Titan Stand

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by Max Jager

  Hope to see you soon; Bria"

  Chapter 154

  Titan Stand Chapter 154

  "Well at least I'm off the hook for now," thought Matt as he re-read the note.

  "So where do you come into this?" he asked queen Breca.

  "Nothing, other than the fact that Bria is part of the fairy folk even though many would disagree with that statement. Besides, I like her and consider her a friend as I do her parents. Besides all that, Bria may very well be the next ruler of Doradus, and if that turns out to be the case, she's someone I can work with." Matt gave out a small chuckle,

  "Don't get me wrong your highness, but working with others isn't one of her strong suites." The queen shook her head,

  "I wouldn't know."

  "One thing your highness," he added,

  "What happens if her dad dies her mom turns down the job and Bria and her husband say "screw it," and go back to earth?" The queen gave me a curious look then frowned.

  "The princess would never do such a thing, it would throw the whole nation into turmoil."

  "Well your highness," he sighed, "I'm going to go out on a limb and bet money that that's what she will do. Her husband has responsibilities back home, he's not going to want to stick around, earth and Doradus are too far away for them to split up. I've met Caedmon and he's a pretty cool guy."

  "Well don't you think he would choose to stay on Doradus and let someone else take over his duties back on earth?" Asked the queen.

  "Under normal circumstances I'd say yeah, but the situation back on earth is kinda edgy for the fairy folk, that's why I never specifically tell anyone where exactly Aine and her people are located other than Ireland. It's kinda strange really, on one hand elves, leprechaun's, fairies and such constantly appear in earth legend. That reminds me, as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to get you get you the Tolkien trilogy as a gift then ask you what you think. The point is that Aine and all her fairy folk have a much tougher time on earth trying to stay out of sight and under cover. Caedmon takes his responsibilities seriously he's probably already chomping at tithe bit to get back home and I'm sure Bria will want to be with him. So you see your highness, I'm betting the both of them will split back to earth once the dust settles on Doradus."

  Then the queen gave him a suspicious look,

  "I certainly hope you wouldn't involve yourself in any effort to return them to earth?"

  Matt gave her a surprised look.

  "What me? I may be a lot of things your highness but a fool is not one of them. That's why I'm a little worried about seeing Bria again for fear that she will ask me to sneak her and Caedmon back to earth. Thing is, there are not many who know exactly where Aine is located. There's me of course, then Grak and Karlt. I think Orlak and possibly even Rekton know. She'd have to hire a long range ship of some kind. So, getting back to my original question, what would happen?"

  "I honestly don't know," replied Breca, "She couldn't be forced to rule. I suppose some sort of appointment would have to be made, however that would bring it's own problems," wondered the queen

  "Or they could hold an election," injected Matt. "It's very common back on earth, it's how all the presidents and legislators get into office in my old country." The queen made no comment other that to offer the possibility of trouble to come.

  Then changing the subject, Matt casually suggested that she take a vacation and visit Endor.

  "I realize we don't have fancy guest cottages to stay in but they have been building a real nice hotel over at Mos Eisley so it's not like there's no place to stay. I don't know, maybe you could visit the people down in Dinocki?" The queen let out with a guffaw,

  "What makes you think they would want to see me, after all, they are all renegades."

  "I don't know," replied Matt, "I've never heard anyone say a bad word against you. Kiggham's die-hard followers are all back on Denedra. Most of the people who live in Dinocki are those who just want wide open places, I'll bet they'd get a kick out of a visit from you."

  "Well I'll keep it in mind, but right now, I have to be ready in case something happens on Doradus." The queen then cited paperwork she needed to finish with Matt realizing that their private meeting was over. Basically, she had made her problem his as if there wasn't enough on his plate. When he returned to the guest cottage he found that everyone had all left with a note from Liam telling him that they had deceived to walk into town. Settling into a couch, he stretched out and began to think about Bria, and how he might help her.

  The next thing he knew was waking up to the sounds of people talking about him but their impressions of Gwyn Wood and the people they had met.

  "It's right out of a fairy tale," exclaimed Captain Black. "The buildings and houses, oh and the cobblestone streets, I must have taken a million pictures."

  "Did you happen to notice that most everyone has electricity," commented Matt.

  "I wondered," said Major Morford, "However it was daytime so there weren't too many lights on, I just assumed they were oil lamps, I had no idea they had electricity."

  "Kinda spoils the charm," added Matt, "Believe it or not they even have computers here, although it's mostly the government that uses them." He then looked around noticing that Emma wasn't there.

  "Where's Emma?" He asked to no one in particular.

  "She and that little leprechaun are still down at the tavern," replied Major Morford. "She started sketching people when we went in there. Drew quite a crowd. That young lady is quite talented, I think she was even selling some of her work. Don't worry, she told us that she would be back in time for the dinner."

  That wasn't the "Moonspinner" was it?"

  "No," replied Liam, Fergus took us to a place called the "Counting House. I remember you telling me about the Moonspinner and asked him about it. Fergus just said the Counting house was a little more respectable, although there seemed to be plenty of "wenches" in the place."

  "Well we all had a good time sampling the local brews and food," added Captain Black.

  "We also drew a big audience," added Ellen, "Once Emma broke the ice by sketching people they wanted to know all about us."

  Emma returned about an hour later.

  "Whew, I'm all worn out from drawing people," she exclaimed. Then holding out her hand revealed several gold coins,

  "Look at these, honestly I'm not sure how much is there but I still had people who wanted me to draw them." Matt looked at the coins, "Skiva's" as they were known telling her,

  "Looks like you've got close to sixty skiva's here a pretty good days work."

  Emma then asked him if he had asked the queen if she could sketch during the meal.

  "Aww I'm sorry Emma, I forgot but there's going to be a reception before we eat so you can probably do it then."

  First came the reception where all manor of drink were served. Matt happened to notice Captain Black, Dr. Frick, and Ellen favoring the Rip Dyne brandy and felt compelled to warn them.

  "You guys might want to go easy on that stuff, it'll really knock you on your ass, believe me, I speak from experience." They heeded his advice switching to Clandian beer. Both Ellen and Liam were mildly surprised over the fact that no one questioned their ages.

  Among the other guests was Lord Giselbert the prime minister to whom Matt and Liam spent most of their time talking to. Calla Moon Spinner, one of the senior fairies who acted as an advisor in matters relating to fairies and pixies. When Ellen casually mentioned that there were a few pixies on Endor, Calla immediately bombarded Matt with questions as to their treatment.

  "Well as far as I know ma'am," he tried to explain,

  "They came with Roy Von Dran, part of those who were with Kiggham's group. As far as I know, they all chose to live in a small garden one of our doctors maintains. They must like the way she keeps the garden because they are still there. She really pampers them according to her husband."

  "I may need to speak with this woman," replied Calla, "To make sure these pixies are content and ha
ve ample food sources."

  "Well you're certainly welcome," said Matt, "However, wouldn't written instructions or a hologram do ?"

  "Well perhaps a hologram," replied Calla, "However in this case I must really make a personal visit."

  "Well suit yourself," said Matt'

  Another guest, one he had warned Captain black and Ellen about prior to the reception was Mullein Shade.

  "She will be returning with us to Endor and especially Dinocki to help you two to treat the elves and any other fairy folk," said Matt. Captain Black started to reject this but Matt cut her off.

  "I'm afraid you don't have a choice Captain she is being sent by the queen to tend to any health problems. She is also what you would call a witch. Now I don't know if she has any magical powers, but I suspect she does."

  "What are we supposed to do with her?" fussed the captain. Even though he was now in charge of a whole planet, Matt still felt uncomfortable arguing with adults especially people like captain Emily Black.

  "I'm sorry ma'am, but I've been around these people longer than you have, believe me, I never believed in magic, but I've seen too much since then. Call me a true believer, but you and Ellen make every effort to get to know her and be friendly. This woman isn't some sort of quack, among other things, she really knows her herbs and medicinal plants. If nothing else, you just might discover the plants on Endor that make good medicine."

  Black grudgingly accepted the situation, but when she first saw the witch she told Matt,

  "That woman sure bears a strong resemblance to the character Angelia Jolie played in the film "Maleficent."

  "I guess I missed that one," said Matt. "Just remember ma'am, while you are a doctor, you haven't any experience with fairy folk and there are just things going on here that defy logic. This goes for you too Ellen, don't piss these people off especially Mullein. Try and develop some sort of working relationship. That's the way I do things and it seems to work." Both the captain, and Ellen promised to play nice, but Matt remained nervous over what Mullein might do if she felt slighted.

  As the reception unfolded, Mullein spent most of her time talking to the queen while Matt and his group hung together.

  "Heads up everyone he then announced, in a low tone here she comes."

  The witch seemed to glide over to them with what Matt thought might be her

  "Don't fuck with me," look. Once again he made the introductions as Mullein smiled and acted somewhat over polite. Matt wasn't sure if this was an act or just her way. Mullein kicked things off by glaring at Captain Black.

  "I understand you and your assistant here have been treating the elves and such on what is it? Oh yes, Endor."

  "Yes we are, er do you go by just your first name?" The witch made a half-grin replying,

  "For the most part, however I have another name which I doubt you could pronounce."

  "Well Ellen and I have set up a clinic which now has a dentist doctor Danner. I do have to admit we haven't had a lot of work, the elves in Dinocki are rather hardy and haven't required much help. Right now Ellen and I do more observing and talking to them than anything else, gaining their trust and making friends.

  Mullein smiled, then rattled off the names of several plants Matt had never heard of, nor had the captain.

  "I think one of my first tasks will be to search out and collect the plants I have just named," She then turned her attention to Matt.

  "Are you familiar with any of these plants young human?"

  "Uh not really ma'am, but if they are on Endor the elves should be able to tell you, they spend all their time exploring and poking around.

  As the conversation progressed, it was clear that the witch was trying to intimidate Dr. Black who was standing her ground. Matt suspected it was because she was a modern doctor and a scientist grounded in modern scientific principals. In her eyes Mullein represented the past and superstition something Matt hoped she didn't press that fact too hard or there would be trouble. Eventually Mullein drifted off allowing Matt to speak with Doctor Black.

  "Please captain, don't antagonize her, just let her be part of your team and do her thing, who knows you might learn something. From what I've been told most of what she does is brew up potions from various plants, tree bark and other stuff.

  Also, don't forget, Elvin systems are different from ours."

  "Well I've already discovered that," replied Black, "That's what's so fascinating about working with them. Very well, I'll let her do her thing unless I feel she's endangering someone's life." Matt frowned, knowing that that would have to do for now. At least the captain had agreed to work with the witch instead of "pulling rank," and pissing Mullein off, no telling what would happen were that to happen.


  Finally, dinner was announced with everyone being directed to specific seats. Naturally, the queen sat at the end with Lord Morrone to her right with Matt's seat next to him. Lord Giselbert sat to her left with two unclaimed chairs directly across from Matt. After everyone had been seated, he noticed the two seats still remained unoccupied with no one making any mention of the fact.

  Just as the servants started bringing the food Bria and her husband appeared, taking up the two empty seats. Matt stared at her then at the queen who was obviously pretending not to notice.

  "Hello Matt."


  Chapter 155

  Titan Stand Chapter 155

  Both Bria and her husband Caedmon took their seats, both dressed in royal attire.

  "I see you're looking quite well Matt," she added, "And I hear that you've established a new human planet on Z'ha'dum, now called Endor." Matt started to reply when Caedmon spoke up.

  "I'm curious about that as well. Isn't that the planet from Star Wars, the one with the Ewoks?" Matt gave him a surprised look as he replied,

  "It is, but how do you know about Star Wars?" Caedmon smiled,

  "My dear fellow, I do come from earth after all. Just because we make it a point to avoid contact with humans doesn't mean we don't keep up on what they are up to. We also have a few select friends who keep us informed, we may be of the Tuatha Dé Danann by birth but we are all Irish by nationality."

  "We chose the name because it's easy to pronounce, but once we started exploring it we discovered that it really is a forest planet."

  "Fascinating," he replied. Matt then looked at Bria who didn't look like she was getting much sleep, and although she was made up still looked tired.

  "I hear that you are having trouble Bria, if there's anything I can do to help just ask." She looked at him for a moment then softly replied,

  "Thank you Matt, as a matter-of-fact we are, but this is not the place to discuss that, tomorrow, the queen has offered me a room where we can discuss the situation in more detail. She then looked around at all the new faces remarking.

  "So many I haven't met. Arriving late, we of course missed the reception." Matt then pointed out and naming those she and her husband hadn't met, then he asked her.

  "Do you still maintain contact with Kaitlyn, she's now working for the Ruddorian government now."

  "No," she replied very sadly, "Current circumstances prevent us from contact but perhaps you could give her a message for me?"

  "I'd love to," he replied. Bria then said,

  "I miss the old centons very much, and I would dearly love to see her once more but…well, the current situation simply doesn't permit it."

  "Well hopefully, that will change," replied Matt.

  The queen then injected herself into the conversation, along with everyone else putting off any further discussion of the situation on Doradus until the next day. Matt did manage to pick up the fact that Bria's father was still in poor shape. Captain Black even offered to see what she could do, but Bria politely rejected her offer stating that a human doctor would be rejected out-of-hand.

  After the dinner, Matt asked Bria if she would care to talk but shaking her head she replied.

  "No Matt, I'm tired and just want to g
o to bed. I'll send a messenger tomorrow to let you know when and where it will be, good night."

  Returning to the dining room, he noticed the queen and her advisors standing around Emma all pointing to, and admiring her work. He'd seen her sitting at the other end of the table drawing in one of her smaller sketch books but had no idea who she had been sketching. It didn't take long to discover that the queen was admiring her drawings, especially the one of her.


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