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Giving It to the Enemy (Saints and Sinners MC #2)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I was with my wife nearly a year before I knew.”

  “Did you leave her at any time? Walk away?”

  Shawl’s jaw clenched. “No, I didn’t, and I couldn’t just walk away.”

  “Elena completes me, Shawl. I’m not going to put the club at risk. I want to see where this goes.”

  His cell phone buzzed, and he glanced down to find a text from Elena.

  Elena: I need to see you!

  “I’ve got to take this. You good here? Do you need me?”

  “No. Everything is good here. Be careful.”

  Pipe walked toward his bike, texting the address to his place out in the sticks. It was a cabin that was on the outskirts of the forest. He kept it a secret, and it was his safe place. Pipe had no doubt that Saint had a safe-house as well.

  Even though the club ran through their veins, there were moments when they needed to be away from the club in order to make the right decisions.

  Once he received the text that she was on her way, he straddled his bike, and rode all the way to his cabin. He didn’t break any laws, and he got there before her. Pipe made his way inside, flicking on lights, and checking to make sure he had some food in the fridge. He came out to the cabin every other day, keeping a constant supply of food. Pipe also checked to make sure that nothing had taken up residence inside his home. He fucking hated it if a raccoon had gotten in, or a possum.

  Maybe he should invest in a dog. The problem was he hated vicious dogs, and he could just imagine the jokes the boys would make if he came home with a Labrador. He didn’t like the image that a biker was supposed to have.

  Dogs were fucking dangerous, and he’d never spend his time with an animal that could kill with a single bite.

  It made him feel like a pussy, as he loved the Labrador or the Pomeranian. His club wouldn’t let him hear the end of it if he got one of those kinds of dogs. When he heard the sound of a car approaching, he moved toward the door, and watched as Elena rushed toward the house. He was worried that she wasn’t going to stop when the brakes squeaked.

  “Elena?” he asked.

  He saw her eyes were watering, and she didn’t speak, rounding the car, and throwing herself into his arms.

  Pipe held her tightly, easing her into his home. Closing the door, he stroked her hair, and he was fucking terrified.

  “Baby, are you okay?” he asked. “You’ve got to talk to me, as otherwise I’m calling your brother to find out what the fuck is going on.”

  He didn’t like the way she was sobbing. She was clinging to him, which he liked, but it was for all the wrong reasons.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I just need you to make the world stop, and to hold me.” She rubbed her cheek against his leather jacket. “Just hold me. Make everything okay, just for a second.”

  They stood together in his cabin home, holding her tightly.

  Seconds passed, as did minutes, until the tears started to ebb away. He stroked her blonde hair, humming to her as he did.

  “This is your place?” she asked.

  “You finally noticed?”

  She nodded. “It’s a nice place.” She lifted her head up, wiping away her tears.

  “What happened?”

  She shook her head, and released a sigh. “Have you ever had a moment when you realized that you were living a lie? Everything you thought you knew wasn’t what you really knew?”

  “I think so.”

  “Saint came to see me today at the shop. He wanted to talk, and we started yelling at each other.” She ran a hand down her face, which was clear of makeup. It was another reason he enjoyed being with her. She didn’t cover her face with cosmetics. Everything about her was pure, and natural.

  The club whores had been his world for so long that he’d forgotten how damn good it can be to be with a real woman. Elena was all woman. He couldn’t pick a favorite part of her. Her tits were large, and he loved watching them bounce as he fucked her. He loved how her thighs felt wrapped around his waist as he drove into her. There was nothing wrong with her fuller curves, as he had plans for her delectable body.

  “I showed him my scars. It’s crazy I’ve kept them hidden for so damn long, and now I’ve shared them with two people.”

  He cupped her cheek. “You don’t have to hide from me.”

  “When my mom took me she told me it was because the club wasn’t a place for me, and that my father loved my brother more.”

  “It wasn’t the truth?”

  “No. It was lies. She told Saint and my father that I couldn’t stand to be with them. I lost my real family because my mother was so fucking crazy. Saint, he knows the truth about the past. He wants to try again to get to know each other.” She took a breath, taking hold of his hands. “I—I couldn’t stay. I needed to get out of there. It felt too tight, and the only person I thought of was you.”

  He liked that. He liked that a hell of a lot.

  “You can call me anytime you want, babe. This place, you can come here anytime.” He moved toward the kitchen, reaching into the tea jar. Who drank tea? He took out one of his spare keys and handed it to her. “Whenever you need to get away, come here. Send me a text, and I’ll know you’re here. It’s safe. No one who will hurt you knows about it.”

  She held onto the key tightly. “You’re going to trust me with this?”

  “I’m trusting you with a lot more.”

  Elena frowned at him. “I really appreciate this.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

  He stroked her back, reaching down to grip her ass. She let out a moan, and he groaned. “I fucking love this ass. How sore are you?”

  “Not too sore. I want you, Pipe.”

  “Let me show you to my bedroom.”

  Elena started tugging at his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders until it fell to the floor. He grabbed her shirt, and tore it in two. She looked so damn beautiful, and he wanted her naked. Pipe hadn’t used a condom this morning when he’d fucked her, but he’d not wanted to break the spell that had settled between the two of them. Part of him wanted her to get pregnant so that he had more of a claim over her. If she was pregnant, he’d be able to settle matters more smoothly with Saint. Without her being pregnant, it would be a fight to the death.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” she said, startling him.

  “I’ve not stopped thinking about you. Not even for a second.” He tugged her bra off, and he ended up snapping the fabric in two. The object offended him, and he threw it away from him. “From now on, you better come without any underwear on.” He cupped her tits pressing them together, thumbing her nipples. “I’m going to fuck these, beautiful, and have my cum dripping down between them.”

  In response she moaned, and he knew he’d been right. There was a part of Elena that wanted to get downright dirty. He would unleash her passion, and awaken her for his pleasure alone.

  Pipe never knew he could be so damn possessive, and yet that was exactly what Elena was doing to him, making him possessive.

  “You want that, don’t you, baby?”


  She unbuckled his belt, shoving his jeans down. He kicked off his shoes, and was about to step out of his jeans when she went to her knees before him. She wrapped her fingers around the length, and started to work from the base of his cock to the tip.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said, finding it hard to keep some semblance of control over his body.

  He was on fire with need. He wanted inside her more than anything else.

  “Your pussy is going to be mine, Elena. I’m going to fill you with my cock.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Staring down into her eyes, he watched her wicked smile as she opened her lips, taking his dick into her mouth. Warmth surrounded him, and he lost all thought.

  Chapter Seven

  Pipe’s cock was rock hard, yet smooth. The contrast was unusual to Elena as she took his stiff dick into her mouth. His pre-cum was salty as

it coated her tongue, and she swallowed him down. After the episode with her brother, her only thought had been to get to Pipe. They barely knew each other, and yet he made her feel comfortable in her own skin.

  He wrapped his fingers in her hair, and used his grip to start guiding her exactly how he wanted her, and she gave it to him without a fight.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s fucking amazing, baby. Take it all.” He thrust his hips so that she took more of his cock to the back of her throat. When he hit the back, he pulled out, and Pipe never took it too far or allowed her to become uncomfortable with him. “Have you ever sucked a man’s cock, baby?” She shook her head. “You’re a master at taking cock, and you’re turning me the fuck on.”

  She smiled, pleased that he was enjoying it. Her pussy was slick with her cream. She closed her thighs, trying to get some friction through her own jeans. Nothing was happening, and she groaned in frustration.

  “Does my woman need me to play with her pussy? All she’s got to do is ask.”

  Elena was torn. She wanted to keep sucking his cock, and to get her pussy played with. His mouth had felt amazing earlier, and she wanted him again.

  Cupping his balls, she sucked his cock for a few more minutes, driving him wild as she gained in confidence.

  Suddenly, he gripped her hair a little tighter so that she had no choice but to release him.

  “Get to your feet now!”

  She did as he asked, aroused as he watched her. His gaze seemed darker than she recalled, and she took a deep breath as she climbed to her feet.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby.” His fingers moved inside her jeans, and he flicked the button open, followed by peeling down the zipper. “Now, it’s going to be my turn at licking your pussy.”

  She wriggled out of her jeans, and took his hand. Elena squealed as he suddenly shoved his shoulder against her stomach, and lifted her up.

  “Pipe, what are you doing? Put me down, now!” He placed her on the bed, and she flopped down with a chuckle. “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “Nothing yet, baby. I’m about to rectify that, though. I’m going to lick this sweet little pussy until you come all over my face, and I swallow every single bit of your cum.” He licked his lips, which made her groan.

  “You’re doing it on purpose.”

  “Open your legs, and spread your pussy. I want to see what belongs to me.” He’d already taken her panties off as he’d pulled them off at the same time as her jeans.

  Spreading her thighs, she opened the lips of her sex, and watched him. She felt vulnerable underneath his gaze, and wasn’t sure what to do with him.

  “Look at that creamy pussy. You’re all mine, Elena. Say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “Who do you belong to?”

  In all of her life she’d never belonged to anyone, and now she belonged to Pipe.

  “I belong to you, to Pipe.”

  “That’s right. You’re not going to forget it.”

  “I doubt I’ll forget anything you tell me.”

  He climbed onto the bed, hovering over her. “I’m going to lick this pussy, and then I’m going to put you to your knees, and you’re going to watch in the mirror as I fuck you.”

  She couldn’t help it. She glanced around the room to see that there were indeed mirrors.

  “I like to watch, even when I get myself off. There’s no way I’m going to miss anything with you.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she moaned as he started to trail his lips down her body, stopping at her breasts, and sucking the tips into his mouth.

  Down he went, moving toward her pussy. He settled between her thighs, and his fingers stroked over her slit, circling her clit before moving down. “Your pussy knows who it belongs to. Do you know?”

  “I know who I belong to. There’s no one else I want.”

  She screamed as he pressed a single finger inside her, catching her unaware.

  “My pussy. I should get your pussy stamped with my name so everyone knows who you belong to. So fucking perfect. It’s what I should call you, my perfect little pussy.”

  Elena chuckled and gasped as he sucked her clit into his mouth, sawing it between his teeth. He added a second finger inside her, and started to pump in and out.

  “No matter what I do, you keep hold of your lips.”

  It was hard for her to focus on holding herself open for him. The pleasure had taken another dimension as he sucked her clit as he fucked inside her at the same time. Her body was no longer her own. She belonged to Pipe, and he knew exactly what to do with her.

  “Come for me, Elena. Show me what you want from me,” he said.

  Closing her eyes, she arched up against him, relaxing her mind as he worked her body. The pleasure built to a fever pitch of sensation. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, and he was the master of her body.

  He flicked his tongue over her clit, and she bit her lip as she tried to make the feeling last. His thumb stroked over her clit at the same time as his tongue, and he kept fucking inside her, making her gasp.

  It was too hard for her to fight the arousal.

  Her orgasm started to build, and Pipe didn’t let up on his touch. Unable to hold back her orgasm, she screamed his name while keeping the lips of her sex open. She shuddered as her release continued. Pipe prolonged her orgasm until she was begging for him to stop.

  Pipe crawled up the bed, slapping her hands out of the way as he gripped his cock. She stared up into his eyes as he placed his dick at her entrance, and slammed inside her.

  “I’ve got to be inside you first.”

  She cried out as he pulled out only to fuck back inside her. He thrust within her three times, before pulling out, and urging her to her knees.

  Elena would do anything he asked so long as he kept her feeling so damn good. She loved the way he made her feel, not just with sex, but with everything.


  Running his hands across her full ass, Pipe leaned down, and pressed a kiss to one rounded cheek. He was so fucking aroused. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he worked her cream over his length before pressing against her entrance.

  “Watch us, Elena.” He stared into her eyes as he guided his cock against her. Once he had the tip inside her pussy, he gripped her hips, and worked his dick inside her slowly, ever so slowly, making it last.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said.

  “Fuck me, Pipe, please, fuck me.”

  He didn’t want to hurt her, but when he stared into her eyes in their reflections in the mirror, he saw he was hurting her by not taking her hard.

  Tightening his grip on her ass, he slammed all the way inside her.

  They both groaned, and he rode her pussy hard as he kept her gaze locked on him. Only when he couldn’t hold back anymore did he glance down to see his cum-slicked cock.

  “I’m not going to last. You’re so fucking hot.”

  “Please, Pipe, it feels so good.”

  Slamming into her pussy, he slapped her ass, and rode her harder than ever before, giving her everything that he could. The mirrors only served to highlight his need for her. He had to fuck her harder.

  He fucked her hard, causing the bed to strain with his thrusts.

  “I want this I want you, please,” she said, moaning.

  Two more thrusts inside her, and he was gone. Pipe thrust to the hilt inside her and filled her with his cum. He tightened his grip on her hips to the point that bruises were going to form, marking her. Every man would know who she belonged to. It was only going to be a matter of time before he told Saint.

  Elena was the kind of woman you kept by your side, and he was going to keep her for himself.

  Once the pleasure had subsided, he pulled out of her pussy. He watched his cum spill out of her pussy, and he couldn’t resist as he pushed it back inside.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Nothing, baby. Stay here, I’m going to get a clot
h.” He climbed off the bed, walking into his bathroom. His reflection caught him in the mirror, and he felt like the worst kind of asshole in the world.

  You’re trying to get her pregnant, and she doesn’t even realize it.

  He should just go out there and tell her the truth of what he was trying to do. Instead, he walked back into the bedroom, and found her lying on her back, staring at his ceiling.

  “How many women have you brought here?” she asked.

  “None. This is my space, and the women I usually have in my life are club whores. They don’t belong here. This is my space.”

  “Your space?”


  “Why do you have mirrors if you’ve not brought a woman here?” Her mind was whirling.

  “I like to watch myself. Look at yourself, Elena. Tell me what you see.”

  She chuckled. “I see a chunky blonde, who has just had sex.”

  He tutted. “It’s not what I see.” He climbed on the bed, and stared up at her reflection, well, their reflections. “I see a woman who is sexy as fuck.” He placed his hand over her pussy. “You’re a beautiful woman, and you really need to start seeing what I see.”

  Pipe wiped the excess cream from between her thighs, and turned toward her.

  “So, I’m the only woman who has been here?”

  “Yes. You’re the only woman I’ve wanted here. You should consider yourself very special.”

  She laughed. “Because I’m the only woman you want here?”

  “Yes. You’re the only woman who is going to be here.”

  “And now I’ve got my own key. Are you nervous about that?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Pipe stared into her twinkling eyes, and she was such a fireball. Since he’d found out the truth about the abuse her mother had inflicted on her, she’d opened up, and he saw a woman excited about life. Before the truth had come out, she’d not been very happy. “I’m damn sure. Are you nervous? Am I rushing you?”

  “I’m not rushed. I like this, and just so you know, Sarah knows about us.”

  “I figured you’d tell her.”

  “Does anyone that you know, know about us?” She frowned. “That sounds really damn confusing right now.”


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