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The Land: Predators: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 7)

Page 16

by Aleron Kong

  “Good safety tip,” Richter said wryly. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer all the time, but he knew that he needed air to live. The chaos seed wasn’t complaining about Randy’s explanation of the spell though. He had just become dangerous and deadly underwater.

  “I must now ask, my lord” Ran’dolphinius began delicately, “would you like me to start instructing you in the ways of Water magic and rogue skills? If the answer is yes, I only ask three things. First, that you keep secret my Profession and Specialty unless I give you permission to do otherwise. Second, that we make a concerted effort to explore the Labyrinth and hopefully find a Node road to the Dungeon under Yves. Lastly, when we train, all that matters is my experience. At those times, I must be the master and you the student if I am going to teach you properly.”

  Before Richter could respond a notification window appeared.

  You have been offered a Quest: Spells and Skills for Silence I

  Your chamberlain and new Companion is much more than you ever suspected. Over nearly a century of life, he has garnered many skills, spells, and capabilities. He offers to share them with you freely, but you must make your best effort to explore the Labyrinth.

  Required Conditions:

  1) Tell no one of his true nature.

  2) Submit to Ran’dolphinius’ direction when actively training with him.

  Optional Condition: Find a path to the Dungeon that the royal palace in Law is built upon, the Hall of Elemental Hunters.

  Reward: Instruction in Water magic and rogue skills.

  Penalty for Failure or Refusal: Possible loss of Ran’dolphinius as a villager

  Do you accept? Yes or No?

  Richter blinked. On the surface, it sounded like a really good deal. He had already gained a crapload of useful spells from his chamberlain. There was also the point that studying under someone that had reached master rank would let him power level through his skills. His rogue skills were sorely lacking. The chaos seed’s Limitless ability meant he could advance in any direction, but he’d definitely become magic-focused of late. He had a strong suspicion that ignoring other parts of his education would have serious repercussions in the future. The penalty for failure was also the possible loss of Randy altogether. Richter just couldn’t imagine running the village without him.

  On the other hand… the man was a Spy! That third condition of following him as a student made logical sense, but he wondered if there were a hidden trap in the words. He really wanted to trust Ran’dolphinius. The man had always been awesome, but isn’t that what a Spy would do? Get his trust and then…

  Richter had to almost physically get control of himself. No! He had already decided not to do this. Richter looked his Companion in the eye. He trusted him. And the man was his Companion. It was in the wording. That only happened as long as their “goals aligned.” There were things Ran’dolphinius wasn’t telling him, he had admitted as much, but Richter trusted him. There was a question he needed answered first before accepting though.

  “What do you mean by a Node road?”

  “In Dungeons and the Labyrinth, there are Nodes scattered throughout. If you touch one of these, you can transport instantly to another location. There is a caveat, however. Every Node is a part of a vast network. Though I have touched Nodes in the Hall of Elemental Hunters, I cannot transport there from this Dungeon because I have not touched the Nodes in between.”

  The possibilities of that started racing through Richter’s mind, “So if we can find the Nodes between here and there, you could transport us into the palace of Law?”

  “No, my lord,” Ran’dolphinius said definitively. His voice took on the sing-song aspect heard when someone was repeating an old adage, “‘Dungeons are for adventure, not war.’ The Node road only works for whoever touches that actual Node. Even if we found our way all the way to the entrance of the Hall of Elemental Hunters, I still could not transport you to any other location in that Dungeon until you touched those Nodes yourself. This is also a good time to warn you never to take a large army into the Labyrinth. You may have already noticed that your War Leader skill does not work in the Dungeon?”

  Richter nodded, “Yeah, I was meaning to ask you about that.”

  “It is because the magic of the Labyrinth polices such things. If you enter the Dungeon with too large a party, you will gain no drops and you will also find yourself afflicted with penalties. Blows that should have landed will miss. Attacks your armor should rebuff will find your flesh. There is no way around this. There are cautionary tales of leaders foolish enough to try to take armies within the Labyrinth itself. They have each been destroyed to the last man. Taking a party larger than permitted into the Labyrinth attracts the very worst and strongest monsters, colossal horrors that none can resist. I will repeat myself, and please, pay heed to this warning, my lord, ‘Dungeons are for adventure, not war’.”

  The chamberlain’s tone was deadly serious, and Richter took his warning to heart, “That begs the question though. How many people can I safely take into the Dungeon? And does that mean only one group can enter the Dungeon at a time?”

  “In answer to your first question, my lord, the standard party of five is what is allowed. There are ways to increase this. It is possible to gain an evolution to your Mark of the Adventurer called Logistics that increases party size. There are Adventurers who make a living from having increased that particular evolution several times, allowing for much larger party sizes even if they are not strong fighters themselves.

  “In regard to a limit on the number of parties, I do not know. The Hall of Elemental Hunters is so large and so old that I know of no issues with many parties entering at once. For this Dungeon, without having even entered, I cannot say.”

  Richter checked his Dungeon interface for an answer, but again, it was a function blocked out saying he needed a “Dungeon Keeper.” A prompt he was getting very tired of seeing. Another prompt still hovered in his vision though, the quest offer.

  He chose “Yes.” Then he spoke clearly and directly to his chamberlain, “I am not a fool. I know that I have much to learn, but I am not a fool. You are a man of secrets. I have ample reasons not to trust you, but I also have many good reasons to give you trust. I choose to keep you with me. More than that, I choose to put my faith in you. Please do not disappoint me, or betray our people.” There was just the slightest of emphasis when he said “our” and Richter further punctuated his choice by accessing the Dungeon interface.

  You have given Ran’dolphinius access to the Dungeon of Bloody Chaos.

  You have given Ran’dolphinius immunity to the Doubt effect of the Dungeon entrance.

  The chamberlain bowed his head and reverentially said, “I am honored.”

  The trust you have shown to Ran’dolphinius has not gone unappreciated. Long has he been rejected for his heritage. The fact that you still accept him and, better yet, show understanding of why he initially concealed things from you, has strengthened the bond between the two of you. Allowing him access to the Dungeon has made this positive shift in relationship even stronger.

  You have gained +11,178 Relationship Points with Ran’dolphinius. Total Relationship Points: +31,695.

  He read and dismissed the prompts, processing the information with a faint smile. His decision to trust was already showing a positive yield. Based on the wording of the prompt, there might have been a decidedly significant drop in their relationship if he had refused the quest. Richter just hoped he wouldn’t regret his decision in the long term.

  “Thank you for your trust, my lord,” the chamberlain said with the same appreciative tone. “I will not betray it.”

  It was a moment of profound truth, and the two men shared a oneness of purpose that few have ever experienced.

  That was why Richter couldn’t help it, “You got it, Randy!”

  A strained groan was his only reply.

  CHAPTER 13 – Day 141 – Kuborn 31, 0 AoC

  Randolphus, as he begg
ed Richter to call him, continued explaining the spells he’d bequeathed. The chamberlain made it clear that he didn’t want his liege to use his real name and for the thousandth time protested being called Randy. Weak Purify Drink and Weak Swift Swim were obvious and did just what they sounded like. Weak Water Damage gave Richter cause for concern though.

  “My weapons are already enchanted,” the chaos seed protested. “Aren’t I risking a dangerous mixing of magics if I add Water damage to a blade that already has magical damage?”

  “It is true that there is some risk, but not with the quality of weapons you use, my lord.”

  “I didn’t think quality mattered for melding magics,” Richter replied.

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “From the sprites. Lady Hisako stressed it to me long ago.”

  “Ahhh,” Randolphus commented, nodding in understanding. “We are truly fortunate to have the wood sprites as allies, my lord.” He paused to choose his words carefully, “It is always important to cherish the strengths of one’s allies, but it is equally important to recognize their weaknesses.”

  Richter fixed him with a direct look, “Don’t dance with your hand on my ass man, just make your move.”

  After a short pause and a disapproving look, which was more than a bit comical on Randy’s inhuman fish face, he replied, “Colorful as always, my lord. What I am trying to say is that while the magic of the sprites is powerful, it is raw. Also, while Lady Hisako is clearly well read, most of her people know nothing of science. While it is true that magics should not be mixed without care, it is entirely possible. Greater control of your Water magic will be something we cover as I teach you. There is more to being an aquamancer than just killing with ice and finding water. For now, I can assure you that between the quality of the blades you wield and the particular metals they are created from, there will be no problem with you using this novice level spell even though your weapons are already enchanted.”

  Richter gave him a slightly questioning gaze, and Randolphus laughed, “Doubting my knowledge already? Remember my third condition.” The chaos seed’s look turned slightly abashed. He had agreed to heed the aquamancer’s expertise. The chamberlain was only teasing however, “I believe that a questioning mind is the best way to learn. This is good, but in this case just trust me, my lord. While curiosity can be a boon to learning, trust is essential for me to teach you. Do you agree?”

  Richter nodded, “I will trust you… evil Spy,” he finished with a grin.

  “Hmpf. Thank you, my chaotic liege. These spells I taught you today are only the first step in your education. One day you will be able to benefit from them without even casting. Your inherent magic will allow you to do these things. In a very short amount of time, you will become an initiate of Water Magic, and I shall teach you the secret rank bonus.”

  Secret rank bonus? How many bombshells was this guy going to drop? It wasn’t surprising that a man like Randolphus would know many things, but secret rank bonuses? Richter had always thought it was strange that the rank bonus of his magic skills only gave a bump to spell strength and resistance. Becoming an initiate in Archery let him recover some of his magical arrows after firing them, for instance. Initiate rank in Light armor gave a 20% boost to Defense of each piece he wore. “What is it?” Richter asked excitedly.

  Randolphus shook his head, “Even if I spoke the words, you could not understand them. Many have tried before. Even writing the words down does not work. People have read them again and again without comprehension. For some, once you reach the appropriate rank, the words may suddenly click. For others, despite years of meditation, instruction and prompting, they never understand the truth of their skill and so the secret bonuses elude them. I do not believe that will be the case with you, however, my lord.”

  “Why not?” Richter asked.

  Randolphus shrugged, “You are stubborn to a fault and luckier than a boy in a whorehouse made of candy.”

  Richter raised an eyebrow in respect. He kinda liked this new Rogue Randy. “Are there secret rank bonuses for every skill?”

  “I do not know,” Randolphus admitted. “I am sure that there are secret bonuses for skills dealing with the other Basic Elements. It is one of the strengths of the royal family of Yves. They long ago discovered all six hidden rank bonuses for the magic skills they excel in; Water, Fire, Earth and Air. I personally have also discovered secret bonuses for several ranks of Stealth.”

  “I’m an initiate in Stealth,” Richter said excitedly. “Can you teach me the secret bonus?” Everything else fell away and the old excitement of leveling and gaining more power rose up inside of him.

  “We can start,” Randolphus acceded, “but again, it may take time.” Richter waved away the man’s warning and spun his hand in rapid circles to get the man started. The chamberlain just managed to forestall an eyeroll and he did as he was bid. Randolphus began to speak, but not merely in words. Images appeared in Richter’s mind, a bug walking across water; a black silk scarf sliding over black marble; a man reaching out from a darkened alley, ready to choke the life from an unsuspecting woman.

  Richter tried to hold on to his chamberlain’s exact words, but they faded like smoke in the night. Randolphus stopped speaking and looked at him for a moment, before saying, “You do not truly understand Stealth yet, my lord. Do not be frustrated. You will.”

  “Wait,” Richter protested. “Just tell me again.”

  “Patience, my lord,” Randolphus told him softly. “You will understand soon, but you are not yet ready. Trust me.”

  Richter didn’t want to wait, but he’d already misdoubted Randy once. Also, a truth he had learned long ago was that few things were messed up by taking his time, but many things were ruined by moving too quickly. Besides, he had another question.

  “Okay. That aside, I still don’t fully understand the differences between the Dungeon and the Labyrinth.”

  “A common confusion, milord. The Labyrinth is an entire world. No one knows how large it is or if it even ends. What is known, is that it is a source of great treasure and great danger.” His voice took on the sing-song of recitation again, “‘The Labyrinth hides death and power around the same corner.’ Each Dungeon is part of the Labyrinth, but your Dungeon won’t provide entrance to the Labyrinth until it reaches level ten.”

  “So…” Richter started thinking about the ramifications.

  “Adventurers will be coming, my lord.”

  “Because of the beam that shot into the sky?” Richter asked. “That only lasted for a moment.”

  Randolphus shook his head. “You may have some Adventurers try to come overland to find you, but they would have almost no success unless they were already nearby. An unlikely proposition as we are so far removed from civilization. Even if that were to happen however, the mists should still protect us. No, milord, the danger comes not from without, but within. You are the actual Master of the Dungeon, correct?”

  The chaos seed nodded and Randolphus continued, “That is good. No Adventurers will be able to leave the Dungeon without your consent, but this will not last forever. Your Dungeon has just been born and so it is level one. It will be safe from them until it is level ten, but after that it will be vulnerable.” Richer nodded for him to continue.

  “Your Dungeon can be destroyed,” Randolphus stated simply. Richter’s jaw clenched at the thought of someone coming into his house and trying to cause problems. He was almost tempted to make a ‘chest beating’ pronouncement, but Randolphus continued. “If the Harbinger is slain, and the Item of Power is found and removed from the Dungeon, the entrance here will disappear. Everything the Dungeon was will just become part of the Labyrinth. Even if we dug deep into the earth, we would not find a way back in.”

  “How do we stop that from happening?”

  “Make your Dungeon as powerful as you can, as quickly as you can. Do not let me overly alarm you. Most Adventurers only want to claim loot and leave. Harvesting a Dungeon’s Ite
m of Power, something that can only occur if the Dungeon Harbinger is given the true death, is a massive undertaking that few would risk. There are those who seek to amass Items of Power, however. Though their numbers are few, they are extremely powerful.”

  “Okay so we need to watch out for those a-holes and make the Dungeon stronger. How do we do that?”

  “The same way you make any monster stronger,” the Spy replied. “You feed it.”

  “I’m not going to send innocent people into that thing to die,” Richter said firmly and with a touch of anger. Was this Randolphus’ evil nature shining through?

  “I would never suggest that, my lord,” Randolphus promised him. “Honestly, I knew that you would find that idea abhorrent, but it is still good to see your reaction.” The Spy’s eyes grew hooded, “I have served others who were not bothered by such atrocities.” He shook his head. “Though we will not condemn innocents to death, it does not change the fact that one of the best ways to grow the Dungeon is to feed it. A steady diet of Adventurers will give it the energy it needs. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, but we can discuss them at a later date.”

  “Thankfully,” Randolphus continued, “it is not only people that can feed the Dungeon. It should generate a small amount of power each day in the form of Dungeon Points, and monsters can also feed it. This you must also know: just because Adventurers cannot currently enter the Dungeon from the Labyrinth does not mean that high level monsters of the Labyrinth are under the same restriction. Dungeons are concentrated magic. They will make the density of magical power grow in the areas surrounding them, but they will also concentrate that magic in themselves. That focused power will draw other monsters from the Labyrinth into your Dungeon. It could happen at any time. With your Dungeon being so young it is unlikely that we will attract high level monsters at this point, but it is possible.”


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