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Small Town Doctor

Page 12

by Dobson, Marissa

  “When I gave birth to Abbi there were some complications. To make matters worse I did it in the cabin and had nearly delivered before Doctor Bowmen arrived. He wanted me to come into the office for a follow-up after the birth, but I never did. I had Abbi, Josh’s trial was about to begin, I just couldn’t do it. So I’m not sure if I can have any more children. It’s possible the complications have made that harder or impossible.”

  “There’s only one way to tell. We can make an appointment with Doctor Bowmen. I’ll go with you if you want. Jes can watch Abbi.”

  “It’s another reason I said I thought you deserve someone else.” She looked back at Abbi and nodded. “Call him and see when he can get me in. Children are something important to me, to us, and I think it’s time to find out.”

  “I want you to know that no matter what you find out, I love you. We have Abbi and can adopt if we want. There’s always the option of a surrogate. I want you and Abbi. I won’t let something like not being able to have other children stand in our way.” He kissed her forehead.

  “A surrogate?”

  “Ah, I forgot you missed that bit of town drama.”

  “What do you mean? You’ve been here less than a year, how much town drama could you have seen during that time?”

  He smirked. “I was a part of it, so was Jes. You might have known Michael was married before my sister.”

  “Yeah. Pat or someone.”

  “Peg. They couldn’t have children so they wanted a surrogate. Jes volunteered. She knew Michael and always had a thing for him, but I guess from what I’m told, I was one of the reasons things never happened between them. I’m getting away from the point. Jes arrived in Clearwater a few weeks before Christmas last year, as part of the agreement. Michael and Peg had come to Denver to attend the prenatal doctor appointments and Doctor Bowmen was going to deliver them here. When she arrived to spend the last portion of her pregnancy with them, she found Michael a mess and in the process of a divorce.”

  “What did she do?”

  “Just like she’s always done when things went wrong. She put the pieces back together. Only there was a new piece to Michael’s puzzle now. Somehow, in the middle of getting everything ready for the twins, because he hadn’t begun the nursery or anything. Not to mention the surprise second baby that didn’t announce herself until she came here and Doctor Bowmen did an ultrasound, they fell in love. There had been something between them for years, but Michael denied it because of me and medical school. This was what they needed to get together.”

  “An amazing love story.”

  “I never thought my romantic sister would settle for anything else. She found a Christmas romance and was able to keep the family together.”

  “That’s fantastic. Jes is more amazing than I knew. So does that mean the girls aren’t biologically hers?”

  “No. Peg’s eggs weren’t healthy enough for the process. So Michael’s sperm was used to fertilize Jes’s eggs. Kari and Kami are their children. Jes would say it was meant to be.”

  “What happened with Peg?”

  “She left, moved to Denver, and last I saw her she was engaged to another man. She decided she didn’t want the children because they weren’t hers biologically.”

  “How sad.” She shook her head. “But it worked out for Jes and Michael in the end.”

  “Just like it will for us. I love you.” He hugged her tight to him.

  “You’re too good for us but I love you.”

  They shared another brief kiss before he stepped back. “I’m going to change and give him a call.” When she nodded he headed down the hallway toward the master bedroom where he could have privacy to fill Doctor Richard Bowmen in and he could change.

  With each step his thoughts spun faster and faster. He wanted Richard’s news to be positive, not just for the sake of having children with Ella, but also because the news she couldn’t conceive could damage the progress he’d made with her. He didn’t want her to close herself off from him, but more importantly, he didn’t want to lose her back to that cabin in the woods again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You want to do what?” James couldn’t believe what his sister was suggesting. Normally he’d do whatever he could to please her, but this might have been asking too much, especially right now. With Ella and Abbi living here he wasn’t sure how they’d handle a bunch of people tramping through.

  “It only makes sense to have the party here. I’m not going to have a new refrigerator until Monday. How am I going to keep the food cold, drinks, and what about the leftovers? Your house is big enough. Betty and I can handle everything, plus I have the catering staff coming. Please say yes, James, if not I’ll have to cancel the Halloween party.”

  “What about Ella and Abbi? I don’t know if they’re ready for something like this. It’s one thing to have it somewhere else where we can leave if it gets to be too much. But having it here, not to mention the preparations, we have less than twenty-four hours. There’s no way we can get it all done.”

  “Sure we can.” Ella stepped into the kitchen.

  “What?” James turned to look at her. “You don’t even know what she’s asking.”

  “I heard what Jes is asking, and we can do it. Abbi is looking forward to the party, and you know what? So am I. Let’s do this.”

  “Thank you so much.” Jes hopped off the barstool she was sitting on and wrapped her arms around Ella. “This party is going to be a success thanks to you.”

  “This party wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for you.” Michael smiled at Ella.

  “Actually, it wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for either of them. This party was Jes’s idea, she wanted to do something fun, and since it’s not Christmas yet, she thought Halloween was the next best thing. Now, since Ella has committed my house as party central, well…you see where I’m going with this.” James smirked at Michael. “Women.”

  “I’ll make this up to you,” Jes told him before turning her attention back to Ella. “He’s such a downer, guess it’s good I haven’t told him that he’s been roped into coming to the New Year’s party.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding!” James looked from her to Michael. “Please tell me she isn’t.”

  “Sorry, my friend, she is.” Michael rubbed a hand over Jes’s shoulders. “Maybe you two want to stay at Ella’s tonight? Jes and I can have this place set up by morning, then the real fun begins.”

  “I don’t mind helping,” Ella offered, but Jessi shook her head.

  “No, Michael’s right. You’ve done enough, plus I want it to be a surprise for Abbi.”

  “Kicked out of my own home.” James wrapped his arm around Ella’s waist. “Come on, let’s gather a few things and get on the road so Abbi can get to bed on time.”

  Ella nodded and let him lead her back to their bedroom. When they were out of hearing range, he whispered, “Did you find out anything?”

  “You of all people know how this works. Doctors run test, they won’t give complete answers until they’ve got all the results. He said he’d rush them as a favor to you, but we most likely won’t know anything until next week sometime. How did you ever get me an appointment anyway?”

  “We’re colleagues and his office is right by mine. Oh, and I promised him a batch of Jessi’s delicious brownies.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Not yet but after having this party here she owes me big time.”

  She shook her head. “Go get your stuff, I’ll let Abbi know and she can clean up her toys before we go.”

  “Such a good mother, always making her clean up.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  “She’s never had so many toys, so who knows how much longer she’ll be willing to clean up. I know when I was her age I fought my mother when she wanted me to put things away.”

  “Maybe we won’t have that with her. She’s responsible beyond her years and she listens like no other child I’ve seen. You’re a remarkable parent.”
r />   On that note they parted ways as she went to Abbi’s bedroom, and he continued into the one they shared. He was tempted to call Richard to see if there was anything he could tell from the exam before they headed to the cabin and away from cell reception, but knowing Richard, if there was something to report he’d have already called. Now, they just had to wait and see. The waiting was always the hard part.

  * * *

  Ella opened the front door to James’s house and was stunned. She couldn’t believe the transformation in only a few hours. Halloween decorations everywhere, not including the front yard which had been made up to look like a graveyard.

  “Hey, Ella. James with you?” Jessi stood on the ladder over the fireplace putting up a Halloween wreath.

  “Yeah, Abbi’s here too. What can we do?”

  “Send James to help Michael, he’s around back finishing the dresses.”

  “I heard and I’m going. I don’t even want to know what the dresses are.” James tossed his overnight back by the door and went out the door to make his way around the house.

  “He might not want to know, but I do. So what are these dresses?” Ella asked, shutting the door behind them.

  “It’s chicken wire we cut into the shapes of dresses, then spray-painted with glow in the dark paint. Tonight they will light up and look like there are ghosts walking through our makeshift graveyard.” Jessi adjusted the wreath a little to the right until it was perfect. “Michael completed the calls to the guests this morning and everyone knows to come here. The catering company will be here in a few hours with addition food.”

  “Well, what can I do?”

  “Abbi.” Jessi came to kneel before her. “My twins Kari and Kami are in the guest room next to yours with my housekeeper Betty. Would you like to go play with them?”

  “Can I?” Abbi looked up at Ella.

  “Go ahead, but remember they are just babies. Be careful with them, they’re not like your dolls.”

  “She’ll be fine. Betty’s there,” Jessi assured her. “Now you can help me with the last few items. Then we can get ready for the party. I hope you don’t mind if we just change here. I’ve got a makeshift nursery set up in the guest room so the girls are close, and Laya, J.C.’s sister, is going to watch them during the party so Betty can supervise the staff and we can enjoy ourselves.”

  “It’s hours before the party.”

  “Try dressing twins, your husband, and yourself on a deadline.” Jessi laughed. “The girls won’t be at the party much but you know what this town is like, they’re going to want to see Kari and Kami. If Abbi wants to stay in there, she can. Laya’s little sister Kelly will be in there too, she will be five next month.”

  “Oh, a perfect playmate for Abbi. That’s wonderful. J.C. is the one with eight younger siblings right? He’s engaged to Rebecca.”

  “Yeah, he found a place here to reclaim his life after he left the service and convinced his mother to move the rest of the family here.”

  “James has been filling me in. Will Jordan and Chloe be here tonight? Maybe Gioven?” She really had hoped Gioven would call but there hadn’t been any word since their last visit. It had taken everything in her not to go back to Winterbloom to try to see him again.

  “Jordan, Chloe, and Bianca will be here. Gioven? You mean that Marine who’s staying in one of the cabins? I don’t know him, so he wasn’t actually invited, but I guess Jordan could bring him if he’s up for it. Is he thinking about settling in Clearwater? We already have three former Marines, what’s another one.”

  “I don’t know if he’s thinking of staying here.” Ella shrugged, not wanting to go into more details or to explain how she had met him. “Let’s get this done. I don’t want you rushing around trying to get ready while the guests are arriving. I might have convinced James to have the party here, but I have no desire to play hostess.”

  “Well, for the New Year’s party I’m hoping you’ll co-hostess with me. It’ll be fun.”

  Ella glanced out the window toward where the white tent had been set up. “At the end of December where do you plan to put everyone? It’s not like you can do a tent like you have now with the bobbing for apples station and everything else. You’re going to have to do it all inside.”

  “We’ll have less activates. Plus, it’s about the ball dropping, getting your midnight kiss, not about the fall games. It’s going to be fun, and once winter sets in, the town residents don’t see each other as much. There are no events at the lake, or picnics, so we live for things like this.”

  “I guess. The winter months get long, that’s for sure. Let’s see how this goes and then we can talk about the next party.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Ella had no doubts Jessi would do just that but before she could say anything the phone rang. “I’ll get it.”

  “If it’s a cancellation tell them we won’t hear of it and they’d better be here.”

  She just shook her head as she brought the phone to her ear. “Hello.”

  “Is this Ella Carmichael?” A male voice came through the line.

  “Umm, yes.” She tried not to panic. “Who’s this?”

  “Doctor Bowmen. I know you’re getting ready for the party but I have some news from your appointment yesterday…that…you—”

  “Hello? Are you still there?” She shook the phone like that would help. “Doctor Bowmen?”

  “Everything okay?” Jessi popped her head from the refrigerator where she was grabbing the apples.

  “I don’t know what happened. He was there and now nothing.” She stared down at the phone and refused to cry. What news?

  “You said Doctor Bowmen? Was he cancelling?”

  “No, he…” She wasn’t sure what to say.

  “Here.” Jes took the phone from her and pushed some buttons before she brought it to her ear. “It’s just going straight to voicemail. It’s possible he’s out of cell coverage.”

  “It’s fine.” She slammed her hand on the counter, terrified it was news she didn’t want to hear. “I just need a minute.” She took off down the hall toward the master bedroom before Jessi could say anything to stop her. She needed time to gather herself, to get her thoughts to settle before she could face anyone.

  * * *

  The last of the Halloween dresses was in place in the yard, while James and Michael took a moment to stand back and study their handy work. He’d thought the idea was bizarre to say the least, but it actually looked pretty good.

  “James!” Jes came marching toward them.

  “You’d have made a good drill instructor,” he joked.

  “You need to go inside.”

  “What’s wrong? Is something wrong with Ella or Abbi?”

  “Ella got a call from Doctor Bowmen and then she took off. The call got dropped. I tried him back but it just goes to voicemail. Is she pregnant or something?”

  “No.” He tossed the hammer on the ground. “Damn it, just give us a few minutes. Can you make sure Abbi’s okay and stays away for a bit?”

  “She’s with the girls and Betty, but I’ll make sure she stays there.”

  With that he took off to the house in a steady jog. With each step, he slowed his pace until he was in the hallway to the bedrooms.

  He slipped past without anyone noticing and made it to the bedroom. “Ella?” He pushed the slightly ajar door open, and when he didn’t see her he called out again. “Sweetie?”

  “I’m here.” A hand waved at him from the other side of the bed. She was crying.

  He went around the bed to find her sitting on the floor, her legs pulled tight against her chest. “Oh, Ella, come here.” He sank down next to her and pulled her against him. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “You don’t know that. He could have called to tell me I’ll never be able to have kids.” She sobbed. “Wait, how do you know?”

  “Jessi found me and told me you received a call from Richard but it was dropped. Cell phone service can be spot
ty around here, you know that. Especially in the winter or during a storm.”

  “It’s not storming.” She tried to reason between tears.

  “The wind is picking up out there, so you don’t know what it’s like on the mountains. Richard lives on the edge of town, on the mountain.” He ran his hand up and down her arm, soothing her. “It’s going to be okay. Richard will be here soon and he’ll tell you whatever he knows. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together.”

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he sat there, comforting her, telling her things would work out, when there was a knock at the door.

  “Not now.” He growled at whoever disturbed them.

  “James.” Jes pushed the door opened a little.

  “Not now, Jes. Whatever it is can wait.”

  “Richard is here. He’s asking to speak with both of you. I figured you wanted privacy so I asked him to wait in your home office. Will you see him or do you want me to ask him to come back?”

  “We’ll see him.” Ella wiped the tears away. “Tell him we’ll be right there. Thanks, Jes.”

  “You’re welcome.” She closed the door.

  “Are you sure? I can talk to him first if you’d like.”

  “No, just give me a moment.” She slipped into the bathroom to take care of her makeup, which had run with her tears.

  Suddenly uneasy, he tried to reassure himself that Richard wouldn’t drop bad news on them before the party. That whatever he’d found out had to be hopeful, or he would have waited until Monday to deliver the news out of professional courtesy.

  One thing after another seemed to hit them, and he just hoped Richard’s news wasn’t going to be another blow. He wasn’t sure how many more Ella could handle. Not having children with her would be a disappointment, but he refused to allow it to keep them apart. The love they shared was too strong to let this break them.

  * * *

  Ella took the seat James offered, wrenching her hands as nervousness made her stomach roil. Part of her wanted to demand what the test showed while the other part told her it was news she really didn’t want to know. That if she didn’t ask, he wouldn’t tell her, and she could go on without knowing how much she’d screwed up her body.


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