Book Read Free

Broken Revival

Page 21

by Autumn Winchester

  “Don’t you dare get sick,” Joan said with a glare my way.

  “She can’t help it. You know what the drugs do to us. It is so worth the relief from the pain,” Morgan shrugged. “Come on, little girl. Let’s at least get you to the bathroom.”

  I was surprised by his tenderness, like he cared about me. He lifted me softly up from the couch and carried me to the dirty bathroom. He barely sat me down on the floor before the little contents of my stomach came up.

  Morgan made himself scarce.

  Waking up cold and covered in sweat, I found myself back on the mattress. I felt like death. I wished I had a blanket, but at least my clothes were still on.

  The room was bathed in darkness, and I could hear loud music from, most likely, the living room. Voices floated to me, but I ignored them as much as I could. The door was closed, so I didn’t think anyone would come bother me.

  I was sore again, but I ignored it, moving slowly so I could try to reach my hidden phone. I needed out of here before Morgan tried to do anything.

  I’d just touched the phone when the bedroom door was roughly pushed open and the music increased in volume. Groaning, I turned over, facing the intruder.

  “Ah, my girl!” Morgan slurred as he flicked the light on. I squeezed my eyes shut against the brightness.

  The sweet smell of pot reached my nose, and I tried to not to breathe in too deeply.

  “Well, are you going to come join us? It’s a party!” he said with a bright smile.

  “No thanks,” I said, faking a yawn, hoping he wouldn’t push. I had never seen him high, and I didn’t ever want to again. I hoped he’d drop it and forget all about me.

  “Yes, come on,” Morgan said as he walked towards me. I groaned as he lifted me by my upper arm.

  “I don’t want to see her,” I mumbled as he pulled me behind him. I couldn’t keep up, as my legs couldn’t fully support my weight yet.

  “Here she is,” Morgan said, pushing me to sit on the couch. The room was filled with sweet-smelling smoke and my mother was lying flat on her back, looking happy and content. She only had her underwear and bra on.

  “’Bout time,” she smiled. “You’ve been asleep for two days now. It’s time for you to earn your keep ‘round here.”

  I had no idea how long it had been since the car accident. I wanted to go home.

  “You are home,” Morgan said, taking a seat next to me.

  I must have spoken out loud.

  “You are to stay here and help me. Joan doesn’t meet all my needs,” Morgan said, pulling me towards him by the arm he had wrapped around my shoulders.

  “But Elijah,” I said with tears in my eyes.

  “He’s not looking for you,” Joan laughed. “He’s dead. Gone. Poof!” She flung her arms up in the air, trying to make her words bigger than her voice.

  “No!” I said, sitting up away from Morgan. He couldn’t be. He had to be alive, looking for me. I could feel my heart breaking as my breaths became heavier.

  “I made sure he was dead,” Joan said darkly. “He ruined our plans.”

  “No, please,” I cried out, blinking back tears.

  “He was in the way. If it wasn’t for your father in the first place, I wouldn’t have to be here now. He just had to ask questions because of the amount of time I was spending at the strip club,” Joan went on.

  “Breathe in, Dawn,” Morgan said sweetly as he blew a breath full of smoke towards my face. Since I was panicking, I didn’t think of holding my breath.

  Coughing, I hunched over, not knowing what to do. I felt light headed again, but my panic seemed to calm somewhat.

  “Good. Again,” Morgan said, blowing more smoke into my face. “There ya go.”

  “No,” I said weakly, trying to move away from him. I didn’t want to be high. I didn’t want anything he had to offer me. My body was weak, and now weaker in its relaxed state, as I tried to move as far away from him as I could.

  He easily held me to him, making me breathe in more of the smoke. My body became as relaxed as it possibly could, and I was mostly leaning against him for support. I now understood why Joan was lying on the floor without a care in the world.

  “Now you’re more relaxed, it’s past time to play,” Morgan said with a glint in his eye. “All your pain is much more manageable, and you won’t have such a trying let down when the drugs leave your system. You may have a slight headache and a dry mouth, but so much better all around.”

  “I want to go home,” I whined. I really did want to go home, wherever that was—as long as it wasn’t with Morgan.

  “You are home, my sweets,” Morgan laughed as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. His hand went to my knee, gently squeezing.

  “No,” I said weakly, trying to push his hand away as it crept up my thigh.

  “Hush,” he said, pressing his lips to mine harshly.

  I was about to tell him to stop, but he stuck his slimy tongue into my mouth. I couldn’t push him away.

  “Get a room,” Joan laughed.

  “Gladly,” Morgan said, breaking away from the kiss. With a lusty smile, he picked me up and took me back to my room, laying me down gently on the bed.

  With a tenderness I didn’t expect, he took my clothes off, and then his own. I lay there, unable to fight back.

  “You are such . . . brightness,” Morgan said, looking me up and down, taking in the curves of my body. I tried to wrap my arms around myself but he was too quick, pinning them at my sides. “Don’t make me tie you up,” he warned.

  I nodded. I couldn’t let him tie me up again. I had to make that phone call. I didn’t know if what Joan said about Elijah was true or not, but I wasn’t willing to let it deter me. I had to get out of here.

  “You’re too dry,” Morgan nearly whined as he looked between my legs after spreading them open. He looked disappointed, and that made my gut twist in pain. “Stay.” He left me there. I closed my eyes, praying he’d forget about me and just leave me be.

  I must have dozed off, jumping as cold lube was squirted over my mound, dribbling down my butt crack. I opened my eyes with difficulty, looking up at him. He had a gleeful look on his face as he watched the lube slowly slide between my legs.

  I shivered in disgust. He blew more smoke in my face, making me cough and try to turn my head again. Laughing, he used two fingers, swirling the lube around.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he moaned, moving to position himself so he could easily enter me. He leaned over my body. He was way too warm, too heavy. “Stay still. I don’t want to hurt you,” he panted.

  He roughly pushed himself into me. He must have lubed his dick up, too, as he easily slipped in. I could feel him press against my cervix, and I couldn’t help but slightly cry out.

  Even though he used lube, it still hurt. It hurt so much tears leaked from the corners of my eyes as he began to move in and out. He took what he wanted, not giving a damn about what I wanted.

  “Shh. Daddy’s got you. You’re so tight,” he moaned as his thrusts sped up. Bile rose in my throat.

  I hated him.

  I hated the fact he thought he could call himself daddy. As if raping their daughter was okay, but thinking I was his kid to do so. It was horrible to be raped by this man again.

  He wasn’t even my freaking father!

  He pounded into me. The sound of slapping skin rang in my ears as he took me fast and hard.

  I wanted him to stop.

  I wanted it all to stop.

  I couldn’t take anymore. I couldn’t!

  I was crying for Elijah. I wanted his touch, his love. I just wanted Elijah.

  Morgan didn’t last long—maybe only a minute. I held my eyes closed, hoping he’d leave and never come back.

  “Thank you, sweetie pie,” he said, kissing me, before he gently removed himself. He left the room but came back, covering me with a blanket. “I’ll be back for round two soon.”

  I waited until I heard loud snoring from the living room before
I quietly moved to reach the phone. It took some work as I was tired, unsure if I was dreaming or not.

  Listing to make sure no one was going to come my way, I turned my phone on, seeing many missed calls.

  Clicking on one of them, I listened as it rang once. Twice.

  “’Ello,” answered a sleepy voice.



  I hated hospitals. I loathed them and told everyone who would listen that I would never, ever be back in one.

  It had been twenty-four hours since I’d been last given any type of pain meds or sedatives. It took a while for the drugs to leave my system, and it wasn’t pleasant. I was grumpy for more than one reason.

  I was more than happy to let Kaleb take care of me, even after all this time. We were the best of friends, and it was easy to let him take over for me. Plus, I wasn’t in the state of mind to really give a damn.

  I had woken up a few times panicking, wanting my girl, and Kaleb was there, calming me instantly. If it wasn’t for him, I’d never be able to leave the hospital. Many times, when I woke up, it was with Kaleb touching me, almost in a loving manner, and it made me more confused, but calmed my thoughts at the same time.

  I was now fully alert, finally five days after the accident, and being released with strict orders to take it easy, no drinking alcohol of any kind, and no driving, since my ribs were tender and my reflexes were slow due to the pain. I had refused any more pain meds, and that resulted in hardly any sleep.

  I had tried to talk Kaleb into going home, but he refused to leave my side. My mother and father both came by a few times, but didn’t stay long due to my attitude—not towards them, but everything else. I was angry I couldn’t leave to search for my girl.

  “Elijah,” Kaleb warned me as I went to get out of bed. I was tired, sore, and I needed to move. I’d been stuck in bed for way too long, and I was hungry. Hungry for real food, not the crap the hospital called food.

  “I’m fine,” I glared at him, pushing myself slowly off the bed. My bare feet touched the cold floor. My legs were weak but manageable as I began to walk around the room like a caged animal.

  “If you say so,” Kaleb said, giving me a look that clearly said he knew I was pushing myself.

  An hour later, I was finally released and seated in Kaleb’s car, and too tired to fight about where he was taking me. My legs were weak and he’d had to help me get from the mandatory wheelchair into the car, not caring one bit about my grumbling.

  “I’d turn you over my knee and spank you if it wasn’t for the fact you’re sore and learned your lesson already,” Kaleb said sweetly as he drove off. I simply flipped him off, which making him to laugh at me again. I was sure he’d do just that if I wasn’t in pain.

  By the time we got to his house, I was almost in a daze. It took a little work to get me inside and to the couch since I plainly refused his help until I had nearly fallen over.

  The girls were at Joslyn’s house, not wanting to have the babies in the way and to let us sleep for a little while after coming here. I missed my Lizzy, but I was in no shape to care for her at that moment.

  “Rest,” Kaleb said with a tender kiss to my forehead, before he went to the chair, falling asleep before I could.

  The ringing of a cell phone, Kaleb’s, woke us both up to a darkened house. I groaned and rolled over as Kaleb answered it.

  Chapter 31


  Loud banging noises and yelling woke me up sometime later. Everything was dark and I was extremely tired. I didn’t want to move. My entire body was sore. I didn't know where the pain started and where it stopped.

  Morgan had come back in and taken me as I lay there, almost lasting for what seemed liked forever. His cum coated my inner thigh, running down my core and cooling. It felt sticky as I kept my body still. My body was light and weak as he blew more smoke into my airways by kissing me. I didn’t fight, didn’t cry. I only hoped for freedom. Or death. I’d gladly take either one.

  The banging continued and I groaned, trying to bury myself in the mattress and thin blanket covering me.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I heard Morgan shout at what sounded like the front door being kicked in.

  I went to pull the covers closer to me, and I noticed that my phone was in my hands, dead.

  I’d tried to call Kaleb, and I couldn’t remember if it had gone through. I didn’t think I’d survive here much longer.

  I wouldn’t see Elijah again, or Lizzy. I hadn’t fought hard enough.

  My heartbeat began to race and my eyes were clouded by tears.

  The bedroom door was opened with a squeak, and I tried to hide under the cover, as small as I possibly could. I shook, unable to hide my fear or my panic. My body shivered violently.

  As hurried footsteps came closer to me, I began to cry, tucking my chin into my chest further. I didn’t want to be touched. Elijah had promised me he’d never let me get hurt, but he did. I wanted Elijah.

  “Don’t,” I heard someone say right before the blanket was pulled back from me, and I couldn’t help another huge shiver. The voice was hard and stern.

  Footsteps retreated but someone was still in the room with me.

  From the living room, I could hear Morgan yelling, crying almost. It wasn’t clear what he was saying, and I didn’t necessarily care.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I heard the male voice say softly as he kneeled next to me. The voice sounded familiar. “You’re safe now.”

  Unable to respond, I shook my head, crying out more than I already was. I was hyperventilating.

  “Dawn,” the voice said, closer, but calmly. There was no hint of anger or lust in his voice. “Please, can I help you?”

  "Joan!” I heard Morgan yell out, shocked.

  “I’m . . . sorry,” I sobbed out, unable to comprehend what he wanted. Was he here to put me out of my pain?

  “I’m going to touch you to wrap the blanket around you, alright? We need to get you out of here,” he said in an urgent voice.

  When I didn’t move more than I already had, he gently wrapped my form in the blanket, covering me the best he could. I jerked at his touch but he was careful, never touching my skin.

  “I’m going to pick you up now, alright Dawn? I won’t hurt you, I promise,” he said. With a cry, afraid he was going to drop me since I was still in a ball, I wrapped my arms around his neck, hanging on for dear life. I kept my eyes clenched shut, my body tight.

  “You’re safe,” he kept repeating as he began to walk, first out of the room, and then out of the house. I could smell smoke.

  “I’ll take her,” said another voice as fire truck sirens came racing towards wherever I was. The person holding me tightened his grip.

  “She won’t be going anywhere without me,” the one holding me said sternly. I cringed against him.

  I felt him step up into a vehicle, then take a seat. I couldn’t get my arms to loosen their grip around his neck. “It’s okay, I got you, Dawn,” he said in a whisper as he ran his hand down my back.

  “Kaleb, we need her arm to start fluids,” said another person, this one female. Her voice was calm and quiet.

  Kaleb? He came?

  “Dawn, can this nice lady start an IV in your arm?” the man—Kaleb—asked as he leaned his head on my own.

  I shook, not knowing what to do. I heard him mumble something before another blanket was placed on me in a rush. It was warm, and the warmth soaked into my skin, into my bones.

  “Kaleb?” I whispered, keeping my eyes closed. I could feel the vehicle we were in start to move and I clenched onto him tighter, if it were possible.

  “I’m here, sweet girl,” he said calmly. “You need to relax for me.”

  “I can’t,” I cried out, fearing this was just a dream. I was light headed. “Elijah?”

  “He’s safe,” Kaleb said. And that’s all I needed to hear to allow my body descend into darkness.

  I felt a heaviness in all my limbs an
d I couldn’t seem to move anything but my fingers. When I did, something warm and strong squeezed back on both sides. My eyes were closed, but I could feel the warmth of the sun across my body.

  The beeping of a machine reached my ears in the quietness of the room. I could hear muted voices from somewhere, but wasn’t sure if they were nearby or miles away.

  “She’ll have a full recovery, but she needs an OBGYN as soon as she’s up to it,” said a voice from somewhere. Were they talking about me? “I did a rape kit, and it came back positive. According to the files from the doctor she saw just a few weeks ago, she is able to have kids, but it’s low risk for her to get pregnant since she hasn’t had a normal menstrual cycle for years. She needs to get on the pill to help re-start it. I can give her the Plan B pill to make sure she didn’t get pregnant.

  “The accident broke one of her ribs, so there is bruising around that area, and they will be longer lasting than the others. The swelling on her face will slowly go down, but ice it a few times a day if needed,” the doctor said quietly. “She could benefit from seeing a psychologist, possibly long term. Overall, she seems to be in pretty decent shape.”

  “Thank you,” I heard Kaleb say quietly from beside me.

  “And you, Elijah, need to get some rest. You really aren’t in much better shape,” the doctor said lightly.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Elijah said from the other side of me.

  “Take care,” the doctor said, before leaving.

  I was just about to doze off again when Kaleb spoke up. “How are you holding up?” He sounded tired himself.

  “Don’t even try, Kaleb,” Elijah said, just as tiredly. His voice was coarse and sounded worn out.

  “I’m only asking,” Kaleb replied calmly.

  I wanted to open my eyes, to move, to grunt something. My heart soared at the thought that Elijah was safe, and alive. I wanted to dance if I could just get my body to move, but it wouldn’t cooperate.

  Breathing in and out, I let sleep claim me again.

  “Please, Dawn, wake up for me, sweetheart,” I heard Elijah beg as I felt his head against my arm.


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