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Titan Stand

Page 75

by Max Jager

  The trip to Z'ha'dum took roughly two "sike's" which are equivalent to 48 hour cycle. During that time Matt felt his piloting skills needed testing, so he asked Amber to let him into the pilot's seat while she tested him with problems and scenarios.

  "So you think you're ready?" She asked him.

  "Oh I'm nowhere near "ready" Amber," he replied, but I need to know where I'm at, what do I need to work on, call it a "mid-term." So after a long range scan searching for stray asteroid fields space junk, and possible threats Matt climbed into the pilot's seat. Amber then asked him to close his eyes while she made some "adjustments." The next thing he knew the engines were reporting shutdown failure, and they were heading wildly on the wrong heading.

  Matt immediately initiated a proper engine shutdown beginning a full diagnostic while bringing them back on the proper heading using the pulse jets. Since part of the diagnostic required the engineer, (in this case Gandric) to make a visual inspection before resetting the computer that controlled the engines there was a long pause.

  "Engines reset, computer functioning 100 per cent, re-start engines," came Gandric's voice over Matt's headset. In the meantime he had not been paying attention to the ship's course, and the Nora-Lee had drifted again, however he was able to get them back on course again. Moments after resuming their course the life support instrumentation started lighting up.

  "Oxygen quality deteriorating Matt!" Exclaimed Amber, "It won't matter to us androids but you and Ilmi might have problems." The main computer was showing a ruptured line to which he dispatched a repair bot. With a repair that should have taken the repair bot just a couple minutes they were now close to eight minutes into the problem with the oxygen readings only getting worse.

  With Amber watching him from the co-pilot's seat, he felt like he was back in driver's Ed class. However unlike his old instructor, Amber said nothing or did anything to distract him. Finally the repair bot signaled that repairs were complete, and the sensors were reporting that the oxygen quality was slowly returning to normal. Amber then hit him with three mathematical problems dealing with moving from low to medium to high warp speeds then into hyper drive. Remarkably, he got the first two right, but failed getting them into hyper-drive. Finally, Amber announced the test over.

  "Well here it comes," he thought, believing that he had completely failed the test.

  "Well you certainly did better than expected," she told him.

  "On the positive side, you paid attention, and didn't allow yourself to become distracted. You concentrated on the main problem which was re-starting the engines, however you kept loosing your course, might have been some real problems had we been close to an asteroid field, other than that you were fine."

  "As for the problem with the life support, you're attention drifted, and you failed to release enough repair bots. You really needed two on the job. Other than that you did all right. As for the math equations, I'm afraid you need to work harder on learning your Transdimensional theory; you forgot to factor in the inability of light drives to operate in gravity well. All in all Matt, you passed…But just barely. You seem to grasp the overall concept which is no small feat, but just keep plugging away. I recorded this exercise on the main computer, so if you want to re-take the test feel free to do so."

  Later, as he sat in the galley trying to understand the math lesson on his Golian computer.

  Munching on a drod tuber while trying to figure out a mathematical term, he wasn't aware of Ilmi slipping into the seat next to him. Pointing to the first problem she quietly said,

  "You're dealing with potential energy, volume, weight, and density here. You need to find the base of weight and density and factor in the speed of light. Then you need to know the volume and gravity quotient for the particular spacecraft you're flying. The figure you come up with is your constant, which must be proportional to the highest warp factor of your engines." He just looked at her feeling like a dummy.

  "That's my problem Ilmi," he sighed, I wasn't a math whiz back on earth, now I'm trying to struggle with math from superior races."

  Ilmi looked at him for a moment then replied,

  "I don't know about the sort of mathematics that are taught on your planet but out here, and I'm talking about this galaxy and all its sectors, we have what we call "working math," basically it's the math used in every centon life. We also have what we call "navigational math," which is what you're trying to figure out."

  "I knew it," he grumbled,

  "You've got to be a friggin Einstein to figure it out."

  "Well I don't know what an Einstein is," she replied, "But in a sense, it's another form of working math. The average citizen as well as people in business such as manufacturers, trades people, traders and quite a number of professional people do fine with working math. I think in your case learning and knowing the standard terms will go a long way to helping you start to get a handle on navigational math…Once again, terms. Now, learning and understanding navigational math is going to take a bit of work, but once again, I think I can help." She looked at her wrist cron, then said.

  "I keep up with my studies through some learning holograms I've got with me we've got several milacenton until we arrive on Z'ha'dum so I think there's enough time, it might be a good idea for you do this in your bunk. Go get settled, and I'll go get the hologram."

  As he headed for the pallet he slept on, Matt wondered what she was up to.

  Ilmi showed up with a small device and placed it on the deck in front of Matt. She then prepared to place a small patch at the base of his neck.

  "Whoa! Hold on there!" He exclaimed, "What's this?" Ilmi shrugged,

  "It's just a learning enhancer, it helps you to focus completely on the hologram, now just relax, and let me place it on the back of your neck." He wasn't so sure about this but let her go ahead.

  "Sometimes it takes a couple klix to work," as she studied his eyes. "Being human," she added, "it might have a different effect on you. Oh wait, here we go, I'm starting the hologram now."

  Suddenly he was standing on a large open field of very short orange grass for as far as he could see, nothing else, just the orange grass no trees or anything else. The sky was a soft light green, funny, orange and green were his favorite colors.

  As he was looking around, he noticed that he was neither hot nor cold, and felt absolutely wonderful. Suddenly Mr. McAvoy his old junior high math teacher was standing before him. Strangely, he didn't think this was odd in the slightest.

  Smiling, he reached out and shook the man's hand.

  Mr. McAvoy, what are you doing here?" He asked.

  "I'm here to teach you the basics of Shalanterian mathematics Matt; I understand you've been having problems understanding the fundamentals, so let's see if we can't get you squared away here." Suddenly the image of his former teacher disappeared, and a series of images began to flash rapidly in his mind.

  Now it seemed as though he was floating as Golian, and Ruddorian words and symbols appeared in front of him. Some of the images then began to flash several times and in different colors and sizes. At first he was confused by them but gradually, things started to make more sense, along with a strange desire to keep demanding more. Then all of a sudden he was back in junior high in Mr. McAvoy's class, but there was no one else there, except him and McAvoy, who was standing in front of the chalkboard drawing more symbols. Suddenly, a strange feeling of accomplishment, and understanding came over him just like the day the concept of algebra came together for him.

  Now he was looking down at a test that had just appeared on his desk. Mr. McAvoy was still standing in front of the chalk board so who could have handed out these tests. Standing next to him was Holliqua who softly smiled as she pointed to the answer for each question except the third from the last. Instead of pointing she just stared at him. As soon as he had completed the test, she disappeared, replaced by Mr. McAvoy who now pointed to each question.

  "Let's see how you did Matt," he said, "Hmmm, looks like y
ou got all of them right except this one." He looked to see that the question he missed was the third from the last.

  "Very good Matt," said McAvoy, "However it looks like we need a little more work on your symbol changeovers." Once again, alien words and symbols flashed in his head, followed by a series of strange dreams where he found himself in strange situations trying to resolve problems.

  For some reason he was having trouble trying to accomplish a task without knowing what it was. Now he found himself standing somewhere in the middle of Ussen Ommo with nothing else around. Then suddenly a ghost warrior stood before him grinning.

  "Changeovers are easy, nothing to 'em Matt," said the hulking warrior who then proceeded to explain using ancient artifacts.

  "Look at this Matt, the value of this combat suit is 465, however half of that, or in this case a well used one is only 232 and a half. Since there's a fraction involved you simply factor that in at the end. If these fractions eventually add up to an even figure you simply round up. If you've done it right you'll get your true value, that's what's called a changeover." The visual demonstration worked, it now became very clear as to what he needed to do when figuring his constant.

  Once again he was back in McAvoy's classroom and the theory he was teaching started to make a whole lot of sense. This time when he took the test, he aced it. Not only was Holliqua there, but Ilmi too. When Mr. McAvoy congratulated him on passing the test with flying colors, both females bent down and planted big kisses on each of his cheeks.

  Once again more strange images swirled in his mind, however he found himself drifting into a dark drowsiness. The next think he knew, someone was shaking him.

  "MATT! Wake up, we're here, we've arrived on Z'ha'dum, come on…Get up."

  He opened his eyes to a concerned looking Ilmi and Amber standing over him as he slowly regained his senses.

  "Sorry Matt," apologized Ilmi, "I didn't realize that enhancer drug would affect you like it did, are you all right?"

  "Wow! What was that shit?" He exclaimed. "It was like I was on some sort of hallucinogenic drug, Damn! What a hell of a "trip!" Both Amber and Ilmi weren't sure what he was talking about and remained concerned.

  "I don't know what that stuff was, Ilmi, but I think I finally understand Shalanterian mathematics, conversions, and changeovers."

  Well we're here on Z'ha'dum Matt, said Amber, "Let's do what we came here to do and be off."

  Chapter 91

  Titan Stand Chapter 91

  It took him a moment to get his bearings and realize where he was,

  "Wow! That was certainly some weird shit you gave me Ilmi, but ya know, I actually think it finally helped me to figure things out. But Whew! Warn me next time okay?"

  "Must be the pill dosage was a bit too strong," she replied. "Well I'll keep that in mind." He then directed his attention to Amber.

  Where exactly did you put us down?'

  "Near the old human settlement on the old landing pad." Suddenly, a wave of memories hit him. Memories of Greg Tate, and the brief time he knew him. Matt started feeling guilty for not having thought of Greg in these many months. He smiled and thought to himself how in the beginning, they were going to come directly here but boy those plans sure went to shit in a big hurry.

  "Well, let's go see what's left of everything, lead on Amber." Dawn was just starting to break as they stepped off the ship. Both Amber and Jezang immediately went into defensive postures ready for anything. Matt had his AR, as well as his CZ75 in a drop leg holster, while Ilmi carried a Geltron rifle. Gandric was staying with the ship monitoring the scanner, ready to alert them at the first sign of trouble.

  Other than the occasional squawk from a bird, there was no other sound. A gentle breeze blew through the scattered trees, as Amber pointed to the west,

  "The old settlement is this way." As the light continued to grow, more detail was revealed. It was quite obvious that past mining operations had truly scarred the land and nature was taking its own sweet time to heal the damage. He was always under the impression that all the mining had been underground, but clearly, it was all open pit. They passed one large pond Amber said had been the first dig site, now it was full of water with various plant and tree life struggling to take root around the perimeter. As it grew lighter, long abandoned structures began to appear out of the gloom. The buildings appeared to be made of some kind of metal in the shape of cones with round blunt tips.

  "Let's check out that building Amber," he said pointing to a medium sized structure. Amber looked around, and then slowly moved towards the building.

  From the looks of the place, it must have been painted at one time, now the years and the elements had worn off most of the paint, although it looked as though the building had been blue at one time. As they approached the door, Matt spotted faded writing next to the door. The top grouping was written in Neistrian, while the lower grouping was in English.

  Equipment office authorized persons only

  "It says the same thing in Neistrian," said Amber.

  "This is where mining equipment was checked out to the miners," she added.

  The door practically fell off as soon as Amber tried to open it. Matt looked at the latch noticing that someone or something had destroyed the lock, and shoving the now destroyed door back in the jamb. Once inside, they found all manner of hand tools and mechanical devices lying scattered all around with a thick coating of dust covering everything. There were two windows now opaque from the elements barely letting any light in. Along with a small desk and chair there were all sorts of paper and small notebooks scattered around. Upon closer examination, Matt realized they weren't made of paper, but some very thin material the resembled paper. Matt noticed a small notebook lying on the desk, picking it up he noticed that it was written in English. There seemed to be headings with dates that didn't make any sense. The notebook seemed to be someone's record of tools taken out of this building and when they were returned. In one of the desk drawers he found several unused notebooks which he decided to keep. The paper-like material had not aged a bit as real paper would have. He also found a couple pencils as well which Amber claimed were created on a 3D copier. Although paper wasn't used for writing purposes in this galaxy, it was still reassuring to him to have something he could use to write on.

  The exploration continued as more buildings as well as several large pieces of mining equipment were discovered. The machines appeared to be some sort of excavators as well as mobile ore crushing rigs. As he was looking at them Matt noticed that none of them were rusty or beat up in a way they would be back on earth. They were all tracked with none having any rubber tires. No doubt about it, intense mining had completely ruined the land, and even though trees and indigenous plant life was making a comeback it would be a long time before the wounds had been fully healed. Before long they came to the town proper…Or what was left of it. However the structures were all of wood except the roofs which appeared to be large solar panels. Asking Amber about it she explained.

  "I doubt they are still working after all these yarns but yes, every roof provided power for each building. The Neistra allowed the humans to build their town in a familiar manner." It was familiar alright; the town closely resembled Coryville and was in the same state of disrepair.

  As they moved down the single street now overgrown with weeds and small brushy plants he asked Amber.

  "Greg never said, but did this place have a name?" Amber looked at him,

  "I believe it was called "New Town, although some were calling it "Lost Hope."

  One or two of the buildings had fallen in but for the most part time and the elements had simply taken their toll. Amber strongly recommended that they not enter any of the buildings as they could come down right on their heads. As they began to near the opposite end of town, Ilmi pointed to a building sitting on a short side street.

  "Look at that place, it's not run down at all, maybe someone still lives there?" Approaching cautiously, they could see that it appe
ared to be a home and while not painted, was being kept up.

  "Be careful," cautioned Amber, "They might not be friendly." Matt went up to the door and knocked loudly. After a few minutes, the door opened and a male android appeared. He was wearing trousers and a red plaid shirt along with shoes that resembled moccasins. He started to say something, but then spotted Amber.

  It was clear by their actions they were communicating by telepathy. Everyone waited patiently, until they were done communicating. The shorter android then approached Amber holding out his hands which she took.

  "This is Franklin," announced Amber, he and one other are the last androids here on Z'ha'dum. However, there is one last human left alive."

  "Please follow me," exclaimed Franklin, but please show respect, she is very old and may not hold out much longer." The home appeared to well kept and clean. A mix of old and new decorated the place. Franklin led them to a room that appeared to be a study and judging from the equipment in the room possibly a doctors office. In the middle of the room sat a very old woman who was sitting in a strange looking chair that was floating a few inches off the floor.


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