Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 100

by Max Jager

  All Islos could do was smile, and pat him on the back,

  "Everything will be fine, Matt don't worry." Then Thix, who seemed to be the leader of the three soldiers, asked him.

  "Has your planet ever been attacked by raiders, or possibly others from another planet?" Matt gave him a puzzled look,

  "What kind of question is that?" He thought.

  "Only in the movies, but most of the time the attackers usually came out badly in the end." Now it was Thix's turn to wear a puzzled look, but he just shrugged and let it pass.

  Matt also talked to Joa and Islos about the need to hack into a certain communications satellite so he could contact people on earth.

  "On one of my previous trips a couple friends of mine hacked into a comm satellite, since there are a lot of them orbiting earth, they marked it with some sort of homing device, it shouldn't be hard to locate."

  Islos was confident that they could find that satellite again, but H was eager to attack the terrorist camps first.

  Time dragged slowly as they made for earth, Matt spent time talking with Thix and his two friends, Gilbreak, and Praaon. He learned that all three had served honorably in the armies of their respective planets, and worked for Security Company that hired out to private transport companies, as well as the Loridian Trading Company on occasion.

  "Basically we protect valuable cargos from raiders, as well as farming settlements. Sometimes it's going in with a group of pioneers on some newly discovered planet or moon and there's lots of strange and dangerous beasts to settle. We've worked with Islos before." Then Praaon said,

  "Islos mentioned something about grabbing a bunch of non-beam weapons somewhere on your planet, and that you had done this before, as well as knowing where to go?" By this time, he had decided that these guys were on the level, and were the professionals they claimed to be.

  "Just a moment, I want to show you guys something." Matt went immediately to his room and retrieved his AK74, as well as the AR. Returning to the group; he laid them on the table, as well as his CZ 75.

  "This is what we are talking about guys. This is what's known as an AK74, and this is what the military of my country uses, an AR M4, let me show you how they break down.

  He field stripped both rifles, as well as the pistol, showing them the ammunition each fired.

  "I discovered strictly by accident that sensors can't pick up the presence of these kind of weapons like beam weapons. I figure it's only a matter of time before the raiders catch on to this and the advantage will be lost." All three soldiers examined the weapons, as well as the ammunition. Matt explained what he knew about how everything worked, as well as why they would have to get these weapons from terrorists. The three soldiers seemed to understand what they might be up against, and considered the task at hand routine.

  "Have any of you ever seen this device Islos says he has that will supposedly knock out all these terrorists and make getting these guns a piece of cake?"

  Everyone laughed, and shook their heads.

  "Sorry Matt," said Gilbreak, that thing comes from before our time. It's called a Neoteric Amplifier, but it doesn't put people to sleep, it kills them pure and simple, do you have a problem with that?" Matt shrugged,

  "With terrorists, not really, so do you think this thing will really work?"

  "Oh it will work all right, provided these terrorists don't have any counter measures. That's why it's obsolete; there are too many counter measures available."

  "Well I'm pretty sure they don't," replied Matt.

  The Thrina arrived in a very familiar solar system near Saturn, a planet that everyone thought rather interesting. As they were gazing on the ringed planet, Tressal observed.

  "Something tells me all those asteroids ringing that planet are loaded with Mekkarion ore, as well as kroma, trujuke, and vulnite. Probably Konia ore as well. Does your planet mine those ores?" Matt laughed,

  "Mine them? We don't even know what they are!"

  "Interesting," replied Tressal, "Might be something to make a note of."

  Earth impressed them as well,

  "The big blue marble" is what one of the astronauts called it," replied Matt.

  "It's rather amazing that your planet is the only one in this solar system with any life on it," observed Islos.

  "Well unlike your world with a single race to a single planet," replied Matt, "Earth has dozens of races all on a single planet."

  "No doubt that makes for some interesting times," commented Thix.

  "Well," sighed Matt, "You can be assured there's always a war going on somewhere down there."

  The first order of business was to locate the old communications satellite Gyod and Skart hacked allowing phone communications with anywhere on earth.

  It took a little doing, as well as the use of a secret password director Janson had arranged with Matt once they had agreed to the project. After over an hour of trying, he finally got hold of Mr. Janson who was surprised by Matt's voice.

  "I was beginning to think you weren't coming," said Janson, "It's going to take a few days to get everyone rounded up. Do me a favor though, and land at area 51, I believe you know where it is." This immediately drew Matt's suspicion but Mr. Janson insisted everything was on the level,

  "We just aren't set up to deal with a large spacecraft landing at Houston or the Cape at this time. Don't worry son, everyone will be there."

  "Well Islos is going to require payment," said Matt, "Unfortunately, dollars won't work. Gold, diamonds, and precious jewels will. In addition, he's willing to take on red winter wheat seed, oats, corn and soybean seeds as well. There's been a bad drought on one of the agriculture planets. He can convert all that seed into credits. However I would suggest you talk to him so you can get a better idea of what will work in payment."

  "We will be sure to do that son," replied Janson. "How much of this seed will he be able to carry?"

  "Quite a bit," replied Matt, "The Thrina is quite a big transport, oh and make sure these volunteers all have enough food to last the trip plus a little extra."

  "Will do Matt, everything will be ready." Janson last statement bothered Matt, maybe it was seeing too many movies dealing in government double dealing, and betrayal, maybe they would have to fight their way out?"

  Chapter 120

  Titan Stand Chapter 120

  Matt then placed a call to Doctor Frick letting him know that he was back.

  "I just talked to Mr. Janson the NASA director," explained Matt, "He wants us to land at area 51 so we'll be right in your neighborhood. We'll stop at the A'Le'Inn first to pick up anyone you've selected to go."

  "That will be fine," replied the Doctor. "The people I told you about last time will be all ready to go as well as six more. By the way, how are things going on your planet?"

  "Well we're getting there," replied Matt, "We renamed the planet Endor because it's so heavily forested. I'll tell you more when I see you. One thing doctor, just be sure to let these people know it's going to be a tough life for awhile and bring only the bare minimum, but enough to eat and see them through for a couple months."

  "I will do that, and thank you."

  Matt then called his parents letting them know he would see them soon, along with giving his dad a list of his classmates recommended by Gabe and Liam who might be persuaded to make the trip as well.

  "We've got a couple things to do yet dad, see you and mom real soon."

  Now it was time for a little risky business as Islos, along with Matt's guidance made for the Middle East.

  As Islos maneuvered the Thrina over the country of Iran with Matt smiling to himself,

  "I'm sure getting a real education in geography as well as trying to figure out where countries are at, good thing it was one of my favorite classes."

  Sitting over the eastern part of the country near the Afghanistan border (or what Matt hoped was the border) at around sixty thousand feet. The ships main scanner peeked through the cloud layer revealing highly detailed
images that helped them locate a likely terrorist training camp. After close to two hours of close scrutiny, Matt spotted a likely prospect. Too small to be a village or town and well away from any population centers, and only one road in he was sure they had a camp. Islos brought them down to around thirty thousand feet still hiding in the clouds. Further images revealed that they had guessed right, it appeared to be a large camp just ripe for the picking.

  "Be careful Islos," warned Matt, "They might be able pick us up on radar."

  "Not a chance," replied Tressal, "The Thrina has a scrambler, and while it's not as good as a cloaking device, I doubt their primitive scanners can detect us." The co-pilot then explained how the scrambler operated by enveloping the Thrina in an artificial cloud formation charged with metalloid particles that basically hid their presence.

  "Now we see if that neoteric amplifier works," said Islos. "Everybody put on your headsets to nullify the amplified waves." Dropping down another thousand feet, Tressal operated the weapons computer. Although he had his headset on, Matt could still hear a distinctive humming sound from outside the ship. The images the scanner was bringing up were fuzzy due to the amplifier interfering with it. After about five minutes, Tressal announced that everyone below should be dead.

  Thix and his people, along with Matt and Jezang donned their combat gear and checked their weapons. The three soldiers all wore sinister black combat gear with full helmets concealing their faces and carrying wicked looking plasma beam rifles.

  After checking to make sure their communication devices were all in sync Thix and Jezang stood ready at the top of the ramp. As soon as the Thrina was down, the ramp lowered.

  "Triple red everybody," announced Thix, "Stay sharp." Matt now realized that it was night and rather cool out which made him wish he had worn his jacket. The amplifier must have worked, as absolutely nothing stirred. Still everyone proceeded with extreme caution carefully probing for anyone still alive.

  With the exception of Matt, everyone else had thermal imaging and night vision embedded into their helmets, being a Tharg; these things were built right into Jezang. Matt wore just a night vision device mounted on his helmet. As they began their search, it didn't take long for the bodies to start showing up. Most were inside buildings all showing the same cause of death. Matt was the only one to gawk at the lifeless bodies all-bleeding from the eyes, ears, and nose, some from their mouths as well.

  The thermal imaging equipment soon revealed no life in the camp at all, with further investigation quickly turned up the weapons warehouse as well as the ammo bunker. Matt watched in amazement as Praaon cut through the heavy steel doors like a hot knife in butter. Jackpot! Here were stacks of crates containing all sorts of rifles, machine guns, and RPG's. The two ammo bunkers also contained all the ammunition they would ever need however, getting it all onto the ship might be a problem, then Matt had an idea.

  Speaking to Islos and Thix, he pointed to three Mercedes-Benz military trucks,

  "Could we get those three trucks into the ship?" Islos walked over to the parked vehicles and did a quick estimation.

  "Yes, but just barely, but I don't want these things."

  "Well I do," replied Matt, "We can load all the ammo and weapons crates on the trucks along with that little pick-up over there and we'll be all set. Islos was skeptical, but ended up going along with the plan. Therefore, with Jezang standing guard, Matt backed each truck up to the single dock where they began to load weapons using the floating aerostat platforms Matt decided to grab a number of crates for himself as well. Most of the weapons were Russian, or Chinese, AK47's, as well as AK 74's. They even came across a couple crates of SKS rifles, and even several old Moisin-Nagant M44 carbines. Digging around, Matt discovered two crates of Galil ACE pistols chambered in 7.62 x39 mm. This was a real haul.

  When he wasn't loading his own finds, Matt was identifying weapons for the others. He did what he could to steer Islos away from RPG's and RPK light machine guns. They worked like rented mules loading weapons and ammo onto the trucks, along with any ammunition pouches and related web gear. It was only a matter of time before someone would show up, so when Jezang alerted them to lights coming towards them Thix and his pals quickly prepared an ambush.

  "We've got to catch these fellows before they spot the ship," explained Thix, "Hit them hard and fast." Who ever was coming to check on the camp must have smelled a rat as the trucks slowed as they began to fan out. Both were small Japanese pick-up trucks with heavy Russian DShK machine guns mounted in the beds. It didn't take long before there was shouting from the men in back as Matt figured they must have spotted the ship.

  At that point, Thix and the others opened up. Green beams cut through the trucks and the men causing each truck to explode hurling burning bodies everywhere. All Matt could do was watch as the men and vehicles were cut to pieces. Those beam weapons were certainly more powerful than conventional cartridge weapons but they could easily be detected by weapons "sniffers,"

  "Well to each his own I guess." After making sure nobody else was coming, they went back to loading ammunition the trucks quickly exceeding their load limits. Since he was the only one who could drive the trucks, Matt was charged with maneuvering them onto the ship. Being so overloaded, they barely got up the ramp, but eventually he got them parked in one corner of the cargo bay. There was just enough room for the small pick-up loaded with everything he was claiming. Since Islos wasn't interested in the trucks Matt claimed them, and even though diesel fuel and oil would be a problem, he knew they would be put to good use on Endor.

  Once the trucks with their loads of weapons crates and ammunition were on board Matt tried his hand operating a forklift with limited success. The forklift refused to climb the ramp so the rest of the ammunition was stacked on wooden pallets where he took them to the base of the ramp where Thix and his buddies re-loaded the ammunition onto aerostat boards taking it the rest of the way up into the cargo bay. Finally, Islos called a halt as daylight was approaching, and the danger of more visitors showing up was too great. Just before dawn, the Thrina lifted off disappearing into the clouds. The haul had been so successful that everyone agreed that trying to locate a drug lab in the middle of the Columbian jungle was pointless. Taking off several hours to get some rest, Islos put the Thrina into a high orbit over earth.

  Matt was worn out, so easily slept for several hours, then after a quick breakfast went down to the cargo bay to help sort out the weapons and ammunition. Islos was insisting on taking a careful inventory, which involved a lot of lifting heavy crates.

  By now, the whole cargo area smelled like Cosmoline, and guns. Matt marveled at how easily Jezang tossed the heavy crates around while it was all he could do to lift one. Thix and his buddies appeared to be stronger than they looked, and while not tossing crates around, didn't seem to be having a lot of trouble moving them. Eventually, Matt found himself doing all the identifying, of ammunition as well as the guns. The work was tricky as he had to make sure the 5.45x39 ammunition his AK74 took was kept separate from the 7.62x39 the AK 47's required. Then there was the 9x18-pistol ammo, which had to be kept separate. After opening a number of ammo crates, he was able to understand the writing on the crates. He also suggested the right ammo be kept with the right weapons, so they ended up sandwiching weapons, then ammo, then more guns on skids. Since Matt had claimed the trucks everything had to be unloaded and re-stacked.

  Along with all the weapons, and ammo there were several crates of RPG rockets, as well as hand grenades, and ammunition belts, canteens and other assorted gear. During the inventory, Gilbreak asked Matt about some crates that weren't the same size as the weapons crates. Opening them up he was surprised to find they were spare parts kits. Springs, packages of assorted screws, and cleaning kits made for a welcome sight.

  "I was afraid we'd have to strip down some of these weapons for spare parts," he told Islos. "Later, we'll have to go through them and separate out what goes with what."

  The final inven
tory revealed;

  300 AK-47's of Chinese manufacture

  2 DShK heavy machine guns

  200 AK-74's of Russian manufacture

  100 RPK light machine guns

  10 Dragunov sniper rifles

  50 PP-200 machine pistols

  20 RPK-74 light machine guns

  100 GSH-18 pistols

  50 RPG anti-tank rockets

  200 Chinese type 82 hand grenades

  5 crates of assorted magazines

  1 crate drum magazines for the RPK Lt. m.g.

  For his part, Matt claimed;

  20 IWI Galil ACE pistols

  20 Chinese made folding stock AK-47's

  10 Moisin-Nagant moder 44 carbines

  5 RPK light machine guns


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