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Wrapped in Silk

Page 16

by Mj Fields

  “Anything, you know that,” Lila said kindly.

  “Well, Brody kind of flaked on Saturday and didn’t return a text after that, he called today and well, I can’t do this with him Lila. There is so much going on,” Emma said and began to cry.

  “Emma, you should hear him out,” Lila started.

  “No, he should leave me alone Lila, I need to get through something and I can’t waste my energy on this puppy love nonsense,” Emma said pulling herself back together.

  “Emma…” Lila began.

  “No please Lila, I need to tell you something and I need you to be strong for me,” Emma said sternly.

  “Ok I am listening,” Lila said soothingly.

  “I have an appointment tomorrow, to have a procedure. A lumpectomy, I have breast cancer,” Emma started.

  “What?” Lila said shocked.

  Emma explained everything and made her promise not to tell her client any of it. While they were on the phone Brody called three times and Emma ignored each call. When they got off the phone she received a text from him.

  -You should know I am not going to stop trying to contact you Emma, so answer your fucking phone!...MM

  Her phone rang again and it was him, “Brody, please stop calling,” Emma said softly.

  “Will you just listen to me Emma! I fucked up, we had a pretty deep conversation and I thought you needed space to deal with…” he began.

  “I do need space, a lot of it. So thank you for being so very aware of what I needed and still need,” Emma started.

  “No Emma you need to listen to me so just SHUT UP for five minutes,” he yelled.

  “See I knew that age thing was going to be an issue, DON’T YELL AT ME!” Emma snapped.

  “I am coming home, maybe if you could just…” Brody started.

  “No you finish what you went there for, right now Brody I don’t need nor want this distraction. If you come home I will refuse to see you, do you understand Brody, I am done,” Emma told him.

  “You’re done Emma? Wow that’s great, just fucking great. Glad I could fuck you through your slump!” Brody yelled.

  “Oh yes thank you for making me feel even more worthless than you already have,” Emma responded in an exasperated tone.

  “Frustrated Em, good! Damn it what the hell happened?” Brody asked.

  “Let’s see we talked about some really important things on Saturday morning. You realized Troy knew and that my daughter was vested, you are struggling with something, I said three stupid meaningless words to you and you didn’t respond. When you and I finally really opened up to each other you flaked. I can’t do that to me and I won’t do that to London!”

  “You need to get…” he started, “Emma I will have my album done by Wednesday I have been busting my ass to finish it so I could get home to you. I am cancelling my interviews and will be home no later than next week. Is that acceptable?”

  “No don’t Brody, please don’t cancel anything. I just have things to work through, please stay. I am going to be pretty busy for awhile,” Emma whispered.

  “Emma,” Brody said sadly, “Don’t push me out, please. I love you Em.”

  Emma cleared her voice, “I can’t, not now and not ever.”

  “I love you Emma,” Brody repeated.

  “I am begging you to just leave it alone Brody this will never ever work. Please,” Emma begged, “I can’t do this.”

  “No Emma you won’t do this, you love me, that doesn’t change in a week,” he soothingly said.

  “Well that’s where you are wrong, I don’t. I mistook lust for love. It was exactly what I needed at the exact time I needed it. I am sure if you dig deep enough you’ll find the same holds true for you. I am sorry but you and I are finished, I am so sorry, Goodbye Brody,” Emma said sternly.

  “Don’t hang up Emma, I won’t call again,” Brody said firmly.

  He heard her take a deep breath and she hung up.

  Chapter 9

  “Your test results will be back by Wednesday, we were able to remove the entire tumor. You should rest for a week, no lifting over ten pounds for a week okay Mrs. Fields,” Dr. Spandard said.

  “Yes thank you, may I go home now?” Emma asked.

  “Yes the nurse is bringing the wheelchair now,” he smiled softly.

  Emma stood at the hospital entrance and looked at her father and began to cry, “Dad everything has to be alright.”

  “Emma I know it will be,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  Emma slept the rest of the day in her bed. London and Caroline made sure she was well taken care of and pampered. Her phone chimed alerting her to a message.

  -Seems I am not the only one making the gossip sites, is this why we are done Em? Are you really no different than the rest of them?...Brody

  -Well hello Brody. Interesting that you can go five days without any contact and then when I say I am done you get awfully chatty…Emma

  -Answer the damn question Emma…Brody

  -Brody the man I am holding is someone I will love forever, very handsome and strong isn’t he…Emma

  -Who is it Emma…Brody

  -Who is the Blonde in your lovely shot and why was Ariel there? Pointing fingers is a sign of someone hiding things, best of luck…Emma

  -Just answer the fucking question, how long have the two of you been together…Brody

  -Well about thirty four and a half years, that is Henry, the only man I have ever needed in my life, my father…Emma


  -I am going to change my number, I sent all your gifts to Lila. LET IT GO!!!...Emma

  -You took the gifts I gave London?...Brody

  -I bought her a new one…Emma

  -With child support, classy…Brody

  -Better than prostitute payment…Emma

  -You said it…Brody

  -Yep and I returned it…Emma

  -I guess I could recycle the gift to the next single Mom I hook up with…Brody

  Emma shut off her phone and fell back to sleep, when she woke Lila was sitting in her room watching her.

  “Hi,” Emma yawned.

  “Good morning,” Lila smiled, “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, very sore,” Emma said holding her chest.

  “Not as feisty as last night?” Lila chuckled.

  “What?” Emma asked confused.

  “A very angry Rockstar with a funny accent called me last night and sent me a whole page of text messages and insisted I deal with it,” she laughed.

  “Oh I am to be dealt with?” Emma laughed.

  “Apparently, you may be a liability,” Lila said in an English accent.

  “Yes I may just lose my mind, being the unreasonable women that I am. Do me a favor, tell him I said maybe he should have gagged me the day he tied me up and fucked me into submission,” Emma said annoyed.

  Lila gasped, “Did he really and before you answer that can I really tell him you told me that?”

  “Absolutely, just don’t tell him I loved it,” Emma laughed.

  Lila sent Brody a text and they both laughed and waited for a response.

  -She said WHAT!!! Lila she is going to be a problem, let her know that her mouth wasn’t running when she was on her knees in her bathroom sucking the life out of me. No don’t Lila I thought I could trust her what the hell am I going to do now?...Brody H.

  -She has been my best friend for nearly fifteen years, she will not be a problem, just don’t fuck her up Brody…Lila

  -It was never my intention to do so…Brody

  -Okay what else can I do for you today?...Lila

  -Tell her to start acting her age and that her place is with me, and that regardless of what she thinks I know she loves me…Brody H

  - you really want me to do that?...Lila

  -No she asked for space, more like demanded it, I should have listened to her. Lila I do love her…Brody H

  -Well maybe you should start by not hanging out with the women in your photos onlin
e. Especially Ariel!!!...Lila

  -Wasn’t planned, BTW the blonde is my sister…Brody H

  -I am a bit busy now maybe I could call you later…Lila

  -Are you with her now?!?!...Brody H

  - Later Brody okay...Lila

  Lila’s phone rang and it was Brody.

  “Hello,” Lila answered.

  “Are you?” Brody asked.

  “Yep,” Lila said without expression.

  “Good put me on speaker,” Brody insisted.

  “As you wish,” Lila said.

  “Since it seems fair to discuss our private affairs with Lila I want you to know Emma that if I was there right now this would be a non issue so cut the crap. When I do get home I will find you and tie you up in pretty little bows and fuck you until you beg me to stop, even then I won’t. Remember what I said about not letting you finish so that you know where you are meant to be, so that you don’t flake out and feel that you need to be some sort of warrior Princess and take on the world alone. I love you, you love me and those pretty words are not the only thing that my mouth was made for Em, do you remember that. I do, I remember your taste, your intoxicating scent, your perfect tits and the very warm tight place that took me forever to work into. I also want you to remember I am going to tag that ass as well. Now as you sit there wet with desire and need for me, remember that the pulsing you feel deep inside is mine to take care of. Got it Em?” he waited for a response, “Okay good, your not being defiant. You know your place. Now I am going to take a hot shower and jerk of as I suck on the panties I took from you when I left, so I can taste you Emma, my favorite candy. You may want to open up that gift in the box and use it a lot because I am not going to let you come for days Emma, see you in a week. Ask your Mom for two nights off cause you’re going to be tied up for that long so that I can fuck your brain straight!”

  “I can give her three days Brody,” Caroline said breathlessly from behind Emma.

  “Mom?” Emma gasped.

  “Good lord Emma say yes!” Caroline snapped, “Your father and I are taking London for ice cream while you rest, we will bring you back some.”

  “You’re an ass Brody!” Emma snapped.

  “Your ass, see you in a week. Good day to you all. I love you Em see you soon,” Brody said and hung up.

  Lila and Emma looked at each other and laughed, “Emma is he really like that?”

  Emma’s face turned red, “That and more, he is a bad ass Rockstar.”

  “And you’re going to let him walk?” Lila said.

  “I am, I need to get better, I can’t expect that he could hold up to that forever,” Emma said trying to laugh it off.


  London’s first day of school was amazing. Even in just the first grade they were going to learn Spanish and had the option of taking a musical instrument after school one or two days a week dependent on their capability. London would start piano on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Emma would be able to pick her up from them. Thursdays Emma could work a little later so that she could learn all that she needed to with hopes her career would take off.

  Wednesday she went to her appointment after work. They had gotten everything and there was no sign of cancer in her lymph nodes. She was ecstatic and she and Lila went out for a drink before getting on the train.

  “Your boyfriend called last night, he is wrapping up his interviews this week,” Lila smiled smugly.

  “He isn’t my boyfriend and I hope he is doing well, I haven’t googled him in a week so I have no idea what he has been up to. I however am going to get going and hug my little girl. Thanks for celebrating with me. One more visit and I will be ready to really celebrate,” Emma hugged her and left.

  On Friday Emma met with a new oncologist Dr. Marcus Slain, he was in his late thirties and stood six foot tall. He had jet black hair and piercing green eyes.

  “Hello Emma I am Dr. Slain and would like to talk to you about a few things would you have a seat.”

  “Yes please I think I need one,” she said as she sat, he smiled at her. “I thought everything was fine.”

  “Right now it is and very well could be forever, would you like a drink Mrs. Fields?”

  He stood and walked to the mini fridge set in the cherry wall unit in his impressive office. He took off his lab coat and threw it across the back of the large black leather chair that sat behind his desk. He was very handsome and well built. His black pants and blue shirt were obviously expensive and made to fit his body perfectly.

  “Mrs. Fields?”

  “I am sorry please call me Emma and yes I would love a drink,” she said smiling.

  “Do you have a husband or boyfriend that could be here while we discuss this further, Mrs., I mean Emma?” He asked feeling a bit uncomfortable.

  “No neither, I do have an eight year old little girl and would love to be able to know that I will be here to see her children and her children’s children. Do you have kids?” Emma asked.

  “No, I don’t yet,” he smiled.

  “Are you married or dating anyone?” Emma asked and her face turned red when she noticed that he was uncomfortable, “Oh I am sorry please excuse me I just read that if a doctor felt vested in his patient he would do more to… I am sorry I will be quiet now.”

  “Emma” he said and sat in the chair next to her, “I can assure you that I will not forget you and will do everything in my power to make sure you see your grandchildren. I am single, I just moved here from Boston and my work is my life. I will take care of you.”

  “I have a friend that I want you to meet,” Emma smiled, “She is also married to her career and if anyone can show you this crazy town she can.”

  “Are you trying to set me up or are you still trying to make sure you get the best possible care,” Mark laughed.

  “Both, so back to me, what do you suggest I do?” Emma asked.

  “I would like to try a very light dose of radiation targeting the area around where the lump was removed. This would kill any bad cells that may become problematic in the future. It is not one hundred percent but nothing is. I want you to think about it. I would like to do some more photos of your left breast and then set up some appointments to do the radiation,” he said and looked at her, “Are you alright Emma?”

  “Yes just dizzy, when do we start. I just started a new job and I…” her voice broke and she started to cry.

  “Listen,” he said grabbing her hand, “How about you take my card, I will put my cell phone number on the back, you can text me as soon as you can wrap your brain around this. I hope you’re not driving, I can give you a ride.”

  “No a friend is picking me up, I just have to wait downstairs,” she said wiping her tears.

  “I will walk you down, you are my last appointment today,” he said grabbing her jacket, “How are you healing?”

  “I think good, aren’t you supposed to check?” Emma said.

  “Ya I am sorry I just got a little side tracked by my new patient Emma Fields, who has an eight year old daughter and just started a new job who is way too young to be going through this and is trying to set me up, how did I do?” Mark smiled.

  “And now your new patient is going to flash you,” Emma laughed and so did he.

  Emma and Mark were waiting out front when Lila pulled up front and jumped out.

  “Hey Emma,” Lila smiled, “Did you meet a hot new friend, you know the Rockstar will be heart broken.”

  “Emma, is this the friend you where talking about?” Mark said and his eyes twinkled.

  She shook her head yes, “Lila this is Mark, Mark this is Lila.”

  “Pleasure to meet you Mark,” Lila smiled.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” he laughed.

  “Not yet but it could be,” Lila laughed as she stepped back into the car.

  He laughed and Emma looked at him, “She is all bark and no bite.”

  “That’s too bad,” Mark looked past Emma and towards her. “Give her my number, PLEASE,” he said w
ith pleading eyes and hugged Emma, “Call me as soon as you have time to process it alright.”

  “Come on London’s waiting,” Lila yelled.

  “London?” he asked.

  “That’s my daughters name,” Emma smiled.

  “Alright two more bits of info about my new favorite patient, making you absolutely unforgettable,” Mark smiled as he opened the door for her, “Very nice to meet you Lila.”

  “Nice Emma,” Lila laughed.

  “That is my new oncologist, Dr. Mark Slain. And he wants me to give you his number,” Emma laughed.

  “Well I guess I could call him, for you that is, you know take one for the team,” Lila said in a sexy voice.

  Emma laughed, “Maybe he will tie you up in bows.”

  “Hmm one could only wish. Speaking of bows, your boy has two interviews that will be aired tonight, you should watch them,” Lila grinned.

  “Lila I need to keep focused, this is not over yet. I will be seeing the good Dr. for awhile. Just think he’s already seen my tits, even touched them, yours could be next,” Emma winked.


  Emma and Lila walked into the house with dinner on the table.


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