked her hair behind her ear, as she stirred the rice. “Everything is fine. I just, have always loved watching you cook.”

  Kade grinned and his smile seemed extra wide, as though he were bursting with pride at her comment.

  “I’m glad you enjoy the view and let me tell you, it’s a gorgeous view from where I am as well.”

  Annabelle blushed, casting her eyes downward, and before she could help it a giggle escaped her lips. She put a hand to her chest in an attempt to contain herself. Realizing she hadn’t felt this great in a very long time. This was just like old times, as though they were married and sharing a life and a house together. Then her heart sank a little when she realized this would only be temporary, and he was only here for the same reason she was.

  When she looked up, her heart jumped out of her throat as his gaze connected with hers, and she couldn’t move or stop staring back if the floor crumbled into ashes below her.

  Her pulse raced even higher as he murmured, “I hope you’re hungry.” Eyes still locked on hers.

  She licked her lips, wondering if he was still talking about food.


  He leaned in a little closer, his lips practically touching hers, their breaths intermingling, and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her. Kade’s scent surrounded her and made her senses spin, his closeness disrupting her equilibrium. His minty breath scattered across her face like a caress, and she wished like hell he’d kiss her, but at the last minute he pulled away, shaking his head as he continued with his task.

  “Well.” He cleared his throat. “Then let’s eat.”

  The next afternoon at work, as she was finishing up her workday, her cell phone buzzed with a text message. Glancing at the number, she realized it was from Kade. Dinner babe, you and me. How about it? She smiled, then without thinking about it, wrote: Sure, I’d love to.

  Annabelle set her phone back on the desk and couldn’t wait to get home. She frowned, wondering when exactly in the last couple days she’d come to view the cabin as home? She indulged herself for a moment. Thinking about what it would be like to share the cabin with Kade as their home. Sharing a home, and her bed, with Kade was great when they’d been married. More than great, it had been wonderful. And she could only imagine what it would be like now. If the last few days were of any indication . . . she blew out a sharp breath, pressing a hand to her stomach.

  She’d been a fool for allowing her mother’s constant harping on how Kade would someday leave her, that Annabelle wasn’t enough woman to hold onto a man like him. So, instead of staying and giving their love a chance, like a coward, she’d run before he had a chance to break her heart. She brought her fingers to her lips, remembering their first kiss, and imagined Kade had improved with age.

  Annabelle groaned. That was the beginning of her problems. Looking around the empty office, she was happy to be alone, having sent Becky on an errand and then home for the day. She was able to gather her thoughts in peace.

  Annabelle was greeted to a roaring fire, and the smell of pizza baking when she got home. Kade had said casual, and he meant it. She grinned, spying two cold beers on the counter. Pizza and beer sounded great right about now. Maybe if she had a beer it would take the edge off her nerves.

  “Hey there, babe.” He took the pizza out of the oven.

  She raised a brow. Wow, he’d made it himself.

  “Well, aren’t we fancy?” She set her purse and coat down at the kitchen table.

  He smiled. “Take a seat, dinner’s ready.”

  Annabelle saw the place settings near the fire, spread out on a dark blue blanket, so she figured that’s where he wanted her as she took
a seat. She could think of a lot of places she wanted him. Her eyes drifted shut as she tried to get a sinful image of Kade taking her in front of this romantic roaring fire. Making her body weak from his rough lovemaking, and her lips burning from his scorching hot kisses. His hands touching in her places where the sun didn’t shine. And those amazing lips, doing the same . . .

  Her imagination was getting a little too carried away.

  She opened her eyes to find Kade studying her as if he could read her mind, one eyebrow quirked up. She pursed her lips, and knew she was turning red without even touching her face, which no doubt made the blush brighter.

  “Everything okay?”

  She nodded. “Fine. Dinner smells great.”

  “So how have the last few years treated you?” He took a swig of his beer.

  Kade set a plate down in front of her, two slices of hearty looking cheese, pepperoni, and mushroom pizza. Her stomach growled in response.

  “Oh, just the same old same old.” She lied through her teeth as she brought the beer to her lips and took a sip.

  These last few years had been misery without him. They’d been rough but she wasn’t willing to unveil the awful demons in her closet yet. Wasn’t willing to admit that she’d experienced hell on earth because of the highly abusive relationship she’d entered into a year after their divorce. Most of the time she kept those emotions locked away.

  On the outside, Brad had seemed like a handsome, highly successful businessman. But she’d soon learned he was mean-spirited and vindictive, a cruel monster, so unlike Kade. But it’d been ingrained in her mind that she wasn’t worthy of Kade’s love. It was a long time ago, but her time with Brad still managed to infiltrate her mind. He was like a permanent, unwanted resident that even though she was physically rid of him, emotionally he was still there.

  She cleared her throat, emptying her head of the bad memories. “How about you?”

  He shook his head. “I re-married and it was a complete disaster, only lasted six months. The kicker is I moved to Texas when we got married and then when things fell apart I had to move back.”

  Annabelle nodded, not at all surprised to hear it. “Did you have to start from scratch I take it?”

  “Yeah, had to move back in with my dad for a little while. Until I was settled and had an apartment.”

  Annabelle took a couple bites of her pizza, and several more because good Lord it was delicious. It was the perfect blend of sauce, cheese, and spices.

  Setting her plate down, she completely lost focus as she looked up at him. Could see his mouth moving, but couldn’t hear the words. As if her mind was in a trance-like state. All she could focus on was his mouth, remembering that hot kiss they’d shared the first night in the cabin. How soft and lush his lips had been against her lips and her breasts. Goodness just the memory of his mouth and tongue working their magic left her breasts achy with need. How his hands roved over her body, taking command of her as he set her on the countertop. Building the anticipation between her thighs while he had his wicked way with her.

  And things had been no different when they’d been married. She couldn’t help but remember the scorching times between the sheets. The wild spine tingling, toe-curling sex . . . her heart began to beat faster until it pounded in her ears.

  Annabelle tried to focus on what he was saying, but apparently she hadn’t succeeded.

  “You okay, babe?”

  She shook her head. “I’m all right, thank you.”

  “You haven’t said a word about the pizza, how is it?”

  “Fantastic.” Setting her now empty plate aside, wiping her mouth off with a napkin.

  As she turned back toward him, she couldn’t help but notice he was sitting closer, one arm resting behind her back. Her breath caught at his closeness, her insides came unglued as he leaned closer and took her face within the palm of his hand.

  Chapter 4

  Annabelle hoped he would kiss her but he didn’t. He merely gazed into her eyes, and softly caressed her cheek, making her knees shaky, even though she was seated. She pressed her legs tightly together, self-conscious of the wetness pooling between her thighs. A scorching hot, need churned in the pit of her stomach from his closeness. He made slow and deliberate strokes on her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, and couldn’t take her eyes away, found it damned near impossible even though her breath quickened the longer his gaze met hers.

  As though she’d been hypnotized and it was hard to break the spell.

  “Damn it, Annabelle, you’re so beautiful.”

  As long as she lived, she’d never tire of hearing those words cross his lips.

  She wanted to close her eyes and allow his lips to settle on hers. To feel his sweet mouth on her neck and jawline, leaving a burning trail of fire behind. She wanted that and so much more and it terrified the living daylights out of her. As angry as he still was with her, she knew he wanted her just as much. The knowledge turned her on even more.

  Then just as quickly as he’d moved closer, he drew back. She frowned, because her gut instinct was to pull him by the neck and cover his mouth with hers. Wondering what on earth had stopped him from kissing her?

  But more importantly, why hadn’t she kissed him?

  Annabelle took her time getting out of bed the next morning, allowing the good feelings from last night to wash over her.

  Remembering how he’d been the perfect gentleman even though she didn’t want him to be, and even though she knew just by how he looked at her, that he desired her as much as she’d desired him. The seductive and heavy-lidded way he looked at her, like he wanted to possess her body and soul. Other than the first kiss on the first night and a few near misses, she hadn’t felt the sweetness of his lips since then, and she desperately longed to. She thirsted for it like a man thirsted for water in a scorching hot desert.

  She sighed, propped her feet over the side of the bed and stretched her body as she raised her hands above her head. Readying herself for a shower she stripped off her shorts and T-shirt, turned on the water, and allowed it to run until it was hot, as hot as she could stand it. She popped in her Billie Holiday CD and began humming, enjoying the very warm and clean water. Relishing the calming affect the music had on her. She closed her eyes and allowed the water to hit her face, run over her breasts as she thrust them up and against the spray.

  As she stood there enjoying the stress relief this brought, she realized how long it’d been since she’d showered with Kade. Remembering that the shower stall in the house they’d shared wasn’t very large, which made it all the more fun. Her body softened at the thoughts and erotic memories running through her mind.

  Images of Kade joining her in the shower burned a sensual image on the inside of her eyelids. They wouldn’t need the hot water to make plenty of steam. She imagined him standing behind her, nestled against her backside as his hard thick length pressed seductively into her back. Could almost feel him turning her around to press her up against the shower stall, taking first one then her other breast into his mouth. The memory of how Kade would lift her up until her legs wrapped around his hips and he took possession of her like a wild animal, made her moan as her body ignited a flame from within, a flame that still burned fiery hot.

  Helplessly, her hand slid down to her womanly folds, and she was about to take care of her problem, when a sharp knock at the door broke her thoughts free. She withdrew her hand away quickly as if burned.


  “Yes!” Her voice sounded shaky. Her mind had really wandered this morning and the warmth that gathered at her nether regions made her squirm in frustration.

  Kade opened the door and her heart jumped into her throat. Thankfully the dark red curtain shielded her from view.

  Allowing the water to run, she peeked her head out. “Can I help you?”
  She couldn’t help it as her breath hitched when he stepped closer. The proximity absolutely killed her because she was hungry for him, and as each day passed, she became even hungrier. Like she hadn’t had a bite to eat in years.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be home late. We’re busy at work and it’s going to be a late one.”

  “That’s fine.” She tried to sound nonchalant, shoving her erotic thoughts to the side. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  Her heart raced like an Olympic athlete as he leaned in a little closer, until their mouths very nearly touched. “Mind if I join you?”

  Annabelle didn’t know what possessed her, she supposed it was the erotic thoughts floating through her mind, as she said, “But then you’d be late for work, no?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Ah, yes, but what a reason to be late for work.”

  She shut the curtain in his face and retreated back to her shower. “I’ll see you later Kade.”

  “Later, babe.” She could hear him chuckle as he made his way out.

  She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face, as though she’d just hit the jackpot. Not that she cared but she wondered why he’d come into the bathroom instead of leaving her a note? Glutton for punishment?

  When she arrived at work twenty minutes later, Becky was right there waiting for her. Holding a note in her hand and looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. Her brown eyes danced with amusement as she waved it back and forth.

  “Good morning, Becky. How are you?”

  “Well,” Becky grinned, eyeing her closely, “aren’t we happy this morning.”


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