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Titan Stand

Page 36

by Max Jager

  "Maybe you could talk to Zeb Kifire, or even Datt Licon the Selantrian contractor about buying a supply of it. I noticed a lot of metal that might make some really nice knives, handles too, here; I even brought you a small piece of it."

  Handing Yufic the piece he had found the elf examined it, turning the piece over in his hand.

  "That has probably been lying outside for at least a couple hundred yarns," said Matt.

  "Thank you for thinking of me Matt, I'll heat it up and see what I can do with it, if it look's promising, I might just see about acquiring some."

  As Matt rode back to the palace, he asked Drott,

  "I take it you don't care for Kiggham Stenuck very much?" Drott snorted, and replied,

  "He hates us, chases any of our people who go up there, swears at them and makes threats." Having met Kiggham, Matt doubted that was true, although the warlord did tell him he didn't care for centaurs or fairy folk.

  "Has he or his people ever harmed or killed anyone you know?" Drott muttered something, then hemmed and hawed,

  "Well…No, but he's come close." Then his daughter spoke up,

  I've heard he and his people like to watch young centaurs and kentauride who go up there and…" Drott suddenly stopped and turned to Khima,

  "I hope you're just repeating hearsay, because if I thought you were speaking from first hand experience…" With a gasp of horror, Khima blurted out.

  "Oh no father, you know I wouldn't do anything to dishonor this family!"

  "See that you don't!" Snapped her father.

  Before saying goodbye to Drott and his daughter, Matt had to sign the voucher book again detailing the return trip, then as he was about to enter the guest cottage, Fergus stepped around the corner.

  "How'd you do that Fergus?" He asked

  "Do what?" Replied the little man with a big grin on his face.

  "Aww you know what I mean," replied Matt,

  "I'm a Lepreehun," explained Fergus, "That should explain it all!"


  "Where have you been?" Snapped Kaitlyn, "There was a guy here looking for you, he wanted to get you ready for the party." Looking around Matt grimaced, then asked,

  "Where's Bria?"

  "Oh she's talking to that Giselbert guy about something; she'll be back pretty soon." A few minutes later, a butler showed up with Matt's evening wear. The clothes looked like what he wore the last time but smelled a whole lot fresher.

  While he was dressing, Bria returned but not saying a whole lot. Finally the time came to make their appearance at the dinner, Matt wondering what would get him into trouble this time.

  Chapter 45

  Titan Stand Chapter 45

  Shortly before they were scheduled to appear at the banquet hall Slavek and his sister knocked on the door.

  "Say everyone," began Slavek "Tiag and I just finished a meeting with queen Breca, her advisor, and a very enchanting female named Mullein Shade. They asked us if we could take two of these fairy folk along with us to your planet."

  "Don't you think things are just a bit crowded as it is," said Kaitlyn.

  "Well…Yes, however they aren't very large, the queen assured us they will be supplied with their own food, and she will help with fuel costs."

  "Who are they," asked Matt, "And why do they feel the need to go to earth?"

  "Tansy Moon chaser, and a little fellow named Fergus.

  "Fergus! Oh shit!" Gasped Matt, "Why is he going?"

  "The queen told us everything will be explained during dinner, but apparently this has something to do with your planet being the place where one of their tribes ended up, these two will be performing some sort of ritual," then casting his eyes towards the Dwarven princess, he added,

  "Bria's part of this thing as well, ask her."

  "I'm sorry, I should have said something," Exclaimed Bria, "But it's got to do with the tribes. When she found out I was going to earth she asked Slavek if he could take two passengers as well. When we get there, we are to perform a sacred ritual that will supposedly reunite the three tribes. Tansy and Fergus will represent Ae'Lwar, and I will represent the Ladhas. Kaitlyn says she knows of a place where this ritual can be performed."

  "Well at least I have my own sleeping spot staked out," thought Matt, "Question is…Am I going to be able to stand that fucking Leprechaun all the way to earth and back?"

  Slavek then said to him,

  "Well Matt, I gave up my bed so Tansy will have a place to sleep, but Fergus will probably have to bed down in the cargo area with us." Matt groaned,

  "Well don't plan on getting any sleep, that guy will talk your ear off." Then he had a wicked thought, speaking up so that Kaitlyn would be sure to hear, he announced.

  "Well Slavek if that's what we have to do, then I guess that's what we do. We could create a regular "man-cave" down there guys only no girls allowed!"

  "What!" came a loud response from Kaitlyn, who looked at him with disgust?

  Then to no one in particular she announced,

  "See this is the kind of crap I have to put up with!"

  It was now time to head for the banquet hall, Matt mulling over the raw deal they were getting but what could he do? The ship didn't belong to him, and he was pretty sure the Slykhor's only signed onto this because the queen had promised to go Dutch treat on the fuel costs.

  "Oh well," he thought, maybe Fergus would bring enough booze and they could get really drunk or if he became too obnoxious kick his ass out in Ireland somewhere, let the Irish make a national hero out of him or something.

  The banquet was pretty much like the last time, although the queen and Lord Morrone both seemed a little too long winded in their praise of Bria, and the Slykhor's. Once again Mullein Shade wore a rather revealing dress requiring Matt to concentrate on keeping his eyes off her. The queen then formally introduced Tansy Moon Chaser, a rather attractive fairy, and his guide, Fergus who gave him a wink. The queen then went on to explain that the recent knowledge pertaining to the Tuath Dè landing, and settling on earth, the fact that we were going to earth, plus the fact that Bria was going as well made it possible to conduct a "joining" ritual that would sanctify the three tribes even though it was assumed from Kaitlyn's information the tribe did not exist anymore.

  "This is a most fortuitous opportunity," began the queen.

  "We have with us King Valsung's daughter Bria who has agreed to assist with the ritual which will be performed by Tansy Moon Chased, and the court wizard Fergus."

  "So that's what the little fucker's job is?" Thought Matt.

  For those of you who are not familiar with Tansy, she's quite new to the fairy council; however she is a specialist on arcane rituals and is a scholar on the Tuatha Dè Danann. When I purposed this project, the council unanimously voted Tansy as fulfilling all the requirements for the task at hand. Tansy, good luck on your mission, you too Fergus, although I'm terribly sorry we are unable to send along a keg of your favorite black beer." Everyone laughed at that comment, although Matt's hopes of spending a lot of time drinking were dashed.

  After dinner, the queen wanted to speak to Bria and Kaitlyn, along with the Slykhor's in her office, so Matt headed back to the guest cottage by himself.

  As he walked, he became aware of someone following him, quickly turning around, he confronted Fergus.

  "Oh it's you, Fergus, say you don't look to happy, anything wrong?"

  "Boyo, you're looking at one frightened Leprechaun."

  "Frightened? Of what?" Asked Matt.

  "This space voyage to your planet," replied Fergus.

  "Well it will be boring but certainly not scary," replied Matt, "Think of it as Fergus's most excellent adventure. Maybe we could stop off in Ireland and you could put in a cameo appearance, Leprechaun's are a national treasure there."

  "Well that's all fine and good for you to say boyo, but what can I do? When my queen orders me to do something, I'm obligated to obey."

  Matt petted the little man on the shoulder, />
  "As we say on earth, "Keep calm and chive on," Show me what you're made of." The leprechaun looked up at him with a puzzled expression, but then Matt asked.

  "So you're the court wizard eh? How come you never said anything before about it?" Fergus chuckled,

  "Ahh lad, some things are just played close to the vest, so now that ye knows, what say you?" Matt shrugged,

  "What can I say? Just don't worry about it, but I was serious about Ireland, show yourself a couple of times, maybe let someone take your picture, you'll do that country a world of good, but we can talk about that later. Say, what about this fairy that's coming along, is she going to be a problem?" Fergus looked at Matt and frowned.

  "What do you mean by "problem?"

  "Well being a fairy," said Matt, I've no doubt she, Kaitlyn and Bria will try and gang up on me, maybe Slavek too. Kaitlyn's pretty tight with the fairy folk, and Bria and I have never really seen eye to eye so there's that." Fergus gave him a wry grin,

  "Not to worry lad, Tansy's young but she's very dedicated and is probably one of only a handful of fairy folk that have actually studied the ancient tomes along with meself. One more thing, boyo, reading them and actually understanding what it is they're telling you are two different things."

  Matt was just about to reply when Slavek and his sister appeared; both Ruddorian's not looking especially pleased.

  "Well here's the deal," began Slavek, "It's going to be Tiag and me, you Matt, Kaitlyn, Bria, Fergus here and Tansy. That's six people; I'm counting Fergus and Tansy as one since together they make up approximately one life form as far as the ship's life support goes. I don't foresee any problems with life support, but it looks like I will be joining you Matt, and that goes for you too Fergus, I don't know what this "man-cave" is Matt spoke of, but Tiag, Kaitlyn, Bria and Tansy will be bunking in the crew quarters. The queen's people are loading a few more supplies and provisions as we speak. I hate to do this to everybody, but with the queen going half on the fuel costs, I can't turn it down. We will be departing just as soon as Kaitlyn and Bria finish up with the fairy, so you two might want to head on out to the landing area right away."

  "What did you say Kaitlyn and Bria are doing?" Asked Matt, Slavek shrugged,

  "Beats me, but it sounded like your friend was being initiated into some sort of fairy order by Tansy. Well we've got to go see this Giselbert fellow about covering some of the fuel costs, so we'll see you out at the ship." With that, he and Tiag disappeared as fast as they had arrived.

  "Well I guess we'd better go find someone to take us out to the landing field," said Matt.

  "Not to worry lad," replied Fergus, "You go ahead and change out of your party clothes and I will return shortly." Matt quickly changed into his urban "cammies," and black t-shirt, packing his flight bag with the rest of his clothes. As he was starting out the door, Fergus appeared.

  "Wow! That was fast," he commented, "Did you find someone to take us out to the landing field?" Fergus just grinned, and reached up his hand.

  "Take me hand boyo, and we'll be off." Matt gave him a puzzled look, but took the offered hand.

  Suddenly they were standing in the middle of the enclosed landing area, a couple of startled centaurs jumping back as they suddenly appeared.

  "Wow! That's some trick," gasped Matt.

  "If you're going to hang around me," grumbled Fergus, "You'd better learn the difference between simple trickery, and real magic."

  "Umm sorry," he replied, "No wonder you can come and go at will."

  "Well when you are as small as I am, sometimes you need a little edge over the others."

  "Yeah, I suppose you do," mumbled Matt. When they entered the ship. Slavek and Tiag were showing a couple elves where to stow things. Slavek was also grabbing various food stuffs, and placing them in metal lockers along the bulkhead.

  "We're almost done here," announced Slavek, Kaitlyn and the others aren't here yet but we'll be ready to go as soon as they show up. Fergus, put your bag in that blue container over there, Matt, I took the liberty of moving all your gear, and putting it into that locker over there, I think you're flight bag will just fit as well."

  Before long, Kaitlyn and her friends arrived. Matt expected a lot of chatter and "girl-talk," but the three of them all wore somber expressions, and said very little. Tiag escorted them up the narrow stairs to the four crew bunks. Before disappearing upstairs as well, Slavek said,

  "You two buckle in on those jump seats, once we settle on our course, I'll be back down, and we can set up our beds and private areas." Matt showed Fergus how to adjust his seatbelt which almost didn't adjust down that small, but he was finally able to get the leprechaun situated. Slavek's voice came over the intercom advising them that they would be lifting off momentarily, and to brace themselves. Looking over to Fergus, Matt noticed the little man looking pretty grim-faced, as if he was expecting to die. Thoughts of teasing the leprechaun entered his mind, but Matt decided against it, tormenting someone who could appear and disappear at will might not be someone to mess with.

  Suddenly the feeling of rapid ascension took hold. Having felt it many times now, the feeling didn't bother Matt, although Fergus didn't look happy.

  "Relax Fergus, back on earth people pay lots of money to go on amusement rides to experience what we're feeling." Fergus just looked at him without speaking. Finally that feeling stopped, as a new one emerged, that of quick acceleration. As Slavek "shoved it" down into hyper drive.

  "Ship's stabilized, we're now in hyperspace, you can unbuckle now, oh uh, Matt, Kaitlyn and Bria have just informed me that before you or Fergus come up here, you announce yourselves first. As you know, space is tight up here, and uh, one of the ladies might be undressing. Tiag and Kaitlyn are standing the first watch, so I'll be down momentarily."

  "What the fuck?" He thought, "What are those two up to now?"

  Chapter 46

  Titan Stand Chapter 46

  Eventually Slavek joined Matt and Fergus in the cargo hold tossing his flight bag down on the deck.

  "So is your sister part of the "man haters" club up there?" Asked Matt. Slavek shook his head,

  "No, she's too level headed for any of that. Besides this seems to be strictly about the ceremony they have to perform on your planet." Then turning to Fergus who was sitting on a plastic crate looking totally lost.

  "So what's your role in all this my friend?" Fergus shrugged,

  "It may not look it, but I'm the court wizard and as such, I have the ability to detect the level of magicka if any still exists on your planet."

  "What if there isn't any?" Asked Matt.

  "Well it may very well be there are certain "pockets" of magicka that still exist. Your friend Kaitlyn says she knows of a possible location somewhere in what she called the British Isles, wherever that might be. However she wasn't entirely certain of where the exact location is."

  "Well that sounds like Kaitlyn," mumbled Matt, "England, Scotland and Wales is a pretty big place, did she mention where this location was?"

  "I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention," replied Slavek, "However I suppose that is where we will go first. Which, by the way about this home world of yours I have a few questions."

  "Ask me anything," said Matt,

  "Well I understand that our first order of business is to get to where this ceremony needs to be performed, then I assume you want to see your home again which is all well and good, but what are the chances Tiag and I could introduce ourselves and make some sort of "official" contact with your people." Matt frowned then replied.

  "What? You mean like some sort of "close encounter?"

  "I'm not familiar with that term," replied Slavek, "I was thinking more along the lines of meeting with your leader or leaders; it would certainly impress my parents and perhaps help in my career." Sensing trouble, Matt tried to be as diplomatic as he could.

  "Well…Ah, maybe that wouldn't be such a good thing, Slavek, I haven't told you everything about the people on earth, b
ut maybe we could start small and work up. My dad plays golf with the mayor of my town so maybe you could talk to him first. But I see what you want to do, and I'll give you all the advice I can, and maybe my dad can help as well, we'll just have to see OK?"

  "I'd like to ask you something else," said Slavek.

  "Shoot!" He replied.

  "Well as you know, my sister and I have two yarns to pretty much do as we please, and that applies to just about everything. Obviously we can't go around starting wars, or killing people, but…Well, I think you know what I mean." Matt gave him a puzzled look, then replied.


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