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Chasing Dreams (Devil's Bend)

Page 14

by Edwards, Nicole

  “Godammit, Coop!”

  With that parting shot, Cooper disconnected the call and tossed his cell phone back on the table. The call had successfully managed to disengage all thoughts of Tessa, but now he couldn’t help but wonder whether he actually was running or not. If so, what from?

  More importantly, would he be running again?

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I still can’t believe it. Cooper Krenshaw sang at The Rusty Nail?” Izzy declared as the two of them sat on Tessa’s front porch, drinking wine and watching the dogs play in the yard.

  Thankfully, the instant Izzy realized Tessa needed someone to talk to, she came over. Then again, the two of them had always been like that. Ever since they were teenagers.

  “He did. You should’ve been there. It was wild,” Tessa mentioned, not turning to look at Izzy. She knew her face was red because her skin was flaming hot as thoughts about the night before danced in her brain.

  “But he’s still here, right? He didn’t just sing and leave town?” Izzy asked.

  Because of so many things going on, Tessa hadn’t had much time to just sit and talk to Izzy lately, and based on her best friend’s questions, she realized how far behind they were in playing catch up with what was going on in each other’s lives.

  “He’s still here,” she confirmed.

  “Have you talked to him?”

  Yes, among other things, Tessa thought to herself.

  “Adam brought him over the next day and officially introduced us.”


  “And what?” Tessa shot her best friend a questioning look.

  “Tessa Lynn Donovan, I know you’re hiding something from me. You better spill it and spill it quick.”

  Tessa laughed. She loved how passionate Izzy got when she felt as though someone was holding out on her. In this case, it was true, but Tessa wasn’t willing to share anything that happened between her and Cooper with anyone. Not even her best friend.

  Although Izzy had stood by her when Chad went from sweet boyfriend to spurned dickhead, Tessa still had a hard time trusting anyone with her most private thoughts.

  “No way!” Izzy exclaimed, pushing back on the porch swing and sending it rocking as she pouted.

  From her perch on the side railing, Tessa smiled at her friend.

  “You aren’t really going to hold out on me, are you?”

  “I am.”

  “You have to at least tell me about him. Why’s he still here in Devil’s Bend anyway?”

  Tessa sipped her wine and stared back out at the yard where Havoc and Harmony were crashed beneath the shade of the old oak tree.

  “From what I can tell, I think he’s looking for something to do on the side.” Which was true. “He bought the Deluth farm though, so I think he’s planning to stay for a while.”

  “Are you serious?” Izzy’s swinging motion stopped abruptly as she sat upright and stared at Tessa. “Cooper Krenshaw moved here? Like permanently?”

  Tessa was surprised that Izzy asked that question first. Her friend had known full well that she was trying to buy the Deluth land as well. She had to fight the urge to sulk because her best friend had missed the entire point of her comment. “I don’t know about permanently, but yep, he bought a house.”

  For any normal person, buying a house would probably mean putting down roots. But for a famous country music star who owned at least one other house that she knew of, it probably wasn’t the same. He could very well be planning to build his equestrian center and then leave it to be run by others. She just didn’t know. Then again, she could just be letting her negative thoughts take hold.

  Did she want him to stay? The question was hard for her to answer. That meager piece of her heart that was yearning for something she felt was out of her reach said yes, she’d like to have the opportunity to get to know him. See if whatever this was between them actually went somewhere.

  Then there was her jaded side. The part of her that she kept closed off from anyone and everyone, including her best friend and her brothers. Tessa didn’t want anyone to know how vulnerable she actually was. It wasn’t a becoming trait as far as she was concerned, so she tried to keep it buried down deep.

  As far as she could tell, Cooper might be willing to stay for a while. After all, getting the farm up and running smoothly wasn’t going to be an easy task. He was looking at months of work at minimum. She knew he had ambitious plans for the farm, but considering he was currently running from his singing career, she had to wonder whether this was something he did often. He didn’t seem like the type to jump from one place to another, but she honestly didn’t know much about him. Hell, apart from knowing his body intimately well, Tessa didn’t know much about him at all.

  “Eric tells me he’s helping out at the bar? That true?” Izzy asked, pretending to be interested in the answer, but Tessa could feel her excitement.

  “He’s handling the entertainment.”

  “What about Adam?”

  Tessa felt the sadness stirring to life in her heart. She hated that her older brother had already left to go to Dallas, but the fact that he was pursuing his dream should’ve made her happy for him. If she wasn’t scared senseless that she’d lose him too, she might be.

  “He’s off to the police academy in Dallas,” Tessa stated, wondering how in the world she hadn’t already filled Izzy in on everything that was going on lately. And despite her questions, Tessa knew Izzy was up to speed on everything that was going on in Devil’s Bend, but she liked to pretend she wasn’t.

  “Dallas? I thought he was trying for Austin?”

  “He was. They don’t have any space right now.”

  “Does that mean Cooper’s gonna be working for you for a while?”

  Tessa didn’t know what that was going to mean. Hell, come tomorrow, he may not want to have anything to do with her. She forced her thoughts to remain in the moment instead of drifting back to the most amazing night she’d ever had.

  “Are you dating him?” Izzy asked suddenly, and Tessa instinctively turned to face her, much faster than her casual answer would support.

  “Why would you ask that?”

  The mischievous grin on Izzy’s pretty face told Tessa the answer before her best friend said a word.

  “Because of that…,” Izzy exclaimed as she pointed at her. “Your reaction. You are seeing him. Wow. Tessa Donovan and Cooper Krenshaw.”

  “It is so not like that,” Tessa said with a hysterical laugh.

  “So tell me how it is then.”

  Tessa felt the scrutiny of Izzy’s gaze. She also felt her friends concern.

  “I don’t know what it is.” At least that was the truth.

  As of that morning, from the second her eyes opened, Tessa knew she was getting in over her head. No matter her reasons for wanting to keep Cooper at a distance, more so for self-preservation than anything else, she found herself thinking about him constantly. Not only was last night the absolute hottest thing she’d ever experienced, she couldn’t deny the connection she had felt.

  “If he sticks around, I could see myself dating him. For a while.”

  The long pause between them held a wealth of meaning, but Tessa hoped Izzy would keep her thoughts to herself. Her friend meant well, and she had always been there for Tessa when she needed her, but Tessa still never shared her most intimate thoughts with anyone.

  “Honey, I know you’ve been hurt. And I know you miss Richie, but he isn’t coming back.”

  Before Tessa could respond, Izzy continued. “And as for that asshole Chad, he wasn’t worth the air he breathed. I think you squashed his ego, and he didn’t know how to deal with it. But he was an anomaly. Not all men are like that,” Izzy stated, leaning forward on the swing, reaching for Tessa’s hand.

  Tessa gave in to Izzy’s sympathetic gesture, but it only had minimal impact on her concern. The very idea of being painted with such a brutal, vicious reputation was more than she could stand. Even though the rumors had
n’t been true, they still hurt. She had managed to disassociate herself with relationships in general just to avoid the stigma that would come along with them. She had learned early on that the catty women in their small town enjoyed harassing her when they thought she might even remotely be interested in a man. Not that she was.

  No, Tessa had kept herself isolated from any and all relationships. She hadn’t even gone on one single date in the year since she and Chad called it quits. Considering Chad still lived in Devil’s Bend, and he still enjoyed harassing her from time to time, probably to remind her that he was still there, she wasn’t interested in drawing his attention any deeper. Lucky for her, Chad feared Jack, which helped some. Mostly due to her younger brother, Chad gave her a wide berth these days.

  “Look at me, Tessa.” Izzy squeezed her hand and Tessa steeled her resolve as she faced her friend. “Do me a huge favor, would ya?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Give this guy a chance. He may not be what you’re looking for, but until you give it a shot, you’ll never know. No one is ever going to replace Richie. But, this guy isn’t Chad either. He deserves a chance.”

  Tessa nodded her head and glanced out at the dogs still snoozing in the shade. She’d give him a chance. At least a shot at a casual, no strings attached, friends with benefits romp. That way, if and when the world came crashing down around her, her heart would at least have been spared.

  The sound of an engine in the distance had Tessa releasing Izzy’s hand and turning to see who was coming toward her house. Since she lived at the end of a long dirt road, she knew whoever it was had her house in mind for their destination, she just couldn’t imagine who it could be.

  “Oh. My. God!” Izzy exclaimed, jumping to her feet as the big, gray truck came rolling to a stop close to the house. “Is that him?”

  The smile that tipped her lips came without warning. Her heart fluttered strangely in her chest. Both because of Izzy’s enthusiasm, but more so at the fact Cooper had come over. The idea that he wanted to see her, as much as she secretly wanted to see him, did odd things to her insides.

  Like a crazed lunatic, Izzy set her wine glass on the railing before she darted out into the yard, jumping up and down like a teenager with a crush.

  “You’re Cooper Krenshaw!” she screamed as he slid down from the truck.

  Good grief. The man looked freaking hot. Those damn tattered jeans encased his powerful legs, drawing Tessa’s eyes right down his body. Then back up. The white t-shirt he was wearing formed perfectly to the hard chest and sculpted abs beneath. She vividly remembered what the man looked like naked and heat suffused her face as she tried to force back the naughty image.

  As though Cooper knew Izzy, or at least women like her, he put his brawny hands on her shoulders and practically held her so she’d stop hopping up and down. When he grinned knowingly up at Tessa, a shiver ran down her spine.

  “Nice to meet you. Let me guess. You must be Isabelle.”

  “Izzy. Yes. I’m… Oh my God! You’re Cooper Krenshaw,” Izzy squealed and then turned toward Tessa. “And he knows my name!”

  Tessa laughed, but she didn’t move from her front row seat. She wondered whether this was how Cooper was greeted by women everywhere. It was clear that her very married best friend had a major crush on the country superstar.

  Tessa couldn’t necessarily blame her, she thought to herself.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Cooper laughed at Tessa’s friend’s reaction. He attempted to keep the tiny thing from plowing him down, but her excitement made him laugh. The moment he saw Tessa and the other woman sitting on the front porch, he had contemplated turning around, not bothering to stop. Except he wouldn’t be able to do it casually because there was only one way in and one way out, which meant Tessa would obviously know he had changed his mind.

  Looking at her now, her pretty blonde hair swept up on top of her head, just a few loose strands blowing around her face, he wasn’t sure he would be able to make himself leave without talking to her.

  “Oh, my.” Izzy’s voice pulled Cooper from his trance, and he turned to look down at the fiery red headed woman standing in front of him. She had finally calmed down, thank goodness. “Would you look at the time? I’ve got… a… thing. Yep, I’ve got a thing to go see. Do. Whatever.”

  Cooper laughed again, noticing Tessa’s beaming smile as she sat on the front porch railing watching them.

  “Yep. Thanks for the chat, Tess. I’ll call you later.”

  Cooper was fascinated by the woman’s joy. The way she held her pinky and her thumb up to her head, resembling a telephone. And just like that, she was skipping away like a teenager.

  That’s when Cooper realized there weren’t any other vehicles in the driveway. He turned to see which direction Izzy was going, and she had already set out at a run across the field that separated Tessa’s house from her next door neighbor. He grinned again.

  “What brings you by, cowboy?” Tessa asked as Cooper turned to face her, his entire body hardening at the sultry sound of her voice.

  “Oh, you know. Just out and about. Was in the neighborhood.”

  Tessa chuckled, and Cooper moved closer. He found himself trying not to make any sudden movements because the last thing he wanted was for her to panic and run inside, similar to the way she had done just that morning when he was backing out of her driveway.

  “In the neighborhood, huh?” Tessa’s voice had a raspy undertone that drove him absolutely mad. Especially last night when she’d been crying out his name as she came.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He moved closer until he was up on the porch, his body just inches away from hers. She turned to face him, continuing to sit on the railing that surrounded her narrow front porch, and he was immediately assaulted with memories of the night before.

  When he stepped between her jeans clad legs, she was forced to look up at him. He couldn’t think of a single thing to say, but his body was begging him to get even closer. Just another inch.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” he warned her, unable to stop himself. And that’s exactly what he did.

  Without waiting for permission, Cooper leaned down until his lips met hers as he cupped her head, holding her still while he slid his tongue in her mouth. When her soft moan made it to his ears, Cooper pulled back slightly, meeting her gaze. “Did you miss me?”

  He could’ve sworn a frown turned down the corners of her mouth, but then suddenly she was smiling. “Maybe. Did you miss me?”

  “That’s why I’m here,” he explained. “I didn’t think I could go all night without seeing you.”

  Cooper had finally had enough of himself and knew he needed to get out of the house. At first he hadn’t had any idea where he was going, but when he ended up driving down Tessa’s street, he didn’t question himself. Since the minute he left her that morning, she’d been the only thing on his mind. He had the bandaged thumb to prove it.

  “What happened?” Tessa asked, sounding calmer than he expected a woman to be as she took his hand in hers and held it out.

  “The hammer jumped right out of my hand and landed on my thumb.”

  “Hmmm, maybe I need to teach you how to use a hammer correctly.” Tessa’s eyes danced with mischief and Cooper leaned in again, stealing another kiss.

  “I’m more than happy to be your student. Anytime, anywhere.” Here and now would be good.

  “I’d hate to put you to shame,” Tessa joked, her smile actually reaching her eyes that time.

  “That right?” Cooper loved Tessa’s flirtatious side. She didn’t show it often though. “So what do you say we go get a bite to eat? I promise not to keep you out too late tonight. Unless of course you’d like me to.”

  “What were you thinking?”

  Cooper honestly expected her to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn’t go out with him, so he hadn’t actually thought everything through. After that morning, the way she had all but run inside her house when he droppe
d her off, he knew she wasn’t going to be an easy woman to get close to. Those vulnerable moments like the night before aside. It had taken a considerable amount of effort to get her to relax enough around him, but Cooper wasn’t complaining. The reward was so worth the effort.

  “How about we run into town and grab a burger.” He was willing to make this simple if it meant he could spend time with her.

  “I could eat,” she said with a shy grin.

  “Good.” Pulling her down from the railing, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips before turning her toward the house. “I’ll wait right here while you get ready.”

  The look on Tessa’s face said she was surprised by his actions. Exactly what Cooper had been going for. If he really wanted to push it, he would follow her inside. But as much as he would like to get intimately familiar with her bed, he knew Tessa wouldn’t hang around long if she thought he was only after sex, even if she claimed it was all she wanted. Which he wasn’t. Sure, he was aching for another round with her, but he was slowly learning how to be patient.

  “Go on now,” he told her as he swatted her on the butt, making her jump.

  “Give me five minutes.” Tessa’s words trailed behind her as she disappeared into the house. Cooper would give her all night if she would just ask.

  Half an hour later, they were pulling into one of the busier diner’s in the neighboring town. Tessa had mentioned that they had the best burgers and Cooper wasn’t one to argue so he’d let her give him directions.

  Taking her hand, they walked inside together. Surprisingly, the restaurant was fairly busy for a Wednesday night, but not nearly as jam-packed as the restaurants Cooper was used to.

  They found a booth in the back and Cooper gave Tessa some space, opting to sit across from her. He would much rather sit beside her, but he knew not to push his luck. She seemed nervous, but the fact that she had agreed to go out with him was a good sign.

  They didn’t have to wait long before a harried waitress approached their table, sparing them a minimal glance as she took their drink orders and rattled off the specials. Once she disappeared, Cooper turned his attention back to Tessa, watching as she perused the menu.


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