Titan Stand
Page 13
"What's so unusual about that commented one of the centaurs.
"Well," replied Matt, "When they used to have horse cavalry on my planet, only the guy riding the horse had any weapons." This brought on mild interest, as someone asked,
"What are horses?" This totally threw Matt, who struggled to explain.
"Well, err, Uh, horses are just like you uh, centaurs, but they don't have uh, men and women's bodies on them, uh here they look like this." Taking out his pen and a piece of scrap paper, he quickly drew an image of a horse, emphasizing the horse's head and neck. Everyone gasped and even a couple called him a liar.
"Hey I sorry guys, but that's the way they look, naturally they can't talk, and they are not all that smart, sorry, no offense. Centaurs only appear in our ancient mythology." This revelation seemed to cut the centaurs to the quick, but they didn't get especially angry about it.
"So you've never actually seen us before in real life?" Asked one of the centaurs.
"No," replied Matt, but how do you guys work together like you do? Doesn't it bother you to have someone ride on your back?" He asked them.
"Not in the least," was the reply, "We are the queen's personal bodyguard, we're simply the best, we work as a team."
"Interesting, replied Matt, "Does Denedra have an army?"
"Sure, and a navy as well, mostly they spend their time guarding the smaller villages in and around the Witchfire Mountains, chasing Nostra Khan."
"Who's he?"
"He's an Elvin warlord living up in the Witchfires, although he's been seen prowling around parts of the perished lands. There's quite a sizeable bounty on his head, uh last I heard it was around ten thousand weins," replied one of the soldiers.
"Is he that hard to catch?" Asked Matt, everybody laughed, as one of the centaurs replied,
"There's nobody from Denedra stupid enough to go after him, Nostra has this bad habit of kidnapping the families of whoever thinks they can catch him. Believe me; once someone's family is taken by the likes of Kahn, all thoughts of quick wealth quickly disappear. We've even had people come from other worlds to try; they're just never seen again. Right now there's a semi-truce going on, we leave him alone, he leaves us alone."
Then in a hushed tone, one of the troopers said,
"At first, we thought you were someone from one of the off-worlds coming here to try your luck, especially when we heard about that business with the Shadox."
Shaking his head, Matt said,
"I'm no bounty hunter, I've never been in the military, or killed anyone, don't want to kill anyone either. I've done some deer hunting back home, but that's all."
"Well," replied one of the centaur's "I'm sure word's gotten to old Nostra by now, he's got spies everywhere, who I'm sure will be giving him a full report about you very soon if not already."
"Jeezist! Gasped Matt, "That's all I need is a damn bandit hunting me, and I can't even carry any protection with me."
"Well I wouldn't worry too much yet," came the reply, "Nostra's spies will be watching you pretty closely, probably one or two hiding in that woods out there right now. As long as you don't get an interest in visiting the Witchfires, and stick around town, he won't make any moves, but you can bet he's going to be very interested in that strange weapon of yours."
"Well," replied Matt, had I known all you people had here was bows and arrows, knives and swords." Then the captain of the guard who had joined the little discussion said,
"Why do you assume that just because all you see us carrying are weapons like that, that we aren't aware of weapons such as you have?"
"Well… Uh…I dunno…I…"
"Don't think so much friend, often times it can get you into trouble."
Chapter 17
Titan Stand Chapter 17
Matt knew when to shut-up so he said no more, allowing the conversation to devolve into small talk. Shortly the captain announced that another ship was coming in, and for everybody to clear out of the open area next to the Nora-Lee. He wondered how the captain knew another spacecraft was landing, but then took a second look a the tall stone tower,
"Probably has some sort of communications equipment inside," he thought. Then someone called out from one of the upper windows in the tower,
"It's the Golians, captain, they want to know who's sitting in their spot, and if they could move their ship!" The captain then called over to Matt,
"Can you move your ship please?"
"I'm sorry sir," he called back, "I'm still learning how to fly it." Then the captain shouted up to the window,
"Tell them it can't be moved, but it looks like there's just enough room for them to park."
Matt kept his head to the night sky watching for a descending spacecraft, and before long he could see the blue flame glowing from the downward pointing landing jets. Sure enough, a large blackish oval shape came lower and lower. Everybody was standing near the open entrance of the enclosure as the ship seemed to hover for several moments, and then moved slightly towards the far wall.
The landing struts were now down as the craft set down less than six feet from the Nora-Lee. Moments later, the ramp came down, and a figure came storming down the ramp.
"All right, who's the stafwa who is parked in our spot?" Everyone pointed at Matt who now got his first good look at the newcomer.
The being was around his height, and was wearing a helmet that reminded him of one of those bicycle helmets with what looked like a tiny boom mic coming off it, some sort of flashlight looking device mounted on the side of it, and a wire head-set cable coming down off the helmet. He wore a dark brown jacket with what looked like more unknown devices attached to it, along with light brown pants with all sorts of pockets, and short brown boots. As the alien came up to him, he could see the guy had a tanned olive shin and distinctive red eyes, and delicate ridges on his nose.
"Who the "bezgip" are you, and what are you doing sitting on my landing spot?"
"Sorry," stammered Matt, as his eye caught more figures descending the ramp.
"My name is Matt Grainger, and I come from earth, our pilot parked here because that's where she was told to land. I'd gladly move, but I can't fly the ship yet."
By now the other figures were coming up.
A quick scan revealed that three of them resembled the guy that was chewing his ass, while one of them seemed taller, and had light green skin, looked very oriental, and had very slanted yellow eyes.
"What's going on Datt?" Asked the taller one with green skin.
Pointing to Matt, the one identified as Datt replied,
"He claims that this is where he was ordered to land, but now that I see it I guess we've got enough room to load. He also claims he's from some planet called "earth," ever hear of it?" The green skinned alien thought a moment, then replied,
"Can't say that I have, Whoa! What's this, a visitor from another universe?"
The green alien then held up his hand left palm facing towards Matt, taking a wild guess, Matt did the same with his left hand as well. The gesture seemed to be the right response, as the alien put his hand down.
"Greetings…Whoever you are, my name is Zeb Kifire, I'm the field representative for the Loridia trading company." Then turning to the captain of the guard, he said,
"Captain, we knew it would be late when we got here, so we'll just remain here for the night, and see Halx in the morning."
"Very good," replied the captain, who then addressed Matt.
"Our relief should be arriving any time if you want to go back to the palace we'll be leaving shortly." Then Zeb spoke,
"Captain, I think this fellow will be staying here, obviously we have much to discuss." The captain looked at Matt who merely shrugged.
As the soldiers and centaurs moved away, the alien calling himself Zeb introduced his companions.
"Well you've already met Datt…Datt Licon, this is S'ika Jasend, Hirion Droron, and his wife Alkisa. Let's return to our ship where we can talk." As he followed the newcom
ers to their ship Matt noticed that two of the Selantrian's were female, and that both sexes had dark red hair. Almost like Kaitlyn's when she was in her Goth period. Entering their ship, he studied the interior noticing that while it looked similar to the Nora-Lee, there was a more futuristic appearance to things.
"Have a seat friend," Said Zeb, as the others took seats as well. Although the elves and fairies were definitely "different," these people were what he considered honest-to-god aliens.
"Are you here to trade with the Denevians?" Asked Datt.
"No," replied Matt, although my friends are talking to them about buying a couple transport ships which would allow them to travel back and forth to Doradus."
"Tell us about these friends of yours," asked Zeb.
"Well as I said, I'm from earth; I also have a female friend from earth as well. The pilot of that ship out there is a female android named Amber, she has an android friend named Gandric from the planet Xandrus." One of the female Selantrian's spoke up saying.
"Seems to me, I've heard of that place…Wasn't there a war there once?"
"Yeah," replied Matt, the people the androids call their "creators," lived there once, and they abused their droids so much, they revolted, wiping out the creators. Now it's a planet of unemployed androids looking for work, that's what Gandric and Amber are doing right now, talking to queen Breca and her trade minister about possibly buying a couple transports to travel back and forth to Doradus."
"Yes, you already mentioned that," replied Zeb, "Interesting, and you say the whole planet is one large manufacturing facility?"
"Yeah," said Matt, "we were there not that long ago, it certainly looked like it to me."" The green skinned alien sat looking at Matt for a moment then said,
"I think I told you my name is Zeb Kifire, I'm the field representative for the Loridia trading company, and these stalwart citizens are from Selantro, one of hundreds of planets in the Golian Empire. We are a vast trading empire, thanks to the efforts of the Loridia Company. Denedra is more or less on the outskirts of galactic quadrant 48. This quadrant includes the planets of Denedra, Doradus, Sedor, Tasir Var, and Hinol."
"All these places trade to the Loridia Company, for food and manufactured goods. For example, Denedra and Doradus both trade agricultural products; Doradus also trades Kokron ore which is a vital ingredient in making Mekkarion steel that goes into spacecraft. As I said, both planets sell us agricultural products one being Rip Dyne brandy, a very expensive but highly desired beverage. Anyway, my friends here transport everything back to Fort Kamata, where it's then collected and inventoried then sent onto wherever the particular product needs to go."
A brief lull in the conversation allowed Matt to ask,
"You aren't one of these humongous empires that crush all resistance and force planets into your empire are you?" A puzzled look appeared on Zeb's face. He looked at his compatriots and shook his head.
"I think what he's inferring," said Hirion "Is that The Golian Empire is some sort of oppressive regime attacking anyone who opposes them."
At this Zeb and the others broke out in laughter, then Zeb stared at Matt,
"I'm not sure where you pick up insane ideas like this, but I assure you that the Golian Empire is nothing of the kind. First of all everyone willingly joins, now I'll admit that if a particular planet or race wants to amount to anything in this universe they join us, but there are some who choose not to it's their choice, most are underdeveloped, or non technical worlds like Denedra here, but every planet decides how they want to participate. Queen Breca and King Valsung trade with us, but have requested that their planets remain as they are, with only very limited technology, and protection from raiders by our security forces, other planets have different arrangements. If you're implying that we are war-like and troublesome, you're sadly mistaken. A content empire is a peaceful empire, and that's good for business and everybody's well-being."
Then Zeb asked,
"This Xandrus interests me, having a large manufacturing facility at this end of the galaxy would be immensely advantageous. It would cut transport cots, and help alleviate the problems of transporting manufactured goods across large distances; you say your friends are androids who come from this world?"
"Yes," replied Matt, but you would need to speak to Gandric, he's here as sort of a field rep for his planet too."
"Well I most certainly will," said Zeb, "I went four yeans to the Loridian trade university, then get sent out to this quadrant thinking it was going to be a "dead end,' for me, but maybe that might not be so. Tell me, what about your planet, er, what was is it called?"
"Earth," replied Matt, "But I don't think they would be ready for you yet, there's still a lot of people who don't believe there's other life in the galaxy." Again the aliens looked at each other and broke out laughing.
"Are you joking with us or are you being serious?" Asked Zeb.
"Quite serious," replied Matt, "Besides there are dozens of races, and hundreds of countries on earth, think of it as your empire all located on one planet."
"So what would happen if we were to go and visit your world?" Asked S'ika.
Matt shrugged,
"Dunno, they might get scared and try and kill you."
"Are you serious? Asked Datt. "Strast! The Weesni are about the most unfriendly race in the empire, but even they wouldn't do anything like that."
"I don't know," replied Matt, but it's a possibility, I hate to admit it but if you want to study war, earth is the place."
"What sort of technology level is your planet at?" asked Zeb.
"Well we can't tear-ass around the universe like you guys do, although we put men on or moon a few times," explained Matt, "But that was a long time ago, mostly we send un-manned probes into space, or orbit around our planet in tiny space stations."
"Well, that's something I suppose," muttered Zeb, "Anything worth trading on your planet?" he asked.
"I don't know what we'd have that you don't already have," replied Matt, "If you haven't heard of us chances are we're too far away."
"Well that's not my decision to make," said Zeb, "You say your pilot has the coordinates."
"Yeah," he replied.
"Well I'll check with her, then pass the information up to my supervisor," added Zeb. Matt sensed that they were slowly warming to him as the aliens were now smiling more. Although it was very late, and he desperately wanted to go to bed, they showed no signs of getting bored.
"Do you guys mind if I go next door and grab some sleep; I don't know about you but we earth people need our beauty sleep."
"Don't let us keep you," replied Datt.
He returned to the Nora-Lee crawled into his bunk and immediately fell into a deep sleep.
Matt woke to the feeling of movement; he lay in his bunk taking "readings" as to what was going on.
"We're moving," he thought to himself, "It feels like we're traveling in space as well." Finally building up enough "steam" to open his eyes, and sit up. Gandric, Zeb, and a couple of the other contractors, Lord Giselbert, Halx Dalewick the trade minister were all sitting in the cubical where he and Kaitlyn ate their meals. Gandric must have sensed his awakening, and looked over.
"Matt, you're awake!"
"What are they doing here, and where are we going?" He asked.
"Right now, we're going to Doradus to speak with King Valsung about transport craft for them as well. Then Gandric added,
"Thank you Matt for thinking of Xandrus, Zeb Kifire spoke to me about the possibilities of setting up several manufacturing facilities there, it's just what we were looking for."
"Well I hope I did the right thing," replied Matt." On the way to Doradus, Gandric was one happy android, discussing the building of transports for Denedra, as well as the possibility of Xandrus becoming a manufacturing center fore the whole quadrant. At the speeds the Nora-Lee was traveling, it only took half a day to reach Doradus, and since there was radio communication between the two planets, king Valsung had carri
ages pulled by centaurs waiting to take everybody to the palace in Brookliyah. Matt's first impressions of Doradus was that it reminded him very much of Colorado and the Durango area. He was told that Brookliyah was located in a wide valley right in the middle of the Delkrath Mountains connected to the rest of the planet through a wide passage through the mountains called the Skeerdor Pass. The sun was going down as they approached the city, and looking up, Matt could make out Denedra hanging like a large gong in the evening sky.
Chapter 18
Titan Stand Chapter 18
As they approached the capitol, Matt noticed that Brookliyah was surrounded by a large stone wall but that the large blocks looked more like concrete. He wasn't an expert on building materials, but he knew the difference between cut stone, and formed concrete. He also became aware of a number of the locals moving along the road as well, they looked like dwarves. He also spotted elves as well, and an occasional Centaur, but there were an awful lot of dwarves out here.