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Titan Stand

Page 78

by Max Jager

  "I think we've got enough here so that the language experts can figure everything out," said Amber, "The trading company has a whole department devoted to languages…Very important, when you're dealing with contracts and specific meanings."

  Matt had invited Ilmi to help him disassemble the guns since they appeared to be beam type weapons.

  "Well the batteries in them have long since died," she observed as she helped him take them apart.

  "I'm not even sure what type of "family" they are part of, Laser, although that's pretty primitive. They don't look like plasma or phase either, oh well, we'll figure it out. She then looked at him and smiled.

  "You know Matt I'm getting rather fond of you; however I worry that I may be upsetting your relationship with that Malhazar female."

  This was what he had been afraid of because there was no way to determine how Holliqua would react.

  "Well Ilmi," he replied, I'm getting real fond of you as well, unfortunately, I can't make up my damn mind about how I feel about Holliqua. I'd just like you two to just get along and be friends; we could all make a great team."

  "Well," she replied, I certainly couldn't be with you all the time; I do have other commitments you know as I suspect this Holliqua does as well. I can't help it though, you're unlike anyone I've ever met before, I…I just find myself drawn to you."

  "Don't lay it on too thick," he thought. "Look Ilmi, Let's just take things as they come, we're here together, Holliqua is somewhere else. I suppose at some point, you two will meet and you will either try to kill each other or become friends. Hell! Maybe you'll try and kill me. But for now, let's just play it by ear." Ilmi gave him a puzzled look but said nothing.

  Finally the call-back came, only it was the foreign minister himself.

  "Jezang, is Matt with you?"

  "He is,"

  "Excellent! It seems we've got a rather sticky problem here. Even though these transmissions are coded I'd rather speak to you in person. Right now, I want you to return to this New Town settlement where you are to remain until we arrive. Also, I would like this doctor O'Donnell to make Matt a full citizen it's very important that she do this."

  "What if she has passed on?" Asked Jezang. There was a long pause, then Roikas returned,

  "Let us pray that that is not the case. In any event, we should be there within two sikes."

  "There have been raiders snooping around here," she replied, "they have been dealt with but there may be more, what should we do?" Again a long pause.

  "Do what you have to, but since they have been handed Tumar-Ju, I doubt you'll see any of them. I'm sending further details through our diplomatic channel; I assume you have the frequency?"

  "I do sir."

  "Transmission on its way in five, we will be departing very shortly."

  "Very well," Replied Jezang, we await your arrival."

  Chapter 94

  Titan Stand Chapter 94

  They landed in a semi-cleared area at the edge of town, by now evening was approaching and Matt worried that Doctor O'Donnell might have gone to bed already. Once again rankling let them in. Thankfully, the doctor was still awake. Looking up, from her reading, she smiled.

  "Welcome back, what brings you at this late hour?"

  I'm afraid we've got a little problem doctor," announced Jezang.

  "I know it's late, but do you suppose you could make Matt here an official citizen of New Town?" Doctor O'Donnell gave them a puzzled look, then Matt began to explain the reason why.

  "…So you see ma'am, we need to build up the population of humans to gain any legal standing in the galaxy. Where we're going to get them is something we haven't figured out yet, I only know of two others besides myself, and only one we can count on."

  "Well then I will be happy to do whatever I can. Here, place your hand on this bible." As he did so, the doctor pronounced,

  "I Summer O'Donnell, the last living descendent of the good people of Coryville Colorado, due hereby make Matt Grainger a full citizen of New Town, and by default, a citizen of the planet Z'ha'dum."

  "Well Matt, you are now a citizen of New Town." Pointing to the large bible, she said,

  "That bible came with the original residents of Coryville Matt, its hand more hands resting on it swearing to tell the truth, as well as being the church's only bible. It's been used to pray over just about everyone since that time, and if you are still here when I pass, I would like you to read a passage over me. I've marked it. There is also a sort of genealogical record in the back listing all the marriages and deaths. Take very good care of it Matt; it's the only record indicating that we lived." He looked at the well worn tome and nodded,

  "Count on me ma'am, I'll see that nothing happens to it."

  Everyone spent the night on the Nora-Lee, but in the morning, Matt and Ilmi set out in search of a house. Although most looked bad, closer examination revealed them to be in decent shape. The roofs didn't seem to leak; however, some of the solar panels were not working anymore. He selected a single story building that appeared to have been a combined residence, along with a forge where someone made, and sharpened tools.

  "Just the kind of place I've been looking for!" He exclaimed, "Maybe I can get that old forge working and try my luck making knives."

  "Well we'd better get this place cleaned up first," replied Ilmi.

  Even though the door had been closed, and the windows still intact, there was a thick layer of dust over everything. So while they waited for Foreign Minister Roikas, and the Loridian delegation to arrive, Matt and Ilmi worked like rented mules cleaning and washing. Gandric was able to fix the charging system and circuit panel that put the solar panels back into operation. The panels it turned out operated a water heater, a water pump, as well as a large circular overhead light in each room. Amazingly, they still worked and really lit up each room. There was also a dial that dimmed each light.

  "I wonder what those people thought," wondered Matt, "When the Neistra introduced them to solar panels and electric lights.

  Further examination revealed a rudimentary telephone system that didn't work, although Gandric thought its power must have come from somewhere else. Each building still had furniture in them, and when cleaned up resembled maple.

  "It's called "Jinna" wood," explained Tucker, the buildings are made of either Cherk or Kambot wood, it's very water proof and simply doesn't rot. There are large groves of it to the north of here, I don't know if there's a market for it elsewhere in the galaxy, but the Neistra were apparently aware of it." Ilmi found a large metal pot which they built a fire under, and used to boil all the bedding, as well as what were supposed to be towels. While Matt was cleaning out the forge he happened to notice a definite square around a smaller metal forge with a built-in blower. Kneeling down, he could see that it was caused by the dirt sifting down through a tiny crack all around the forge. Knowing that this wasn't natural, he grabbed a broken knife blade and began probing.

  It required the moving of the forge, but when he did, he was able to open a large square plate from the floor. There was a large hole which contained four wooden crates all standing horizontally in the deep hole. Jezang and Tucker were able to effortlessly pull them up and what they found inside caused Matt to give out with a low whistle. One crate contained three Winchester 1876 lever action carbines all chambered for the .45-70 Government cartridge. The fourth rifle was one Matt didn't recognize at first but was a Remington-Keene bolt action rifle, also chambered for the .45-70 cartridge. In the next box, they made an even more interesting discovery. There were three of the Remington bolt-actions which were obviously home-made copies of the original along with an oiled bag containing numerous parts for the Winchesters but again appeared to be copies.

  Examining the parts Matt commented,

  "Whoever was trying to copy these Winchesters did a pretty good job. Probably all hand work, Wow! It kinda looks like they gave up on trying to copy the lever actions, and went with this bolt action…Probably easier." Gandr
ic looked. them over as well pronouncing some of the parts copies made on a 3D copier.

  "I wonder how they did that?" Wondered Matt, "Probably did it in secret or something."

  All the rifles were carefully wrapped in a thin metallic foil type wrap that was laminated with a thick gauze-like fabric on the inside that was coated with a thick grease that was still supple.

  Another box contained various handguns. Three Schofield's in .45 caliber, two Colt single action Army's and a Bisley, along with holster for all of them.

  "It's pretty clear," observed Matt, these people managed to sneak their guns along with them, and once here, hid them."

  "Old Jacob never said a word about these weapons," said Tucker.

  "Maybe he didn't trust you?" Replied Matt. I a firm voice Tucker replied,

  "No Matt, it wasn't like that, take my word for it."

  "He's right," added Amber, who had joined them,

  "At first the humans were suspicious of us, but eventually, they came to view us as friends, albeit unusual ones. Most unfortunately, thought of us as simple "mechanical men" Greg was one of the very few who truly realized that I, and others like me were so much more than that."

  The last crate contained ammunition some of which was original still in their 1880 boxes. However there were four small metal boxes that contained roughly a hundred rounds each. One was .45-70, another .45 caliber, and two were .44 caliber. There was one last metal box and when opened contained a diary, along with several gold coins of varying denominations. It was the diary that really caught Matt's attention, for it turned out to be a recollection of her experiences from being taken by the Neistra from Coryville in 1880 to her death fifteen years later with a post script by a Doctor Clemming of her death from a weak "constitution," according to the doctor.

  "I have to see that this get's into the right hands," said Matt, "Historically, it's priceless; I've got to get it back to earth." While he had been looking at the diary, Gandric had been examining the ammunition.

  "This ammunition is not original, it was "manufactured" in a three dimensional copier, and not a very good one at that."

  "How can you tell?" Asked Matt. Gandric gave him a half grin,

  "Believe me, I can tell."

  "I wonder if these people were plotting some sort of insurrection." Mused Matt.

  Both Amber, and Tucker swore that if the people were, they had never heard anything about it.

  "The Neistra brought us here much later," said Tucker, "And I told you there was a reason for it, but I never had the impression it was to enforce greater discipline on these people."

  "I never had that impression either," added Amber. "In fact, as long as the humans mined a sufficient amount of ore, which with the equipment the Neistra provided, was relatively easy."

  "Did they ever provide any kind of medical attention?" Asked Matt.

  "Some," replied Amber, but it was Doctor Clemming who provided most of the care."

  "Well, if no one objects" said Matt,

  "I may take a few of these back home, maybe later, I'll try one out."

  After the excitement was over, he sealed up the hole in the floor, and replaced the small forge back over the metal plate. Together Matt and Ilmi spent the rest of the afternoon putting the house back in order.

  That evening everyone sat around a large campfire out in the street.

  Matt and Ilmi sat together on a bench Ilmi's head leaning on his shoulder.

  Still wondering about the hidden guns, he openly asked,

  "I wonder what the real story was? Here they had all these guns and were making more, then they just stuck them away."

  "Well I would guess that the Neistra frowned on them carrying weapons around," observed Ilmi. "However I suspect that they hid the guns they managed to bring with them and tried to make new ones," she continued. "Then things began to settle down, the Neistra left these people pretty much alone and how would they get home anyway?"

  "I don't think they ever had any idea of getting home," replied Matt, they just accepted the fact that this was their new home. Don't forget, these people were used to moving around and carving out new places to live But you're probably right, maybe the Neistra helped them out here and there, and as long as they mined enough ore, left them alone."

  They sat silently for several minutes looking up at the stars, and watching the flames from the fire.

  "What am I going to do with you Matt?" whispered Ilmi, "You've been occupying my mind a lot lately." He snickered,

  "Living rent-free in your mind you mean."

  "Are you making fun of me?" She asked. He put his arm around her waist and gently pulled her closer,

  "No Ilmi, sometimes I just think of things and say them. I'm getting rather fond of you as well, but then there's Holliqua as well so I might have a problem here."

  "Tell me about her," asked Ilmi, "Are my efforts in vain?"

  "No," he replied, but here's the deal.

  "The jury is still out on her. She's nice, I do find myself attracted to her…As I do you, but there's a very dangerous side to her that makes me nervous."

  He then leaned over and kissed her, to which she responded by putting her arms around his neck and pulling his lips to hers. They embraced in a passionate kiss that he had to admit was not like any girl from earth.

  "Do I make you nervous?" She then asked him Matt smiled,

  "Not with kissing like that."

  "So why does this Holliqua make you nervous?"

  "What do you know about the Malhazar's?" He asked. She gave him another gentle squeeze then replied.

  "I know that you don't cross them, and they like to engage in shady dealings. A lot of people suspect that they were in league with the raiders, but since they destroyed Bline-Aichel, I doubt that was ever true."

  "Do you think that you could ever get along with her?" He asked.

  "Ahh, trying to juggle two lovers are we?"

  "All right, so what if I am?" He replied defensively, "Look Ilmi, I like you, I really do. Here I am just a dumb kid from earth, and you come to me offering your help. On the other hand, I like Holliqua as well but her family gives me the creeps. Right now all I'd like to do is put a team together, you, me, Jezang, Amber, Gandric, and yes, even Holliqua. If it turns out you two cannot stand each other well then rather than pick one over the other I'll just walk away from it all. It's crazy, I know but honestly, I really don't know how long I'll be around here, I just don't want to piss either of you off." He then kissed her again, adding,

  "I don't know, but I've never had a lot of luck with girls, at least the ones back on earth. Most are shallow, and self-centered, then I come here and run into you and Holliqua who have your heads screwed on right, I just don't know what to do about it." Ilmi didn't say anything for a few moments then whispered in his ear,

  "Well I know of one Lyskandan girl who wants to sleep with you very much. Come on, earth boy time to show me what you've got."

  The next morning feelings of happiness mixed with guilt filled his mind, but right now, he just knew that they had spent a very passionate and intense night.

  "Better than Holliqua?" he dared himself to think. The last thing he wanted to do was pit them against each other, it was a fight that might cost him his life. They were working up to another go-round, when their ears caught the rumble of engines coming down from above.

  ""We'll continue this another time," she whispered into his ear.

  There were three shuttles accompanied by three fighters. As Matt and Ilmi stepped out the front door, a large group of aliens were coming up the street. He could clearly see Foreign Minister Roikas followed by his assistant Vasta Tramik, along with his daughter and Kaitlyn He could see several Golian's in the group as well.

  Kaitlyn moved ahead of the group coming up to Matt who gave her a big hug.

  "Let me guess," he exclaimed, "You're here to become New Town's third citizen?"

  She laughed,

  "How did you ever guess?" Then he st
epped out to greet the Foreign Minister, his daughter Tiag, and a couple representatives from the Loridian Trading Company.

  "I'm afraid we've got some rather serious business to attend to Matt," said Roikas, "Is this Doctor O'Donnell still with us?"

  "I haven't heard any different," replied Matt, "Follow me; I'll take you to her."

  Needless to say, Franklin was quite surprised to answer the door and find a whole crowd of people standing outside, but everybody managed to squeeze into her house. Since she was so frail, Minister Roikas, and the other reps merely bowed to her.


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