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Sweet Seduction s-3

Page 5

by Maya Banks

  He hoped this worked. Micah was scarily thorough when it came to making sure she wouldn't find out it was him. Nathan felt like a first-class moron changing his soap and deodorant for the occasion, not to mention wearing light cologne. He never wore cologne.

  Keep her touches to a minimum, because Lord knew she'd spent enough time touching him. A woman as tactile as she was would probably have his physique memorized.

  And silent. Stay silent. That one was obvious enough, but not as easy as it seemed when he wanted nothing more than to tell her in excruciating detail precisely what he planned to do to her.

  Micah seemed to be waiting for him to make the first move, a fact he appreciated. Micah wasn't the type to ever let anyone else call the shots, but in this he seemed willing to sit back and let Nathan dictate the pace. Which was kind of stupid, given that Nathan had zero experience in this whole threesome arena, while Micah seemed to practice them regularly.

  Why couldn't he have normal friends?

  Drawn by the erotic sight of Julie, naked with only a bloodred sash tied around her eyes, he moved in close. He wanted to touch her. To run his hands over her skin and feel all the curves and soft swells.

  She jumped when he put his palm down over her belly. Then she moaned softly when he let his fingers wander upward, brushing the undersides of her breasts. He cupped the mounds and ran his thumb over the puckered crest of her nipple. Such a wonderful contrast of silky smooth skin and velvety ripples.

  He drew the nipple between his thumb and fingers, stroking and pulling just enough to get it to elongate. She raised her hands, blindly seeking him, but he stepped back. It was agony, because he wanted her hands on him, but he couldn't take that chance.

  No longer caring that there was another man in the room with them, Nathan started pulling off his clothing. The sooner he could get skin to skin with her, the sooner he'd be in heaven.

  Julie trembled in anticipation. When would he touch her again? Those hands. Wonderful hands. Slightly rough, which told her he worked with his hands enough that they were calloused. They were gentle, yet firm enough to give her a decadent thrill as they traveled her body.

  She could hear the soft rustle of clothing. Where was the other man? She jumped again when another hand curled around her ankle. Ah, there he was. His touch was different, more assertive. Less coaxing.

  His fingers brushed along her leg, working the sensitive spots on the inside of her thigh, under her knee, then higher still until he was precariously close to her pussy.

  Restless, she stirred, opening to him, but he backed off, and she moaned in frustration. His soft chuckle echoed in the quiet room.

  Her first lover was back. She felt his presence before he ever touched her. The bed dipped as he crawled up beside her. There was a pause. Was he watching her? Looking at her? Did he like what he saw?

  She arched her body invitingly, and then she gasped when his lips touched her belly. His hot tongue dipped into her navel, rimming it then grazing her skin with his teeth. She reached down, wanting to touch him, but the other man grasped her wrists, and to her surprise, pulled her arms up over her head, holding her captive there while his partner continued to lick a path up to her breasts.

  The bristle of a beard scraped against her skin. God, she loved that. Nathan immediately came to mind. Him and that sexy goatee. Oh yeah, this blindfold idea was great. Now she could fantasize that it was Nathan running his tongue over her body.

  His lips found her nipple, and he nuzzled gently, coaxing the bud into erection. Her mind went fuzzy as pleasure exploded through her body. His tongue laved over the point, and then he used his teeth to graze the delicate skin. She could no longer contain her cry when he sucked it strongly into his mouth.

  He went taut against her at her exclamation, as if the audible sound of her approval pleased him very much. If that's what it took, she'd be more than happy to reward him every time he pleased her.

  To her complete shock, his hands and mouth left her breasts, and he framed her face with his palms then crashed his lips down over hers. It was as though he hungered for her far more than she hungered for him. He tasted her, devoured her, absorbed her.

  Not content to lie there passively even though her arms were still trapped above her head, she kissed him back just as urgently. She opened her mouth to let him in, but she also thrust her tongue over his, wanting entry just as she allowed him access.

  His beard scraped roughly at her chin, abrading the tender area. He tasted and smelled positively divine. Wholly male. Strong and powerful.

  She studied the feel of his body pressed so close to hers. His chest wasn't too hairy, but neither was his skin smooth. The dips and lines of his muscles, the fact that there was no give in his body, told her how solidly he was put together.

  It was killing her not to touch him. She was a tactile person. Touching others was her living, her joy.

  "I want to touch you," she whispered.

  He chuckled softly and the hands tightened around her wrists. No they weren't going to allow her to touch. Why not? This was her fantasy, damn it.

  But she forgot all about protesting when he moved down her body, his hands cupping her hips as he kissed a line straight to her pussy.

  The man holding her wrists bent over her. She could smell him as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. God, the combination of these two men was the most powerful aphrodisiac she'd ever encountered.

  A single finger slid through her folds, parting her and pressing into her heat. His mouth found her center, his tongue plunging deep.

  The lips at her breast became more insistent, going from one to the other, sucking and nipping sharply. He was more demanding than the first. Not as gentle and sensual. The differences were compelling. Between her legs, her gentle lover made love to her with all the care and finesse of a man who instinctively knew how to please a woman. The man at her breasts was harder, with an edge to his movements that excited her even while she soaked up the attentions of the other.

  Nathan picked his head up and saw Micah sucking hungrily at Julie's breasts. A bolt sizzled through him. Shock. Jealousy. And then, strangely, lust. It should piss him off that another man was taking what he considered his, but in a barbaric way, it aroused the hell out of him.

  And God, but she was beautiful, stretched between them, arching, begging for more, her skin glowing with a sheen of sweat. Her scent was driving him insane. He couldn't get enough of her taste.

  He ran his tongue over her quivering entrance, circled it with the tip and then traveled up until he sucked her clit gently into his mouth.

  He was rewarded by a sharp cry and she bucked so hard against him, he had to hold her hips with both hands. She was wild and so damn responsive. It was all he could do not to rear up and drive deep into her body. Only the knowledge that he wanted to make this truly spectacular for her kept him from doing just that.

  Micah raised his head, and Nathan saw the glittering need in his friend's eyes. There was something harsh and almost primal. He moved to the side and motioned Nathan away for a moment.

  Curious as to what Micah was doing, Nathan eased away, though he kept his hands on her, wanting, needing to touch her at all times.

  Micah coaxed her to her knees, helping position her just so. For all Micah's demanding, hard edges, he was exceedingly careful. Or maybe he knew how difficult this was for Nathan to swallow.

  He might be new to the whole multiple partners aspect, but he didn't need Julie's damn instruction manual to figure out what to do next. As Micah positioned himself at Julie's mouth, Nathan reached for a condom, his hands shaking as he rolled it on.

  He watched in fascination as Micah eased his cock into Julie's mouth. He held her jaw with one hand, his thumb stroking across her cheek while he guided himself past her lips with his other hand. Both their expressions were a study in carnality. Desire. Lust. Extreme satisfaction.

  Nathan leaned down and kissed the small of Julie's back, letting his lips linger as his hands
drifted over her hips, over the swell of her buttocks. He ran a finger down the cleft of her ass and lower, until he delved into her wetness once again. He wanted to make damn certain she was ready for him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  She squirmed and moved her ass back as if seeking him. The tip of his cock butted against her skin, and he moaned. She took her mouth off Micah's cock long enough to look over her shoulder.

  "Don't make me beg," she whispered

  It was all he could stand. No, he wouldn't make this proud woman beg for anything. Not when he was all too willing to give her exactly what she wanted.

  He positioned himself and slowly, carefully sheathed himself in her heat.

  They both groaned, and Micah even let out a sound of agony as she made moans of contentment around a mouth full of his dick.

  Nathan stayed inside her, his hips flush against her ass. Reaching underneath to cup her full breasts, he toyed with her nipples, stroking them to stiff peaks.

  When she wiggled against him again, he withdrew slowly, dragging his cock through the velvet clasp of her pussy. She moaned and threw her head back, taking more of Micah's cock. It sent Nathan beyond his measured control.

  He slammed into her, rocking her onto Micah's dick. She took them both deep, her body trembling uncontrollably underneath Nathan's hands. He stroked and caressed, unable to keep his fingers from touching her as he plunged into her welcoming body.

  Uninhibited. He loved it. This was a woman who gloried in her sexuality, who wasn't afraid to ask—no, demand—what she wanted, and she was so goddamn beautiful doing it.

  He reached out, wanting to tangle his fingers in her silky hair. Micah relinquished his grip on her head as Nathan pulled slightly, wrapping the tresses around his palms, letting them slide sensuously over his fingers.

  She let out pretty little sighs each time he stroked inward. She convulsed wetly around him, her body holding him, reluctant to let him leave each time. He pushed deeper, seeking her sweet spot, wanting to give her the ultimate pleasure.

  Good, so good. He closed his eyes, enjoying the electric, razor-sharp currents gathering in his balls, tightening and drawing them together. Man, he wanted this to last, and if he didn't slow down, he was going to explode.

  He met Micah's gaze over her body, and Micah lifted an eyebrow in question. As much as Nathan didn't like the idea of another man sliding into her sweet pussy, he wanted to feel her mouth around his bare cock, and he also wanted Julie to have her fantasy.

  He gave a short nod and carefully withdrew, pulling at the condom. Micah reached for one as he walked around the bed and hurriedly jerked it on. Practice. Yeah, Micah had clearly had a lot of practice at this. It was enough to make Nathan feel like a rank amateur in comparison. The only reason he wasn't ready to crawl under the bed was because Julie seemed to genuinely enjoy his lovemaking. For that reason, he could continue to ignore Micah's participation in this whole thing.

  Julie quaked in anticipation as her first lover's fingers lovingly brushed over her face. He pushed back her hair, tucking it tenderly behind her ears, and then he let his hands trail down her neck and forward under her chin until he cupped it.

  She wanted to taste him. Wanted to please him like he'd taken such great pains to do for her. She parted her lips and ran her tongue over her swollen mouth. The tip of his cock butted against her bottom lip, and his thumb stroked her cheek, asking her permission.

  No longer bracing herself on the mattress with both hands, she reached eagerly up to grasp his cock in her fingers. Guiding it to her mouth, she sucked him deep, her body catching fire as he hissed his satisfaction.

  Behind her, firm hands gripped her ass. This lover reached underneath the globes with his thumbs, pushing upward and parting her just before he stabbed deep.

  The differences in their sizes, their shapes, fascinated her. They tasted different. They made love to her differently. Her second lover stroked deep, not waiting for her to adjust to his size. He was slightly longer, but not as big around. He certainly reached deeper into her body, but she didn't clasp him as tight, and she missed the delicious friction.

  Then he picked up his pace, and she forgot all about her analysis. His hands gripped her insistently as he pumped into her, fast, hard, demanding.

  By contrast, her first lover was making love to her mouth with all the gentleness and care he'd shown when he was inside her pussy. Deep, but careful. Sensual, almost like a massage. That was it. His slow, measured movements reminded her so much of how she massaged. Lovingly, caressing, as though he enjoyed the act of touching her, of feeling her, as she did.

  The dual pace set off a spark inside her that was like a fuse being lit. It burned fast, racing up to the inevitable explosion. She gripped his cock tighter around the base, wanting him to come with her. She sucked harder, exerting firmer pressure as she moved both hand and mouth in rhythm.

  His hands tangled in her hair, pulling her closer, burying himself deeper inside her mouth. Breathless. He swelled within her, taking as much as she would give. Her second lover was fucking her with savage intensity, reaching inside her to her most sensitive depths.

  Then his fingers stuttered across her clit, plucking and rolling just the right way. Oh God.

  Warm fluid spurted onto her tongue and the hands in her hair tightened around her head, holding her, giving her no choice but to swallow him whole.

  They exploded together, him in her mouth as she gave a muffled cry. The tension in her pussy wound tighter until she simply burst under the strain, the pleasure so magnificent, so sharp. It was too much and not enough all at the same time.

  The sticky fluid filled her mouth, and she swallowed quickly as she sucked every inch of him deep. His fingers trembled against her scalp and his hips spasmed as he thrust rapidly. Then he stilled and she lovingly lapped her tongue around his softening erection as she washed away every drop of semen.

  When she finally let him slide from her mouth, he gathered her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, then her cheekbones. His lips slid higher to kiss each temple as he stroked her hair. The gentle kisses melted her heart. He took such care with her.

  Carefully the man at her ass withdrew and she found herself being turned onto her back, her legs parted and warm lips nuzzling between her thighs. The other man laced his fingers with hers and held them to the mattress at her sides. They seemed so determined not to let her touch them.

  Her clit spasmed and jumped almost painfully as he licked at the still-quivering nub. When she would have protested the sharp, post-orgasm sensations, the man at her head bent and kissed her softly on the lips.

  She forgot everything but the two mouths on her, drinking and sipping as they coaxed her down from the bomb burst of just seconds ago.

  Her second lover's tongue lapped lightly at her pussy, going lower, delving into her opening, covering every inch of sensitive skin.

  She moaned into her first lover's mouth, allowing him to drink up her sounds as he licked over her lips. He nibbled lower, biting gently at her neck, grazing his teeth in little short arcs.

  Chill bumps rose and danced across her skin, racing from breasts to pussy. Before he ever got to her nipples, they were taut. Upright and straining like little beads awaiting his kiss.

  His mouth closed around one so carefully and reverently she nearly died on the spot. Amazingly, as soon as his lips made contact with the puckered crest, she felt the stirrings of another orgasm, curling deep and rising like a thin smoke plume.

  "Yes," she sighed. "Oh yes."

  She felt him smile against her breast and an indescribable thrill ran through her at the thought of him being pleased with her.

  The licks at her pussy became firmer, drawing her higher and closer to her orgasm. He seemed to know a woman's body so well, taking care around her most sensitive parts and being harder in the places she wanted him to be more assertive. He didn't ravage her clit, and seemed to realize just how supersensitive she was after that first orga
sm. He took such care, sucking ever so gently, holding it in his mouth as he flicked little light licks over the center.

  She wanted to box both men up and take them home with her. She'd never leave her bedroom again.

  "Harder," she whispered to the man at her breast. "Just a little harder."

  He readily complied, sucking more urgently at her nipple. He went to the other, giving it equal treatment. Then he pressed her hands more firmly into the mattress and tapped her wrists in warning. His message was clear.

  Then he released her and palmed both her breasts, kissing one and then the other. While he caressed one, he suckled the other, driving her mad. She wanted more, needed more.

  The mouth at her pussy became more demanding, licking and sucking with just enough pressure to make her insane with wanting. She reached for the orgasm lurking precious inches away.

  Bucking and bowing her body up in mindless need, her hands started to fly up, but she let them fall back in quiet acceptance of her lovers request. It should have irked her to no end, but he hadn't demanded. And he'd been so good to her, so gentle. She wouldn't deny him the one thing he'd asked of her so far.

  And then, shockingly, the man between her legs picked up his head just as the other man slid down her body, his chest pressed to her belly as his mouth covered her pussy in a hot rush. She exploded instantaneously, coming hard in a hot liquid rush.

  He drank her greedily as she came on his tongue. He sucked and lapped like a man starving, and it gave her such an erotic thrill that yet another mini orgasm rushed on the heels of the second, a sharp, painful burst that left her screaming her release.

  She lay weakly against the bed, her legs limp. Exhausted, she rested there as he kissed and licked between her legs.

  She wanted to say something, but the words lodged in her throat. She didn't want to come across as needy. This was sex. Good sex, but sex nonetheless. No way in hell she was going to get all girly and emotional.

  Her first lover moved off her and she wondered if he would leave now, but no, he carefully arranged her body like he wanted her on the bed and then tucked her against his hard form. His heart beat fast and furious against her back as he spooned against her.


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