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Ebony Angel

Page 19

by Deatri King Bey


  “I didn’t want to scare Richard’s family to death. I told them I’m a professional football player.”

  Trae laughed. “You are out of your mind. How is he?”

  “His grandfather’s taking him back to Texas for a sabbatical of sorts.”

  Turning cartwheels inwardly, looking saddened and concerned outwardly, Trae said, “Follow him to Texas and convince him to take Ebony back. She’s miserable without him.”

  “Why the hell you think I’ve been taking Crystal to see him? Damn!” He kicked at the table, then leaned back in the recliner. “If he believed his lame-assed excuse for their break-up, I’d have a chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He loves Ebony. He knows she believes in him.”

  “So why doesn’t his trick ass tell her? This is jacked the hell up. If he loved her, he’d tell her.”

  “He’s scared. I see it in his eyes. His fear keeps him away.” He smoothed his hands over his braids. “This is some stupid assed shit. They love each other.”

  Trae rubbed a kink out of his neck. Soon Ebony would love him. All he needed was time to show her he was what she really wanted. But first he needed to finish his snow job on Skeet. “Why the hell did I go over there?”

  “It’s too late now.”

  “I feel like shit.”

  “Good. This is all your fault. I should tell her you’re the one who beat Smoke.”

  “No!” His mind ran faster than the speed of light. “She’ll never let me see Crystal again. Hell, Ebony still has scars from when Marissa kicked Dan out of their lives. Don’t do this to Crystal.”

  “Calm the hell down. I already thought of that. Smoke and Ebony will survive. I’m staying quiet for Crystal.”

  An awkward silence filled the room.

  “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about, but you’ve been busy with Smoke,” Trae mumbled.


  “I’m getting out.”

  “Out of what?”

  “The drug life. Damn! You ain’t smoking that shit, are you?”

  “Ebony won’t fall out of love with Smoke for you because you leave the drug life.”

  “For a second I considered staying in, because I knew you’d think I’m doing this to win Ebony back. I realized that’s some stupid elementary school shit. Hell, I’m a grown-assed man. I shouldn’t have to lead a life I no longer want because you think I have ulterior motives. I’ve been wanting out for over a year now. After the way I acted with Smoke, I know I need out before it’s too late.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Dead serious.”

  Skeet’s deep, hearty laugh filled the room. “What the hell is this world coming to? I’ve been wanting out also. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I want kids of my own. Kids I don’t have to give back. I want a family.”

  Trae held his hand out to his friend. “I guess we’ve both finally grown up.” They did a quick brotha shake, then settled in their seats.

  “We can’t both cut out now, though,” Skeet said.

  “I know.”

  “You’ve had this on your mind longer than me. I’ll finish up our business.”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “One of us has to minimize the war we’re about to start. In a few months, we’ll both be free.”

  “I don’t want you telling Ebony. She’ll think I’m getting out to chase after her. I love Ebony, but I’m doing this for me.” He knew Skeet couldn’t keep his mouth shut. By the end of the day, Ebony would begin realizing that he was the new and improved man of her dreams.

  “I ain’t sayin’ shit.”

  “Remember that row of condos I showed you over by Chinatown? I bought them. I had planned on giving them to Ebony as a wedding gift. I figured if they ever divorced, she’d have property of her own. Now that I’m getting out, I want her out of the neighborhood. I can’t keep her safe. Do you think she’ll take an early graduation gift?”

  “She’s so funny. You’d better make sure she knows they come from legit channels. Give me a few minutes. I’ll think of something. How are you gonna clean up your businesses?”

  “Dan’s been helping me for the past year.”

  “Your ass really was serious. Damn, dawg, I’m sorry I doubted you.” He fidgeted in his seat. “Dan’s been helping me tie up loose ends for the past few months,” he lied. “At least we were smart enough to clean the money as we received it. Think of the mess we’d be in now if we didn’t.” He picked up the album and flipped through the pages. “If you tell Ebony Crystal’s in danger, she’ll move. The only problem is money. She doesn’t have any.”

  Trae smiled. Having Skeet think he came up with the idea to move Ebony away from her family and friends was brilliant. “She decided to take the job with Banks Consulting. They offer a sign-on bonus. I’m sure I can convince her new boss to slide her a few extra thousand.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.” He stretched his long legs out. “I’m not stupid, you know.”

  Trae choked on the lump of anxiety caught in his throat. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been after Ebony since y’all were shorties. Here you are changing your life around. You’re becoming the man she’s always wanted. You expect me to believe you won’t go after her?”

  Trae smoothed the imaginary wrinkles out of his jersey. “I’ve never hidden my feelings for Ebony. I’ve also always done my own thing in spite of those feelings.” He was relieved to see Skeet nod in agreement. “Do I want Ebony? Hell yeah! But I’m still gonna do my do. She has to accept me as I am, just as I’ve accepted her.”

  “Damn. That’s some deep shit there.” He stood to leave.

  “Don’t tell Ebony my plans. She doesn’t need anything else put on her plate. I’ll tell her after I’ve arranged for her to receive a nice-sized sign-on bonus.”

  “I know when to shut my mouth.”


  The aroma of rosemary and other herbs wafted from the kitchen as Ebony stirred the simmering chicken quarters.

  “Would you cut the onions for me, Skeet?” He washed his hands and took a chopping board and knife to the table. He had been visibly upset all afternoon. “You’ve barely said a word today. What’s wrong?” She diced tomatoes.

  After a long silence, he said, “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Such as?”

  “I can’t tell.”

  “Oh, I see. It’s work.” Disheartened, she scooped up the tomato pieces and placed them into a bowl. At least Meechie had agreed to speak with one of the counselors from the rehabilitation center. Now all she had to do was beg Dan for the money to pay for the program she prayed Meechie would agree to attend.

  “Cut the onion into wide strips, please.” She started dicing another tomato. “I want to apologize for how I’ve been acting lately. I know I haven’t been the most pleasant person to be around.”

  “No problem.”

  “I’m worried about you, Skeet. I’ve never seen you so withdrawn.”

  He chopped the onion in half, quarters, eighths…The pieces got smaller and smaller as he kept whacking away.

  “Pretty soon I’ll have onion juice instead of slices.” She waited for him to crack a smile, but it never came. She took his chopping board over to the stove and scraped the chopped onion into the stew-pot.

  He took the potato peeler, pulled the trashcan between his legs, and began peeling carrots. “I’m angry at Trae.”


  “I thought we told each other everything. I found out he’s been keeping a big secret from me. Now I’m pissed. He doesn’t trust me.”

  “Of course he trusts you. You just seem to think everyone else’s business is yours.”

  “But this directly affects me.”

  She diced tomatoes. “Well, how did you find out about this secret?”

  “He told me.”

“Skeet!” She threw a half tomato at him. He ducked. The tomato whizzed past his head and splattered against the edge of the counter, ending up on the floor. “How is he keeping secrets from you if he told you? Stop being a baby. People talk in their own time, not yours.”

  He finally flashed a smile. “You’d better clean that up before Marissa gets home. He should have told me sooner.”

  “Why don’t you ask him why he didn’t tell you sooner, instead of coming here pouting?” She tossed the tomato into the trash, and then sponge-cleaned the mess on the counter and floor.

  “Because I already know why. I just don’t agree with it. I’m his best friend and business partner. He’s been preparing to leave our business for over a year, and only told me because he had to. What kind of crap is that?” He bit off a piece of carrot. “How can he hold out on me?” He was too busy rambling to notice Ebony was bending over the sink, shocked. He continued gnawing on the carrot.

  It took Ebony a few moments to process his words. She shouldn’t have been shocked. She had noticed the gradual changes in Trae herself, yet was afraid to believe. But Trae actually taking steps to leave the drug life was big news. She bowed, silently thanking God for the miracle, and prayed Skeet would be next. This must have been the reason he said he wouldn’t allow her to adopt Crystal. He was actually going to be legit. She and Crystal would be free.

  “Well he didn’t tell me, either. He only hinted around.”

  “Ebony.” He blew out a long, labored breath. “Could you stop thinking about yourself for five damn minutes? Shit, woman, this is about me!”

  She sat at the table, fighting to keep from laughing. Skeet needed her to be serious, but she couldn’t hold it in. She leaned back in the chair and laughed so hard her stomach hurt. She could barely catch her breath.

  “This shit ain’t funny.”

  “I know.” She giggled. “I’m sorry.” She rounded the table and hugged him. “I love you, Skeet. If you weren’t my cousin, I would marry you.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I wouldn’t marry you. I can’t stand self-centered people.” He tapped her nose with his knuckle. “I’m overreacting, ain’t I?”

  “And being melodramatic. Why didn’t Trae want to tell you what he’s been up to?”

  He smiled peevishly. “Because he thinks I talk too much. He doesn’t understand that it’s not what ya say, but who ya say it to. I know who I can say what to. I don’t just go blabbing all over the place. If I did, we’d of been dead years ago.”

  “Why doesn’t he want me to know?”

  “I don’t know. I think he doesn’t want to get your hopes up. He could always change his mind. Then there’s your safety. We’ve made a lot of enemies, and some in the organization won’t want him to leave. The only way to control Trae is through you and Crystal.”

  A chill ran down her spine. “I’ve always feared someone would come after us. I’m so tired of all of this, tired of being scared.”

  “I’ve got your back. I won’t let anyone harm my family.”

  “I know you keep us safe. But the reason the protection is needed…I shouldn’t have to live like this.” She diced another tomato. Trae held all the cards, and made the rules to the game. She didn’t want to celebrate Trae’s conversion to a legit life too soon, just to be disappointed. “I’ll be glad when this is all over. When are you getting out?”

  “I’m not. If Trae says I am, he’s wrong. I lied and told him I was leaving to make him think I’d kept secrets also.” He paused. “At least I was sort of lying. I’ve been thinking about getting out, but I haven’t acted on it.”

  “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me. Unlike you, I don’t have a big mouth.” She winked, transferring the diced tomatoes to a bowl. She took the bowl over to the stove and dumped the tomatoes into the pot. “You talk entirely too much.”

  “I do not. I know you won’t tell anyone what I say. You should feel honored I trust you so much.”

  She bowed slightly. “I’m honored. Now finish with the carrots.”

  He peeled more carrots. “I know things that…oh, never mind.” He kept glancing over his shoulder at her, as if he wanted her to ask him something. “Is this enough?”

  “Yep. Chop them into wedges and dump them into the pot. Nah, make them thin slices. They’ll have to cook fast. I should have put them in the pot earlier.” She took a bag of fresh spinach leaves out of the refrigerator and dumped them into the sink for cleaning.

  “Don’t you want to know one of the things I haven’t told?”

  “Not if I have to pry it out of you.” She turned on the faucet and ran cold water over the spinach.

  A few minutes later, he put the carrots into the pot. “Where’s the ladle?”

  She pointed at the far drawer. “Could you also take out the tongs and remove the meat from the bones?”

  “I overheard something I shouldn’t have. They didn’t know I was in the room.”

  “How can anyone miss seeing you?”

  “I’d fallen asleep on the floor behind the sofa.”

  She opened a jar of macaroni shells.

  “No one knows I overheard.” Skeet stirred the soup as she poured in the shells. He proceeded to give her a word-by-word replay of Nonno and Stephanie’s conversation.

  “Oh, my goodness. Poor Richard.” She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to help him, but he would refuse her help. She added the spinach to the pot, then sat at the table trying to think clearly. “Does he know?”

  “Pay attention to the conversation, Ebony. I haven’t told anyone. He has no idea why his mother’s so batty. At least he won’t admit it. I’ve watched them for the past few weeks. He knows. They all know.” He shrugged. “It’s the strangest thing. The Stephanie I heard crying to her father is not the cold bitch I heard nagging at Richard. Phillip stays out of the line of fire. And Nonno. Well, all I can say is that man’s a trip. And don’t get me started on those bitches he calls sisters.”

  Ebony remembered Richard saying his family life was like a Broadway production. She had tried to get him to open up about them several times, but he had always changed the subject or started cooking. “I wish there was something I could do to help him.”

  “Call him.” He took out his cell phone. “It’s number three on speed dial.”

  “He doesn’t want me to.”

  “That never stopped me.”

  “I’m not you.” She turned away from Skeet to hide her tears. “Crystal will be home soon.”

  “Changing the subject doesn’t change anything. You two are in love with each other.”

  She wiped away her tears. “Well, love isn’t enough.” She walked out of the room.

  * * *

  Richard sat in the rocking chair, absently watching the couple who lived in the ranch-style town house across the street from Nonno. The separation from Ebony was killing him. He couldn’t stand her thinking he didn’t want her. Skeet had continued bringing Crystal around. This had to tell Ebony he still wanted to be in the picture.

  A few days ago, when he arrived in Texas, he hired a private investigator to find indisputable evidence that Trae killed the Collins boys. Once he had the evidence, he would tell his family the truth so they could leave the country until Trae was arrested.

  He prayed the investigator found evidence before Trae had time to manipulate Ebony into taking him back. If Ebony felt even half as discombobulated as Richard, she would be easy pickings for Trae.

  The older couple across the street slowly rocked on the porch swing. “That will be us someday, Ebony.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Nonno walked across the bedroom with two large bowls and a paper grocery bag.

  “No one.”

  “You need to contact Ebony and tell her the truth.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Get on over here and help me with these string beans. My hands have been hurting me.”

  He chose to ignore Nonno’s remark. The man had been itching for a fight ever since he found out Richa
rd would fully recover. “You don’t even like green beans. I think they’re the one food you hate.”

  “Well, you and Stephanie love them.”

  Richard took the bowls and bag from his grandfather. He set the empty bowl on the floor to his right, the paper bag to the left, and the bowl of green beans in his lap. “You spoil us. I’ll do the cooking while I’m down here.”

  “You trying to force me into retirement?” He moved from the bed to the straight-back chair from the desk. “That’s much better. I’m too old for this.”

  “You’re not old.” He snapped the ends off a bean, broke the bean in half, tossed it into the empty bowl at his side and the ends into the paper bag. Cast removed, it felt good to use his left hand again.

  “You’re making me old. Apologize to Ebony, leave the country, get married, and make me some great-grandbabies.”

  “It isn’t that simple.” He hadn’t told his grandfather about Trae’s threats against the family, or that Ebony didn’t have legal custody of Crystal.

  “The hell it isn’t. What are you scared of, Richard?”

  “Nothin’.” Unable to stand Nonno’s penetrating gray stare, he snapped the beans faster. “I’m not ready for a commitment right now.”

  “Don’t hand me that bull. Your mother isn’t around. It’s just us. I’m sorry I told you to bring the cops into this. I’ll never forgive my…You’re miserable. Hiding from problems never works out in the end. We have to face this head on. Be straight with me. What’s going on? You love Ebony. I’ve seen you with Crystal. How can you walk away? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Explain it to me.” The snap, snap, snap of the beans was the only sound in the room. “I know you, Richard. That cock-and-bull story you gave us about Ebony not having faith in you didn’t pass the smell test. Trae’s the one who beat you, isn’t he? He somehow found out about the police.”

  “No. That’s not it.”

  “Get your head out of that bowl, look me in the eyes and tell me Trae didn’t beat you. Tell me he isn’t keeping you from Ebony. Tell me you’re not in love with her.”

  The lie sat on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t force it out. “Nonno, please just drop it.”


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