Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 86

by Max Jager

  "So what would you change it to?" She asked.



  "Yeah, you remember, I know you saw the movie." Amber made a noise of disgust.

  "Oh yes…That! Wasn't that the planet with all those strange furry creatures running around?" She added in further disgust.

  "Now Amber, don't be judgmental," he replied. "Those were Ewoks, and for all we know there could be creatures like that on Z'ha'dum."

  "Possible but not probable," came the reply, "But back to your initial question. When we arrive at Fort Kamata check with Deev Mocon, you're going to have to see him anyway about getting our passengers registered. I doubt he can do anything, but he can pass the request up through channels."

  Shortly, Ilmi and Holliqua appeared,

  "Ladies, what's happening, where's Liam?"

  "He's down in the cargo bay…Brooding," replied Ilmi.

  "Now what did you do to him?" He asked.

  "Broke his heart I think," said Ilmi, "And that's what we're here to tell you. We're running a little late on time so we will be leaving you once we reach the fort. Holliqua says I can catch a ride with her back to Moriedia then I can pick up a shuttle to Lyskanda. Poor Liam didn't realize I have a life too. Anyway, if I hurry I'll only miss a centon in my schooling so it's no big thing, whereas if I went all the way back to Z'ha'dum with you I could easily miss a geem."

  "Same here," added Holliqua, I've got to hurry as well. As we get nearer the fort, I can get a message off to a Malhazar transport to meet us there."

  "So when am I going to see you again?" She grimaced,

  "Well I'm starting into a very critical and important phase of my education and I must devote my full attention to it. Don't worry Matt, I'm not that easy to get rid of."

  "Same here," added Ilmi, "Liam doesn't believe I'll return but I will. You boys will just have to suffer through until we return."

  "Well we'll all just have to spend a nice romantic evening together on our last centon out, Liam and I are going to need something to get us through the lonely times ahead."

  Chapter 103

  Titan Stand Chapter 103

  During the long flight Matt was able to talk extensively with the Dyson's sounding them out on their thoughts and motives for literally chucking it all jumping on an alien spacecraft and heading for a galaxy far far away. As he told Amber,

  "They seem like honest people but frankly, I'm suspicious of them."

  "From the few times I've spoken to them they certainly seem all right to me," replied Amber.

  "I don't know said Matt, they are always up front with anything I ask them but I can't just can't help thinking they are not being honest with me. I feel bad about it but there it is."

  "Do you suspect them of plotting evil deeds or something?" She asked. Matt grunted,

  "If I did, they would have never gotten aboard this ship. I'm cutting them a lot of slack as it is because both are doctors, and god knows we are going to need them on Z'ha'dum."

  He then had an idea and got up to go find Holliqua. The Dyson's generally spent most of their time either talking to Ilmi, or going over their computerized notes or reading medical texts in the little cubby hole they had "carved out" next to their sleeping cave. Holliqua was lying in her bunk studying her computer when he found her. Cautiously looking around least one of the Dyson's appear, he asked,

  "Holliqua could you come to the bridge with me for a moment I need to ask you something." Once there he turned and asked her.

  "Are you pretty good at being able to tell if people are lying to you?" She gave him a puzzled look then replied.

  "It depends on who it is what kind of stress level they are under. Why, what's going on?" He quickly explained the situation drawing another puzzled look from Holliqua.

  "So you think they are hiding something from you?"

  "I-I don't know Holliqua, people with their level of education and skill can make a lot of money in their lifetimes, then if they specialize they can make even more. Running of to some unknown planet just doesn't make any sense."

  "Well I'll be glad to speak with them if you want but I don't know enough about your society or culture to know if they really are lying."

  Can you record your conversation then I can listen to it and possibly detect any lies," he replied.

  "Well that's easy enough," said Holliqua, all right I'll give it a try."

  "Well I spoke to them," exclaimed Holliqua, "and I found no dishonesty in anything they told me. Here listen for yourself."

  In the secretly recorded conversation, they basically told Holliqua the same thing they told him. Two people fearful for the future and seeking a safe and quiet place to raise a family.

  "Is your world so dangerous that your fellow citizens are ready to flee the entire planet?"

  "Well," he replied, "If you want to study the theory and practice of war come to earth, we've had some pretty damn bloody ones in our history." She game him a look of concern.

  "Look Matt I talked to them and listened to what they had to say. I don't know what you expect them to say, but they seemed honest and sincere to me."

  "Well I believe you, thanks for your help anyway," he replied. As Holliqua started to leave, he gently reached out and put a hand around her waist.

  "I'm going to miss you babe." She pulled him into an embrace.

  "I'll miss you too, if this wasn't so important I wouldn't go but it simply can't be helped."

  "Umm its okay, I'm going to be pretty damn busy anyway we certainly wouldn't have a lot of time to spend together."

  "Well you know how to contact me," she replied. "I may not be able to answer right away, but I will reply."



  "Could you show me a few knife fighting basics the next time you have some time?"

  "Sure, but there are a lot of different styles and approaches, are you interested in sneaking up behind someone or possibly knife throwing?"

  "Just how to defend myself if someone should pull a knife on me. Honestly I don't know shit about it." Holliqua gave a soft chuckle,

  "Very well, I would be happy to, I'll even bring along a couple practice suits. Now… I think you were just about to kiss me."

  Later, as he and Amber were flying the ship Gandric came in and sat down.

  "At some point the Nora-Lee is going to need an overhaul," he confessed."

  "What do you mean "At some point?" Asked Amber.

  "Depending on how much flying you do, sometime within the next six ceme nothing urgent right now, but I'm just alerting you." Turning to Amber, Matt said,

  "Well it looks like we're going to have to start coming up with credits right away."

  "Well there are ways," she replied but once we get you and the others situated, and Gandric and I check on the purifier project I'll get busy on it.

  "We aren't talking about anything illegal are we?" He asked. She looked at him.

  "Basically it involves running emergency supplies and hot freight. The problem is it involves a lot of high speed running."

  "The problem is that's it's very hard on the engines and only increases the need for an overhaul but it's the fastest way to make a lot of credits to pay for, unfortunately, it involves a lot of work and effort which will just pay for a full overhaul. In the meantime, I'll make some inquiries as to other opportunities."

  He then turned to Gandric as he asked.

  "So how are you and Gabe getting along? I haven't been able to really sit down and talk with him but I think he sees you as some sort of "God." Gandric made a chuckling noise.

  "He's become quite the student," said Gandric. "It took him awhile to get over his awe of me and what I am but he is truly devoted to learning. I think, that with the right training he could become a very accomplished technician.

  "So is he learning anything?" Asked Matt,

  "Oh absolutely, he's very intuitive and picks up on things quickly but most importantly, he truly wants to learn

  "Well I'm glad to hear that," said Matt, "Just make sure he understands the basics, and how things are done around here."

  "All right everybody, listen up," exclaimed Matt "We'll be landing at Fort Kamata very shortly this is where you will really get to see another world. But first we've got to get you set up with your identification as well as your citizenship status. While we're doing this, Amber and Gandric will get the Nora-Lee re-fueled. You are all welcome to come up on the bridge and have your first look at an alien world."

  Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, Liam, and Gabe stood and watched as they came in over the small moon Fort Kamata was built on. All gasped as they saw all the various sized ships around them as well as parked on the massive tarmac.

  "OhMyGod!" Murmured Mrs. Dyson as her mind began to realize the scope of the operation.

  "Way cool!" Was all Liam could say.

  "Alright, everyone buckle in as best you can," announced Amber. Ground control asked them to land at terminal 23 as it was the closest to the fueling point.

  "You're eighth in line for refueling," came the voice over the comm,

  "We will alert you when it's your turn to move into the preparation area."

  "That's where we have to wait until a fueler comes aboard," said Matt to the newcomers.

  "They have to make sure the engines are completely shut down, and there's no electrical build-up in the hull. It's all done by androids and kind of interesting to watch, but we've got to get you guys over to the Loridian office first." As soon as they set down Holliqua and Ilmi were grabbing all their weapons and gear.

  Earlier Holliqua had discovered that a small Malhazar cargo/transport was here. Amber had contacted them about Holliqua and Ilmi.

  "Well our business is finished here; we'll wait, but not for long let me know as soon as you land and at what terminal."

  'I wish we could join you at the bar," said Holliqua to Matt so I guess its goodbye for now." With that she and Matt embraced, and kissed each other, while Ilmi and Liam did the same.

  Ilmi then lightly poked Liam in the chest,

  "You stay out of trouble earth boy I don't want to find out you've taken up with some strange Uwan female and have a bunch of little ones running around." Liam was horrified by her statement.

  "Uhh don't worry about me Ilmi I'll be waiting for you." As she and Holliqua headed down the ramp, she turned and gave both he and Matt a wink.

  Following close behind, Matt called to the others,

  "Stay close and follow me. At the security gate he took out his card and swiped it over a green light. Another light flashed blue indicating he was cleared. Then calling to a security guard, he pointed to Liam and Gabe, along with the Dyson's, and Walter.

  "They are with me first timers in this solar system. We're on our way over to the Loridian office right now." The guard had them stand in front of a black screen and place both hands palms down on two black glass plates. An orangish beam played over their faces. They then had to state their names and where they were from.

  "Each of you has a temporary pass good for two milacenton after that you will be considered fugitives," announced the security guard. As they passed into the main concourse, Walter asked Matt,

  "What's a milacenton?"

  "Slightly less than one of our hours, we've got time. But first we make a stop here." While Liam, Gabe, Walter and the Dyson's gaped at the incredible world around them Matt headed for a small shop that specialized in translators.

  "What's this place?" Both asked Liam and Gabe.

  "They specialize in translators. Right now you guys just have "cheapie" ones okay for basic stuff but if you are going to move around out here, you had better have something substantial…Like mine or learn about six dozen languages and twice as many dialects. I think my credit can stand it so I'm going to buy each of you a decent translator however I expect to be repaid at some point."

  "Don't worry Matt," replied Mr. Dyson you are doing us a big favor, we won't let you down." Matt studied each of them for a moment, then waved his hand,

  "Follow me."

  He had been here before; the Selantrian who ran the shop smiled and held out his small hand palm up. Matt responded by briefly touching the shopkeeper's palm with his own.

  "Matt Grainger welcome back, I see you've brought some friends this time." He nodded then turned to them.

  "This is Kroz, he owns this shop. He's a Selantrian, high tech is their life. There's no need to touch his hand, I did it for all of us." Then turning to the shopkeeper, he said.

  "As you can see, I've brought a few friends with me, we're all going to Z'ha'dum to live. The Neistra have cleared out so the Trading Company has declared the planet human. There's not many of us there right now so I've got a job ahead of me."

  "Very interesting Mr. Grainger," replied Kroz, "How's that Psy Pyx unit working for you?" He shrugged,

  "Great! It itched a lot when I first started using it but now I hardly notice it, I use the magnifier quite a bit as well."

  "Well I'm very glad to hear that, but Psy Pyx has come out with something new, and quite honestly it's about time." He reached behind him and took a small white box off the shelf. Opening it up he held up what roughly resembled a bottle cap, It was all white in color.

  "Psy Pyx calls it their model 8000A you simply place it on the lower part of your neck or up on your head just back from your eye whichever is more comfortable. Within two centon's it changes to the color of your skin.

  Matt took it and closely studied it.

  "Don't things like space suits or helmets interfere with it?" He asked.

  "Sometimes," replied Kroz, you can move it if that is the case but Psy Pyx doesn't recommend it more than once or twice. You're uprooting the micro-nano's and like anyone, they don't like moving."

  Matt frowned, the thing looked expensive, and he dreaded asking the next question.

  "Two hundred credits each, but I see you have five humans with you, I'll only charge you for four." Two hundred credits was the equivalent of two thousand dollars back at home. Pretty damn salty but as he had already learned, if you were going to live here you needed good equipment; it could mean life or death. He sighed, and Kroz could see him thinking.

  "It's guaranteed, if you have any problems you only need bring them back here, I'm an authorized repair shop."

  "I know," replied Matt, Psy Pyx makes good stuff I'm just worried that these things won't translate English very well, I don't have any problem with mine, but I've had it awhile and the micro-nano's have adopted to my language. By the way, I didn't recognize that language you spoke."

  "It's the old language the Vaeon's used to speak many yarns ago."

  "Technically, it's considered a "dead" language, but I wanted to show that the translator could still understand it."

  "Very good," replied Matt,

  "Well I guess I'll take five of them," as he handed the shopkeeper his card.

  Kroz inserted the card in a slot on a small black box next to his computer. The care immediately popped back out with the transaction appearing on the screen. "How much do I have in my balance?" He asked Kroz. Re-inserting Matt's card he tapped a couple keys. Matt groaned as he saw that he only had around 7360 credits left…Practically broke, but these people definitely needed decent translators and they certainly weren't able to pay for them…Oh well!

  Kroz then placed the translators on each person with the Dyson's preferring to wear them on their temples.

  As they were leaving, Walter asked Matt,

  "Were those things expensive?" Matt looked at him,

  "Very. But you've got to have one. We'll talk about paying me back later."

  Travel was slow as they headed for the Loridian office as everyone gawked or stopped to look at something. "I feel like an extra in a science fiction movie," said Mr. Dyson, "But it's all real. It's going to take me awhile to get used to all this."

  "Yeah, well you will," replied Matt, "In fact it will become the norm after awhile."

  The Loridian office had five people as well as Zeb Kifire working in it, and thankfully, he was there as well. Matt introduced everyone and why they were here. Zeb directed them to his assistants for processing then asked Matt to step into his office.

  "I've got to ask you something Matt," he stated once both were seated.

  "I assume you are returning from your home world?"

  "Yes," replied Matt, "Why?"

  "Well it seems that King Valsung's daughter, and her new husband have completely disappeared. Know anything about that?"


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