Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 87

by Max Jager

  "Yeah!" He replied, "They paid us to take them there. Bria told me that her parents went crazy over their marriage. He then began to punish everyone who protected her and Caedmon forcing them to beg us to take them back to earth. They offered to pay for the fuel if we would."

  "So they are safe and sound back on this earth?"

  "They are," said Matt. "Here's a letter to her folks she gave me, along with some diplomatic stuff for Aengus and Zinnia. They are okay aren't they?"

  "As far as I know," replied Zeb. "Her parents thought they might have been captured by raiders, at least that's their story. I'm certainly glad to hear otherwise. I'll be sure to pass this along and don't worry, I'll keep your name out of it. Valsung is just a big blowhard, don't worry, he'll calm down."

  "Well that's what Bria and Caedmon are hoping as well," added Matt.

  Chapter 104

  Titan Stand Chapter 104

  "Zeb then pulled up the company file on Z'ha'dum studying it for several minutes.

  "Interesting, so Z'ha'dum is now an official human planet, well congratulations Matt."

  "Yeah, thanks," he replied. "Say, is it possible to change a planet's name?"

  "I believe so; the androids did it on Xandrus. Why, interested in changing the name of Z'ha'dum?"

  "Yeah," replied Matt. "It sounds too much like the word "Doom" in our language, and we want to change it to Endor, which is a forest moon in a popular story back on earth."

  "Endor," replied Kifire. "Simple, easy to pronounce. Well I can certainly pass along the request, of course, you'll probably have to go before a hearing but if you state in simple terms why you are requesting the name change I see no problem. However you only get one chance here."

  "I understand," replied Matt, "But it's what we want to do."

  Finally everyone was registered into the system and now "official" Z'ha'dumians although Matt hoped that would soon change.

  Zeb then administered the oath of allegiance to the Loridian Trading Company, adding.

  "After a period of time all of you will have to do this all over again for the planetary commission once they have time to look you over. This hasn't been done in a long time so they bight make more out of it than normal."

  "There might also be other coming here as well," said Matt. "Not through me, but more than likely some sort of scientific research team from my home world government. I have no idea how many there will be, and we might also pick up some more settlers, so what should I do?"

  "Well Sarman Baltoc is the Loridian representative for your sector, contact him, or better yet, I'll drop him a note requesting that you would like to speak with him. He might also have more information about changing the planet's name."

  Zeb then made his formal greeting,

  "As the field representative for the Loridian Trading Company, I would like to welcome you all to the Eisel System. Of course Z'ha'dum is located in the Tryn-Isha system, but that's practically "next door." I hope all of you will work hard, and become good citizens. Good luck to all of you."

  As they left the office, Mr. Dyson exclaimed,

  "Are all of the Loridian people as friendly and helpful as Mr. Kifire?" Matt grinned, stopped and looked at Dyson.

  "All that I have met. This is a different world Mr. Dyson; you are going to find a new and different attitude out here. Government officials that take their jobs and oaths to serve seriously."

  "I'm sure it exists, but public officials growing fat on the public trough are very rare out here. I think it's the level of sophistication, education, and allegiance to duty that makes them this way. It's the thing I find so refreshing. And that's another thing. If Janson tries to pull any shit with these people he's going to be in for a big surprise. His people will be sent packing, and earth will be cut completely out of any advances here in space. Now, we've got one more stop, I'm hungry, and Liam and Gabe haven't visited the "Star War's" cantina yet."

  The place was crowded and they had trouble moving through the room as his friends were simply blown away with the sights and sounds, they had had never seen anything like it. The attention wasn't only coming from them either. A large group of humans, What was this?" Matt was searching for a familiar face until,

  "Matt! Matt! Over here!" Liam spotted Rekton pointing him out to Matt.

  "Over there, isn't that that Rekton guy?" He followed Liam's pointing finger so see not only Rekton, but Skart Grexie, along with Grak and Karlt with their girlfriends once they saw how large Matt's group was, Rekton pointed to a rear area.

  "Let's go back there, they have a few larger rooms." There were four rooms and all were filled except or one which Rekton quickly claimed. As they passed one room Walter had to stop and stare.

  "Who are all those people?" He asked. Matt took a peek, and waved at them.

  "Looks like a crew off a space freighter to me, c'mon down here."

  Once everybody was in the room Matt started making the introductions. Liam had already met Rekton on his last visit to earth, but his Golian friends were unknown. When the waitress came around Matt ordered a large bowl of Eabak along with a small kipping pie for desert and a large pitcher of Clandian beer.

  "Now don't get carried away with the beer everybody," he warned. "This isn't the watered down beer you're used to back home. Best start with half a mug and eat plenty of the Eabak and drink slowly."

  "I was talking to Orlak recently," said Rekton, and he's interested in making another trio to earth. Brand is also interested but he still has a few outstanding contracts to fulfill. So I take it you're coming from earth?"

  Matt then explained his friends, and the situation on Z'ha'dum.

  Then Grak said,

  "Since you've been gone perhaps you are unawares of the situation on Doradus."

  Matt had a good idea, but let his friend continue.

  "The king's daughter and her new husband have gone missing. Her parents are convinced raiders have taken them so he keeps badgering Mocon and Kifire to do something." With a big grin on his face, Matt replied,

  "It just so happens that Bria and her husband are safe and sound back on earth. I already told Kifire about it all. Plus I gave him a letter to give to the king from his daughter explaining her actions."

  "Most interesting," muttered Grak, "One thing though, If I were you, I'd stay away from Doradus and probably Denedra as well, Valsung has a lot of "ears."

  "Point taken," he replied. Matt looked around to see Walter talking with Skart, while the Dyson's were chatting with Rekton, while Liam and Gave were chowing down.

  "Man! This stuff is good!" Exclaimed Gabe, between mouthfuls of Eabak.

  "Thought you'd like it, just go easy on that beer though." Looking around, Liam asked.

  "We aren't going to get in trouble or anything are we? Gabe and I aren't twenty-one yet." Matt laughed,

  "No one's going to "card" you here or anywhere out here for that matter."

  "So tell me more about Z'ha'dum," asked Rekton.

  "Well if the trading company and the planetary council will let us, we'll be changing the name to Endor."

  "Endor," replied Rekton, "Where have I heard that before?"

  "Probably from those Star Wars DVD's I showed when we went to earth. It's that forested moon in "Return of the Jedi," You know where all those little furry creatures that looked like large marmots, and they destroyed the second Death Star."

  "Oh yeah, I remember…Say, that reminds me, I was speaking to a friend of mine in the Golian navy recently about that very thing. Now from what you have told me those videos were merely for entertainment purposes, however both Skart and Orlak were also interested in that artificial moon as it were."

  "So when is someone going to build one out here?" Asked Matt. Rekton chuckled,

  "Technically it could be done but do you have any idea how expensive something like that would be to construct? I'm not even talking about all the initial problems something like that would experience. Then as those video's demonstrated, it could be des
troyed. Some of the mining planets like Sedor, Vla Glissa, and the prison planet Derto Eenn have large orbiting space stations, and they are expensive enough. No, it wouldn't be practical, even if all the planets helped to pay for it."

  "That's interesting," said Matt, "that's one of the reasons I showed you guys those DVD's, I wanted to get a real life opinion on what actually existed."

  "So have you given any thought to how you're going to "pay the bills," once you are all set up on Z'ha'dum, or Endor as you want to call it?"

  "Well the trading company promised to send an auditing team to look us over and decide if we had any natural resources worth trading. According to Doctor O'Donnell, the Morbidium and Duranix mines are played out. We've got thousands of trees but I don't know how much wood is worth."

  "Not a whole lot," replied Rekton. "Maybe I can help you out. I've got a friend who owns "Facility 605," ever hear of them?"

  "I think I heard you and Skart talking about it once…Why?"

  "Well he's got one on every planet except Moriedia, those "balac's" tried to drown him in taxes and regulations he finally had enough and closed down his operation there. There's one here in case you weren't aware, but for some reason everyone simply calls it the "shop," but they only do light repairs."

  "If your interested, I could speak to him about locating one on Z'ha'dum, but you would have to negotiate terms with him, as well as decide where you wanted it."

  "Well let him know I'm interested."

  "I've got another question," asked Rekton.

  "Since Z'ha'dum will be classified as a level one human planet can other's live there?"

  "Absolutely!" Exclaimed Matt, "Why…Are you interested?"

  "I might be. Even though I am a Golian citizen, my affairs take me all over the solar system. I have homes all over…Saves me running back to Golia all the time. At present, I don't have a place I can call home in the Tryn-Isha system."

  "Say no more Rekton; you're more than welcome to build a home on…Hopefully Endor."

  "Well it wouldn't be much, just a place I can stop, take a break, make repairs, and generally relax. The Vaeon's build these little shelters that are popular on mining planets, that's all I'd need." "Well the next chance you get," replied Matt, "Stop by and check the place out."

  "Thank you, I'll do that."

  Gandric then made his appearance informing Matt that the ship was refueled and ready to go. As he was saying goodbye to his friends, Grak reminded him.

  "Let me know when you are planning on traveling to earth again, Both Karlt and I still look forward to going, possibly a few others so keep us in mind."

  "I will do that Grak. But if you can recommend anyone with a ship large enough to comfortably handle twenty-five to thirty people steer them my way. I need a ship that can do that." Grak thought a moment then replied.

  "I might."

  "Well if you do send them to Z'ha'dum and we can talk okay?"

  Heading back to the Nora-Lee was once again slow going as everyone insisted on staring and gaping at the strange world they had now entered. Matt could see the amazement on everyone's faces, as he suddenly stopped and pointed to a spacer crew carrying their gear in their hands and on their shoulders still wearing their flight gear.

  "Hey look everyone, there's a signpost up ahead, your next stop…The Twilight Zone!"

  "Damnit Matt! You scared the crap out of me!" Exclaimed Walter. Matt just laughed,

  "Take it easy Walter, before you know it all this will be "old hat."

  Back aboard ship, he asked Liam and Gabe,

  "So what's the verdict, are you guys glad you came?"

  "This is so cool Matt, damn! I wish I had come with you sooner."

  "I'm still having a hard time believing all this is real," added Gabe.

  "Now I feel like the "dummy" around here but Gandric is showing me so much."

  Matt thought a moment then asked Gabe,

  "Gabe…Got a question, actually an offer. I've already asked Gandric about it and he doesn't mind, but I'm really hoping you can be sort of our "IT" guy."

  "Now I'm not trying to get rid of you or anything like that, but I need you to learn all you can about the kind of tech they use around here. I already know some of it but it seems like I'm always going in two different directions. If I stuck you with Gandric do you think you could pick stuff up?" Gabe looked puzzled as Matt saw it in his face.

  "First off you'll get to see Xandrus, as well as the purifier project on Ussen Ommo. But more than that, I really need you to learn all you can about how the ship works as well as cool stuff like the 3D printers they have, just all kinds of stuff. I know it's a lot to ask but it's the main reason I asked you to come."

  Gabe looked at him then at Liam,

  "I'm still in shock Matt, but yeah, I'll be glad to do that."

  "Nothing against Liam here," replied Matt, "But you've got more of an open mind on these sort of things. By the way, has he shown you anything about the kind of math they use?

  "Some… It's tough, totally unlike anything we use back on earth, but I'm starting to pick it up." Matt chuckled,

  "Ilmi had to give me some sort of hallucinogen to "get it." It's starting to make sense but I've got to learn it."

  "Yeah well we can learn together," replied Gabe, "But yeah, okay, I like a good challenge so I guess that will be it."

  "Well once you see places like Xandrus and the purifier project all that Star Wars stuff will seem like nothing."

  Chapter 105

  Titan Stand Chapter 105

  Kaitlyn was the only one to meet the Nora-Lee when the ship sent down on Z'ha'dum late in the after noon. Immediately coming aboard she greeted Matt with a hug then said,

  "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we've got trouble."

  "Now what?" asked Matt,

  "About two days after you left, a Neistra showed up."

  What? He exclaimed. "How many?"

  "Just one," replied Kaitlyn, "He's got some female with him but she's not from any of the races I'm aware of."

  "So what's the story?"

  "Well like I said this guy landed a couple days after you left, he told Jezang and I that he had been away for close to three years but not why, other than he'd been out exploring. When we told him that his friends had all left he didn't seem too concerned, and just asked if he could stay. I told him he could stay out on the island in the Neistrian settlement, but he said he didn't want to do that…Too many bad memories. Right now he and his…Um, friend are living in the old tool storage building. His ship is parked out there somewhere."

  "So what's he like?" Asked Matt,

  "He seems friendly enough, even though he's packing all sorts of weapons his girlfriend, wife or whatever is too but both of them seem pretty laid back. I'm sure he'll be around shortly." Matt sighed and shook his head,

  "Where is everybody else?"

  "Well Jezang is around somewhere, Roy, and all his people along with Tucker are all out hunting. From what they are saying, there are all sorts of strange creatures out there, there's some sort of strange looking animal that is as big as a moose but without the antlers. They have brought in a couple and honestly when you roast the meat they are pretty tasty."

  "There aren't any little furry "teddy bear" looking creatures out there are there?" Asked Matt. Kaitlyn gave him a puzzled look,

  "Not that I know of, why?"

  "I'll tell you later," he replied. Well, Kaitlyn you already know Liam, this is Gabe Wilkins, Walter Topping, Mr. and Mrs. Dyson both of whom are doctors. I'm going to speak to Franklin about them moving into the O'Donnell house."

  She greeted everyone commenting to Liam,

  "I see Matt finally talked you in to coming, but where's Patricia?"

  "To hell with her," stated Liam, "Matt offered her the chance but she didn't want to come."

  "Didn't you used to hang around with all those Goth kids?" Asked Gabe.

  Kaitlyn smiled replying,

  "That seems like a hundr
ed years ago, but yeah, we did have a lot of good times."

  "I always kinda wanted to hang out with you guys," but could never get up the courage to ask," said Gabe.. Kaitlyn patted him on the arm,

  "Well Gabe you're here they are not. We're the "cool" kids now."

  Two things Kaitlyn," said Matt,

  "I actually spoke with the director of NASA, Mr. Janson about getting a bunch of volunteers together to come and live here. He told me he'd see what he could do but it's anyone's guess if he will or nt. I also spoke with Doctor Frick as well. Walter, and the Dyson's are some of the people he talked to. Out of quite a few I talked to Walter, and Mr. and Mrs. Dyson were the only ones who really understood what would be involved." She then looked at them,


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