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Titan Stand

Page 47

by Max Jager

  "Did she appear to be under duress, or possibly under some spell?" Asked the dwarf. Matt chuckled,

  "I've known Bria for some time now, and in no way did she appear to be under any spell. I also know her well enough not to force her to do anything, as a matter of fact; she seemed to be taking her duties rather seriously." Lungdil thought a moment, then said,

  "Don't go anywhere, I may send for you, as her father might want to speak with you."

  "Yes sir," replied Matt. After the foreign minister left Slavek asked,

  "In trouble again?" Matt shrugged,

  "Hey it's not my fault I'm not Bria's keeper, she makes her own decisions."

  "I think he knows that Matt," replied Slavek, "He's just trying to give you a hard time. Don't forget, my parents are high ranking government officials, and I've no doubt the foreign minister is like all of them, and hate surprises, now he has to explain to the king why his daughter isn't here."

  "Nuthin I can do about it," shrugged Matt.

  The royal banquet was like all the others he'd been too, however Queen Breca rewarded the Slykhor's with a special royal commendation for their efforts in bringing members of the Aos Si´ here to Denedra, and joining all three tribes for the first time since they had gone their separate ways so many yeans ago. Both Slavek and his sister stood up and made speeches, along with Aengus, and Fergus. Little Zinnia also spoke, however she had to have a royal "enunciator" repeat her words so everyone could hear her. Even Kaitlyn was asked to say a few words which started to bother him when no one asked him to say anything. On one hand, he was kind of glad, since he really had no idea what to talk about, but he did feel hurt that he wasn't asked to speak. At the point when it seemed like the rest of the evening was going to be spent listening to Fergus and Aengus, along with Slavek tell funny stories or recount life on earth. He was approached by Bria's parents who were here for the ceremony, and who, upon hearing his story of why they daughter had stayed behind grudgingly accepted it. The king grumbled about her acting rashly, but her mother was rather excited about her daughter taking up with one of the members of the "lost" tribe, and eagerly awaited the couple's return to Doradus.

  Slipping out of his chair while everyone's attention was directed towards the two leprechauns, Matt headed towards the royal restroom. After relieving himself, he opened the door only to face one of the most beautiful elves he had ever seen. Lacking the words to speak, the female elf did the talking.

  "I see you're just as bored as I am, by the way my name is Tianna, but I know who you are."

  "Umm that's nice," mumbled Matt, still trying to recover his ability to think after being confronted by this gorgeous elf.

  "Say I've got an idea, there's a small garden right outside that door down there, let's go out there and talk." As he looked into her blue eyes, pieces of an old song started coming into his head.

  "She looked at him with with those soft blue eyes so innocent and blue."

  "He saw that face and lost all control, he knew right then he was too far from home."

  Something wasn't right here, Patricia was almost as good looking as this chick but he could always think clearly around her. Like a willing slave he followed her out to the garden enclosed by the palace's inner walls. Pointing to a wooden bench she said,

  "We'll sit there. This is one of several meditation gardens around the palace. Everyone uses them, sometimes the queen will conduct private meetings in them, other times members of the royal staff just sit in them and relax, the fairies like to hang out in them as well."

  "Umm what do you do here?" He finally asked, his nerve starting to return.

  "Tianna just smiled and replied,

  "Me? Oh lots of things. Right now whenever the queen or Lord Giselbert calls a meeting, everyone who is supposed to attend is there and on time. Then when I'm not doing that, I make sure our royal transportation corps are doing their jobs and not off loafing somewhere."

  "What?" He asked, "You mean the Centaurs?"

  "Yes," she chuckled, "Why, are you familiar with them?" Matt nodded,

  "Khes, Zyndon Euby, and Euto, oh and Drott as well." Tianna frowned and shook her head.

  "Because they are part of the Tuath De´ a seemingly worthless part, but a part all the same."

  "Oh their not all that bad," replied Matt, I kind of feel sorry for them in a way, they aren't men and they aren't really horses, kind of caught between two worlds in a way." Tianna gave him a strange look, then asked.

  "Obviously you don't have Centaurs on your planet?"

  "No, he replied, "However they figure quite prominently in ancient mythology."

  "Really!" She exclaimed.

  "Yeah," said Matt, "I remember playing a video game that had them in it but they were always the bad guys, and you got points for killing them all off." Tianna then required an explanation of what video games were, along with more detail on why centaurs were enemies. Matt gave her the abridged version, not doing a very good job of explaining but she didn't press it, so he let it go at that.

  "Actually they aren't as lazy as I've suggested, although it always seems like they're off somewhere when you need them the most."

  "When we landed here this afternoon," explained Matt, "Euby and Euto were pissing and moaning about pulling a wagon, don't centaurs like to pull wagons?"

  Tianna shrugged,

  "Since you were off worlder's they thought they could get something over on you, they are like that." The conversation began to drag when out of the blue Tianna asked,

  "Is Kaitlyn your girlfriend?" Taken aback by her question, Matt shook his head.

  "No, I mean we're good friends and all, but I asked her to come because she knew a lot about you fairy people, and UFO space stuff. We are traveling together, and we work together, but she's got things she wants to do, and so do I."

  Tianna thought a moment then replied,

  "I see, but did you have a girlfriend?" He nodded, then chuckled.

  "Yeah, in fact I spoke to her on our recent trip back home, but I didn't ask her to come because honestly she isn't very bright, she would have freaked out at some of the stuff we've seen, and she and my best friend were messing around at the time." Tianna snickered,

  "Well that can certainly make for problems, fortunately, I don't have those problems. Tell me, was she good in bed?" This conversation had suddenly taken a turn he wasn't so sure about, but Tianna was just about the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, as he felt his willpower rapidly slipping.

  "Well, uh, we, uh, I mean uh…" Tianna giggled,

  "Well have you ever been with a girl, or woman for that matter?" The image of Holliqua formed in his mind as he noticed Tianna form a wry smile.

  "Sorry," she said softly, "I have this ability to read minds and I caught this image of a strange albino girl, what's her name?"

  "Uh Holliqua, we were returning these kids back to Moriedia and she uh…"

  Tianna gently placed her finger tip on his lips,

  "No need to say anymore, well I think I can make you forget all about Holliqua." With that she put her arms around his neck and pulled him close pressing her lips to his. Later, he remembered following her to a bedroom where he stood as she slowly removed her clothes.

  "Did I take mine off?" He wondered, "Or did she? Hell I can't remember shit!" All he knew was that this chick turned him every which way but loose. Images of sexual positions he didn't think were possible, and Tianna doing things to him they didn't even do in the porn flicks. When he woke, it was clearly broad daylight out and he was lying in a strange bed. On the nightstand next to the bed was a note that read;

  "Dearest Matt, sorry I couldn't be here with you, but duty calls. If you're hungry, (and I know you will be) stop by the kitchen, I've asked them to keep a plate warm for you, enjoy.

  P.S. I've made love to many, but your innocence and willingness to "experiment" rank you at the top of my lovers. Look me up next time you're in town, I'd like to do this again…Tianna."

  Matt chu

  "Weren't guys supposed to be the ones that left notes like this?" He lay in bed for several more minutes trying to recall all the fun they had had. One thing was for certain; Tianna possessed skills Holliqua, and for that matter, Patricia, could only dream about. When he got up Matt was surprised to find that Tianna had drawn a bath for him and the water was still reasonably hot yet. She was also good on her word about the hot breakfast as well. After eating, he was making his way back to the guest cottage when Fergus magically appeared next to him.

  "Where were you last night boyo, I wanted you to meet some friends of mine."

  "Uh well I ran into this chick and uh we…"Fergus laughed and held up his hand.

  "Say no more boyo, I understand completely. Uh, mind telling me her name?"

  "Tianna," he replied. Fergus looked at him and frowned,

  "You did say Tianna?"

  "Yes sir," replied Matt "She told me she was on the queen's staff and sets up transportation for people who are attending meetings and stuff."

  "Odd that," replied the leprechaun, there's nobody by that name on the staff, or working in the palace at all for that matter."

  "Well that's what she told me, she was the most gorgeous elf I've ever seen." Fergus looked at him strangely but said no more.

  Fergus then wished him goodbye, and hoped he would stop by the next time he was in Gwyn Wood.

  "I'll be sure to do that," replied Matt.

  "Most excellent," said Fergus, "We'll be sure to make a date for the "Moon spinner" when you do."

  He continued to think of Tianna, and now it appears that there was no such person working in the palace.

  "Well I sure had a good time with someone," he thought "Problem is…Who?"

  Back at the cottage Slavek was packing his flight bag but he could tell something was troubling his friend. They were close enough now so that Matt felt comfortable telling him about the night spent with an elf girl that according to Fergus didn't exist.

  "Sorry I can't help you Matt," confessed Slavek, Tiag and I were tied up giving speeches, getting drunk, and being lauded for that leprechaun and fairy back here. Oh, by the way, you haven't seen Kaitlyn have you? Tiag said that she didn't sleep in her bed. I saw her talking to an elf last evening, but I barely made it back here under my own power."

  "Did she come back at all?" Asked Matt.

  "I don't know," replied Slavek, Tiag's looking for her right now, I want to get going. I certainly hope she didn't get taken again."

  "You say you saw her talking to some elf?"

  "Yeah," said Slavek. "However, Tiag and I were sitting with the queen and her foreign minister, among several others. I just happened to see her sitting with the fellow. She seemed to be having a rather good time; both of them appeared to be laughing." At that moment, she and Tiag opened the door and came in. Kaitlyn was wearing a funny grin and appeared to be drunk.

  "Where have you been?" He asked. Kaitlyn gave him a silly grin and drunkenly replied.

  "Aint going to tell you, but I had the best time of my life. Don't go anywhere yet, I've got to get all my clothes packed up I won't be long." With that she hurried out. Slavek then asked his sister.

  "Where did you find her?"

  "I didn't," replied Tiag, "I saw her coming across the courtyard from the guest entrance of the palace."

  Matt thought no more about it assuming her behavior was due to too much alcohol, right now, he simply concentrated on getting his gear all packed up and getting back to the ship. Euto took them all back pulling a small cart they all just barely could fit into. For most of the way back, he talked with Slavek concerning a quick stop-off at Fort Kamata, before heading out to Golia. At one point the happened to look towards Kaitlyn who was being surprisingly quiet and looking wistfully back towards Denedra. Slavek was asking him a question so he returned his attention back to the conversation thinking no more of Kaitlyn.

  Once back at the ship, they wasted no time in preparing to lift off with Matt making sure everyone had all of their gear aboard. Again, he noticed Kaitlyn being strangely silent, but he respected her "space," and made no attempt to speak with her. Tiag also noticed Kaitlyn's unusual behavior as well, approaching Matt about it.

  "Is she sick or something?"

  "Naw," he replied, I think she had too much of that RipDyne Brandy and it's put the zap on her head. I know it really screwed me up."

  Chapter 59

  Titan Stand Chapter 59

  The flight back to Fort Kamata was quiet and uneventful with Matt still thinking about Tianna, and wondering about Kaitlyn. By the time they reached the star base she seemed back to her old self but he noticed she now seemed just a little happier. Well whatever it was the important thing was to check the board for any messages from Amber for which there were none. This bothered Matt as she was usually pretty good about keeping him informed. It didn't help things when he and Slavek saw the raider alert concerning ships traveling to Golia.

  Slavek and his sister then contacted their mother on Golia who informed them they had heard nothing.

  "We've had no reports of raider activity out this way," was her reply.

  "I will be eagerly expecting your arrival," she added, "I will make arrangements for you to land at the diplomatic sector in Khemna , see you soon."

  "Well if she's not worried we should be all right," observed the Ruddorian.

  They then checked with Deev Mocon the Loridian director at Fort Kamata.

  "That warning was posted early last week," he explained. "Two Selantrian cargo ships reported being shadowed by what they were convinced were raiders. Since then no one's reported any trouble out that way, so it's up to you." Neither Slavek or his sister wanted to keep their mother waiting so he decided to take a chance and head for Golia.

  "Fuel's good," he told Matt, "As a precaution though, operate the turret, and practice while we're on our way." As he sat in the gunner's seat, watching the cosmos, Matt thought of a documentary he saw about World War II, and an images of turret gunners scanning the skies for German planes. Back then, the gunners could usually spot approaching enemy planes. However here raiders could be on you in a moment.

  He continued to practice on shooting imaginary enemies, thinking how much that old video game he used to play was so much like this. Things went normally for two cycles until Slavek advised him,

  "We'll be reaching the half-way point very shortly, if there are any raiders around, this is where they will hit us. The closer we get to Golia the better chance for naval patrols." By now everyone was feeling a little nervous at the possibility of being attacked. Matt then began to think about his last encounter prompting him to tell Slavek.

  "If things get bad, call a surrender, if they scan us they won't be able to detect my rifle and shotgun, hopefully, I can get the drop on them if they try and board us."

  Slavek looked at him with a troubled mind.

  "I hope you know what you're doing? If it comes to that, I'll feign a damaged engine, and let them know everyone's wounded."

  "Well let's hope it doesn't come to that," muttered Matt.

  Unfortunately the best laid plans always go wrong. In this case they were jumped by a cloaked raider who immediately sucked them in with a tractor beam. Both Slavek and Tiag figured it was all over, and were resigned to being ransomed however Matt and Kaitlyn weren't ready to throw in the "towel" just yet. They were instructed to open the ramp and slide all their weapons down it. Matt and a very nervous Kaitlyn took up positions behind two metal crates waiting for the inevitable. He was scared, but Kaitlyn was near tears.

  "Stay cool Kaitlyn, we're only going to get one chance at this. Move on me, I'm really hoping they won't be expecting this, kill anything that moves, if we rush them, we might have a chance. I'm also hoping the noise will disorient them. Remember the last time, don't panic, just focus on the job at hand, just focus."

  Kaitlyn started to sob, but Matt continued to comfort her. Slavek and Tiag remained in their seats refusing to bud
ge when the raiders ordered them to come down.

  The raiders weren't playing games, and four of them came up the ramp plazers drawn.

  "We know there are four of you on board, stop playing games and come out, otherwise things are going to get rough." It was crunch time as Matt rolled out from cover and opened up with his AR. He didn't have time to think, just shoot. He had been right about the noise confusing the raiders, as they took a moment too long to realize what was going on. All four went down, however as one started to get up, Kaitlyn took him out with the shotgun. Matt was up immediately taking it from her.

  "Have Slavek and Tiag get those handguns of theirs and follow me, we have to move fast." As she did as he ordered, Matt reloaded his AR slinging it across his shoulder, and hefting the semi-auto. Without looking back, he quickly moved forward in what appeared to be a small hanger bay. Hiding behind a bulkhead, he waited for two raiders to come bolting out of the other ship sitting there. Swinging out, he cut loose with three rounds of number four buckshot, catching one in the legs and the other full in the chest, pitching him backward.


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