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Titan Stand

Page 85

by Max Jager

  "Both of us have always felt that we weren't alone and I've always thought Dr. Frick on the level," said Dr. Dyson but there were times. Then Dr. Frick told me about you and that there really were others out there we knew that we now had an option. I must confess, I'm not too good with a hammer, both of us will be glad to pitch in however."

  "Well I'm thinking that being doctors you could live in Doctor O'Donnell's old house I think she would be happy to know her legacy is being carried on. If you play your cards right you may even inherit Franklin."

  "Who's Franklin?" Asked Mrs. Dyson.

  "He's an android like Amber and Gandric."

  "A servant!" She gasped,

  "No not a servant by any means," replied Matt, "He's way more than that. Just talk to him treat him like a member of your family. He'll guide you into your new life, but like I said, just talk to him."

  Early on, everyone wanted to know when they would see lots of aliens, this brought a gale of laughter from Ilmi and Holliqua who just shook their heads.

  "Well first of all we have to make a stop at Fort Kamata to fuel up and get all of you registered with the trading company." Then holding up his ID card he added,

  "You'll receive one of these, it's your ID card and your life. There is no cash, all transactions are computerized. Think if it as an ultimate credit card. I know as Americans we hate government intrusiveness but everything about you will be on your card…For God's sake don't loose it. Anyway, once we get all of you squared away we can get something to eat and drink. I'm hoping some of my friends will be there so I can introduce you to them."

  "What sort of bar is it?" Asked Mr. Dyson. Matt grinned,

  "Well it's not exactly the Star Wars cantina but more like the bar in Guardians of the Galaxy. Lots of spacer crews stop and eat there, bounty hunters, shuttle crews in fact I really hope Grak and Karlt are there."

  As they traveled, everyone listened to music Matt's parents had given him on an MP3 player loaded with their favorite songs from the 80's.

  "Since you've gone to the stars," said his dad, "Your mother and I go see just about every science fiction movie we can. I think the second Guardians of the Galaxy was our favorite and the storyline of Quill's mother giving him the cassette tape struck a nerve. I packed this thing with all the stuff we listened to when we were younger as well as the music you like as well, hope you like it son."

  It was an easy matter for Gandric to patch the device into the ship's communications system. As it turned out, both Liam and Gabe also brought their own players, which Gandric patched as well.

  "Once your devices run through their entire music repertoire the computer will have it all on file," explained Gandric. So at any time the sound of The cars, or Huey Lewis to Maroon 5 or Cold Play might be sounding through the ship. Right now Van Halen's "Jump" was playing. Depending on what was playing, Matt, Liam and even Gabe rocked along. Matt worried that the music would bother the androids along with Ilmi and Holliqua but each told him the music didn't bother them if it wasn't too loud.

  He also noticed Liam and Ilmi spending a lot of time together mostly talking and playing pranks on each other. He was also re-thinking his feelings toward Holliqua as well. Because the Nora-Lee was so crowded, there wasn't much room for privacy. Finally they settled on the bridge of all places to talk. While he pulled co-pilot duty and Amber did the flying Holliqua would sit next to him and talk. At first, it seemed strange with Amber sitting right next to him but she had told him her focus was entirely on flying and anything he and Holliqua would remain private. At first, they talked about what the girls had thought of his parents and their impressions of earth. Then finally the subjects became more intimate.

  "So have you had time to consider our relationship?" Asked Holliqua. Matt kept his attention on the instrument panels but replied.

  "I have."


  "You're growing on me Holliqua. Honestly at first I was very frightened of you I've heard things."

  "Like what?" She asked. He looked briefly at her then sighed.

  "That you are an assassin, training as a hired killer." She remained quiet for what seemed like hours but then quietly replied.

  "Would it bother you or affect our relationship if I were?"

  "Jeesist!" He thought, "I'm just digging my grave. Oh well, maybe it's time to just get it all out, fuck it!"

  "I don't know Holliqua, Hell Amber and Jezang are both "Tharg," and it doesn't bother me a bit, I love them both. Heck why not! Better to be with me than against." Holliqua laughed then replied,

  "I think I know what your problem is, and after meeting your former lover I think you're worried that I might find you in the arms of another, maybe even Ilmi. Rest assured I'm not like that. However, I do need to know that you will always be there for me. I need stable ground if you know what I mean, so what say you?"

  Chapter 102

  Titan Stand Chapter 102

  "I can see that we're going to have a rather unusual relationship," he replied.

  "I think I told you I've never had good luck with women. I don't know why, I thought Patricia really liked me then the next thing I know she's dumped me for Liam."

  "And yet you asked him to come along," said Holliqua.

  "Yeah I know, crazy isn't it. Thing is he and I have known each other since we were practically babies girlfriends come and go but friendships like we have don't come along just everyday."

  "Agreed," she replied, "So do we have a friendship or not?" He looked her dead in the eye,

  "Of course we do Holliqua, and as long as you promise not to murder me in my sleep we can have more than that. You saw that Guardians movie, I want something like they have a team, a real team. I'm talking about you and Amber here, Jezang, Ilmi and Gandric. Possibly even Rekton."

  "What about your friend Liam?" She asked.

  "He's got to prove himself, same with Gabe. Oh look Holliqua, I'm not talking about some team of comic book hero's but an intergalactic bunch of good friends, you know what I mean."

  She thought a moment, then replied.

  "I think I do, but about this team, who will be the leader?" He laughed,

  "Well it sure as hell won't be me, a green kid from earth. Damn Holliqua, I can't even pilot a spacecraft on my own yet. I told Amber right at the start she was the captain and I'm comfortable with that. Hopefully some day I'll be a captain too, but until then I defer to skill and experience." Holliqua looked over at Amber,

  "Did you hear that Amber?" She turned and grinned.

  "Matt and I have an understanding, but I'm constantly being impressed with his leveled thinking. I thought I knew all there was to know about humans but he keeps proving me wrong…I like that." She then addressed him.

  "Matt you have only scratched the surface in your understanding of us and our world. You humans operate on a very simple level but please don't take that as a slight. There is so much more to Holliqua than you could possibly be aware of. Don't judge her on your terms of understanding it simply won't work."

  "She's right," said Holliqua, "And to answer an earlier question I am an assassin and a very good one, However the less you know of me, the better. But please, there is no reason fear me. I ply my trade on an entirely different level much the same as Amber and Jezang. When you bedded me that night in my family's home I became intrigued with you…A human. We've known about your race for a very long time now as you are probably aware. Once we made love I knew right away that you were someone who could be trusted. I don't know, I just seem to have a sixth sense about people , it's why I'm so good at my job."

  "It wasn't until you reached out to me when we were near death on that collapsed bridge that I could put my complete trust in you Matt. That makes you my "domimi," which roughly translates to "protected one."

  "Don't ask me what it means as it encompass's many things. Even if for some reason we had a falling out I would always come to your aid." She then bent over pulling his mouth to her lips. After they kissed, she added,

  "As long as we're revealing all our deepest secrets, know that you're making a lot of friends out here, people like what they see in you and of that I will say no more." She then rose and kissed him on his forehead.

  "I'm tired and my bunk awaits good night all."

  He sighed, as he tried to make sense of what just happened. It was now clear that he had nothing to fear from her. Slowly a smile formed on his face, it was going to be all right even though the theme from Godfather two still came to mind.

  "Are you ready for another test?" Asked Amber, he looked at her and smiled,

  "Let's do it." She then put the ship's controls on manual as he remembered that you only needed to gently touch the control stick to maneuver the ship. The important thing was to constantly focus on the artificial way point keeping the ship on a steady course. The fact that Amber was letting him do this while they were in hyper space said much about her confidence in his abilities. Since the rest of the crew was asleep she didn't throw any "asteroids" or "black holes" in his path that would require evasive action. Rather it was subtle increases in engine temperature, or gradual increases in the carbon monoxide level. Then perhaps the hull temperature might show a dramatic increase. All these things required immediate action but generally either slowing down or a decrease on the protophason amplifier. Amber also had a way of causing the ship to gradually drift.

  He didn't know how she did it but if he wasn't careful he could find the ship way off course. By the time Amber's little testing session was over he was beat.

  "You are definitely getting better Matt," she stated, "But you have to be able to relax as you pilot the ship."

  Excusing himself, Matt stumbled off to the cargo hold and the improvised bed he slept on along with Liam and Gabe. Walter had also rigged up a hammock off two of the bulkhead supports while the Dyson's had built themselves a sort of cave within all the boxes of supplies with a tarp covering the opening. Only the blue emergency lights were on bathing the hold in a soft blue light as he crawled into his sleeping bag. Liam slept next to him and normally snored very softly. Matt detected no noise so he whispered,

  "Liam, are you awake?" There was a pause then his friend replied,

  "Yeah, but I can't sleep."


  "Because my damn eye hurts." Matt sat up,

  "What's the matter with your eye?" Again another long pause.

  "Because Ilmi punched it."

  "What?" Quickly shining his small LED on Liam's face he saw the shiner around his left eye.

  "Why did she do that?" He asked.

  "It's my fault, we were horsing around, I was showing her how to properly punch someone and she hauls off and hits me, Oww, man that hurts."

  "Did you have one of the Dyson's put something on it?" He asked.

  "Ilmi had some salve she put on but she said it takes awhile to work. It's better than it was. She feels real bad about it though. Man! I didn't think girls could hit like that." Matt shook his head in disgust.

  "Listen Liam Ilmi is tough I saw her go toe to toe with an android. I've worked out with her. She's no earth girl. If we didn't have all this crap in the cargo hold I'd have you work out with her as well, then you'd see."

  "Well thanks for the information anyway." He was almost asleep when Liam's voice woke him.



  "I think Ilmi likes me."

  "That's nice, have fun."


  "Go to sleep Liam."

  As he expected Ilmi came to him as he was eating breakfast.

  "Matt, I'm sorry, I accidentally hit your friend I think I really hurt him."

  Matt patted her on the shoulder,

  "You just gave him a black eye, he'll live, don't worry about it."

  "Well I do," she sniffed, "I'm sorry Matt, but I'm getting rather fond of him."

  "You don't have to apologize Ilmi," he replied, "Liam's rather fond of you as well, but next time just take it easy on him Liam just needs a little toughening up."

  "So does this mean that you and Holliqua are seeing terms?"

  "Looks that way, we had a rather long and interesting chat last night. If you really like Liam, go for it, he could certainly use someone to guide him through this new world."

  "What about your other friend…Gabe?"

  "What about him?" Replied Matt.

  "Well he has no one to talk to."

  "What do you mean? He's always hanging around Gandric."

  "I don't mean that," replied Ilmi, "He has no female." Matt grinned.

  "Right now Gabe's mind is elsewhere. He's what we call a "nerd." Right now he's in nerd heaven, actually flying in an honest-to-god spaceship hanging with androids, confronting a science he never knew existed. Believe me, Gabe's where he wants to be. I'm sure at some point, he will meet someone who will take his mind off high tech but until then don't worry."

  Later, while he was sitting at the galley table working on math problems Walter sat down .

  "I hope I'm not bothering you."

  "It's okay," replied Matt, "What can I do for you?"

  "Well I wanted to find out more about what I could do to help build our "brave new world." He looked at Walter and replied.

  "Well for starters, not all the houses are wired for electricity, and the ones that are all running off solar power. Like I told you, it's not AC or DC, I'm no electrician so I don't really know what the set-up is. Then there's the question of the Neistrian settlement. I told you they just up and split but I didn't tell you about the settlement they left behind. It's out on an island in the middle of a huge lake, I mean really huge. We've been there on an initial inspection and it looks like they left a lot of electrical and mechanical stuff. The Loridian people said something about looking the place over but other than that this place might be a real treasure trove for us.

  "Does this planet have nuke power?"

  "No," replied Matt, "These aliens are so far beyond all that it's not funny. Keep an open mind Walter, Your going to see stuff that will blow your mind. Learn all you can from Gandric, and just hang onto your hat, you're in for the adventure of a lifetime, hell! Maybe two lifetimes."

  Next up was Liam again. Matt looked at him noticing that his black eye had practically disappeared mostly just a redness now.

  "Well everything is cool with Ilmi again, she says she'll teach me to really kick butt once we get to Z'ha'dum which is what I really wanted to ask you about."

  "What do you mean?" Asked Matt.

  "Is there some way we could change the name?" "Why would we want to do that, what's wrong with Z'ha'dum?" Said Matt. Liam shrugged,

  "Sounds like some sort of death planet, you know, "doom" and all that. Actually it reminds me too much of "Dune" ever read it?"

  "I started to but gave up on it," said Matt, "But Z'ha'dum is nothing like dune or some weird "Deathworld." Just out of curiosity, what would you want the name changed to?"

  "Oh that's easy," replied Liam, "How about Alderaan?" Matt gave him a puzzled look.

  "From Star Wars?"


  "Seems to me Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star, talk about a doomed planet."

  "Yeah, I guess your right. Well then how about Tatooine?"

  "That was a desert planet wait until you see Ussen Ommo, THAT'S a desert planet. What else?"

  "How about Dagobah?"

  "Wasn't that where Yoda lived? Seemed too dark and swampy as I recall."

  "Wait! Wait! I've got it, Endor, you told me Z'ha'dum was mostly forest."

  "Yeah, but as far as I know we don't have any "teddy bears" running around." "But whose to say, we really have no idea what sort of animal life does live there." replied Matt. "Hell! Why not? I'll ask around. But actually I was thinking about changing the name of New Town, and no, it wasn't going to be Mos Eisley either."

  Later, as he sat in the co-pilot's seat he asked Amber,

  "Can planets change their name if they want?" She gave him a puzzled

  "Why would they want to do that?"

  "Oh I don't know, maybe they just got tired of the old name and want a new one," he replied.

  "Well…We did change the name of Sibranthi to Xandrus, so I suppose you could consider that a precedent. I take it you don't like the name of Z'ha'dum ?"

  "Well Liam brought it up," he replied, and actually I kind of agree with him."


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