Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 99

by Max Jager

  "Don't worry Matt," she assured him, "She and I have become quite good friends, I know she will be hurting, I'll be here to help her."

  He then spent a little time with Brand and Clath discussing their forthcoming project out on the island.

  "Any furniture or other stuff you don't need," said Matt, "Bring it here, I'm sure we can use it."

  Islos arrived late in the afternoon with Matt, Jezang, and doctor Dyson ready to go. Both Gabe and Liam gave him names of friends, along with holograms to she them.

  "There are a couple friends of mine you might get to come here," said Gabe, "Let them see that hologram that alone should dazzle them. I would be kinda neat if we could get a bunch of kids from our old high school class to come here."

  Liam also had a couple prospects as well.

  "That hologram I mad will hopefully convince them." Then half in jest, Matt asked him,

  "How about Patricia?" Liam chuckled, but then paused.

  "She'd be on her own, both of us have our own girlfriends now…I don't know, it's your call what do you think? She used to be your girl as well."

  Once aboard the Thrina, Islos met with Matt, Mr. Dyson, and Jezang.

  "Well I think we're all set, I'm ready to haul bulk grains and such. My broker also has several customers lined up to buy anything in the way of alcohol, food or other beverages, as well as anything else that looks interesting. Oh, one more thing, about those weapons we spoke of earlier…" Matt learned that borrowed a most unusual weapons system.

  "I obtained it through a Selantrian friend of mine. I believe you told me that these terrorist camps are located in heavy jungle?"

  "Only the drug labs, but they are heavily protected," replied Matt, the terrorist camps are in the Middle East and generally out in the desert."

  "Well as far as our technology goes, what I have is obsolete; however, it would work on your planet. Basically once we locate one of these camps, we come in under cover of darkness and begin emitting a special beam which incapacitates all living beings as well as knocking out all electrical energy."

  "You certainly do have some old tech," said Jezang, who then looked at Matt.

  "If we had had what he's talking about with us at that terrorist camp, we could have simply walk in without firing a shot."

  Matt had hoped Islos had forgotten about the weapons but apparently had not.

  Well if they could put everyone to sleep and just walk in and help themselves so much the better. Later, he asked Jezang about this remarkable weapon.

  "It's old tech really," she explained. "Now everybody has equipment to prevent that sort of thing. Surprisingly, it was the raiders who first developed counter measures as you might guess. However, it will probably work pretty well on your planet from what I know of your tech."

  "No, you're right Jezang," he replied, as obsolete as that sort of tech might be in this solar system it's stuff that hasn't even been thought of yet in mine."

  Their first stop was at Kiggham Stenuck's new settlement in the Winding Stair Mountains where Kiggham was the only one boarding. Before leaving, he insisted on giving Matt and the others a tour of their new home.

  "We've decided to call it "Dinocki," which means "Beautiful River." Come, I'll show you around." For the small amount of time they had been here, the settlement was well along. Besides the wood and clay cottages situated on the ground, some of the larger trees featured Elvin tree houses. The ingenuity involved in constructing them amazed Matt remembering back to the one in Coryville he and Liam had built.

  There was also a wooden stockade Kiggham said was needed to keep animals out.

  "Are you finding many dangerous animals or edible ones for that matter?" Asked Matt.

  "A fair amount," replied Kiggham, however it's nothing we can't handle. The ground is rich, plenty of fish, and plenty of "Kasrocks," which when Kiggham showed him one that was hanging from a tree to cool the meat looked like a big horn mountain sheep from back on earth. He also saw an animal that reminded him of a pronghorn, which they were calling a "Welk," and a bird that resembled a pheasant they were calling a Mountain Speek. Then Kiggham grew solemn.

  "A couple centons ago some of my people were out exploring, oh perhaps eight quans from here. They discovered a cave that clearly showed that someone had lived there for a short time, though not recently. The best they could figure was that somebody had butchered out a Welk, stuck around for a few centons, then moved on. Tracks in the cave indicated they were wearing boots, and there were at least two of them."

  "Well the only one I know of who has been down this way is Tucker, but he's an android, I couldn't see any reason for him to butcher out game.

  "Well we have detected no threats to our settlement save for an occasional Balpric."

  "The Loridian people said something about offering us a small pre-fab structure we could put down here where we could install a radio to keep in touch with us and you could use it as a sort of city office as well," said Matt.

  "That would be much appreciated," said Kiggham. "I've instructed my people to watch for any signs of strangers but make no effort to capture, or harm them unless they do something to one of us." Then he looked around.

  "Well I guess I'm ready, no doubt my sister has learned that I've disappeared she might even be worried."

  Once they were airborne, Matt notified Brand and Rekton, asking them to tell Tucker about the discovery.

  "We will do that," replied Brand, "Have a safe trip."

  The Thrina was large enough so that Matt got a small but adequate cabin that even had its own sink and toilet. The "sono-shower" was down a narrow passageway but you took what you could get. There were two racks in the room so he knew one of the people they picked up from earth would get that one.

  During the trip to Denedra Matt and Jezang spent time talking to Kiggham about the new settlement on Endor.

  "I'm paying Islos to return me home, as well as make one stop on the return to pick up any others who have thought it over and might want to go. I believe most of the elves who wanted to go already have," said Kiggham. "There might be a few centaurs and the odd elf or two, and of course Roy and his family." Then the warlord paused and reflected.

  "If I was a few yeans younger, I'd pack up everybody and we'd all go, but I'm afraid the Witchfire's is in my blood, Dinocki is for the young, it is a fresh start where they can build their own destiny."

  Kiggham then put his hand on Matt's shoulder.

  "Matt Grainger, I shall forever be in your debt. You humans are certainly a remarkable bunch, Roy impressed me but I figured he was just one man, but then I heard about your activities on Denedra and knew I had to meet you…I was not disappointed."

  "What can I say Mr. Stenuck," replied Matt, you elves and fairy folk have always figured in our mythology. We humans have always had a warm spot for your kind."

  "Interesting," replied Kiggham, "Well, all I know is that you're always welcome in my home." Matt also spent time chatting with Joa Ei'Thas the ships engineer talking about the Thrina.

  "She's been a good ship as well as a home," explained the engineer. "I know every square deca of her."

  "Where were you guys thinking of putting all the people I was planning on bringing back?" Asked Matt.

  "Well some can share the few cabins we have, I know you're room has a second bunk. The others will have to make do in the smaller cargo area. We've fitted it out with temporary toilet facilities along with a sono-shower. Captain Islos discovered a deal involving surplus military bedding which are basically glorified sleeping pallets but they are better than nothing."

  "I'm going to have to take a look at them," replied Matt, "If I like them, I might take them off Islos's hands. How about food?"

  "We've got that covered as well, although I hope your volunteers bring their own, however I make a wicked Eabak and we have plenty of ingredients."

  "Well I hope they like it as much as I do," replied Matt.

  With nothing to occupy his time, Matt spent a
lot of it worrying about Holliqua, and what if she should arrive on Endor while he was gone. Finding that he couldn't sleep, he dressed, and went searching for Jezang who was just sitting her eyes closed. He knew she was regenerating, something androids did in lieu of sleep. They didn't need to do it every day, once or twice, a week was sufficient, but it gave their vast and very complicated circuitry a quiet time to review, and make any internal repairs. He likened it to a computer hibernating but that didn't mean they stopped monitoring their surroundings. Matt quietly sat down next to her remaining silent; he knew that she knew he was there.

  "Is there a problem Matt?" She began. He sighed, and replied.

  "Yeah, I keep thinking about Holliqua." Explaining the gist of her hologram, he finished with,

  "As much as she scares me, she intrigues me as well Jezang. I've come to the realization that for better or worse, probably worse, I've got myself involved with a "mob" family."

  "I do not understand this "mob" family you speak of, however I wouldn't worry too much. From what I know of the Malhazars, outsiders like yourself are never involved in their…activities. Besides that, not all Malhazars are involved in shall we say "questionable," activities."

  "My best advice Matt is to accept her as she is. Do not ask her about whatever it is she's involved in. I know that might not be what you want to do but believe me, it's all for the best. And if there comes a time when she wants to tell you then just sit and listen, don't judge."

  Deep down he knew she was right, but still…

  They then discussed Islos's scheme for grabbing terrorist guns.

  "This device he was telling me about," said Matt "Looks like it might stack the odds in our favor, but my only concern is that he's not planning on selling whatever we get to the raiders."

  "I tend to doubt that he will," replied Jezang, "Islos appears to have a pretty lucrative business dealing in trade, and he knows very well that to get caught selling weapons of any kind to raiders or anyone even remotely connected to them is an automatic death sentence."

  Chapter 119

  Titan Stand Chapter 119

  The Thrina set down just outside Kiggham's village while Matt was still asleep. Mr. Dyson gently woke him gently woke him,

  "Rise and shine Matt, we're here, but Islos tells me we can't stay long." Throwing on some clothes, along with his boots, he joined the others, as they walked down the ramp. It was still dark and rather chilly out, but the whole village was awake, and were all in the process of turning out for the event. The moment he stepped onto the ground Roy VonDran pulled him aside.

  "Sure glad you came Matt, there's a representative of the queen been hanging around here for close to a geem waiting for you to arrive, been making a real pest of himself. Says his name is Fergus." Before he could think about it something kicked him, looking down was his old friend Fergus the Leprechaun.

  "All Matt me old friend you finally showed up, two more centons and I would have been out of here." Before they could speak further, Kiggham requested that everyone convene at the village tavern where he could make some announcements. As they headed for the tavern, Matt asked Fergus,

  "What are you doing here Fergus, is there some kind of trouble?" The Leprechaun made no comment until they were sitting down and a bar maid was bringing him a mug of beer. Matt grinned as his old friend took a lengthy drink of the beverage before stating his business.

  "Ahh it's good to see you again laddy you're looking fine, so what have ye been up to lately?"

  "Trying to get a human planet going, I'm on my way back to earth right now to hopefully pick up a number of volunteers to grow the population. Say, how did you know I would be coming here?

  Fergus took another swig and smiled,

  "Kiggham's brother Hinald told us said that there was a good chance you would be returning to earth."

  "Am I in trouble or something?" Asked Matt.

  "Aahh no lad," replied Fergus, maybe this letter from queen Breca will explain things." Kiggham began to address the gathered citizens about what he found on Endor while Matt started to read the queen's letter.

  "Dear Matt and Kaitlyn:

  My informants tell me that Kiggham is attempting to establish a settlement on Z'ha'dum for reasons I'm not clear about. I would appreciate that at your earliest convenience you pay us a visit so this matter can be further discussed. However, the point of this letter is your assistance in the mater of King Valsung's daughter Bria."

  "It is my understanding that you transported her as well as her husband to your home world due to the unpleasantness of her parents. I make no judgment on this matter, as it is none of my affair. However, I have received a letter through certain diplomatic channels intended for Bria from her mother. I believe she wishes it delivered to her daughter; someone remembered that you two were responsible for transporting Bria and her husband there. I have instructed Fergus to hand you a diplomatic pouch intended for their ambassador, as well as the Aine. Inside that pouch is the letter for Bria. I trust that you will expedite this matter.

  Sincerely, Queen Breca;

  He looked at Fergus,

  "Know anything about this?" The Leprechaun shook his head,

  "I make it a point not to get involved in political intrigues, although rumor has it that king Valsungand his wife aren't getting along so well. Here's the pouch, it's sealed, so don't go fiddling around with it laddy." He looked at the large leather satchel,

  "Well I wasn't planning on visiting Ireland, but I guess this changes things, now all I have to do is convince Islos." Fergus chuckled,

  "Where is this fellow, perhaps I can convince him." Matt looked at Fergus and shrugged,

  "He's the Selantrian over there in the black leather flight jacket, talking to Roy…Good Luck." With that, he hurried off to find Kiggham over a matter that he'd almost forgotten.

  Both Kiggham and Roy gave him "wish lists" of certain things they wanted him to purchase while on earth, along with the promise to credit his account with the appropriate funds. Both wanted as many broad head arrows as he could lay his hands on as well as one of those fancy compound bows for Kiggham, among other various and sundry items. The whole situation was rather convoluted, as his credit account only worked here in the Loridian Empire, not on earth. The amount he would need would have to be converted to gold or blue diamonds, which wasn't a real great problem, Islos promised to help him out in that department…for a small fee. The problem would be finding a buyer for the gold and diamonds on earth, not an impossible task, just a big hassle that's all.

  Finally all the goodbyes had been said, Kiggham and Roy had promised to have anyone wanting to go to Endor all packed and ready to go upon their return trip. Matt said goodbye to Fergus, promising him a bottle of Jameson Irish whiskey as well. At the last minute, Roy toyed with the idea of accompanying Matt back to earth, but then decided against it muttering something about,

  "You can never go home again." One last stop at Fort Kamata for fuel, messages, and to convert some of Matt's credits into gold and blue diamonds.

  Since he had assisted Gandric in the fueling process before, Matt offered his help to Joa in order to speed things up.

  While at the Fort, Islos took on three of his "friends." Something that concerned not only Matt, but Jezang as well. All three kept to themselves but were clearly ex-military types. Introduced only as Thix, Gilbreak, and Praaon, they were the "muscle," that Islos had mumbled about needing to assault the terrorist camp.

  While Thix and Gilbreak were fellow Selantrian's, Praaon appeared to be a Ruddorian, a curiosity Matt planned to ask Kaitlyn about later on.

  Finally, they were ready, the long anticipated trip to earth, a trip filled with anxiety, for Matt, worry that somehow Janson would screw things up, while Islos worried about the forthcoming raids on the terrorist, camp, and drug lab.

  Finally, the Selantrian called a meeting in which he asked Matt to describe as much as he could about these drug and terrorist people, with another private meeting with Mat
t concerning the side trip to where the fairy folk lived.

  "Your ship is pretty damn big," he explained, "We're certainly not going to get the Thrina to set down in that clearing. Islos chuckled,

  "No problem my friend, we have a small shuttle craft for just such occasions. We call it our "parasite," and while it appears to be a normal part of the ship, it is a three-man shuttle located on the underbelly of the Thrina. It doesn't have a great range, but it should work fine in this case." Islos excused himself as having things to do, so Matt went to his cabin to brood about the upcoming raid. He had tried to explain to everyone, even to the point of drawing pictures outlining what the camp in Lebanon had looked like, the terrain, and what he assumed their defenses might be. As for the drug labs in the jungle, he could only surmise what they might be like as well as the security surrounding them.


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