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Broken Revival

Page 6

by Autumn Winchester

  “If you disobey by being disrespectful, you will be given a warning to remind you. The second time, you will get a punishment, which most likely will be a simple spanking or a privilege taken away, such as TV, or reading a book.”

  So, all he wanted was respect from me?

  That didn’t seem bad at all, not when compared to what I was used to. More often than not, I was kicked or beaten and left breathless until one of the men would roughly pick me up or drag me back to my cage. Of course, I didn’t want to push this man in any way, so I would make sure to do everything he wanted me to do, as best as I could.

  “I can be good, Sir,” I said, finally able to breathe easily again.

  “I know you can,’’ he smiled tenderly. “Now, do you have any questions for me?”

  “No, Sir,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Okay. In your free time,” he went on. “You are can read a book, watch TV, do puzzles, or anything else you may want to try. I will have Joslyn bring some books over that may be more of an interest to you than what I have here, since they're mostly history and a few BDSM handbooks, which you may become interested in later.

  “The reason I became a FBI agent was because I wanted to put a stop to what has happened to you.” I gasped, shocked. I hadn’t expected him to work for that type of work. ”And so it won't happen to others. It’s not the way of life anyone should be forced to live. That’s why I require my real last name not be said while in the company of certain people, and why you can't be allowed to repeat things you hear,” he explained. “But when it is just the two of us, you are free to ask me anything you’d like. I will always try to give you an answer.”

  “Okay, Sir,” I said.

  “For now, how about you find a book to read while I finish typing up some reports? Then, we can explore the house,” he said, standing up and patting me on my knee. I stood quickly when he did, so he moved the chair back by the others.

  With wide eyes, I slowly made my way to the bookshelf, not really knowing what to read. I hadn’t been allowed to for over five years. I picked a random book, knowing I wouldn’t be reading much of it since I knew I needed to be alert and aware of my surroundings. It was so easy to relax here. I needed to be careful so I followed his rules and didn't break any of them accidently.

  Getting comfy on the window seat, I opened the book and attempted to read. The first few pages didn’t hold my attention. The clicking of the keyboard as Elijah typed was soothing in the quietness. Before I knew it, I leaned my head against the window and I fell asleep, not fearing any painful surprises.

  Chapter 8


  My talk with Dawn went much smoother than I thought it would. I wasn’t sure how she would take all the information I had given her, and hoped she’d come talk to me about any worries or questions. I was prepared for her to panic again, since I could tell the fear was just beneath the calm façade she was trying so desperately to keep.

  Most of my new subs never questioned the rules that would be printed on paper in a normal Dom/sub contract. They knew what to expect. They understood the power exchanges between a Dominant and his submissive. They already knew they had all the control in the relationship. With Dawn, I had to go about it differently. She would agree to anything to please me, even if she didn’t want to do it—that was how she was trained. That’s why I made sure that she knew she could have a say; something I’d have to remind her about frequently.

  It was going to take time for her to decide if she really wanted that type of relationship. I couldn’t be sure if she did want, or even if she understood, that lifestyle. I was not going to push it on her, knowing she’d do whatever I wanted. It would be my mission to help her decide if she enjoyed being a sub or not—all of which would take time. I would be okay with Dawn being whatever she desired. If she was into the vanilla lifestyle, being a Domme, or even a mix of everything, I’d be okay with that.

  The morning wake-up call had been unexpected. I’d had a lot of blow jobs in my lifetime, but none had been as good as that. I don’t know if it was the innocence of her youth, or just the connection I had with her when we were younger. Then, she used her mouth on my dick, and I had never come so hard from a simple blow job before.

  Watching Emily and Zack, I had some indication as to how my girl would react to certain situations. I knew there was a low possibility she would try to test my boundaries, but hopefully not for a very long time with what she’d been through. That’s why I gave her my idea of a punishment, so she wouldn’t worry about what would happen. I’d hate to see her go into panic mode because I wasn’t clear enough on what might happen punishment-wise in this house. I had to start somewhere to get her to see that I wouldn’t push her around just because I was a man.

  I also wanted to see how Dawn would cope with everything I had explained. I couldn’t wait to see how she would test the boundaries once she was fully healed, mentally and physically.

  I worried she’d not take to any of it, but I was willing to compromise. I’d do anything to help Dawn understand what a Dom/sub relationship was like, along with helping her learn that it was different than a Master/slave relationship. It would be a lot of work, but something that needed to be done. She needed to know that there were other ways to live. Fuck, I’d even show her what a normal, vanilla relationship—minus the sex part—was like. That would be the best place to start.

  I cared deeply for Dawn, and always would. When she used to follow me around, she would tell everyone that she was going to marry me someday.

  The day she was born, she owned my heart. It certainly wasn’t any different now.

  After going over the simple rules and expectations, I had Dawn pick out a book. It didn’t take long for her to grab one and curl up in the window seat. No submissive had ever sat there before; they would always kneel by me or sit in one of the chairs if I allowed them.

  I opened my computer and answered a few emails from work that demanded my attention. When I looked over at Dawn, I could tell she had no interest in the history novel she had picked. I quickly sent a text to Joslyn, asking her to find something that Dawn might like to read better than what I had to offer here.

  It was only a few minutes later when I looked over at her again, I saw that she was fast asleep. Leaning back in my chair, I just watched her. Her face was relaxed, her long, slightly wavy hair falling around her shoulders. She looked so young and innocent.

  I could remember the first time I ever laid eyes on Dawn. She was a week old and wrapped up in a soft blanket. Zack, who was more interested in his new toy, had wanted nothing to do with the new baby. I had been bugging my mother non-stop, wanting to meet the new little one who would become my best friend. It had been a long week before I finally got to see her. She was the most adorable little thing ever.

  I couldn’t contain the huge smile that took over my face as I held the new baby. Dawn had just opened her big eyes and intently stared at me.

  I instantly fell in love with her, and I’m sure my mother took a picture to capture the moment.

  “I’m going to marry you one day, Dawn Elizabeth,” I had declared, knowing I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure this baby would never know pain. I swore in my head I would always protect her.

  Remembering my failed promise, I was consumed by guilt. I had failed her. I’m not sure when I had begun to slip away from her; somewhere just before Quentin’s death. I wasn’t there for her when she needed me the most.

  I let my head fall backward, taking deep breaths. I was more determined than ever to make sure Dawn would be happy and to keep her safe. I would do anything in my power to do so.

  I became interested in it all while in college but always had the characteristics since I was a young kid. Control over things helped me cope with the stresses of life. It helped when Dawn disappeared, even though it tore my world apart.

  Hearing about her disappearance tore me up inside. It ran through my blood, never leaving me. I wanted
to cry, but only boys cried. I was a man, and had no time for such emotions. I constantly wanted to throw something, punch something—or someone…anything to make the feelings go away.

  The ringing of my cell phone jolted me back to reality. The sound echoed in the room, making Dawn to jump, dropping the book to the floor.

  “Hello?” I answered, not looking at who was calling as I watched the embarrassed girl pick up the book before rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  “Elijah,” greeted my boss, knowing not to call me by my last name like he would normally do at work.

  “Kaleb,” I replied, surprised he was calling. He’d hadn’t for a while, and not while on this case, due to the fact that the phone line might be monitored. I’d called him a few times from the untraceable secure cellphone I kept hidden

  “I’ll be by in about an hour. There’re some things I need to get you up to date on.”

  “Alright, see you then,” I said before he hung up.

  Curious, but not too concerned, I turned to the girl in the window. She blushed at my gaze and I simply smiled. “How about that tour?” I asked, hoping my voice stayed calm.

  She nodded before getting to her feet and making her way to where I still sat in the chair.

  After stopping at the bathroom, since I was sure she must need to take a moment but wouldn’t dare voice the need, I took her through the house. I led her to the laundry/mud room at the back through the kitchen.

  The laundry room held shelving and a folding area along one wall, while along the wall across from that sat the LG washer and dryer. I showed her how they worked, and the settings I wanted her to use. I opened each cupboard, showing Dawn where the cleaning supplies were.

  I showed her where all the dishes and food were in the kitchen and the pantry, so she could find things when she cooked.

  “I don’t expect you to remember where everything is. It took me months, and I still forget where my mother put everything,” I said, easing the worry etched onto her face.

  I then led her upstairs, pointing out the two spare bedrooms that would need to be touched up sometime in the next week or two.

  I pointed out the door at the end of the hall that led to the attic. “That door is to stay closed, and I highly advise you to not venture up there. Most of it is just storage and doesn’t need to be dusted, but it’s also my playroom. Kaleb and I have the only keys. I am the only one who will clean in that room, and it doesn’t get used all too often.”

  “Okay, Sir,” she said. She most likely didn’t even know what a playroom was, so I wasn’t worried.

  I knew it wouldn’t take her much to keep the house clean. I had Emily come by once every two weeks to do it for me. It gave her something to do, and helped her get out of the house without Zack. I normally did my own laundry.

  “In a few minutes, I have a friend stopping by. I want you to be in the office while we talk. You can do anything: reading, watching outside, dusting even, if you wanted—as long as I can see you,” I said as I gently lifted her chin to meet my eyes. Her green eyes shone just a tad brighter and clearer. I hoped it meant she was starting to feel better.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. Even though she still guarded her emotions, I knew she was feeling better about knowing what I expected from her. Truthfully, I didn’t want to have her do anything. I would gladly let her lie around all day if she wanted.

  I did need to get more information from her, sooner rather than later, about what she’d gone through. Maybe Kaleb could get something out of her for me.

  Kaleb was a few years older than me, but he was the chief and my boss, before being my friend. He was a pretty laid-back guy unless in Dom mode. I was thankful to him for introducing me into the life I now knew. I met him at an open night at a highly sought out club. He showed me the new lifestyle, teaching me how to read subs and Doms alike.

  Of course, I had to learn to be a sub before being a Dom. I hated subbing, giving into another as they controlled my body, my pain, and my pleasure. But I did so willingly with Kaleb, allowing him to take control because I trusted him. That was, until he found the girl with whom he wanted to share his life. That was when he guided me into being a Dom, picking women for me who had been subs for years.

  Dawn was the first woman I was interested in who had no idea what kind of life I had lived, let alone who employed me. Zack knew of my sex life, as I had to explain a few things for him to help Emily. They both now play around with a few scenes and a few toys but I didn’t want to know the details.

  When I heard a knock on my front door, I looked at Dawn, nodded towards my office area, and she walked away from me into the office with a worried look on her face. She really had no reason to, but I knew she didn't know that.

  “Kaleb!” I greeted him, opening the door. His face was the first thing I saw. It was still tanned like he was always out in the sun, but I knew he was hardly outside anymore with the demands of this case—along with others. His bright gray eyes were the same as always, just a tad bit tired.

  “Elijah,” he smiled in return, stepping into to the house. He wore blue jeans and a button-up checkered shirt with cowboy boots. He always wore western style clothing, showing off his heritage as much as possible. “How are you today?”

  “Not too bad,” he replied. He immediately invaded my personal space and wrapped his long arms round me, giving me a hard hug that made me completely relax. Then, he started walking towards my office, being the type to always get to the point first. He was a dominant alpha male in all areas of his life, and power just seemed to ooze from him in waves.

  I followed him to my office. He sat in the middle chair and I went to my desk. Seeing Dawn had already gotten three bottles of water out, I threw one to Kaleb before acknowledging her. She was kneeling beside my chair with her head down and hands in her lap. Her knees were shoulder width apart, her hair hiding her face as I had yet to braid it for her. My heart soared, seeing her there, knowing she willingly chose to submit, but then it plummeted as I remembered why she was here and what might happen with Kaleb.

  “Have a seat on a chair, Dawn,” I said softly. There was no way I was going to have her stay kneeling on the carpet.

  She stood and took a seat by the window, but kept her head down. I sighed, knowing my work was cut out for me with her.

  “We have a rat, of which I’m sure you are well aware,” Kaleb began in his lighter voice, like it was an everyday conversation. I could read the worry in his eyes. “I’m fairly certain who it is.”

  “Mike Hughes?” I asked, handing Dawn a bottle of water after opening it for her.

  “Yep,” he stated, leaning back in his chair. “We can’t draw any attention to it, though. He’s been digging and not cleaning up his tracks. He’s left files open on computers; I know he’s working on trying to frame you. I just don’t know why.”

  “Revenge? I busted his brother not too long ago. I know Mike has never exactly liked me for that reason,” I responded thoughtfully.

  “Possibly,” Kaleb said. “He may be trying to cover something up, and trying to pin it on you and make our case fall apart somehow.”

  “No one knows my rule but you and Zack. I’ve made sure nothing I do can be traced back in any way, shape or form to the real me. I know I’m treading a pretty fine line, pretending to be a man who is intent on becoming a dirty agent for the money I can get.”

  “You do know what will happen before the case is brought to a close, right?” he asked with a hint of worry.

  “Yes. I have a wonderful lawyer on standby, and I won’t be held for more than a week at the most, or charged with anything. I will have to act as if it’s the end of the world so the people we are trying to bring down will think I was busted. But of course, you’ll come to get me out and show proof to the officer in charge of who and what I really am doing.” I answered. “Of course, I may not have to be arrested and questioned if the suspects are caught before the planned time.”

  “What is your plan for the girl?
” Kaleb asked, wanting to make sure Dawn knew what to expect when the time came.

  “You already know,” I said. “Dawn will be going with either you or Zack; the least likely places someone would look for her.” Of course, she looked at me when I said her name and I couldn’t help but gently smile at her, letting her know everything was okay.

  “Now, let me meet this girl who’s kept you home from your job for so long,” he grinned.

  “Come, Dawn,” I said. She stood, her body stiff. I could see the fear in her eyes as she walked to me. How many men had used her? What had they done to make her so pliable?

  She relaxed a little as I took her hand, which in turn made me feel better. I led her around the desk and stopped in front of Kaleb. Lifting her head up with my finger under her chin, and then stroking her cheek, I smiled, showing no harm would come to her.

  “Dawn, this is Kaleb.” She briefly looked him over before lowering her eyes as soon as I dropped my hand from her face. “There will come a time when you might have to go with him, but only as a means to keep you safe. He won’t ever hurt you in any way. His wife would never allow him to do so.”

  “Yeah, Kelly would have my nuts on a platter,” Kaleb joked. “How old are you, anyway?”

  “Nineteen, I think, Sir,” she answered quietly, squeezing my hand tightly.

  “You look younger,” he said, tilting his head as he looked at her a bit closer.

  I moved towards the chair on his right, with Dawn following. Once I sat down, I pulled her so she could sit in my lap. She scrunched up as much as she could, with her head between my neck and shoulder and her legs laying over the armrest. Her face was towards Kaleb, even though her hair was mostly covering the view.

  “Yes. She was only fourteen when she was taken. With the lack of food, she will look younger. Once we get her back to good and healthy eating habits, she should gain some weight. Her mother didn’t look her age at all until recently.”

  “You grew up together, correct?”


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