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Titan Stand

Page 60

by Max Jager

  "Cover me Matt," exclaimed Orlak, shoot them if they even twitch." With adrenalin pumping through his body, Matt went into a combat stance holding his pistol on the two raiders, while Orlak and Skart checked them for weapons. Suddenly, Rekton's voice came over their wrist comm's,

  "We've got a wounded pilot up here, captains dead, is everything all right back there?" Orlak spoke into his comm,

  "We've got two prisoners here, could use some help."

  "On the way," came the reply. Orlak secured the raiders hands with the Golian equivalent of tie wraps just as Jezang appeared. At seeing her, the raiders gasped and stumbled backwards almost falling down.

  "Matt," said Orlak, "Let's finish this," so once more, he covered Orlak as they continued farther back into the engine room, however there was no one else.

  Orlak grabbed a black fabric bag from a storage shelf and handed it to Matt.

  "Throw all the weapons you can find in here, along with anything else that looks interesting." He then moved forward towards the prisoners as Matt searched for weapons. Finding only the pistol the raider he shot was holding, Matt tossed what he recognized as pistol and rifle batteries into the bag, as well as several data chips, a couple knives, wrist comms, along with three small computers. Everyone had now gathered in the small cargo area where he got a look at the wounded pilot who appeared to be missing his left hand the stump covered with a field dressing that was glowing blue indicating that it was stopping the loss of blood.

  "The ship is too badly damaged to fly," exclaimed Rekton, "Orlak, you and Skart grab all the data cards and anything else that looks interesting, Matt, get any weapons lying around. Skart, when you're done, set the engines on overload, and get out, come on people, we have to leave…Now!"

  Once back outside, Jezang, and Ifwol dragged the other bodies back into the ship while Matt tossed a couple rifles and a pistol into his bag while Rekton directed the prisoners towards the Azani. Moments after Jezang finished, Skart came running out,

  "Ship's ready to blow in ten, Orlak's right behind me." He then came up to Matt reaching out to help him with the bag.

  "We've got to get that launcher as well," said Matt, "It's up that way." As they headed back up the dune, Jezang hit the ramp button causing the ramp to rise. As she started up the dune, another helicopter roared overhead, then began to hover as someone started shooting at her from the chopper. Matt watched in horror as it looked like she was being hit. However, she simply raised her RPD towards the machine and began to dump a full magazine at it. Almost immediately, the helicopter exploded taking a nose dive towards the ground. Jezang didn't seem to be hurt as she resumed running up and over the crest of the dune.

  The chopper crashed barely one hundred feet from the raider ship exploding on impact, immediately followed by an incredible explosion from the spacecraft. Even though everyone was coming down the opposite side, of the dune, the shock waves knocked them all to the ground with a massive fireball erupting from the other side. No one seemed hurt, as everyone resumed their dash for the ship. Matt's ears were still ringing from the massive explosion as they reached the Azani, where Rekton and now Jezang were shoving the prisoners through the hatch. Orlak was calling to Slavek for a status report along with directing him to put the ship in cloaking mode. Everything was in an uproar, the prisoners were lying on the floor, moaning and screaming, blue blood splattered on the deck. Orlak was trying to determine if the ship could fly, Ifwol was checking Jezang who was apparently hit, while Skart was heading for the engine room. Matt dragged the heavy bag over to a large shipping chest, using every bit of his waning strength to heave it into the chest. Then Orlak shouted out,

  "Everybody to their battle stations we've got more visitors."

  With his brain on "overload," Matt ran to his gun turret tossing his jump helmet, and slamming his gun sight and computer helmet on. There were two more helicopters flying over both looking very military this time.

  "Stand by people," announced Orlak, "If those things land, we'll scoot out of here, Gyod says we're good to go." Matt watched as the choppers circled around the other side of the dune where a large cloud of smoke was now rising. Moments later, they disappeared, obviously landing. Orlak waited another five minutes, then lifted off. Matt could see the two helicopters sitting on the ground, their rotors still turning. They were too far away for him to see the faces of the people standing on the ground but he knew they could hear the sound of the Azani as it rose into the sky. Orlak quickly took them into a high orbit around earth while they figured things out, and Gyod, and Skart could finish up repairs.

  Both Orlak and Rekton were sure the explosion aboard the raider ship was enough to send pieces of it for thousands of ing's.

  "Oh they will quickly realize a spacecraft has blown up," said Rekton, "but I'm not sure if the Azani was spotted by these last machines or not, nothing we can do about it now."

  "At some point I'm going to have to talk to my dad, and maybe even Doctor Frick," said Matt, "Maybe they will have heard something." He then went to check on Jezang who was sitting in the galley as Vasta, and Ifwol were checking her over.

  "Did they hit you?" He asked, Jezang looked at him and pointed to her "wounds." Unlike a human, they were not bleeding; she had been hit in the upper chest, the right arm and her waist.

  "Since I'm an android," she explained, those bullets merely penetrated my skin, my skeletal structure stopped them." Ifwol held what looked like a glue gun, as Vasta dug into Jezang's wounds with a pair of tweezers. Jezang sat there watching him as he fished around finally pulling out a slug.

  "She'll be all right," said Vasta, "Androids like her are designed and built to take this kind of punishment. Once I remove these bullets, Ifwol will apply some of his biogenic sealer. By tomorrow, you won't be able to even tell she had been shot."

  He then used his glue gun to inject what looked like white silicon into the

  wound smoothing out the excess. Vasta then did the same with the other two wounds with the sealant that completely sealed the wound becoming part of her "skin."

  "If you had been human you'd have been killed," said Matt. Jezang smiled at him,

  "Just think of me as the "Terminator," from that movie of yours."

  "Well I'm just glad you're on our side," he replied. Once they were done with Jezang, Vasta and Ifwol headed for the small cargo area where Rekton and Skart were guarding the prisoners. The raiders were chained to a railing in the cargo area looking pretty rough, the pilot laid on a mat moaning from his wounds.

  "Stop abusing the prisoners," announced Vasta, "We need to inspect their injuries and treat them."

  "Well hurry up," snapped Rekton, "I need to get to work here." Vasta glared at him, but Rekton ignored him. The two raiders taken from the rear of their ship were basically just roughed up, however the pilot had been hit with four or five shotgun pellets, and appeared to be in a lot of pain.

  Rekton bent over the pilot as Vasta tried to the raider's wounds,

  "Melik!" Moaned the pilot,

  "What did you shoot me with? Damn it hurts."

  "Well you're going to hurt a lot more if you don't tell me why you came all this way to find us, or even knew where we were." The pilot glared at Rekton, snarling,

  "Isn't it obvious? You destroyed our home you and those "Meliken" Malhazars."

  Vasta had the raider's jacket and shirt off revealing the wounds to his shoulder and chest, blue blood seeping from the entry wounds. Even though he was a raider and trying to kill them, Matt felt some remorse for the guy, lying on the mat squirming in pain.

  That wasn't our idea to destroy your home world like that," growled Rekton, "The Malhazars offered to pay for our fuel in exchange for escorting them into your sector."

  The raider made a feeble attempt to rise up as he glared at Rekton.

  "Well we get the last laugh, every raider ship in the galaxy is going to be looking for you, we know who you are Golian! And as for the Malhazars…Well let's just say they will be d
ealt with." With that, he fell back on the mat as Vasta warned Rekton to wait until he had treated the raider's wounds.

  The other prisoners refused to cooperate, preferring to remain sullen.

  "Does this mean the raiders are going to be hounding us from now on?" Asked Matt.

  "Not if we can help it," replied Rekton, but I need to talk with Orlak first, we've still got a few options yet."

  Chapter 74

  Titan Stand Chapter 74

  "So how did they find us?" Asked Matt, as he and the rest of the crew debated on what to do next.

  "It isn't that hard," replied Orlak, provided you have the right equipment, and it would appear the raiders do. However they could only follow our ion trail up until the point we entered hyperspace." Then Slavek offered his opinion.

  "It could very well be that they knew Matt was on board, and that we were traveling to his home world. Tracking our ion trail would have given them the right heading, and somehow knowing our destination.

  "You may be right," said Rekton,

  "It might be why there was only one ship, then of course once we arrived in this galaxy and dropped out of hyper space they could have picked up our trail again."

  "Considering the fact there's really no interstellar space travel going on in this galaxy," observed Gyod, "I'm sure they had no trouble matching ion signatures."

  "Very true," added Rekton, so people what's it going to be, stay here a little longer or head back and find out what's going on? If going back is what you want to do, we're going to have to stop by Fort Kamata, hopefully Brand will be there, if anyone knows what's going on he will."

  "Matt had heard Rekton speak of Brand on many occasions revering him almost like a god. Apparently, he used to be Rekton's unit commander who had an uncanny "sixth sense," pulling the unit from many disastrous ambushes' now turned to bounty hunting, a most lucrative profession according to Rekton. Although Orlak and the others were eager to see all the wild animals in Africa, they were more concerned about what was happening back home, so all voted to put off going to Africa for another time. Before leaving however, Matt tried calling his parents but got no answer, he then called Dr. Norman Frick concerning the fight and subsequent destruction of the raider ship in Australia. Frick said that he had heard nothing, but checked on his computer while Matt waited.

  "Sorry son," was his reply, however I do see a report about a fire at the Watarrka National Park visitor center. According to the report I'm reading, the place burned to the ground due to a fire of mysterious origins. Oh yes, it also says that the park is closed until further notice, although the article doesn't give a reason."

  Matt gave him a full run-down on what happened down there, and the reason the park was closed was probably because the place was crawling with government people looking for UFO parts.

  Frick chuckled,

  "Actually I have friends "down under," perhaps I should pay them a visit." He then thanked Matt for calling him, then closed with,

  "Your visit to the Little A'Le'Inn caused quite a stir my friend. One of my skeptics was there and actually spoke with one of your friends. Needless to say, he is now a true belier."

  "Well all my friends enjoyed themselves, maybe we can do it again sometime," replied Matt.

  With the prisoners firmly secured down in the cargo area, life aboard the Azani started to return to normal. Before turning in, Matt sought out Jezang who was in her small cabin. Knocking on her door, he heard her quietly announce,

  "Enter." It's just me," he announced, "I just wanted to see how you were doing Jezang." She had been sitting in a chair, offering him one next to her.

  "None the worse for wear Matt, thank you for asking."

  "Oh no problem," he replied nervously.

  "Was there something on your mind?" She asked.

  "Well…Umm, you didn't say much at the meeting," he began. "I'm curious as to what you think we'll run into? Also, it worries me that these raiders know where earth is and have actually found their way here." Jezang remained silent for a few moments then replied.

  "The raiders have a lot of informants, I've no doubt they are now very aware of you and Kaitlyn and the fact that you are from earth. Don't forget, you two are now citizens of Ruddoria, which puts you under the protection of the Ruddorians, as well as the Empire." Matt shrugged, which caused Jezang to add.

  "This is no small thing Matt, do not dismiss it." She then stared at him intently,

  "You may not be aware of it, but there are some very powerful and influential people on board, people who have befriended you Matt." He pursed his lips, and bowed his head.

  "I kinda got that idea, but I'm just a kid, Jezang, why do you guys want to hang around me?"

  Jezang made a chirping noise, as her eyes flashed,

  "Do not sell yourself short Matt, your past actions have made a big impression on all of us. We are also quite impressed with your race in general. Please, just leave it at that, knowing that you have friends." He stared at her for a moment trying to smile as Jezang said.

  "As for what we will run into back home no one can truly say. The fact that the raiders have many informants is only a small part of their resources. With the destruction of Bline-Aichel the remaining raiders will no doubt have marshaled their forces. Make no mistake, no good can come of this, the Malhazar's will pay heavily for their stupidity. Still, I am concerned about our situation, the fact that the raiders went to the trouble of tracking us all the way to your world with the intent of destroying us troubles me deeply. Do not despair my friend, I, as well as Rekton, Orlak, Skart, and Ifwol, all have contacts who will give us a better idea of where we stand." She then gently laid her hand on his arm,

  "Fear not, Matt, The raiders will also know who we are as well."

  "They will know of our deeds and records, so they will not go rushing headlong into something that will be to their detriment." Matt thought for a moment on what she had told him, then replied.

  "The thing that bothers me though is how they will go after the Malhazar's.

  I mean they are your equivalent of the "Mafia," the short time I was nervous as hell every moment I was on their planet, for fear of offending them in some way. Just like the Mafia back on earth, these people have a crazy sense of honor and revenge. Well look how they finally dealt with some of their people being killed by the raiders, blowing up an entire planet…Jeeze, that's taking revenge to a new level don't you think?" Jezang nodded,

  "This is true," she replied, "We worry about that as well, but we cannot do anything about it now." Finding nothing more to talk about, Matt excused himself heading back to his bunk.

  Slavek was sleeping so Matt quietly removed his boots and pants before climbing up into his bunk. He drifted off, but then woke listening to the sounds of the ship, the constant hum of the engines, the slow ticking from the life support system, and the sound of liquid moving through various pipes. Up to this point it had all seemed like a dream. Here he was, a teenager from earth lying in a bunk on an alien spacecraft,

  "Christ! What were the odds in that?" He thought. Now things were starting to get real, people were out there gunning for him. He then began to think of Holliqua and what had become of her or her twisted family for that matter.

  "Probably dead," he thought. No doubt the raiders marked her ship as target number one. Uglier thoughts then entered his mind.

  "What if they had somehow captured her ship and taken her prisoner? Maybe that's how they found out about him and where he was from?" Finally he drifted off awaking to the sounds of Slavek moving around.

  "Sorry to wake you Matt," said Slavek,

  "What time is it?" Asked Matt.

  "Too early for you yet, I've got duty up on the bridge, go back to sleep." As hard as he tried, he couldn't sleep, and just lying there was making his legs restless, so Matt dropped down to the deck putting his pants back on. Making himself a mug of instant coffee in the galley Matt headed for the bridge where he found Slavek in the pilot's seat, and Skart fl
ying co-pilot. Both looked at him as he shrugged,

  "Couldn't sleep, got too much on my mind, Skart, if you want, I'll take your duty."

  "Thank you Matt, but now that I'm up, I'm up." He then popped open the small jump seat located slightly behind the pilot's and co-pilot's seats.

  "Have a seat." No one spoke for several minutes giving Matt the opportunity to study his friends. Slavek's left hand resting lightly on the flight control coming off the side of his seat. Skart stared intently at the various indicators, lights and the small computer screen displaying the entire ship's circuitry, and plumbing layout.


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