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Titan Stand

Page 16

by Max Jager

  "I just told her that her folks wanted to dump her on my friends and I, as we travel the galaxy. I think the general idea was that she becomes well-traveled, visiting other cultures, and places that trade with Doradus." This brought surprised responses from everyone, both Ailof and Aurjalf stated that they would be more than happy to take Bria's place.

  "Well thanks guys," replied Matt, I'd love to take all of you but I'm afraid there's already four. Five would be a little crowded but I told Bria's parents we'd take her, my pilot agreed as well." Then Bjoin said,

  "We may want to take our time getting back, if I know Bria, she's headed for Stanglot and there's usually a few centaurs hanging around there. She'll pay one to get her back to the palace quick so she can unload on her poor folks."

  Something about all this didn't seem right to Matt,

  "You mean she'll start yelling at her parents, the king and queen?" Bjoin shrugged,

  "You are new here so you don't know, and what I'm about to tell you stays between us you got that?" Matt nodded,

  "I swear,"

  "Bria had two brothers and even a sister, none of them lived past their fifteenth birthday. They don't know whether it's some sort of disease or possibly even a curse, word is that Bria's mother can't have any more children, Bria is their last hope. The fact that they want to get her off planet surprises me but if it is a curse I guess I'd want my only living child away from here as well."

  "Actually their wish to have her off-planet does make sense in it's own way," added Gnam, "We hear that there are other planets that have some very advanced medical treatments, maybe her folks a re hoping you'll be at or near one if she stats showing symptoms.

  "And what are they?" Asked Matt.

  "Don't know," replied Gnam, "The whole thing is rather hush-hush."

  "So what's Bria's take on all this?" Asked Matt.

  "She's scared all the time, why do you think we take these hikes, someone told her folks long walks would toughen her up make her body more resistant to disease, maybe there's some truth to it but who's to say," said Aurjalf.

  Matt thought about everything that had been said, then added,

  "Has anyone ever looked into the possibility that her parents have some inherited disease or genetic disorder. On my home world we have diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Tay-Sachs, and Sickle-cell Anemia." Aurjalf shook her head,

  "One of the main reasons we started trading with Loridia was so that they could bring in specialists, but all that takes a lot of coins, the more I think of it, the more I think that's why they want Bria to go with you. Then Gnam offered another grim reason.

  "I think there's something else at work here as well my friend.

  Should Bria remain here, and she falls ill or the curse activates if that's what it is, watching their daughter slowly die would simply kill her parents. King Valsung is tough, one of the toughest people here on Doradus, you have to be if you are going to be king, but Bria's the light of his life. If she's off with you and something should happen he could deal with it, not easily, but he could deal with it, you see where I'm going with this?"

  What Matt had just heard put an entirely different spin on things, even with her temper, he still kinda liked Bria,

  "So what you're basically saying is that her parents want us to wander around the galaxy looking for someone or someplace that can figure out what's wrong with her?" Aurjalf grinned,

  "Something like that."

  It was around late afternoon when they walked into Silveen. The village was built around a crossroads with a large green area in the middle creating a traffic circle. The main roads went off in four directions with another outer road outside of it which all the businesses and homes were located on, almost like the "service roads" he was familiar with from back home. There seemed to be a pub, a general mercantile shop a forge of some kind, as well as some sort of government building, with well-kept homes scattered in between.

  "I'm thirsty," proclaimed Gnam,

  "Me too," replied Bjoin, "Let's see what they have at that pub and maybe find out where we can spend the night." As they moved through town, Matt observed mostly dwarves, but there were centaurs, of sexes, as well as several elves, the first he'd seen here on Doradus.

  The public house didn't have waitress service, so they had to order at the bar. Matt sprang for a lunch plate which consisted of sliced cheese, bread, and a couple types of cold cuts. There were also several large crackers that reminded him of hardtack biscuits. While the group enjoyed their repast, Matt noticed that both the meat and cheese were very cold, yet he say no sign of any sort of refrigeration. Regardless, the food and dark ale really hit the spot. He also noticed that these dwarves could really slop down the suds with no apparent ill effects. They continued to discuss Bria's situation, then after awhile Gnam went up to ask the bartender if there were any rooms available. Returning, he announced,

  "He's only got one room, however he says we can camp out on the green, there's water and a "potter" out there, plus some firewood." They remained in the pub until it started filling up, then went out to the large grassy area surrounded by the circular road.

  "This is a rather odd place for a campground," observed Matt,

  "It's so the locals can keep an eye on us," replied Ailof, "And they know that we know."

  "Are they that suspicious of strangers?" inquired Matt.

  "It depends, I'm pretty sure the bartender knows us, we've all been here before just not camped out here. However it's an even bet they are all sitting around in that tavern wondering who you are," added Ailof.

  Matt considered this as they put up a lean-to from a two piece canvas tarp Gnam and Aurjalf carried. With Bria now gone, everyone was just able to crawl under it. Everyone spread their bedrolls, while Matt rolled out his sleeping bag which drew positive comment. It wasn't the concept of a bag to sleep in, after all bedrolls were essentially the same thing, but the large zipper that sealed the whole thing. Both males carefully studied the zipper and how it was constructed, Gnam even taking out a piece of paper and making small drawings.

  "There you go Gnam," said Matt, "Invent zippers and you could make some money." He then showed them the zipper on his jacket as well drawing even more interest."

  "Believe me," exclaimed Gnam, Ailof and I are going to do something with this."

  Bjoin built a fire while Ailof chopped more wood; Matt noticed his small axe and asked to look at it. The handle made a sharp turn at the end of the handle allowing for more force on the chop, the blade was wickedly sharp while the steel looked very well made. Matt then took over the wood chopping, and noticed that he was splitting wood with half the effort it took with his own hatchet. Showing it to Ailof, the dwarf studied it and pronounced it "junk."

  "Before you do anything else Matt," he added, "Get yourself something decent, when we get back to town I'll take you to a place that turns out excellent blades and choppers like this at a very reasonable price, and it's all quality work too."

  "It's funny replied Matt, this hatchet wasn't cheap, and it's made of the best steel by a well known company."

  "Well they make "drek," replied Ailof.

  In the morning, they caught a ride with a centaur pulling a wagon loaded with what looked like some kind of ore.

  "It's Vulnite," said the centaur, "We haul it out of a mine not far from here." Spreading out the two tarps as well as their bedrolls over the lumpy load, the companions were able to endure the ride to Brookliyah.

  Chapter 21

  Titan Stand Chapter 21

  The centaur was unloading his wagon load of Vulnite at the metal smith's guild forcing the companions to walk into town. As they reached a busy intersection Ailof announced to Matt,

  "Here's where we part my friend, it's a shame things didn't go as planned, perhaps another time." Gnam then asked,

  "So what are you going to do now Matt?" During the wagon ride, he'd been thinking about that very thing.

  "I guess I'll go see Bria's parents and try to exp
lain. After she took off, I was seriously thinking about leaving this place without her, but from what you and the others have told me, I can't in good conscious do that. Bria needs help, and I intend to do everything I can for her."

  "Well good luck," replied Gnam.

  As he was trudging up the brick paved street, lost in thought, a very muscular dwarf slipped up next to him.

  "Matt Grainger?" Suddenly startled, Matt jumped as the dwarf now blocked his way.

  "Yeah, what do you want?"

  "They want to see you up at the palace, as of right now, let's go." Now he knew he was really in trouble, no telling what sort of story Bria had fabricated. It was another few minutes walk to the palace, with the "official" looking dwarf leading the way. He was permitted to go to his room at first to drop all his gear, then escorted to an office door. The dwarf then knocked and stuck his head in. Backing out, he nodded to the door indicating that Matt should enter.

  Entering the ornate room he immediately spotted Bria sitting in a chair next to her mother, her red eyes indicated that she had been crying. Her father was sitting behind a large desk, not smiling.

  "Sit down there son, we need to talk." He knew he was on the spot now, as he desperately wished he was anywhere else but here.

  "According to my daughter," began the king, "you are now refusing to take her with you. On top of that, she's telling us that you told her we were trying to be rid of her, why would you say something like that?" Matt was between a rock and a hard place, and he knew it. It was no use lying especially with someone who could have his head cut off, best just to come clean, tell the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.

  "All right, I did tell her that her parents were dumping her, but in a sense, isn't that what your doing. Anyway, after all the pissing and moaning she was doing I certainly didn't want to be cooped up in a spacecraft with her. However, that was before I heard the rest of the story.

  "Rest of the story?" Asked the king.

  "Yes sir, if you had only explained things a little better the other night. Anyway, I've changed my mind…Again. I want to help," then looking at Bria, he added.

  "Yes Bria, even as bitchy as you can be, I kinda like you, your highness, we will go to the ends of the galaxy to find someone who can help her, but I'm going to need Bria to promise that she is strictly a passenger, she takes orders from Amber and I, but mostly Amber." Then came a knock on the door, the queen getting up to see who was there. Matt thought he heard Kaitlyn's vice for a moment, then the queen stepped back to let Kaitlyn enter, before speaking to whoever was out in the hall.

  "Kaitlyn!…What?" Exclaimed Matt. Before she could speak the king asked.

  "Who is this?"

  "Her name is Kaitlyn Parkinson," replied the queen. "Apparently she is with young Matt here, up to now she's been on Denedra, but there are two Golians out in the hall that are requesting that not only her but Matt here accompany them to Fort Kamata."

  "Are they in some sort of trouble?" Asked the king.

  "I can answer that your highness," said Kaitlyn.

  "All they want to do is talk to us, somebody named Zeb Kifire passed the word to them that there were two people from a planet well outside this galaxy that they weren't aware of. They told me that they stopped here first but someone told them that Matt went off with the princess somewhere, but that I was back on Denedra, so they came and got me first."

  "Let me talk to them," said the king. His wife opened the door allowing the two Golians to enter.

  "What is it you want with these two?" Asked the king.

  "Please your highness," replied one of the Golians identifying himself as Grak Armier, "Anytime someone from outside the galaxy shows up, we want to meet them, find out who they are and what they want. Rest assured, nothing will happen to them, and unless they are intent of galactic conquest, we'll return them safely back here."

  "I see," replied the king. "One thing though, my daughter here will be traveling with these two at some point, to various locations around the galaxy seeking medical treatment. I'm told that she will require a travel visa, and as a member of Doradian royalty, a security waiver."

  "Yes your highness, that is true, since all these requirements can be taken care of at the fort, she is more than welcome to come with us."

  The king than took out a slip of paper from his desk and scribbled something on it. Handing it to Grak, he said,

  "Here. It's midday meal time go down to the palace hospitality room, it's down where you came in, give them this, food and beverages are on the house, I'll send these three along shortly."

  "Thank you your highness," replied the Golians.

  After they had left, the king sat back and studied Kaitlyn,

  "So you are a member of this odd crew as well?"

  "I'm sorry your highness," stammered Kaitlyn, "I forgot to curtsey when I entered." She then semi-knelt gaining smiles from the king and queen.

  "Well say there," replied the king, "Here's a young lady who remembers her manors."

  "Your highness, both Matt and I come from a planet called earth, but where it is located from here I haven't a clue, Amber does however. Anyway, it's just Matt and I, Amber and Gandric who she met on Xandrus." The king narrowed his eyes as he studied the two.

  "I meant to say something earlier, but you are children are you not?"

  "Well we're teenagers," replied Matt, "Both Kaitlyn and I are seventeen going on eighteen, probably around Bria's age."

  "And your parents consented to let you wander the stars?"

  "Well…Uhh, not exactly your highness," continued Matt

  "In other words "runaways" added the queen.

  "Umm, basically," said Kaitlyn.

  "Sir?" Said Matt, "It's true, we didn't ask our parents permission to head off into space with Amber, but back on earth we don't have space travel like the Golians, or someone like that, we've put people on our moon, and send out unmanned probes, so it's not like we could simply say to them, Mom, dad, I really don't want to go to college, this guy who's ancestors were kidnapped from earth along time ago and came back just to die gave me his female android and spaceship. Guess I'll just go off with her and a friend of mine and roam around the galaxies for a few years." The king sat back in his chair continuing to stare at Matt and Kaitlyn. Slowly a grin formed on his face.

  "Point taken son, in a way that's what the queen and I want for Bria here. If…For some reason you are unable to find someone who can heal her, at least she will have had an opportunity to see something of this universe. It's one of the reasons I decided to go ahead with this shuttle project. It's only a matter of time before others of the Ladhas begin to look skyward for their futures." Directing his attention to his daughter, he said.

  "Well Bria, you've heard Matt, he certainly sounds committed to Me., are you ready to accept the fact that he and this Amber are in full charge of things?"

  Kaitlyn then injected,

  "Don't worry Bria, I'm on your side, if he gets out of line, he's got both of us to deal with." Bria looked at Kaitlyn as her sad eyes brightened into a smile.

  "I'm sorry mother, father, I was completely out of line, I will accept his terms."

  "Very well then, would you two mind going on ahead, we wish to speak to our daughter in private. As Matt and Kaitlyn headed down the hall to his room, he asked Kaitlyn.

  "I thought you were on Denedra, what are you doing here?"

  "Well I was just hanging around the palace with Fergus…"

  "That leprechaun?" Interrupted Matt.

  "Yeah, he's pretty cool, anyway these green guys show up and start asking for you. I think that stupid housecarl or whatever he calls himself told them you were on Doradus, but sent them to me. Anyway, I think everyone was getting a little tired of me. They told me to grab my stuff as we'd be going to some fort."

  "So did you get things sorted out?" Kaitlyn stopped in her tracks, and put her hands on Matt's shoulders.

  "Better than I ever hoped. Oh Matt if the rest of t
his trip is nothing but heartache and trouble it will have been worth it. They took me to this beautiful glade; it was everything you could ever imagine. I was skeptical about magic before, but I'm a true believer now. Anyway, I just sat under this beautiful tree and talked to the pixies and fairies. The next thing I knew, I was having these awesome dreams. The fairy folk made it all happen."

  "Did they spike your water or something?" He asked.

  "What? You mean like putting acid or one of those "date rape" drugs they're always warning girls about," she replied. "No, I don't think so, but I remember a couple of dreams where I was completely naked and…Umm, forget that part. Anyway, I just totally lost track of time. Then one day I just woke up and everyone was gone. I figured the "treatment" was over, so I just got up and left."


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