Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 129

by Max Jager

  "So," he inquired, "

  Going to be a nurse or doctor?" Shaking her head, Holliqua replied,

  "I'm not familiar with the term "nurse," but I'm not studying to be a doctor. I'm just required to have a certain amount of medical training that's all."

  Well that's enough talk," said Matt, "Time to make up for the time we were gone."

  It seemed to Matt that the more he and Holliqua made love the better it got, he also found himself falling deeper in loves with her. She wasn't a complainer, or made any attempts to control him, above all she listened.

  Even though it was a subject they never discussed, both realized each had separate lives and to some degree, their interests were different as well. Yet they were able to find common ground in the things that really mattered, and for now that's all that mattered to him. On the previous trip to earth, he had obtained the Godfather DVD with all three movies on it and as he lay next to her he wondered if he should let her watch it without any explanation. Then his mind drifted, imagining the scene from Godfather II where the whole family is partying at Michael Corleone's house on Lake Tahoe. Would the get-together at the Karlnoti's be any different? He then started feeling guilty for even thinking such things, but damn it all; sometimes he just couldn't help himself.

  The next day was spent checking on projects and preparing for the trip to Denedra. A lot of people were going so the Nora-Lee was going to be a little crowded. He, along with everyone else said goodbye to Kevin who was leaving with Orlak. Matt still felt pangs of jealousy as Kevin was headed off on a grand adventure, something he should be doing, unfortunately, that's not the way things seemed to be working out.

  The ended up being quite a crew traveling to Denedra. Major Morford, Captain Black, along with her assistant Ellen Macy. The NASA biologist Douglas Stamford, and Doctor Frick. Emma Dunmar would also be going making up for quite a crew, which naturally included Matt, Liam, and Amber.

  While they were at Dinocki, Hinald Stenuck even anted up enough gold to go along, claiming that he wanted to confer with his father. The actual flight would only take a couple centon's so everyone had set up their own pallets in the cargo bay to sleep on, or as Emma called it.

  "Just like when I was in Girl Scouts, all we need now is a campfire." Amber surprised her with a holographic one. Amber and Captain Black set up a rotation schedule for people to use the necessary or head, along with the small shower.

  Matt spent a lot of time telling everyone about Denedra, along with some of the people who lived there. Captain Black, Ellen, and Emma were eager to see the Elvin homeland, as well as meeting the queen of the fairies, or as they explained it to Matt, Amber, and Major Morford.

  "I don't know," admitted Captain Black, "Maybe it's a girl thing, unicorns and all that, fairies and such. Back on earth it's all just fantasy and legend, then to find out it's all so real and these creatures do exist."

  "Well according to the queen herself," replied Matt, "Unicorns may have existed a long time ago along with Kobolds and some of the more evil creatures, but no more. One thing though, just be very respectful, they still aren't sure what to think of us humans yet so make sure you're on your best behavior."

  "Don't worry Matt," shot back Ellen, "We're not little kids anymore."

  After receiving permission to land, Matt wondered if Fergus the Leprechaun would be there to greet them. He had a present for the little man though; a bottle of Tulamore Dew, Irish whiskey which he had been told was the best, even better than Jameson's.

  The Nora-Lee landed in the large stone ringed landing area, and as they came down the ramp, he noticed a shuttle sitting nearby. He also noticed an old friend Karlt making his way over accompanied by another old friend of much shorter stature, Fergus.

  Chapter 153

  Titan Stand Chapter 153

  "Boyo, you're lookin mighty fine; announced the Leprechaun. Matt squatted down and shook his tiny hand.

  "You're looking pretty good yourself Fergus." He then stood up and shook Karlt's hand,

  "Hey Karlt, how's it going?" By now, the rest of the Nora-Lee's passengers had debarked and had formed a circle around the two.

  "Are you really a leprechaun?" inquired Ellen.

  "Better be careful Ellen," said Matt in half-jest, "Fergus will turn you into a goat." She gasped at this prospect but Fergus just laughed.

  "Aren't you the smart lass, but as to your question I am. I'm also one of her majesty's advisors among other things."

  "This is absolutely amazing," announced Captain Black "All those Irish legends were right."

  "Well you can speak with the queen about that," said Fergus, "Right now, we have to get you all to the palace." He then waved his hand, whereby two-bored looking centaur's came up pulling two carts equipped with seats. It was a tight fit, but everyone got a seat. As they headed for Gwyn Wood, Matt asked Fergus,

  "What's the situation with Bria and Caedmon?"

  "Both are back here which is all I am allowed to say, you'll find out more later Boyo." From the tone of his voice, Matt knew Fergus was holding something back. Handing him the bottle of Tulamore Dew made for a very appreciative leprechaun, however he continued to remain tight-lipped. As they rolled along, and the other people were commenting on the passing scene, Matt began to remember all the places he'd been too. It all seemed like a hundred years ago even though it was barely three years now. He also wished that he could have put this trip off, seeing that there was so much to do back on Endor. On the other hand, he felt guilty for not coming sooner. He turned to see Fergus talking with Emma, Ellen and Captain Black.

  When they hit the cobblestone streets of Gwyn Wood, and were approaching the palace more memories came flooding back. The last time he made this trip, it was Zyndon who was pulling the cart but he was back on Endor, he and the other centaur's poking around the forests.

  "It's just the way I pictured the way an Elvin village would look," announced Captain Black. "I certainly do hope to wander around town a bit," she added.

  "That shouldn't be a problem," said Matt, "Once we get all these formalities over with."

  Like Matt at first, everyone was expecting a Cinderella type castle but were somewhat let down when they realized it was more like a European villa.

  First stop were the guest cottages where he was placed with Liam, Major Morford, Doug Stamford and Dr. Frick. Major Black, Ellen Macy, and Emma Dunmar, and Amber. Due to the large group, Jezang bowed out at the last minute, promising to keep an eye on things back at home. Before they had even left for town, Hinald had slipped away telling Matt he'd be back by the time they were ready to leave.

  "I know my way up to the Witchfire's," he told Matt. "I want to talk to my father, but I'll be back in time." He had also asked that no one mention his name or that he was even here.

  "Are you wanted by the queen for something? Asked Liam. Hinald looked at him with a classic Elvin grin, then shrugged.

  "Not that I know of, but that wouldn't stop her from having me arrested for something."

  "Even though she's your cousin," added Liam. Hinald shrugged again,

  "I'd prefer not to offer her the chance."

  About an hour after they had arrived, word came down that everyone was requested over at the palace. Although Matt still knew the way, they followed the messenger anyway. They were taken to a room with a lot of chairs and a table with a platter of light snacks Elvin tea, large fluffy scones, and grimin pie.

  "That tea is an acquired taste," he warned everyone.

  "Even if you like earth tea, it doesn't taste the same. Those things that look like pastries are called "ploma's" and they are as rich as you can get. Keep in mind, there's nothing artificial in the way of food or even the ingredients here on Denedra." Captain Black was the only one who seemed to like the tea; however, everyone loved the treats and pastries. About ten minutes later a court flunky showed up announcing that the queen was ready to meet them. Matt had already given everyone a crash course in court etiquette and how to present
yourself to the queen making everyone a little nervous. Finally, everyone was escorted out to the throne room where once again those who expected some sort of royal court were disappointed.

  Instead of sitting on a throne, the queen sat behind a large table flanked by Lord Giselbert her Prime Minister and Lord Morrone her advisor. There was another elf Matt recognized as Frala a member of the queen's staff sitting next to Morrone. All of them were busy looking at documents or studying something on a computer. The moment everyone was within eight feet of the table queen Breca and the others immediately stopped what they were doing bringing their full attention to their guests.

  "Matt it is so wonderful for you to come. I received your note and understand how busy you have been. I see that you have brought a few friends, perhaps you would like to introduce them to us. But first, for the rest of you I am Queen Breca, ruler of Denedra, and queen of the elves, as well as the other fairy folk. To my left is Lord Morrone and Frala Igad, my administrative assistant."

  Matt then cleared his throat as he began his introductions.

  "Your highness, I'd like you to meat Major Steven Morford, Captain Emily Black, and Mr. Douglas Stamford. They work for NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration back in the United States, on the planet earth. This is Doctor Norman Frick professor of physics, and director of the Interstellar phenomenon institute. My friend and assistant Liam Trent, Ellen Macy, and Emma Dunmar. You might say that Captain Black, Dr. Frick, Emma and Ellen all have a rather strong interest in fairy folk, and well in the case of Captain Black, Ellen and Emma, the opportunity to meet actual elves, as well as other fairy folk was simply too great."

  "Is that so," replied the queen, "Then I take it none of you have met our kinsmen living on earth?" Matt wished she hadn't said that. He had purposely avoided telling anyone about the fairy folk living in Ireland for security reasons, but now the cat was out of the bag. Everyone immediately turned and looked at him with accusatory expressions.

  "You never said anything about fairy folk still living on earth Matt," exclaimed Captain Black. "Whereabouts do they live?"

  "Um well Captain, where you might expect, in Ireland. Look ma'am, I was never sure if their existence was something I was free to divulge, no one ever said, so I thought it best just not to say anything."

  "Well in a way it's probably my fault," replied the queen. "At the time things were rather simple, however I have recently had private discussions with Aengus, and Caedmon of Gayn over the whole situation which is something I wish to speak to you in private about later on Matt. In the meantime, I wish everyone a warm welcome to Doradus. I am hosting a reception and private dinner party this evening to which you are all invited. Since it will be an informal affair, I will see to it that any of your clothing is cleaned, as well as anything you might require over at the guest cottages." With that, they were ushered back to the waiting room before being escorted out of the palace.

  Fergus re-joined them as they walked towards the guest cottages, quickly becoming a real celebrity as Emma and Ellen asked him all sorts of questions about being a leprechaun.

  Calling for attention, he held his hands up,

  "Hold on a moment you young lass's you are asking me questions about things I know nothing about. I may be what you call a leprechaun, and although I have spoken to Aengus from this earth of yours, I am simply not familiar with many of the things you ask, such as this pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, or this business of three wishes. I can however display a little magic." With that, he produced gold coins seemingly from out of nowhere to the point that everyone was convinced it was not merely slight of hand.

  Matt kept trying to get his attention long enough to ask him about what was going on with Brea and her folks but he seemed to be deliberately ignoring him.

  It wasn't long before a court messenger showed up with news that the queen wanted to see him and right away. When Liam asked if he should come as well, he was told,

  "No, she just wants to see Matt for the time being."

  "Well this is it," thought Matt "Goin to the woodshed." He followed the messenger to the queen's private office where she sat studying something on her computer. Once the messenger left, Matt exclaimed,

  "I'm sorry your highness for not paying a visit sooner, but I've been pretty busy and all." Catching him completely off guard, she instead asked,

  "Was that elf that ran off from the landing area one of my brother's people?"

  "Uh, um, that was Kiggham's son Hinald your highness, he just wanted to tell his dad about Dinocki." She said nothing for a moment, and then slowly replied.

  "Dinocki, is that where all the trouble makers live?"

  "Well you're…"

  "A simple ma'am will suffice Matt; I like to keep things informal here."

  "Well…ma'am, Dinocki is the village all the elves that wanted to leave Denedra settled. It's located in what we call the Winding Stair Mountains, which is around two hundred quans from New Coryville. They all seem happy enough, but then I'm not down there very much, you'll have to talk with Captain Black and Ellen Macy, they've been treating people down there and have might have a better idea of what's been going on. Hinald told me that all those that can have been out exploring and hunting."

  "So you don't involve yourself in matters of governance there?" Asked the queen. Shaking his head, Matt quickly replied,

  "No, ma'am, the only settled places on Endor are where I live, New Coryville, then the old Neistrian village of Mindia where friends have established a bar. Then like I said, Dinocki is way to the south, all by themselves." The queen sat thinking to herself for several moments, and then replied.

  "I intend to speak further with this Captain Black, however being a human, I seriously doubt she would truly understand Elvin physiology or that of pixies, and fairies, I think I will send Mullein with you to assist this Captain Black."

  He remembered Mullein Shade from before wondering how well the Captain and especially Ellen would get along with her. Although strangely attractive Mullein was considered a witch and made a lot of people nervous.

  "Uh ma'am, won't her presence there upset a lot of people in Dinocki, at the very least, they will assume she's there to spy for you."

  The queen laughed,

  "Well of course she will, but while I'm sure this Captain Black means well, I'm sure she knows nothing about the things that can affect the fairy folk. As for the people of Dinocki, I could care less how they conduct their affairs; I do care for their well-being though. I am not just the queen of the fairy folk here on Denedra, but Doradus as well and now it seems those living on your planet. If any of the fairy folk are suffering, It becomes my concern as well."

  "I will speak with this Captain Black Further over this matter later on; right now however, I'm sure you are interested in your friend Bria."

  "Well from what I had been told," replied Matt, "She and her husband were in a lot of trouble, although they were now back on Doradus."

  "Well that part is true," replied the queen "But only because her father is very ill, and quite frankly, I'm having to keep my schedule open as I am fully expecting to go to Doradus to attend his funeral." He gave her a look of concern as she handed him a letter.

  "It's from the princess, better read it first."

  The letter was official royal Doraduian stationary addressed to him. He also recognized Bria's handwriting.

  "Friend Matt;

  It's been a long time since we have seen each other to which I sincerely hope you are in good health. Well as you may or may not know, Caedmon and I are back on Doradus. At the present time, my father is in very poor health and perhaps he may have passed on by the time you receive this letter. No doubt, you have heard of the rather stormy relationship with my parents Caedmon and I have been dealing with ever since we wedded. Needless to say, it was a conflict that has taken its toll on all of us, even to the point that my father demanded that you be brought here simply because you took me to earth.

ully, that desire seems to have passed so you have nothing to worry about on that effort. Right now, here on Doradus, a great debate is raging over who will become the reigning heir once my father is gone. Normally it would be my mother, for which many, including myself are promoting. Unfortunately, mother is simply worn out. A lifetime living with my father, combined with the recent traumatic events concerning Caedmon and me have left her not only in poor health, but simply to the point she doesn't care anymore. She is content to spend her days tending to her flowers. Queen Breca has offered to help her recover but it would mean a lengthy period of time spent on Denedra, but until the problem of who will take over is resolved, this is not an option.

  In closing, I wish to extend an invitation to visit Caedmon and me if only for a brief time. My spies tell me that you have been terribly busy getting your own planet in a functioning state. In my present state of mind, I would love an opportunity to re-live the past and share old memories. As I previously mentioned, you need not worry about your safety should you come, however the enclosed stamped seal is the royal mark and will get you through anything should there be a problem.


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