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Titan Stand

Page 119

by Max Jager

  "Oh hey Matt," he said. "I was just showing Gabe and Gandric here a model of a flying saucer I built when I was a kid. Believe it or not, this little model got me interested in a career with NASA; it's one of the few personal things I brought with me. "

  "We think we can build full scale versions of it," commented Gabe, with Gandric adding.

  "Judging from this little replica, we could easily build a full scale one. It's basically an anti-grav drive, those shutters underneath would control how high you could fly, and those two rocket like engines behind the bubble would obviously control propulsion, while the four ramjets around the rim would control speed. Since there's no visible landing gear, we'd have to work on that, but I believe this is a doable project"

  "Where would you build it?" Asked Matt, "We don't have any type of manufacturing ability here as of yet." Gabe immediately became animated as he exclaimed.

  "We will," he said, "That's the beauty of it. While we were on Xandrus Gandric and I talked to some of the other androids about setting up a small fabrication shop here on Endor. According to Gandric an android is happiest when he's busy and thinking."

  "He's right," added Gandric, "While the Ussen Ommo project has put a great deal of my friends back to work much still needs to be done. There are many who do not wish to remain on Xandrus, and are eager to come here. Helping Dozox 1168 did far more than you could ever believe Matt, my friends now believe you to be a good friend of their's, living here would be an honor."

  "Well they are more than welcome Gandric," said Matt, "It looks like we're going to need workers to help grow dreeda along with other crops. I know there are droid's that specialize in this by all means, bring them here."

  The wheels were now set in motion, Endor was off and running.

  By now, the evening was late the fire was burning down and everyone had settled in with their own groups. Right now, he and Holliqua were sitting with his high school friends who were quietly talking about the lives they had left behind and the things they were looking forward to.

  Kaitlyn seemed to be leading the discussion with Patricia and Ellen joining in. The guys on the other hand remained relatively silent nodding in agreement, or offering a comment or two.

  "At first I was scared," observed Kaitlyn I had a hard time figuring out why I let Matt talk me into coming with him, and I kept holding it against him. However, I began to meet people and suddenly realized that they weren't so different as me. It was also a local, Princess Bria, and Tiag over there who convinced me that I really had something to offer. Well I certainly wasn't going anywhere back in Durango probably ended up working for shit wages serving tourists." Everyone laughed at that,

  "She's right observed Ellen, All I knew was that I was leaving a place I hated then Captain Black convinced me that there were things I could do. Well once I met the elves, I simply fell in love with them; it's what I want to do."

  "I feel the same way, "said Patricia, "At first I felt that I'd let Matt talk me into something. I was really scared." Then directing her attention to him, she continued.

  "I really hated you Matt I even cried myself to sleep a couple times. But then after talking to Kaitlyn Tiag, and Slavek, I realized they were just like me. I really didn't know what I wanted to do in college but mom and dad kept pushing me. All I knew at the time was that I wanted to get out of that crummy tourist town at any cost, that's why I let you talk me into this. Now I see that you were right. Oh Matt I'm so sorry, I apologize for everything. This is going to be so cool. Finally I'll be doing something that really matters."

  "She's so right," added David, "The last thing I wanted to do was stick around Durango. My folks had it all set up for me to go to Lewis but that's not what I really wanted. Just think of it, Kaitlyn, Patricia and I will be on the cutting edge, we'll be the first earth people to really reach out and deal with all the other races out here. By the way Matt, the next time you go back to earth really put the word out, I'm pretty sure there were a few more kids who were interested in coming along but hadn't worked up the nerve to say yes, or were out of town."

  "Thanks Dave," he replied, "I'll be sure to do that. Matt smiled to himself and squeezed Holliqua a little tighter as he realized that they were an elite group. A bunch of high school seniors from Durango Colorado sitting around a fire on their own planet all looking forward to taking on the universe. Tomorrow everyone would be going their own way, Holliqua and Ilmi would be returning to their home planets for awhile. Patricia, David, and Kaitlyn would be leaving for Ruddoria, while Ellen would be accompanying Dr. Black down to Dinocki. He would fly them down there as he had some things for Roy. He would also sleep a little easier tonight with the realization that life here on Endor was starting to take off.

  That night he and Holliqua made love like never before, as they both fell deeper in love.

  The next day was not a happy one as everyone was saying goodbye. Kaitlyn, Patricia, and David along with Slavek and Tiag were the first to leave, hugging and thanking all their friends. Then Holliqua and Ilmi were gone as well, although they had said their "goodbyes" to Matt and Liam the night before. Later, Matt flew Ellen Macy, Doctor Black, and Steve Hanes down to Dinocki where Dr. Black and Ellen would operate a clinic and research station. Steve wanted to look the place over as to the feasibility of installing electricity. It was roughly two hundred miles down there but they made it in about forty minutes. Even though he'd been told, Steve couldn't get over the fact that elves and fairies actually existed. Matt was bringing

  Roy more arrows and broad head blades with the razor inserts along with such things as linen and cotton thread, various fasteners, bolts of fabric, and various hand tools. Roy and Hinald welcomed them inviting them inside the small tavern for a mug of homemade beer. Matt recounted the trip to earth as well as the trouble with the raiders along with some of the new people coming back with them Steve being the main feature.

  Steve then explained to Roy about the possibility of rigging up something to produce electricity.

  "Well as you can see Mr. Hanes, most folk here get along fine with out it, however, I suppose the clinic and town center could use it especially for a few street lights as well as something to communicate with you folks up there." Then talk shifted to local news,

  "Matt," said Roy "Last week my oldest son Dhamon, and Malleus along with Zyndon were out exploring and came across something but I'll let Dhamon tell you. Roy's oldest had been sitting at the end of the table so when his father called, slid down in front of Matt.

  "Like my father said, we were all out exploring when Malleus thought he saw what looked like ruined buildings at the edge of a small meadow. Well it took us the better part of a millacenton to get out to it. Well he was right, it was an abandoned town. For the most part the three buildings had fallen in. We also found a skeleton and two graves. Dhamon then handed Matt a metal box.

  "We found that inside a stone cairn thought you might like it." Matt took the weathered tin box and looked at the boy.

  "Have you read it?"

  "Some, I speak my father's language better than I read it, and anyway, I had a hard time understanding the hand writing.

  "I took a look at it," said Roy, "The journal was written by a man named John Hatcher who was apparently a former trapper, hunter, and guide for the army. Apparently he was sent by the army to meet with the Ute's to try and work out some sort of deal which he doesn't go into and somehow got caught up in the kidnapping. The graves are those of Mary McCurdy, and Aaron O'Grady."

  "They must have escaped from the Neistrian's at Coryville," said Matt, "But to walk two hundred miles." Roy chuckled,

  "Two hundred miles ain't nothing look how far all the people who traveled the Oregon Trail walked. But those three weren't the only ones, and they didn't walk."

  He let that sink in for a moment as Matt figured it out.

  "Horses? Did they have horses?" Roy smiled and nodded.

  "According to Mr. Hatcher, the Neistrian's brought a bunch of horses. Unfo
rtunately most died on the way, but according to Hatcher's journal, he and several others snuck off with several animals and eventually wound up where my son and the others found their graves along with the ruins…along with a herd of wild horses." Matt looked at him with surprise,


  "At first we thought they were centaurs," said Dhamon, so Zyndon took off to investigate. Needless to say, he was heartbroken when he realized they were not. Well anyway, I think there's around eighteen or nineteen animals in the herd. We didn't stay around long but if you want to fly out there I can show you where it is."

  "Yeah, we need to do that," said Matt, "This certainly puts a new spin on things. How about those two Neistrian's who you found near here?"

  "Well they showed up again," said Roy, "Asked if they could join our community. We took a vote and the majority agreed to let them stay provided they behave themselves. Last I heard they're building themselves a little place up along the river out on the edge of the village. They don't seem to care for me but everyone else gets along with them, guess it's cause I'm a human."

  "Could be," replied Matt, "Before we fly out there are any of the centaurs around?"

  "I think Zyndon and Tressa are around here somewhere," said Dhamon, "I'll go see if I can find them."

  Chapter 142

  Titan Stand Chapter 142

  Dhamon soon returned not only with Zyndon and his mate Tressa, but the other pair of centaur's Ladhas, and Issia as well. The subject of horses was a touchy one as he remembered that back on Denedra when he had told Zyndon about regular horses he had become upset. Now that they had brought several back from earth…Well this was a fight he would have preferred to put off until another time.

  "Hey Zyndon, Tressa, Ladhas, Issia, how are you guys?" said Matt.

  One of the things he was supposed to be was a leader but the way they were looking at him, he certainly didn't feel like one.

  "Umm I was going to tell you guys but since there is a small herd of horses near here I guess we'd better hash this out right now. "

  "As you may or may not know, we brought back several horses from earth, now it turns out there's a wild herd around here, I need to know where you folks stand on the subject?"

  "I remember you telling me about them," said Zyndon. "I got a look at that herd while out with Dhamon and Malleus and we've been talking about them. Basically these are creatures that look like us in that they run on all four's but don't have our intelligence or forms. Honestly, Matt we cannot say. Perhaps we need to ride down your way and look this herd over, are they wild as well?"

  "Oh no, they are regular working animals and well cared for. However wouldn't you rather ride in the shuttle rather than walk all that way?"

  "No," replied Ladhas, "As a matter-of-fact, we were planning on paying you a visit anyway. We also want to have a look at the route between here and your village anyway."

  "Well suit yourselves," replied Matt, I'll tell Meghan and Justin to expect you."

  Matt, Roy, and his son flew out to the site which was tucked into a little valley in the western part of the Winding Stair's and from what he could tell only accessible by foot or horse.

  "There it is," exclaimed Dhamon, "Just inside that stand of Skark trees. Matt set down as close as he could on the edge of the meadow. Standing outside the shuttle, he surveyed the area.

  "No doubt about it," observed Roy, "They sure picked a beautiful spot, we'll have to keep this place in mind, we'll name it Hatcher's meadow." Dhamon led them over to the ruins, which consisted of four buildings all pretty much gone. They buried Hatcher' remains next to the other two graves piling up rocks and forming crosses out of pieces of lumber. Roy and Matt then stood over the graves for a moment of silence.

  "I can see why they chose this spot," said Matt, "It's so much like Colorado; in fact I'm reminded of an area just north of Ouray…Wow, and so far from home. As soon as things settle down we'll come back and mark the graves properly but this place would certainly make a fine settlement."

  "That it would Matt," replied Roy,

  "Perhaps if I ever get back to the Witchfire's I'll tell Kiggham and maybe we can get enough people out here to make a start on that settlement."

  Roy and the elves threw a feast that evening so naturally Matt stayed. Everyone sat around a large bonfire, but a smaller fire was set aside for the roasting of a boloth. There was also plenty of homemade ale, plus the keg of beer, one of several Matt had brought from earth. He had also cautioned Roy not to damage it as there was a hefty deposit on it and it would have to go back to earth on his next trip.

  Matt, Steve, Dr. Black, and Ellen sat at a special table but later moved to benches closer to the fire and the storytellers.

  "This is all so incredible," exclaimed Dr. Black, they are telling stories about the earliest times when the Tuatha Dé Danann split into three separate tribes."

  "That's right doctor, the Aos Sí they are speaking was the tribe that ended up on earth."

  "It's a shame they never survived," she sighed. Matt snickered,

  "Oh but they did, I've actually met them, that's why these people revere me so much, they know now that all three tribes are still intact. Oh they've taken a number of hits over the centuries, but all three are still around."

  "Oh my god!" You mean there's a tribe of them still on earth…Where?" He simply grinned,

  "Sorry doctor, it's not that I don't trust you, but you're going to have to prove yourself to these people first. When they tell me it's all right then we'll have to pay a little visit to Denedra where Queen Breca will have a little talk with you. If, and when that happens then I'll tell you but not before."

  "Who is this queen Breca?" Asked the doctor.

  "She's pretty cool, queen of the elves but the fairy folk figure into it as well, I think you'd like her.

  "You seem to know all the "players" around here Matt, quite remarkable," replied Dr. Black.

  "Better to make friends out here than enemies plus the fact that we're a new race to everyone. Make no mistake doctor, and that goes for you Mr. Hines, and Ellen, we are being watched, judged. So far, everyone seems to like what they see just don't louse it up."

  They had just moved to the benches when Matt felt a presence behind him. Whirling around he came face to face with the Neistrian's Bris and Ceari. Now everyone turned to confront the new visitors.

  "Relax earther's; if we had wanted to kill you we would have done it already."

  Indicating the next bench, Matt replied.

  "Have a seat you two, let's talk. We mean you no harm, nor do we carry any grudges if that's what you're worried about. Sit…please, let's just talk okay?"

  The Neistrian's continued to stand there but then slowly took their seats.

  "That's much better, now what's on your minds?"

  After a short period of silence, Bris asked.

  "What do you intend to do with us?" Matt looked at him with surprise,

  "What do you mean Bris, we don't intend to do anything with you, neither will the elves provided you leave them alone."

  "We have no intention of harming them," added Ceari, "Where did they come from?"

  "From the planet Denedra. That big guy over there is Roy VonDran, their leader; he brought a bunch of them. Things were getting a little crowded back on Denedra, so they chose to come here, got a problem with that?"

  "Oh not at all," replied Bris, "In fact we find them rather enjoyable. No, on the contrary, we have no intention of disturbing them."

  "They are as our race once was before…"

  "So what is happening with Z'ha'dum?" asked Ceari.

  "Well first of all it's not Z'ha'dum anymore Ceari," said Matt "We call it Endor taking the name from a fictitious planet that was mainly forest. After your friends left a small group of humans remained so the Oxnian people declared the planet a human one but that doesn't mean other races can't live here, that goes for you two as well."

  "What about Clath?" Asked Bris,

about him?" replied Matt. "Right now, he is in partnership with a Golian named Brand who have opened up what is becoming a very popular bar and restaurant at the old Mindia site."

  "Clath is a rogue and criminal," growled Bris, "Keep him away from us."

  "Well I happen to like him," said Matt, "Everyone seems to."

  Bris merely snorted,

  "Look," said Matt, "We hold no grudges over what your ancestors did all those years ago. In a round about way, your people actually provided us a big lift into space. Doctor Black and Mr. Hines are members of the American space agency NASA who are here doing research. As for the rest of us…We're simply carrying on from what those people your ancestors brought here." Neither Neistrian said anything for a few moments, then Bris replied,


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