Broken Revival
Page 19
“Color?” I asked, walking up to her and rubbing her legs up and down.
“Yellow,” she said, closing her eyes.
“Can you tell me why?” I asked, needing to know what was going on in her mind.
She took a deep breath before opening her eyes, meeting my own. “I’m okay,” she said, not answering my question.
“Are you sure?” I asked. I wasn’t going to proceed if she wasn’t one hundred percent sure. I knew there would be times she would get lost in her thoughts, and wouldn’t be able to get through any scenes. I knew I should demand more of an explanation from her, but I didn’t want to ruin the mood.
“Yes,” she hissed, drawing my attention to her. She had her hands down by her sides, holding onto the blanket for dear life. Her eyes filled with fear, but also determination. I could tell right away something was wrong, and I refused to allow her to push herself like this. Yes, it was always wonderful to see a sub push through any fear, but with Dawn’s history, I wouldn’t allow it—not today.
“I call red,” I said, sitting down by her waist. Her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head.
“Please, no,” she cried, trying to turn her body away from me.
“Dawn,” I said, wrapping my arms around her from behind, my erection softening as I did what I could to soothe my girl. I hated her tears, but it was a healing process. It always would be.
I thought I could handle it. I don’t know why my past had to come out right then, when I was fine just minutes earlier. I wanted to please him, to bring him to the edge of sensation like he had done for me countless of times. Sure, we had a few nights where we were both satisfied, but I was ready for more—or at least I thought I was. My needs were stronger and growing every day. When I looked at him, I wouldn’t help but want more of him in every way.
“I want you on that bed,” the man said.
I slowly lay on the bed, hoping he’d just get it done and over with. My ribs were tender, and so were my legs from the last client. The hallways and other rooms were quiet, as it was earlier than normal to perform services. I didn’t think anything of it, as it had happened a few times here and there.
I hated the quiet, and that alone made me feel on edge. I could see Galvin standing in the doorway with a pleased look on his face as the man above me rammed his dick into me none too gently.
Tears gathered in my eyes; I was dry as a desert but didn’t voice anything. Apparently, the man didn’t like that, as he moved his hands up to my neck and put pressure against me, making black spots appear.
“Shh, Dawn, I got you,” Elijah said, soothing me as he held me from behind.
“Music, please,” I sobbed out, needing something other than the quiet of the room.
“Of course,” Elijah said, moving and leaning over the bed to get his phone. It was only a moment later when Iron and Wine began to play that I slowly relaxed, letting Elijah’s hold calm me some.
After a few moments, when my breathing was calmer and the tears had dried, Elijah spoke. “What happened?”
“It was too quiet,” I answered simply and quietly. “I can’t do the quiet, I guess.”
“Okay. I’ll make sure to put music on if you ever want to do that again, before anything else,” he agreed easily. “Music can also enhance the enjoyment.”
“I’m sorry,” I said sadly, turning around to face him. His arms never left me, hugging me close to him. “I really wanted to play. I want to show you that I can be the sub you need.” I was more upset at myself than anything.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he said, kissing me on the head. “It will take time, and I don’t need you doing my every command. I have loved what we have been able to do.” He paused. “And you’re perfect the way you are.”
“I should be able to,” I huffed out, burying my face against his bare chest.
“You will, in time. We have to work slow, take one step at a time before leaping,” Elijah soothed me. “You will get there. It’s a process, and with what you went through, I don’t expect you to be able to just jump right in. I’m happy that you even want to try, and that’s what counts.”
“I love you,” I sighed, looking up at him.
“I love you too,” he replied before gently kissing my lips.
I felt off and upset at myself. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew Elijah was right. I had to give it time. Maybe the next time we had a few hours to ourselves, we could try again. Or, maybe Kelly and Kaleb’s offer still stood—I could watch them do a scene, so I knew what to expect.
We ended up falling asleep, hanging onto one another. Elijah was up first, letting me sleep longer as he took a shower and got the room picked up the room before I ever got up. I found him naked, just getting out of the shower when I entered.
Not able to help myself, I took his soft dick in my hand, enjoying the feel. I felt smug when he grew and groaned, leaning his head against the top of my head.
“If you start, you have to finish it,” he muttered happily.
I was more than happy to, bringing him a fast relief before taking a shower myself.
Once we were both ready, we headed out to pick up Lizzy from Joslyn. She could have easily brought her home, but Elijah said he needed to get out of the house for just a few minutes, so we both decided to go.
The late March sky was overcast with dark clouds from the incoming storm that was to bring us a few inches of snow and slick, icy roads. It wasn’t predicted to start snowing until late that night, so we had plenty of time
“Can you get your phone and put it in your socks?” Elijah asked, glancing up at the rearview mirror again. He kept looking at them more often than usual.
I did as he said, digging my phone from my purse and sticking it in my sock, keeping it safely hidden. I hardly ever turned it on, since anyone who wanted to get hold of me called Elijah. I always tended to leave my phone either in my purse or in the bedroom, except when Elijah went out. I gave him a look—he was stiff and on edge.
“There’s someone following us,” he said, taking a turn along a different street. “I don’t know what they’re up to, but I’m not leading them to my mother’s house.”
I looked behind us, seeing a black car following.
Picking up his own phone, he called Kaleb, telling him where we were and to track the car’s location as he took turns that led us away from his parents. He slowly sped up, increasing his speed. His voice was rough with nerves, and possibly thrill. He was an FBI agent, and from what I had seen on TV, they liked the feel of the chase; but usually, the rules were reversed.
“I’m going to take you back home and have Joslyn keep Lizzy,” Elijah said, taking a sharp turn around a corner as the car behind us caught up.
“Who is it?” I asked, not sure if wanted to know the answer.
“Morgan,” Elijah answered, sending a bolt of fear down my spine. “Hang on.”
There wasn’t really much to hang onto, as he turned another corner, peeling out as the back tires screeched before he gunned it again, going down a different road. I gripped the handle on the door with one hand, and with the other, I grabbed onto the seat belt as I was roughly forced to the side as he turned the corner. Both my hands were white as I held on for what felt like my life.
Once he got the car straightened out, another came out of the trees fast, hitting us on the front fender sideways, making us to swerve off the road and into a ditch, rolling once. My head hit the side door window. We were going too fast for Elijah to brake safely to try to slow the collision.
The airbags blew, hitting me in the face and blocking my vision from the front and side. Everything began to blur together.
The sound of the front window breaking reached my ears with the impact as the car rolled on its side. The roof gave in against the ground. There was a thud as the other side flipped over. The car bounced, once, twice, before stopping, motionless. My heart pounded, and I could feel a trickle of blood down the side of my fa
The last thing I heard before everything went dark was Elijah.
Chapter 28
I woke up with a pounding headache, my face smashed up against the steering wheel, and a blood smeared air bag. I heard sirens off in the distance, but no other sounds. It was too quiet in the car.
Slowly, I pushed myself so I was sitting, trying to figure out what had happened and where I was.
I could feel warm blood dripping down my arm where glass cut into my skin. A sweet-smelling odor from the engine reached me.
I needed to move.
Looking over to the passenger seat, I saw the door was open and Dawn was nowhere in sight. It had to have been opened from the outside as it was caved inward from the impact. The glass was completely shattered, sharp pieces sticking up where it used to be in the frame.
Surprisingly, the car had landed on its deflated tires after doing a full roll. My body felt sore from the impact already. Steam was rising out of the engine, and I forced myself to unbuckle and crawl out the open door. I could feel the small pieces of glass cutting into my palms and knees.
“Dawn!” I yelled. My head began to pound more, but I ignored it. I kept yelling for Dawn.
I don’t know how long I screamed for her, but once my brain realized she wasn’t here, I collapsed, gasping for breath as the sirens grew louder, before voices and movement reached my senses. I couldn’t move as tears poured down my face, crouching there on the ground. I kneeled, hunched over, gasping for breath, still calling for my girl as loud as I could, my voice growing hoarse. I think I puked, as the sour smell reached my nose.
“I’ll get him; check the car.” I heard Kaleb’s voice as he pushed his way to me. “Elijah?” he said, drawing my attention to him.
“She’s gone,” I cried out, looking at him. “I have to find her.” I went to stand, but my legs gave out. Kaleb caught me and helped me walk to the ambulance before he said anything. I couldn’t think of anything but finding my girl.
“I’ll find her,” he said, helping me to lay back on the cot so the medics could strap me in. “I’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?”
Everything seemed to be fog covered and I didn’t know what to do. I had never panicked before. Not when Dawn was taken the first time. Not when I had lost my mentor to another. Not when I couldn’t get a case right at work.
“Kaleb,” I managed to say, before I blacked out in panic, letting the darkness be a promise for hope, for calm.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Slowly, I came back to consciousness. I could feel each bruise, each cut and mark on my body. I could feel the IV in my right hand, pushing fluids into my sore body. My eyes refused to open. Now I had an idea of how Dawn must have felt when she first came to me.
It was pure hell.
I knew I was in a hospital. It wasn’t often I ended up in one, so I knew it must be pretty bad. I remembered why I was here and grimaced at the thought.
Groaning, I forced my heavy eyes open, but shut them instantly. The light above me was too bright. Way too fucking bright.
“Elijah?” I heard my mother whisper out softly, and a soft touch on my other hand. I squeezed, letting her know I was awake.
“Oh, Elijah,” she cried out, laying her head over our hands.
“Mom?” I blinked my eyes open, expecting the extremely bright light this time. I had to blink a few times to clear my vision.
“I was so worried about you,” she said, but it came out muffled. “You’ve been asleep for hours.”
“Where’s . . . Where’s . . .?” I managed to get out before the beeping of the heart monitor began to rise, showing my panic.
“Shh. Lizzy’s with Kelly,” Mom said.
“Dawn?” I breathed out in panic. I could see the black dots in my vision. “Where is she?” I could feel my heartbeat through my entire body, racing. Faster. Faster.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“You have to calm down, please,” my mom begged as a nurse flew in the room with a needle. She inserted whatever drug into my system through the IV, and I felt the effects almost immediately. They calmed me, relaxing me, making me fall asleep.
“Get Kaleb,” I managed to mumble out before darkness covered me once again. I tried to fight it, but it was useless.
I was seething. Beyond seething, if it was possible. I couldn’t believe that little dick got an up on us, yet again. He was going to meet my fist—and more—when I tracked the fucker down this time. I wasn’t the reasonable FBI Chief now; I should have killed that bastard on site. I still might, anyway—consequences be damned.
I knew I should have moved Elijah and Dawn to a different location. It was plain as day that Morgan was watching their every move. I didn't know what he had planned, but I was pretty dang sure he was after the girl who was like a baby sister to me.
She had changed Elijah for the better. Elijah had always thrown himself into his work, even at such a young age. He wasn’t ever really happy with how his life was going, but he did the best he could. He was lonely and angry most of the time—until Dawn came back into his life.
When I first met him, he was alone, sitting at the bar looking around. That had been a few years ago. I couldn’t help but reach out to him—in more than one way. I’ve always swung both ways, and I found him to be attractive, in a bad boy kind of way.
He wore all black, including a leather jacket. He seemed lost, not sure of anything. His body was stiff, but he was searching for something, most likely a one-night stand. He was new to this area, or at least to this bar.
“Hey, cowboy,” I greeted, as I walked up next to him, ordering a stiff drink.
“Oh, uh, hey?” he said, confused. His bright blue eyes were clouded with indecision. His dark blond hair touched his chin. I couldn’t wait to run my fingers through it.
“Come to let some steam off tonight?” I asked, letting my eyes roam up and down. He wasn’t the usual type I’d try to hit on, but I could see he wasn’t sure about what he liked. Why not give it shot, right?
Normally, I’d never go for someone who had no clue about my lifestyle. I liked the easy prey who seemed to always be lining up for me.
“I guess so,” he simply shrugged, turning back around to ask for a water. I looked him over, wondering his age. If I had to take a guess, I would say he was about twenty, maybe.
“Girl trouble?” I couldn’t help but ask, wanting to know what was going on inside that head of his. I had to make sure that he, in fact, was single.
“I wish,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t stand any of the girls I’ve met lately.”
“Then what has you so stressed?” I asked, leaning into his personal space just a tad.
“Life,” he sighed.
“So, what are you planning to do here tonight, then?” I asked, indicating his water. “You not of drinking age?”
“I can try to find a nice person older than me to order my drinks,” he winked with a laugh. “Then hope to get laid.”
“Well, I can help you with both,” I winked back, watching as his face freeze before he turned bright red.
“What?” he stuttered, once he got his thoughts back in order. “I . . . I don’t. . . do guys,” he said, but I could hear and see the idea was almost appealing to him. His voice wasn’t as deep as some men I’d had relations with. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’d just tried to flirt with me.
“Are you sure about that?” I asked with a sweet smile his way. “You seem the type to be up for trying new things.”
It didn’t take him long to find out what he wanted. I was easy on him that first time, giving him a wonderful blow job and getting one in return. That was the night we became good friends—and more. But what we had wasn’t love; it was a way for him to grow, to figure out what he wanted and needed out of life.
I knew I should have been there with him in the hospital since he was so distrau
ght after the crash, and with Dawn missing again for the second time in his life. I couldn’t blame him. She was the light of his life.
I was at the station, trying to track her phone, but it didn’t seem to be giving us a signal. I knew time was not on our side, and I had no idea where Morgan had taken her. I just hoped she’d find a way to get a message to us, or to try to run. We had many of our guys out looking every single place we possibly could.
Joslyn called later the next morning, saying that Elijah had woken up in a panic again and that I needed to be there the next time he did. She didn’t know what to do. He needed to be calm so I could get him out of there and to a safe house in case Morgan came back and tried to finish him off.
When I had got to him, he had been covered in blood, with a few deep cuts from the glass. He had a good bruise across his forehead and down his face. I was sure Morgan would have taken him out if given the choice, but since Dawn was there, he took her instead.
The car hit Dawn’s side—hard. It had been stolen, and the driver was nowhere to be found. I was worried about what sort of state she would be in, and hoped she could get away from Morgan sooner rather than later, or that we could figure out where he was.
I was tired but knew I couldn’t go home. I called Kelly, letting her know I was going to wait for Elijah to wake up again at the hospital, since he was sedated. I hoped he wouldn't panic as much if I was there.
Once I got to the hospital, I nodded to the police officer standing outside his room before entering. Joslyn sat in what looked like the most uncomfortable white chair next to the bed, looking around the room as she tried to stay awake.
Elijah lay in the hospital bed, eyes closed as he slept. A white blanket covered him up to his armpits, with his arms laid out over the top. The blood had been cleaned off him, and the cuts were stitched. I’m sure he hurt like a bitch.
“Go home,” I said, patting her shoulder. “Or at least go rest in Vence’s office and lie down. I’ll call you when he wakes.”