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Rayzor's One (Alien Bounty Hunters Book 1)

Page 3

by Michele Mills

  Yes. She understood. She wanted him; her body was reacting in the same way his was. Immediate and inflammatory. Earthlings must also form mated bonds. This was why his body had found her compatible.

  He made an immediate decision. No matter the difficulty, no matter the laws he was about to break, she was his and he was taking her with him. There was simply no way he could live without her.

  He would die.

  He would take her with him to his farm on Zamarian Prime, and there they would continue their line and his lonely, banished existence would turn into a life of joy and family.

  His chest ached at the thought of the hopeful future displayed before him.

  First, he had work to do to set up their mating ritual. He wanted to make sure it was special for his Bride.

  His impatient mate began pushing her palms against the armor on his chest. She shouted, her words completely unintelligible. Her arm flew out and she slapped his face with a surprising amount of force. His body throbbed with desire. Already, she was starting the ritual. Good, she understood. He smiled, happy to see she ached for him as much as he did for her. His cock was harder than d’quant and insistent to sink into his Bride’s wet pussy.

  He pulled out the small tranq gun. “You will have to wait, little Bride,” he told her in a soothing tone. “I’ll sedate you so you can sleep while I prepare our ceremony. This way you will not suffer. I’ll have everything ready when you wake.” He gave her a dose in the shoulder and she slumped against him, a perfect weight in his arms. He carefully placed her on a soft patch of grass close to the ship.

  Rayzor tranquilized THX238, too, just in case, not wanting the Mandible to awaken unexpectedly while being moved. He looked to the ground, his night vision allowing him to see perfectly. He’d downed both of them. Laughter rumbled in his chest. A sound, a feeling he found unfamiliar.

  He’d leave her here while he disposed of THX238. He could monitor her with the ship’s computer while he moved the target into lockdown stasis inside the hold. Then he would return. After all, they had a ceremony to perform. And the way his cock throbbed uncomfortably in the confines of his suit, it was a ceremony that needed to happen immediately, here on Earth.

  Chapter Three

  Rebecca woke up slowly, imagining she was luxuriating on the Tempur-Pedic mattress she’d shelled out big bucks for at home, lolling on a decadent down pillow and one thousand thread count silky sheets, her pride and joy, the only things she’d ever spent real money on. But instead, branches and rocks were poking her in the back and she was chilly, so no fucking way was she in her apartment.

  Her eyes flew open and she sucked in a breath.

  She was still in the goddamn spooky forest. And the last thing she remembered, she’d been…

  “Omigod.” She sat up with a rush, her hand on her forehead, her eyes darting around at the dark shadows of trees and bushes. It was still the middle of the night and…the scary alien was gone and so was the one with black armor. She twisted around. Where were they? The sounds of their fierce battle still echoed in her mind, but the forest was back to eerily quiet.

  Had they returned to their planet and left her behind, unharmed? Rebecca stood up. No way. In the movies, aliens never simply left a human behind. If this were on the Syfy channel, the aliens would be dissecting her right now.

  For all she knew, they could be back any moment. Eeek, time to get out while the gettin’ was good. She dusted off her clothes, picking off an obvious leaf or two, a branch sticking to her cardigan, getting ready to stumble back to the road and continue her quest for civilization. Her brain was sluggish, her thoughts fuzzy. This would be the reason why it took her so long to finally remember that kiss…

  A voice rumbled behind her.

  Rebecca stiffened in shock, all the memories from earlier downloading into her brain in clear high def—his lips, his tongue, his arms like steel. She knew it was the alien in the black suit without even needing to turn around. His voice was deep and masculine, speaking in that same language she’d never heard before.

  And then she remembered something really, really important—he’d come back alone, because she’d killed the bad one.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Wait, she’d knocked the other one out. He’d been knocked out but breathing. But yes, there was definitely only one alien left.

  Rebecca’s body vibrated with confusion and fear and also something else, something she was too afraid to identify. She whipped around and caught a glimpse through the filtered moonlight of a very tall man covered in shiny black armor. Her whole body lit up like a Christmas tree, her fears instantly replaced with something else, a sense of urgency, of readiness, of waiting no more. There was something about him…

  Hold on. When he’d kissed her, she’d… Had she kissed him back?

  No. Way.

  She couldn’t possibly have the hots for some scary alien guy, right? He was nothing but a metal outer shell in the shape of a man. She had no idea what he looked like. Well, she’d seen his face clearly, she remembered that now. She’d been terrified of him at first. He was enormous and she could barely see him in the dark, but she could tell that he was an alien that was built similarly to a human…well, at least the part she could see revealed under the armor. His forehead had ridges, his brown hair was braided into long ropes that fell down his back. And his lips had been demanding and soft… She had memories of him touching her, skin on skin, and of her reacting to him like he was her long-lost lover. That couldn’t be true, right?

  But when he’d touched her, energy had literally pulsated at the contact. In fact, his tongue in her mouth had seemed to be a spark of lightning.

  She shook her head. Whatever, this was all ridiculous. He was an alien. He had to be at least seven feet tall, and he was dangerous and scary and…and she needed to get the fuck out of there, fast.

  He spoke to her in a commanding tone, his voice, his words reaching out and almost physically causing her to stop and listen. He continued to speak in his language and strangely, this time she realized when she concentrated, she understood every word. Still, most of it made no sense because it sounded mystical, ritualistic. But the last sentence rang out clear as a bell.

  “You may run now.”

  What? He’d told her to run?

  Holy crap.

  Why would she need to run? Wasn’t this the alien who’d helped her after she’d smashed the bad alien with a rock to the head? Wasn’t he supposed to be the “nice” alien?

  Her heart pounded in her chest, and she realized she did want to run. No, she physically had to run.


  Her mind was consumed with the idea, shouting at her to get the hell out of there. Not in a fearful way, but like a sprinter starting a race. She had to show him how fast she could run. Her blood rushed warm through her veins. She suddenly felt a blast of power, of adrenaline, throughout her body. Her breath quickened. Her feet pawed at the ground like a racehorse. Her nostril flared. This was the Olympic Trials, and she was ready.

  “Run,” he repeated in that deep, manly voice that sent erotic chills to all her female parts.

  So she turned and ran from him. Let loose like a stretched rubber band. And oh, Jesus, he was chasing her. She huffed and dodged around the trunks of giant trees, jumping over fallen logs and whipping around bushes. Her breath shot in and out, her legs pumping faster than ever before. No destination in mind, because, in reality, where was she going that she could get away from him? There was no hiding from the heavily armored, freakishly strong creature crashing through the forest behind her, barely a car length away. Rebecca jogged regularly in the mornings, so she wasn’t a complete novice at running, but her shoes were fucking worthless. Those cheap, cute flats she’d bought on sale the weekend before not exactly useful for nighttime sprinting and scrambling through the forest. If only she had her running shoes on, she’d really be giving this guy a run for his money. Rebecca gripped the cell phone in front of her like a searchlight
, using her trusty flashlight app, keeping it trained on the ground, trying to find a path, because for some reason, even throughout all the crap that had happened so far that night, she’d still had that cell tucked into her pocket.

  She stumbled and dropped the phone and it was gone.


  She kept running; her breath harsh in her ears, determined to show him her strength and perseverance and to test his. Branches whipped in front of her, scratching her face and arms.

  He was right behind her, hurtling through the forest, close, so close.

  Oh shit. Oh shit.

  Thank God there was a full moon, or it would’ve been over with already. As it was, she could barely see a damn thing.

  A montage of images flashed through her mind. She remembered a jolt running through her body and an instant flooding of attraction. It had to have been a dream. Attraction? Towards the alien that was chasing her? And why was he chasing her? Better yet, why was she running? But she couldn’t stop. She felt compelled to run, yet she was strangely not that frightened. It felt more like a game than an actual chase.

  A small clearing opened up in front of her, a space with soft grass instead of crunchy branches and dry dirt. She felt an extra surge of strength, seeing a straight shot in front of her, and started to run faster, but he caught her, his arms circling like bands of steel around her waist. She shrieked, pissed it had ended so quickly. Damn, if she’d had her running shoes on and if this had been daylight, it wouldn’t have been this easy for him, at all.

  He swept her up from behind like a plaything, light as air. She snarled, primitive urges she didn’t know she even had taking over. She hit him with closed fists and realized she was connecting with his warm skin. Heat radiated off him in waves of energy. His armor was gone. Had he taken it all off? When had that happened? Was he naked? He held her close and they were skin against warm skin.

  Oh yes, he was naked.

  She scratched and clawed at him, raking lines into his thighs with her nails. He threw back his head and roared. She could feel his erection pressed against her back.

  Oh, Christ.

  He was going to rape her, wasn’t he? This alien was going to rape her. No way. No fucking way.

  Tears choked her breath as she fought harder, terrified that this would be it. He’d fuck her and then he’d kill her. But dammit, no matter how she fought, it was worthless; he deflected some blows and ignored the others.

  He leaned forward, right into a beam of moonlight filtering through the trees, and it illuminated his face like Joker from Batman, except this villain had fangs. Real fangs.

  Rebecca screamed.

  She managed to twist around and whip an arm out and crack him across the side of his face with her open palm. Damn, her hand burned like a motherfucker. Wait, she’d hit him before. She met his intense brown gaze. They were both silent for a moment, staring at each other. His sharp breaths rumbling in his perfectly sculpted chest, which led to perfect abs and down to…

  The alien growled and locked his brawny arms around her and took them both to the ground. Oomphf. The grass cushioned her blow, and he’d twisted, taking the brunt of the fall. She struggled to get away, but he moved them around until she was underneath and he was on top. He held both her wrists with one hand. She kicked at him, trying to get back up. He was so freaking strong and big. It was as if he didn’t notice her blows; they were nothing to him. He’d pinned her to the ground, looming over her.

  “Get off me!” she screamed.

  Then he did something wholly unexpected—he bent his head and buried his face in her neck and sniffed, filling his lungs with her scent. He made a sound that sounded similar to purring. And then he very gently rubbed his ridged nose along her neck, lifting his head to meet her gaze again.

  Oh, wow.

  She calmed slightly and paused to study him. The night was dark, but his skin was darker and magnificent and, holy cow, he had the biggest damn biceps and the widest shoulders and his corded neck… Oh, Christ, she wanted to bite it like an apple. His hair was wild, dark, and glossy, flowing over his shoulders in soft dreads and down his back. And the ridge of his as yet unseen erection now pressed against her thigh. She trembled. Her pussy was wetter than wet and she was so turned on she thought she’d die from it.

  Was she losing her mind? One moment she was terrified of this guy, worried he’d rape her, and the next she was ready to start begging him to fuck her. What the hell was wrong with her?

  No matter how handsome he was, how great he smelled and how sweet his lips were, the fact remained he was a total stranger. She didn’t even know his name, and he was not even human. She had to get out of there.

  He had both of her wrists restrained above her head, pinned with one of his hands. She jerked and bucked her hips and screamed in frustration. Her gaze landed on his face, and she could see a grim smile on his features.

  Fucker. He was enjoying this, enjoying her struggles. It was a turn on for him.

  More words spilled from his mouth. Words she couldn’t understand, but sounded strangely reverent. He spoke with weight, as if reciting a poem or a ritual.

  A growl sounded in his throat, and he reached down and flipped up her miniskirt and ripped her underwear off. She felt her eyes practically bulge from her head. He’d torn her underwear right the fuck off. Gone. Rebecca lay there in shock for a moment. She was wide open, exposed in the dark forest to a man who wasn’t even human, a man who had just torn her underwear off in his haste to have at her. Was this for real?

  “I can’t believe you did that,” she said.

  Pine needles pricked her back. Her thighs were spread and held open by his freakishly large hands that she noticed were tipped with claws and had only four fingers. “No!” she yelled. “No!” Her voice was turning hoarse. Still warring within herself; warring with him, she tried to jerk her thighs together in one last bid for escape, but then he lowered himself and his wide shoulders were in the way.

  “Wait, what are you doing?”

  He bent his head and sniffed at her pussy, filling his lungs with her scent, and sighed. He let go of her wrists, and both of his hands were on her inner thighs, spreading her legs further. It was obvious now what he intended to do. He was going to lick her pussy. Oh. Dear. God. Should she be agreeing to this—letting the alien guy who’d just chased her through the forest, threw her to the ground, and ripped her panties off lick her pussy like it was no big deal? “Stop,” she said, “don’t,” with the weakest, fakest voice she’d ever used in her life.

  He paused, ignoring her words, and intently gazed at every square inch of her core as if he’d just opened a treasure chest. His alien features were both fierce and harsh, but the look of wonder and reverence as he examined her was unmistakable.

  A man bent on rape wouldn’t pause to lick a woman to orgasm, right? Maybe she’d misunderstood his original intention. Maybe his species liked it rough. And well, especially in the mood she was in at the moment—she could do rough.

  Rebecca could see the ridges on his forehead, his shiny, dark hair, his preternaturally bright eyes, the four clawed fingers…and strangely, none of this bothered her. In fact…in fact, her legs were loosening, splaying wide open now, because she wanted it.

  Wanted his tongue on her clit, like, right now.

  “All right,” she gritted out, “you win.” Except… “Wait, wait.” He glanced up at her, his glowing eyes meeting hers in the dark. She could see his ridged eyebrows go up as if in question. “Your fangs,” she whimpered. He stared at her. She exposed her teeth and touched her own small fang with her tongue to demonstrate what she was talking about.

  He nodded, and she swore he even smiled. “I’ll be careful,” he answered, his voice deep and soothing.

  “You can speak English?”

  He didn’t answer. His head lowered again, and her heart pounded in her chest. This was really happening. The alien was about to lick her pussy.

  Holy shit.

tongue darted out and traced up her seam and then delved inside to her clit. He flattened his tongue and stroked it. She about jumped out of her skin. It was incredible. This had never happened to her before, having a man’s head between her legs. The furthest she’d ever gotten was heavy kissing with her high school boyfriend. The alien pushed in closer, his lips now sucking on her clit and then his tongue steadily stroking right where she needed him most. She cried out, and her hips jerked as she tried to get closer to his mouth. She’d already been so turned on from the chasing and kissing, she was on edge already. It wouldn’t take much for him to bring her to orgasm.

  His palm slid possessively up her thigh, and his fingers dug into her hip. She’d ceased struggling because she was too busy moaning. She was close. She rose to her elbows to get a better look. Watching him, watching his head between her thighs, it was so erotic.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned again, unable to keep quiet. Her orgasm, it was hovering there, just out of reach. So close. Her thighs trembled. He kept licking her, his tongue still stroking. This stranger, this alien who’d chased her, was about to give her the most incredible… It crashed through like a disastrous wave. Her body jerked, and she threw her head back and screamed, actually screamed as the orgasm tore through her. It was that amazing. He kept tonguing her through it, increasing the intensity to the point of pain.

  “Stop,” she whimpered. “Stop.”

  He lifted and braced an arm on the ground next to her, his bicep bulging. It was dark, so she saw only shadowy outlines, but even so her alien looked like a carving of a Greek hero, or photos she’d seen of warriors or rugby players.

  His hips lowered between her legs. He used a hand to adjust his hard cock, notching at her entrance.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he growled. She did exactly as ordered, breathless with the anticipation and a hint of fear. After all, she was a virgin. It was probably going to hurt like hell.

  He plunged into her. She shrieked because, oh shit, yes, his big cock was killing her and he didn’t even pause. He was fucking her with all his might, growling and snarling, in the throes of something beyond his control. She was hanging on, her arms around his corded neck, her legs around his hips and ass.


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